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WhenFS: Calendar Is Now a File System (github.com)
mbreese 163 days ago [-]
> Why Did You Do This?

> I used this project as an opportunity to learn about Rust and FUSE file systems. I also think it's hilarious.

> Visitors interested in the code should note that this is an irredeemably messy codebase—it's full of hacks, unidiomatic code, and wildly poor design decisions.

> However, visitors should also note that that's okay. The best way to learn something new is to try it out for yourself—and creating a mess is a vital part of that process.

I absolutely love this sentiment. Why do this? Because it’s fun. And messy. And sometimes, that’s okay. Not everything needs to be a product… sometimes it’s enough to do something because you can… or want to… or because $RANDOM reason. I’m very grateful to the author and whoever decided to submit it today.

phamilton 163 days ago [-]
As a college student trying to figure out where I wanted to go next (industry vs academia) I had an epiphany that there was intrinsic value in doing things. Even things that were neither novel (academia), profitable (industry), nor impactful (nonprofits).

While my career has found a balance between impact and financial sustainability, I have a special place in my heart for projects that are otherwise unnecessary but happen just because it brings the creator joy.

roeles 163 days ago [-]
Even if it makes just you happy, it's impactful. You are the person others have to put up with. Making yourself happy improves the world for those around you.
teleforce 163 days ago [-]
>Even things that were neither novel (academia), profitable (industry), nor impactful (nonprofits).

You classifications are good but it's a bit simplistic. Generally across the spectrum people is looking for breakthrough (e.g. deep learning) and/or game changing (e.g. transformer) contributions regardless if you're in academia, industry, non-profit, government labs, etc. But for pure joy, it can be from any simple creative projects as you've mentioned or it can be giving up seats for the elderly in a crowded metro trains.

xwolfi 163 days ago [-]
But there is no greater pleasure than to finish something, deliver it, get users in front of it, and get feedback you never expected from either grumpy or happy users. I think it's way more rewarding to try to work for profit, because while money is nice, profit also means it's so useful someone is ready to give you credit for future work (money) for what you did.
HeatrayEnjoyer 163 days ago [-]
Not a universal experience. I receive little joy in money, beyond the basic needs it relieves. Shutting down a business that cleared $800M profit annul. was the best decision I ever made.

Profit doesn't inherently mean you've made the median experience of individual humans better, and is just as often to effect significant degradation. My biz was slightly on the positive, but I could have pegged an extra zero in profit if I had forgone scruples.

lvkv 163 days ago [-]
Author here. Those are kind words! I’d like to add the last part of that quote:

> The page you're on right now is my mess. Now go create yours!

j45 162 days ago [-]
Right on. Making a mess and learning to clean it up, and prevent it a little more each time is the way.
andrewflnr 163 days ago [-]
Aw, that's not what I hoped it would be. An actual file-based calendar UI is a neat idea, where you can (for instance) echo into a file to create a calendar event on the command line.
Lammy 163 days ago [-]
There's a standard file type for this already: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ICalendar

It would be cool to see a filesystem layer present a tree of ICS files where editing one also updated your various API-based web calendars.

folmar 162 days ago [-]
Get close by mounting your CalDAV server directory with the usual WebDAV tooling.
charles_f 163 days ago [-]
That's what I hoped this would be!
usr1106 163 days ago [-]
Not sure I hoped, but from the title I expected.

I don't have more than 10 entries per week. Partly because I prefer real work over meetings, so I work at a place that does not have a lot of meetings. And once you don't have many, it's easier to remember other appointments, no need to use a calendar for everything. So even if this had been a useful mapping of calendar entries into a directory tree, I would not have felt an urge to use it.

samstave 163 days ago [-]
This is completely me talking out my but:

Could one use the txtai python libe to be told to train on the temporal relationships between events that pass through it as an fastAPI endpoint to a calender... then as the events head to whatever is holding them in the calendar - txtai is training and indexing, first on temporal notes, then on context. so you ould easly as it to give you a

"Show all the social events that happen on wednesdays with a dress code"

(but it learns the nature of certain events, when they occur and social clues around what /who /wheres are typically occuring...

"This venue typically holds events on W F S and the clientelle is typicalaly this, attendance that, rsvps x, cost ~$$"

dudus 163 days ago [-]
Same here. I think that would be a terrific idea.

$ cat /cal/2024/08/04/events

thanatos519 163 days ago [-]
Good tab expansion in a very virtual filesystem would work wonders:

    $ cat /cal/nexttues<TAB>
    $ cat /cal/2024/08/13/

    $ cat /cal/nextweek<TAB>
    $ cat /cal/2024/w32/
I seem to recall that I had lunch with somebody last July:

    $ grep -ir somebody /cal/2023/07/
    /cal/2023/07/12/events:13:00-14:00 Lunch with somebody
fragmede 163 days ago [-]
the most amazing feature of the Google calendar web UI that has since been dropped was a way to schedule events with a human message - "30 meeting with Bob next Tuesday at 10", rather than clicking a bunch of buttons in a UI.
thanatos519 163 days ago [-]
I remember that! I think they have just collapsed to handling what most people try, evidently '[time] description'.

A couple of weeks ago I was surprised and annoyed that adding an event with description "10:30-11:00 Pointless Meeting" no longer scheduled my Pointless Meeting. Tried again very carefully. Wasn't working. Worked again the next day. Did anyone else experience this?

I can't wait for them to feed my description to an LLM to generate the event. "Schedule drinks at 7 at the bar behind the office next Tuesday. Invite my favourite colleagues and their teammates. Make them curious but not suspicious."

9dev 163 days ago [-]
Try Mac/iOS calendar - it has allowed to do just that for ages.
h00dinberry 163 days ago [-]
Not sure I follow, but how is this more convenient than pressing the UI buttons? Genuinely curious.
throw-the-towel 163 days ago [-]
Maybe the UI was slow? Then this has the same advantage of speed that CLIs tend to have over graphical interfaces.
h00dinberry 163 days ago [-]
Well in a CLI you're not writing full English sentences. You don't say "make a directory called xyz in the current directory," you're saying "mkdir xyz". I'd rather just use a GUI than type out a full natural-language sentence.
3np 162 days ago [-]
You do you. Dozens of people do prefer text-based over the context-switching involved in reaching for pointer interface and clicking that button.
mejutoco 163 days ago [-]
Todoist as well. Plus every second tue of the month for 4 months, and queries like that.
netsharc 163 days ago [-]
With Google Assistant you can still do this, but you need to speak it, with the prefix "Add calendar event..."(well, Google Assistant on the phone also accepts keyboard input). I find it much faster than the button clicking.
ramses0 162 days ago [-]
Similarly in iOS there's some surprising: "Move my 3pm meeting from today to tomorrow 10am", and a clutch tip: "Hey Siri, Delete All My Alarms", b/c there's no UI to delete and confirm the 100 alarms that accrue of "7:00am, 7:05am, 7:07am, 7:15am, ...etc..." ;-)
miki123211 163 days ago [-]
Not this exactly, but I used to keep a calendar as a text file, where each day was a single line containing the date, week day and possibly some events.

Something like:

    4h sun: 1500 dentist's appointment, 1800 dinner with friends
Where a=jan, b=feb, c=marc, ... l=dec.

The initial file was autogenerated with a 10-line Python script.

You can have variations on this, like allowing multiple rows per day, one row per event.

I also used to keep an unstructured "journal.txt" file, where notes were separated by two blank lines, and you could reference topics (like #toRead) and dates (like #4h24) with #, like social media hashtags.

adrianmonk 163 days ago [-]
If I gzip my meetings, will they get shorter? If so, I'm on board.
filterfish 163 days ago [-]
This is going to be my new, and probably overused phrase: "Can we gzip this meeting, I've shit to do"!
andrewflnr 163 days ago [-]
I think you mean

  $ ls /cal/2024/08/04
Or perhaps

  $ cat /cal/2024/08/04/*
dmos62 163 days ago [-]
I was thinking about this and came to the conclusion that I'd want to define some events per date, like you illustrated (`"12:30 dentist" > /cal/2024/08/04`), but others I'd like to define per event, like `2024-08-23 12:30 > /cal/massage`, which seemed messy. I didn't really resolve this question for myself.
dudus 163 days ago [-]
Why not enable both modes? It's a virtual filesystem after all. You don't need a single path per event.
dmos62 160 days ago [-]
I wasn't considering making it a virtual filesystem. My main goal was something that's editable with any text editor and syncable with SyncThing. I guess denormalization doesn't necessarily mean that these requirements are not met.
ravetcofx 163 days ago [-]
This would be fantastic and very in line with Unix philosophy.
filterfish 163 days ago [-]
More Plan9 but yeah, I was thinking the same thing.
filterfish 163 days ago [-]
So the question begs: how hard would this be to write.

Because I want it!

magicalhippo 163 days ago [-]
This is essentially just CalDAV[1], no? So a FUSE CalDAV client. Surely not that difficult in Go, Rust or something similar with ready libraries.

[1]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CalDAV

filterfish 163 days ago [-]
> This is essentially just CalDAV[1], no?

I reckon, yeah.

From this article[1] writing a FUSE filesystem doesn't look that hard.

I might give it a go this weekend. Assuming I remember!

[1] https://blog.trieoflogs.com/2021-05-25-fuse-filesystem-go/

amelius 163 days ago [-]
Will all users on the system have to share the same calendar?
Thaxll 163 days ago [-]
I don't see where it's remotely useful, the idea sounds fun but it's not praticle.

Explain how it is better vs having a simple cli that parse args and store that into SQLite.

H8crilA 163 days ago [-]
The point of such fake filesystems (like /proc or /sys) is that everyone immediately understands them. Yes, you could have a syscall for /proc, but it is more complicated.
Thaxll 163 days ago [-]
Understand how? You still need to understand the path layout, something is still parsing that path so it needs to be valid.
pfix 162 days ago [-]
discoverability - but then proc is not the best example for that - a lot of proc seems to be inpenetrable without documentation

access - for discovery and poking around you won't need a dedicated tool, just `cat` or `less` or `vim`

andrewflnr 163 days ago [-]
Explain how it's worse than what's in OP. Look, sometimes you just want to see a fun idea turn into reality, right?
binwiederhier 163 days ago [-]
That reminds me of a just for fun plugin I wrote for my (long dead) Dropbox-like file sync solution Syncany that would store the shared files as PNG images on Flickr.

At the time, Flickr and Google Picasa (now Photos) gave you like 1T of image storage for free, so I thought it'd be a dope backend. It worked really really well actually... And it was nice to see your data as images. Though since the files were packed and encrypted, it just looked like static.

Here's the plugin if anyone's interested: https://github.com/syncany/syncany-plugin-flickr/tree/develo...

Wow. That's 10 years old. Time flies.

Edit: This PNG encoder is the meat: https://github.com/syncany/syncany-plugin-flickr/blob/develo...

gazby 163 days ago [-]
Ah Syncany. Good times <3
issafram 163 days ago [-]
I don't think it was mentioned in the repo readme, but this will most likely get your account banned. Be careful
lvkv 163 days ago [-]
Yeah, I’ll update the README to be more specific about this. This is also why I didn’t provide instructions on how to use the tool :)
issafram 163 days ago [-]
This isn't exactly clear about the dangers of using the tool


s3arch 163 days ago [-]
can you help me understand more.
01HNNWZ0MV43FF 163 days ago [-]
It stores file data as calendar events, sort of like that YouTube FS from a while back

This is probably considered abuse under the ToS since you're using more storage than any typical user, and they can't use it for whatever they normally sell customer data for

exe34 163 days ago [-]
> they can't use it for whatever they normally sell customer data for

Bottom line, you don't want to mess with their bottom line.

darby_nine 162 days ago [-]
I seriously doubt this kind of stuff has ever messed with their bottom line. I think they just really resent users trying to do more with their service than they intended.
01HNNWZ0MV43FF 162 days ago [-]
If they didn't crack down, people would start pushing it harder, until some company relied on this for cloud storage
darby_nine 162 days ago [-]
I think this is a ridiculous sentiment, but I understand why it's so common. Proactively trying to head-off any and all possible problems before they cause measurable impact is not a great way to manage a product.

Maybe they did see impact, but I still would have rewarded non-abusive loyal customers for using the product—maybe restrict access based on resource-usage rather than hitting people with TOS violations. Instead this attitude (plus their generally very poor track record at supporting and improving their own products) has caused me to abandon all google products outside of work.

exe34 162 days ago [-]
exponentially slower access and start corrupting them by flipping cases.
exe34 162 days ago [-]
they would prefer that you pay them for storage rather than store white noise on YouTube from which they can't earn ad money.
robertlagrant 163 days ago [-]
I appreciate that they made the calender system pluggable. Don't want to get locked into a single calendar vendor with something as important as your file system!
silasdavis 163 days ago [-]
WhenFFS feels like a missed opportunity here.
daniel-grigg 163 days ago [-]
FUSE is cool. Can’t believe it’s been a decade since I played with it here to make a ‘weather file system’


ecjhdnc2025 163 days ago [-]

(Not a mistake the github page makes)

dang 162 days ago [-]
Ouch. Fixed belatedly. Thanks!
kkfx 163 days ago [-]
In exploration terms I suggest considering typical serious desktop users file taxonomy, most after at certain amount of time choose a timeline taxonomy of some kind simply there is no much easy way with files and folder to collect and access data, even with {sym,hard}links.

Essentially time passing is a common thing for anything, all of the rest quickly became dirty or at least have some dirty dump of information here and there. Long story short it's a nice potential continuation of the experiment start taking notes in timeline, storing files in timeline and figure out how to make "dynamic hierarchies" that works well in this model.

I've done something myself with Emacs/org-mode/org-roam notes, with kind-of daily notes and file attachments, it's not perfect nor general but scale a bit. A filesystem approach it's uncharted but seems to be equally possible.

ChocolateGod 163 days ago [-]
The question beckons, who's going to bundle this into their initramfs and boot Linux from it.
diggan 163 days ago [-]
That's all fun and games until Google bans and deletes your Google-account/initramfs-calendar because you liked the wrong comment on YouTube.
slashink 163 days ago [-]
This is unhinged and I love every part of it! Apart from the repo having an attitude I often miss from the modern internet I also learnt something reading the code on how FUSE works!
163 days ago [-]
latentsea 162 days ago [-]
Reminds me of the "harder drive" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JcJSW7Rprio&t=1s
lou1306 162 days ago [-]
Sometimes I wish someone would write a FUSE driver for IMAP/Exchange (and yeah I know Exchange is especially unlikely to happen). All attempts I could find on the Web seem abandoned, unfinished, or both.
bionhoward 162 days ago [-]
lol I thought this was a calendar in the file system like files/folders for days/months, but it is in fact the opposite, thank you for the goofy surprise, you got me
XiS 163 days ago [-]
But how does it handle (indefinite) recurring events :)
ForOldHack 162 days ago [-]
But is it Turing complete?
quasarj 163 days ago [-]
Anyone have a write-up for doing this with a Remarkable 2?
archmaster 163 days ago [-]
Trekker666 163 days ago [-]
this is so cool
zeckalpha 163 days ago [-]
Now make a WebDAV and CalDAV wrapper around that!
zcw100 163 days ago [-]
…and an LLM agent.
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