He wired the vocoder's output into his office stereo and turned up the volume as loud as he could stand. The computer sat there shouting "Ping, ping, ping..." once a second, and he wandered through the building wiggling Ethernet connectors until the sound stopped. And that's how he found the intermittent failure.
That is like the beep for continuity testing that is provided by most electronic multimeters, which is very useful because both your hands and your vision are occupied with the tested equipment.
throwanem 121 days ago [-]
Most older DMMs. Modern ones synthesize a steady or intermittent tone in response to steady continuity. Older ones just use an instantaneous voltage threshold, which is much better for diagnosing an intermittent connection than the newer style, where the tone generator inadvertently does so much time averaging as to be useless outside steady state.
I keep a 30-year-old Triplett around more or less just for this reason. My Fluke from 2019 is much better at everything else, but...
stn8188 120 days ago [-]
Exactly! I recall troubleshooting some diesel engine governor issues back when I was in the Coast Guard. I specifically reached for the old, analog Simpson since it was much easier to see the needle jump than trying to watch for the small digital screen to move with all of its delays.
eternityforest 120 days ago [-]
What's really bad is when there's a literal 250ms or so delay...
I'm surprised someone hasn't made an open source DMM that lets people configure all the stuff people have been wanting for years.
WalterBright 120 days ago [-]
That's the kind of engineer I like to work with!
whalesalad 121 days ago [-]
macos has the "say" binary which is fun to play with for stuff like this
nomel 121 days ago [-]
I did something similar for finding which outlet a breaker went to. I connected my MacBook to the outlet, airplay to the TV so it was loud, then had it yell if the power was disconnected:
while ! pmset -g batt | grep 'discharging'; do; echo waiting; sleep 1; done; say disconnected
ryanmcbride 121 days ago [-]
a billion years ago I piped say and some various noise files into ffmpeg to make audios that sounded like numbers stations, I don't think it would run anymore but it was a lot of fun :D
Back in windows and powershell days, this was my favorite "security reminder" prank. Everyone who forgot to lock their machine and walked away got this script executed on their machines.
TLDR: it schedules a task "Security Reminder" to play "I'm watching you" via voice synth, every 30 mins.
You can imagine people faces, especially many were sitting in headphones in open space offices. Those were the days...
mrbombastic 120 days ago [-]
I often use this when i want some feedback from a script somewhere running on my machine but don’t know where output is going
imperialdrive 120 days ago [-]
Love it! I use a similar Powershell script for testing cabling/changes. Laptop left on in middle of office with speakers turned up. So handy.
BtM909 120 days ago [-]
Also reminds me of that old website where people could send text messages to (before Twitter existed).
There was this story of a person who could ping a machine and he knew it was in his house, but for the love of God couldn't find the machine. It's a very short story, but he ends up looking at the pings not knowing where this machine is runnning.
Mac version, courtesy of chatGPT: stdbuf -oL ping news.ycombinator.com | grep --line-buffered -o "[0-9]* bytes" | xargs -I {} say "Ping {}"
n42 120 days ago [-]
ping -a
apples_oranges 120 days ago [-]
not annoying enough ;)
salzig 120 days ago [-]
to keep it simple: `ping news.ycombinator.com | xargs -I% say ping`
drybjed 121 days ago [-]
This sounds like an idea borrowed from games or other media where doing certain actions results in an audible feedback. This is often done for the benefit of the audience, or to enhance the gaming experience, but I had an idea to implement this in my workspace to somehow influence my brain and make it more enticing to write code and somehow beat procrastination.
I wrote a Python daemon which on startup loads small .wav files into memory to make latency as small as possible, and listens for interrupts as well as reads from a fifo. Other programs can send commands to it to play certain chimes on demand. In ~/.vimrc I added autocommands on certain actions - buffer write, enter/exit Insert mode, enter/exit command line, text change, etc. to send commands to my daemon. Now, when I use vim, I get audible feedback of my actions during writing. Since this is all in a separate daemon done in an UNIXy way, adding support for this in other applications should be easy enough if I want to.
If there was interest, I think that I could clean up the project a little and publish it, including a set of free .wav chimes to use.
benjaminoakes 121 days ago [-]
Related: Juice is the non-essential visual, audio and haptic effects that enhance the player's experience.
Recently I added sounds to a website that fall into this non-essential but experience enhancing (imo) category. I've had somewhat mixed response to this, from total annoyance to utter delight. I'm really not sure what the best approach is to take with sound on the web.
edit: Sounds are present when opening the console, or dragging a canvas around
Thank you for this fantastic link! Seriously. Bookmarked and planning to share. :)
colechristensen 121 days ago [-]
The old SGI IRIX workstations had sound effects. (the OS is featured in the original Jurassic Park film with the very silly 3D file manager)
It was literally like the hacker movies and predated most of them. Keystrokes, button presses, everything made a little noise. My first boss talked about the horror of the university computer lab full of them before they turned all the sounds off (as well as the absurd cost of outfitting that lab).
drybjed 121 days ago [-]
With a daemon approach and clever integration within applications that handle missing fifo correctly, all you need to do to get rid of the sounds is just stop the service. And it's also configurable, so you can set what actions actually do produce sounds.
I think I could use a sound when I switch modes in Helix. Thank you for looking into this!
mtoohig 121 days ago [-]
I am interested to give this a try if you share.
selfhoster11 120 days ago [-]
I’d love to get this for my own machines.
picometer 120 days ago [-]
Count me in as interested!
joestrong 121 days ago [-]
Definitely interested
jtwaleson 121 days ago [-]
I would be very interested, potentially for future commercial purposes.
mattlondon 121 days ago [-]
Something I have often thought about for years but never implemented was "sound logging" where you get specific points of your code to play audio clips or tones instead of/as well as logging to console etc.
The idea being that you can test the app.and hear the sound logs going off as you go. In a tight loop that executes quickly I would hope that you could hear something "being off" in the same way that a mechanic can hear if an engine is "running rough" etc.
Of course... It might just be a totally inscrutable and useless wall of noise too! Won't know until I try it out
tylerc230 121 days ago [-]
Xcode has this functionality. You can attach a system sound to a breakpoint. I used it exactly once when I was trying to determine if two events always happened in the same order and were always equally spaced in time. It worked well but drives you sort of mad after a while.
klausa 121 days ago [-]
One interesting way of using this I've heard of; is attaching it to a `-[UIViewController dealloc]`, and being able to "hear" (or rather notice the lack of sound) retain cycles this way.
karmelapple 120 days ago [-]
I've used it so many times doing that, and also handling UIWebView events where I didn't know what all might happen. Really helpful.
iosguyryan 121 days ago [-]
This is the way
mrbombastic 120 days ago [-]
Xcode has all sorts of cool stuff you can do with breakpoints, one I used more often than sound is logging a value on a breakpoint and continuing execution.
shtack 121 days ago [-]
This was my undergraduate "thesis" project. We built a GDB plugin that would generate a puredata audio structure to help with debugging. Eg. it would play snoring during a sleep() call, each breakpoint could be set to a different frequency, etc. It was actually pretty interesting for multi-threaded code, though pausing to play the audio could change the runtime profile.
puzzledobserver 120 days ago [-]
I recall seeing the following very neat idea on HackerNews some time ago, but can no longer find it:
The idea, if I remember correctly, was to intercept system calls and play a sound every time one occurred. So you'd get a series of beeps every time the disk was accessed, somewhat similar to the spinning noise from HDDs. It would play a different type of noise every time the network was accessed, memory was allocated or freed, and so on.
They reported that developers got pretty good at diagnosing and debugging their programs, purely from listening to it run.
dennis-tra 121 days ago [-]
I had the exact same thought for years but never came around experimenting with it. I also hoped that one could eventually hear that something is off.
I think this can happen by either recognising the "rhythm" in which sounds appear and/or recognising different tones.
As a first step, my idea was to write a logger that plays different beep sounds for different log levels. That way you could mostly identify the “rhythm” because I guess most log messages would have the same severity. However, to a tiny degree also by the pitch of the sound.
Then as a second step I thought of mapping the log message to a scale of sounds by e.g., hashing the message. This obviously would only work if there’s no dynamic content in the message.
knodi123 121 days ago [-]
I definitely chain things like "make; say all done", then crank the volume and go make a snack. But that's probably not what you were referring to.
pilliq 120 days ago [-]
A bit late to the party, but I had a similar idea a while back and built a prototype of this here: http://pilliq.com/companion
It's a "runtime" that executes arbitrary JS code while continuously playing a single tone. Every loop iteration increases the tone's frequency, and every recursive function call increases the tone's pitch (when the function returns, the tone's pitch is decreased).
* There are visual markers to show what is currently being executed
* You can increase or decrease the speed of playback
* You write your own code and execute it in the browser.
I included two examples of fibonacci: one that's iterative and one recursive. I think the audio/visual feedback helps you "feel" the difference of why the iterative implementation is faster than the recursive one.
It's a bit of a hack, and you may need to refresh the page after it finishes running through the code once.
It could be useful but it would probably be very annoying and disharmonious unless it's very well designed. Would be cool and potentially very useful if somebody incorporated it in a good way.
cmpalmer52 120 days ago [-]
The Grep Console plugin for JetBrains IDEs lets you do this.
hiAndrewQuinn 125 days ago [-]
It isn't exactly what you have in mind, but I use `play` as well as a terminal theme color change to tell me when I'm using one or another language's keyboard layout. If you put & in front of play, you can make chords.
Here's an example:
# Define notes for major seventh chord starting on A 440
if [[ "$layout" == "Finnish" ]]; then
# Play a major seventh chord ascending
kitty +kitten themes --reload-in=all Apprentice &
play -n synth 0.2 sine $A vol -30dB &
play -n synth 0.2 sine $C_SHARP vol -30dB &
sleep 0.2
play -n synth 0.2 sine $E vol -30dB &
play -n synth 0.2 sine $G_SHARP vol -30dB &
elif [[ "$layout" == "English (US)" ]]; then
kitty +kitten themes --reload-in=all Default &
play -n synth 0.2 sine $G_SHARP vol -30dB &
play -n synth 0.2 sine $E vol -30dB &
sleep 0.2
play -n synth 0.2 sine $C_SHARP vol -30dB &
play -n synth 0.2 sine $A vol -30dB &
hi-v-rocknroll 121 days ago [-]
Forking each sox command to the background causes samples to play non-deterministically and step over each other. Here's a better way:
# Define notes for major seventh chord starting on A 440
case "$layout" in
kitty +kitten themes --reload-in=all Apprentice &
play "|sox -np synth 0.2 sine $A" \
"|sox -np synth 0.2 sine $C_SHARP" \
"|sox -np synth 0.2 sine $E" \
"|sox -np synth 0.2 sine $G_SHARP" \
vol -30dB 2>&- &
'English (US)')
kitty +kitten themes --reload-in=all Default &
play "|sox -np synth 0.2 sine $G_SHARP" \
"|sox -np synth 0.2 sine $E" \
"|sox -np synth 0.2 sine $C_SHARP" \
"|sox -np synth 0.2 sine $A" \
vol -30dB 2>&- &
*) echo >&2 'Invalid $layout - must be "Finnish" or "English (US)"'; exit 1
memco 121 days ago [-]
Relatedly, I once saw someone realize that the sound they played at the end of their build was running synchronously so they were blocking themselves from a faster feedback loop and reporting unusually long builds in their profiling. Properly backgrounding the sound fixed their issues.
hiAndrewQuinn 120 days ago [-]
Stepping over each other was the point! :) But very good to know if I ever want to encode a little melody instead!
Rygian 121 days ago [-]
I used the same approach when programming my fridge. If the compressor was required because the temperature in the topmost shelf was too high, the tones would play in rising order. If it was due to the bottom shelf, then the tones would play in descending order.
I ended up disabling the feature because it was always the bottom shelf.
slig 121 days ago [-]
Is your fridge on GH? Mine is outdated and I'd like to download a newer one.
Rygian 121 days ago [-]
Short answer: no.
Was forced to move to a new place. Had to buy a secondhand fridge. Thermostat was out of whack. Instead of calling a technician, I decided to have fun, replaced the thermostat by an Arduino with a couple of thermometers (top shelf, bottom shelf), a relay driving a contactor, and a beeper. Firmware stayed in "beta version", never thought about publishing it.
When I moved again to a new place I ditched the frankenfridge.
darknavi 121 days ago [-]
Projects line Frankenfridge are a blast until you want a product that "just works".
AyyEye 121 days ago [-]
Most of my longest lived and lowest maintenance things were frankenprojects and brazen hacks that somehow lasted years without me having to make any changes or fix anything.
hooverd 121 days ago [-]
Things work surprisingly well when you don't have an engineer or two figuring out how cheap you can go.
vindex10 121 days ago [-]
I bet it's written from an Apple device :)
markhahn 121 days ago [-]
that project deserves a permanent web presence, if only a blog post!
ghostpepper 121 days ago [-]
When I read that Finnish was a major seventh I was hoping that English would be a minor seventh or something even more subtly different. A minor 7th vs a minor 7 flat 5 etc.
Would be funny to create an elaborate system of notification tones that are only discernible by a trained musician
left-struck 121 days ago [-]
> Would be funny to create an elaborate system of notification tones that are only discernible by a trained musician
Oh man, could this concept be turned into an esoteric programming language where to program you use a musical keyboard and all the symbols in your lang are different chords or intervals
Forgive me Mr. Ghost Pepper. I didn't take the ear training seriously enough in AP Music Theory, and now I can scarcely tell my eleventh chords apart when I'm listening to Charles Mingus!
privong 120 days ago [-]
It's not a dev environment, but when I have been observing at large (inter)national telescopes, there are often a variety of sound effects in the control room. These sounds often announce a change in status (e.g., observing script started, observing script finished, script failed, script added to the queue).
One example is the Atacama Large Millimeter Array, that in practice is three separate arrays of telescopes (an array up to 50 dishes that are 12 meter diameter, an array up to 10 that are 7 meter diameter, and another up to 4 dishes that are 12 meters in diameter) that are observing different targets at the same time. Each array has its own kit of sound clips and after a few sessions it becomes second nature to identify which array needs attention by the sounds coming over the speaker. "Uh oh, looks like there's gonna be trouble!" followed by another announcement that the script was terminated. Then the array operator works on recovery while I would see if the script should be re-started or if weather conditions had changed enough to warrant a different choice of observation.
Similarly, optical telescopes often have audible alerts when integrations have finished and the data are being read off of the CCD/sensor.
privong 120 days ago [-]
Correction: there are up to 12 of the 7 meter diameter antennas.
donatj 121 days ago [-]
In around the year 2000, for career day I went to work with my uncle. He worked in IT for General Mills. Their office was very much a stereotypical poorly lit IT cave in the basement.
All their computers were a constant barrage of custom pop culture sound effects for every action. Minimize a window and a computer would emit like a "Ooh baby" clip for instance. Place had the tone of a morning radio show. Seemingly every action you could attach a sound effect to, they had. It would drive me insane trying to work like that.
Tech culture is very different from what it once was.
wildzzz 121 days ago [-]
I worked at a help desk one summer and every inbox had a different sound effect. We had several different external customers each with a dedicated machine to handle their tickets. The most critical customers (i.e. the biggest fines) got the loudest, most annoying sounds. Everything was an animal sound so the place literally sounded like a zoo on busy days. The manager absolutely hated bringing various big shot tours through our call center because of the ridiculous noise but we also had a perfect record.
boredtofears 121 days ago [-]
One of my first experiences with our home PC's was downloading wav files of movie and TV clips off of AngelFire and GeoCities sites and assigning different windows tasks to play them to prank my dad. Error dialog popup? Beavis and Butthead's "Breaking the law, breaking the law". Out of disk space? Johnny Mnemonic "I can carry nearly eighty gigs of data in my head". He thought it was hilarious and would reassign them to his own clips that he found and we continuously tried one-upping each other to find the most annoying possible sound for every windows function.
jurassicfoxy 121 days ago [-]
I worked for a woman who had the Microsoft helper (like Clippy) but chose the cat avatar, and it would meow ALL day. It was funny for about 2 hours and unbearable beyond that!
mtrovo 121 days ago [-]
Well, that's one way to get rid of open floor layouts.
jasonjayr 121 days ago [-]
In my collection of CDROMs, I had one titled "Wired For Sound Pro" -- it was some custom software that could add sound effects to a ton of Windows events, as well as a huge library of sound files to attach to those events. I think products like this were to showcase "Multimedia PCs" that were starting to make it big in the mid 90s...
wormlord 121 days ago [-]
This could be kind of fun if done in moderation. Maybe a git hook that lets the creator of the PR select a song to play over the speakers when the merge request goes through. Some people might get pissed off, but I think it would be nice to have a bit more whimsy in software dev. As long as everyone is on the same page, should be fine.
whatnotests2 121 days ago [-]
Yes, this.
Imagine an elevator, gas pump, vending machine, or laundromat emitting sound effects constantly.
Quite the dystopian hellscape.
pavel_lishin 121 days ago [-]
> gas pump
Most of them play advertisements while you fuel up. I hate it. The only thing that I like about New Jersey forbidding me from touching a gas pump is that I'm not subjected to ads for diarrhea medication or low-APR loans every time I fuel up.
LgLasagnaModel 121 days ago [-]
Pro tip: on most pumps, the second button from the top on the right side mutes the volume.
phs2501 121 days ago [-]
A local station had (I think past tense, though it made it a lot less likely for me to go there to check) their pumps playing ads in "attract mode" when nobody was using them. So going there late at night and filling up involved listening to a poorly-timed round of "BUY NOW" utterances from eight different sources (because of course they weren't synchronized). And you couldn't really mute it because it was all the other pumps.
It was horrible.
vundercind 121 days ago [-]
I’ve been doing an unfortunate amount of driving the last year, across a bunch of states, and have still only seen this at two or three stations ever. One of them in my home city, and I avoided that (conveniently-located) station for that reason.
Maybe there are a few cities where it’s a ton more common than most of the rest of the country.
manuelmoreale 121 days ago [-]
> Most of them play advertisements while you fuel up
I guess this must be a US thing. The only thing my gas pump shows is how much money I’m paying and that’s it.
thih9 121 days ago [-]
There are pumps with ads in Germany[1], although not as annoying.
Great ready for the newest innovation, putting a small cellphone sized screen on the nozzle that you put into your vehicle. https://www.dekra.nl/en/smarter-nozzle/
netsharc 121 days ago [-]
"This litre/ounce of petrol brought to you by LinkedIn. Synergize your career trajectory today!".
euroderf 120 days ago [-]
"Even this lowly gas pump knows you are balding, overweight, and unable to sleep at night."
dubya 119 days ago [-]
Gas pumps at the local grocer play beeps when you hit a key (consumer loyalty # entry), but with a random delay. It's maddening how much harder this makes typing. OTOH, these pumps don't have video ads yet.
xandrius 120 days ago [-]
Most where specifically? Never ever encountered those in most countries in the world, haven't checked them all yet.
panzagl 121 days ago [-]
Why must Maria Menounos yell at me while I pump gas....
klausa 121 days ago [-]
>Imagine an elevator, gas pump, vending machine, or laundromat emitting sound effects constantly.
This a non-that-inaccurate depiction of how life in Japan is, but thankfully one adapts quite quickly to that.
washadjeffmad 121 days ago [-]
Just wait until they integrate the devices with AGI + TTS and either tie it to your ad history or one-click purchasing.
AI Fridge: "We noticed you're almost out of cheese. Would you like to make your dairy extraordinary today with Tillamook Sharp Cheddar? Say OK to order now!"
Enfleshened One: "No. Please self destruct."
AI Fridge: "...Take that back, or I'll wilt all your lettuce."
This plays a click when React components rerender, to make you aware of the page performance
cal85 121 days ago [-]
This one does the same thing but with beeps, with higher pitch for heavier DOM updates. It’s not as nice as the geiger click but I’ve found it more useful for figuring out exactly where the UI is slow.
That’s pretty nice and intuitive. The panning is heavy as expected, the emoji picker surprisingly quiet. But something is seriously wrong with the context menus.
xandrius 120 days ago [-]
I'd love one for React-native, might look into making one if I don't find any :D
pawelduda 120 days ago [-]
I think in case of React the core idea is simple. For example I would love something like this for Rails ActiveRecord to help you find n+1's by sound
jascha_eng 121 days ago [-]
This is so cool haha
croo 125 days ago [-]
One of my friends old office had speakers and every time Jenkins failed with a build it made a short sound. It was different for each project so everyone familiar with the sound would instantly know which project pipeline failed. He liked it and had fun choosing a sound effect fitting for his own project :)
sumtechguy 121 days ago [-]
One place I worked at the success was a golf clap. The fail was crowd going 'awwww' as if someone had just missed a putt. Nice and simple. Since the build took 3-4 hours you did not hear it much.
Before everyone went 'open office' it was semi fun to have sounds on different build actions. Now not so much :(
vundercind 121 days ago [-]
There’s… a particular sound pack that had those two sounds. Maybe different ones, sure, but this just unlocked a memory of two very particular sounds from my early Windows days. Might have been built-in, or maybe from Microsoft Plus.
sumtechguy 120 days ago [-]
That is very possible. Pretty sure we scrapped it off some random sound site.
rich_sasha 121 days ago [-]
I sat next to someone who had a similar set up, except a robot voice also read out a summary of the failures.
I moved desk within a few hrs.
cpach 125 days ago [-]
Sometimes when I wait for slow tasks to complete I do stuff like:
sleep 900; say "Task X is probably done now"
On Mac this works out of the box, AFAICT Linux has similar commands.
I use something similar with an added "nagging" functionality. Surprisingly, it's easier for me to obey this thing, than nagging from an actual human being.
nagme () {
[ "$#" -ne 2 ] && printf "usage: $0 [in_minutes] [text]\n" && return 1
printf "sleeping $1 min before telling you to $2\n"
sleep "$(echo $1\*60|bc)"
say "$2" > /dev/null 2>&1
while :
sleep 30
echo -n '.'
say "I'm nagging you to $2" > /dev/null 2>&1
louwrentius 123 days ago [-]
I used this for my pipeline that deploys a fresly baked raspberry pi image onto an SD card. It would remind me to remove the SD card and put it in the Pi, boot it and have Ansible continue to configure it. Felt awesome.
idontwantthis 125 days ago [-]
I do this, but I put it after terminal tasks like builds or test suites like task build; say complete
hobabaObama 124 days ago [-]
thank you.
Just created an alias
alias waitfor='f() { sleep $1; say "Task $2 is probably done now"; }; f'
voytec 121 days ago [-]
Why an alias creating a function and running it, instead of just defining the waitfor() function?
function waitfor(){ sleep $1; say "Task $2 is probably done now"; }
ozim 121 days ago [-]
Not sure if more people have that but I hate sounds. I turn off all system sounds on my OS. I turn off all notifications on the phone.
It is not like I get called often but still had bad memories from former work where everyone had the same phone and the same sounds and I was often working 24/7 support. Hated that work and hated my morning wake up alarm that I had to change every couple months because each one I hated more and more the longer I used it.
I love melodic music and also any sounds not aligning to melody or rhythm are super annoying for me especially if I get into the flow.
lubosm 120 days ago [-]
Yup me too. I read some scientific paper which I cannot find recently that some low percentage of people get annouyet by repeating predictable sound patterns and I definitely belong to that group.
Kozmik1 121 days ago [-]
The classic audio diagnostic on Linux/Unix is some beeps occurring and kernel debug text on all virtual terminals when something really horrible has gone wrong.
If you want to make a beep in a linux console, try adding this to your shell scripts. It should trigger the default system "beep" sound. I used to include this in my scripts that ran really long tests or cluster jobs to wake me up and check the results.
Sadly, on many laptops and PCs today, there seems to be no action on the PC speaker at all, but you can configure this system beep code to trigger a sound of your choice from your favorite gui console application.
In Python I believe you can trigger the system 'beep' sound with one of the following:
print("\a") # cross platform
print('\007') # linux only
My gui favorite, Konsole does not make any sound using these standard methods unless you manually configure it to play a file for "Bell in focused session" under Notifications.
Of course this plays a wav/ogg file instead of triggering the PC speaker.
It can be really hard to make a little beep these days, when you consider you may have 4 different sound outputs (one for each display and video card, one or two for the motherboard), application specific audio levels that get set to quiet or muted by default arbitrarily, and then application specific opt-ins needed just to support a little sound that was kind of a failsafe notification in earlier times.
Kozmik1 121 days ago [-]
I remembered as I enabled this great setting, that I am usually very quick to turn it OFF because it causes the configured sound to play when you hit backspace at a blank prompt, which I tend to do when I'm thinking of what to type, or clearing lines, I just hit backspace excessively for fun. Unfortunately the bell causes me to get penalized for that, so I will probably disable it again.
ungamedplayer 120 days ago [-]
Surel backspacing beeps at the empty prompt can be turned off. I feel like I do it all the time.
RhysU 121 days ago [-]
Activities in complex networks are often both too important to ignore and too tedious to watch. We created a network monitoring system, Peep, that replaces visual monitoring with a sonic `ecology' of natural sounds, where each kind of sound represents a specific kind of network event....
Came here to say this. I remember seeing Peep on freshmeat.net back in the day, before SourceForge took it over. Seemed like a very cool idea and I played with it for a while, but my coworkers didn't care for it.
I do. I have a small Swift HTTP notification service running on my dev machine, that uses SimplyCoreAudio to locate a specific speaker (so that notification sounds aren't affected by connecting headphones or speakers) and play a custom NSSound specified by the request. And I have all kinds of scripts calling that notification service on completion/error/specific conditions met from anywhere on LAN. The service also optionally shows a desktop notification dialog (through osascript app.displayDialog()) and/or send a Pushover notification to my mobile devices. Try it, it's a great way to wait for asynchronous tasks.
pseudo_meta 123 days ago [-]
I sometimes use sounds as opposed to print statements when debugging automations or certain UI behavior, e.g. to indicate whether a certain if-condition was triggered or not.
The advantage over normal print debugging is that you get immediate feedback, and do not need to switch to a console. This is also useful when it comes to debugging split second timings (custom window movement scripts).
pimlottc 121 days ago [-]
You just gave me the idea for a tool that watches log files and plays sounds when certain patterns occur.
breakpointalpha 121 days ago [-]
Yes! I wish there were better tools for getting sound out of the terminal.
I got bored waiting for long running scripts to finish one day and wrote this bash one liner.
Now I can run a command and put a pipe and the zzz alias on the end and it will tell me when it’s finished.
> alias zzz='echo "zuhg zuhg\n" "work work\n" "lowk taar\n" "jobs done\n" "sawobu\n" "dabu\n" "i can do that\n" "be happy to\n" "OK\n" "no time for play\n" "my life for the horde\n" "what you want?\n" "master?\n" "dabu\n" "for the horde\n" "okie dokie\n" "hragh\n" "something need doing?\n" "ready to work" | shuf -n 1 | say -vRocko'
elric 121 days ago [-]
Upvote for the excellent Wacraft II reference. Those are some of my favourite sound effects, and they are often quoted among my friends.
If I am running a command that runs long enough such that my attention will drift but short enough such that I can't start something else, I'll append `echo "\a"` or equivalent. It's nice to know when the command completes.
Loosely related, I am almost always running some white noise into my IEMs.
troebr 121 days ago [-]
On osx you can use `say "long command is done"` or whatever is descriptive.
FigurativeVoid 121 days ago [-]
I’ve tried it, and since I work remotely the voice is too surprising for me.
This is a feature built into warp, which is kind of nice.
kleiba 121 days ago [-]
The dude in the cubicle next to mine used to use sound effects extensively, but he died a mysterious death a while ago...
jcims 121 days ago [-]
Choked on a speaker?
kleiba 121 days ago [-]
No idea what you're talking about...?!
gravitronic 120 days ago [-]
In highschool my friend wrote a mIRC script that waited in our city's DALnet channel for someone to announce they were *\f\(our city), and would DM them hello, start a conversation and if they responded the script would announce "babyfaceangel16 is female".
He'd turn it up and go play N64, and occasionally his computer would announce he's in a conversation with a girl so he'd drop the controller and pick up the conversation.
muzani 120 days ago [-]
The dating game has always been a lot like fishing. Did he ever get a real date this way?
gravitronic 120 days ago [-]
Yes, and if I remember correctly at least one girlfriend for a few months
electrondood 120 days ago [-]
Did he remember to kill the script after they started dating?
xandrius 120 days ago [-]
Maybe that's why it only lasted few months
CGamesPlay 121 days ago [-]
Yes! I play a “bonk” sound when a command in my terminal fails. Helps me break out of autopilot up-enter-up-enter loops that I can do accidentally. I wrote a blog post about it a while back: https://cgamesplay.com/post/2020/12/09/iterm-notifications/
rpastuszak 121 days ago [-]
`$ ... && say 'Notice me father, I am complete'`
(something I add to longer scripts when the job gets particularly boring)
dylan604 121 days ago [-]
say "The dishes are done man"
however, turning off the damn bell in my terminal is a must. I hate whenever I'm trying to tab complete and it doesn't find anything and plays the bell. Hitting tab is instinctual for me, and I do it much more frequently than I would guess.
digitalsushi 121 days ago [-]
i tried d&d during the pandemic and was taught what 'flavor text' is. a dictionary of one to many flavor texts would benefit me using this pattern because i need randomness to break through the anticipation. in fact, mapping to posix exit codes would probably be the only case i'd use - give me 1000 cute sayings for exit 0, and a dozen for 255, 1, 2, and a sensible default.
preemptively, to anyone telling me this is terrible, i'd say this is a toy and a subjective one, but that we're detailing our personal flows here, and not inventing interfaces :)
whatnotests2 121 days ago [-]
This actually sounds like fun.
A lot less "Las Vegas video slots parlor" because of the randomness.
girishso 125 days ago [-]
I play different wav files when compile fails or succeeds, so I don’t need to switch to terminal from the editor. This in addition to Anybar(1) red/green icons.
I've heard of using "Geiger counter allocators" -- custom allocators that make a small click whenever an allocation happens to get a sense of when a program is doing lots of allocations, especially lots of small allocs, as it's running.
elric 121 days ago [-]
I once configured a Jenkins instance to play different sound effects when certain builds would fail. Originally these were played out of our big office TV, but its speakers broke at some point. A few years later, a couple of new hires came up to me to tell me they thought their laptops were infected with malware, because it would sometimes make weird noises. Turns out they had Jenkins open in a browser tab, and it would play the sounds when builds broke.
eastbound 120 days ago [-]
Lots of generational differences here: A opened the build while I’d just wait for the email in case of failure. Second, they kept it open, which in my time I wouldn’t have (Perhaps you neither, which would explain why you never noticed).
lieks 120 days ago [-]
I used to work at a company where running the full test suite took about 10min on my local machine. I would often run
./test.py; beep
where beep is a script I made that plays the Macintosh boot beep[1]. It was pretty useful.
I also did something similar that one time I had to compile LLVM (~4h on my laptop) and that other time I had to compile Firefox (~6h on same laptop).
Terminals have supported a bell since terminals existed. The moment I hit tab on an interactive shell and it bleeps, I make sure it never does that again or my SO can't sleep.
josefdlange 120 days ago [-]
When I've had longer-running test/lint suites in the past, I've added simple sounds to the ends of their run scripts (birds chirping for success, alarm blare for fail) that help me draw my attention back. I had an issue where I would go off and read the news, or social media, or whatever, when running my tests, then suddenly it would be twenty minutes later and not only would I have wasted fifteen minutes, I'd have forgotten what it was I was even doing...
Doctor-R 120 days ago [-]
Ages ago, before even dumb terminals, we were programming on punched cards, batch compiling, and printing on a line printer. For some reason, this printer supported control G (the bell character) with a buzzer. So someone hacked the compiler to include control G in the beginning of the error messages.
So we could sit back and listen to the line printer. If the buzzer sounded, the programmer would say "Oh &#$!@". Just like Pavlov demonstrated.
> sysm makes your system play custom sounds when any configured system or external event happens
rdimoaejqcqle 120 days ago [-]
I worked in a quantitative trading company, and the traders would use sound effects for every kind of alert. Each time a risk limit gets hit, a disembodied voice would say "<system name> limits!" or make a pig oink or something. There was a shared folder of thousands of .wav files.
It reminds me of plane cockpits where the system barks out things like "Terrain! Pull up!" if the pilot needs to react instantly.
seanthemon 120 days ago [-]
I suppose quantitative traders use the "Retard! Retard! Retard!" Soundbite for slightly different reasons than airliners
bediger4000 125 days ago [-]
Absolutely not. Cubicle farms are noisy enough as they are. The occasional beep from an ASCII Bel character is more than enough.
I also surprise myself regularly by finding that I'm still wearing noise-cancelling headphones long, long after the Zoom or WebEx has ended. When I take the headphones off, I'm surprised again by how noisy the background is, particularly the howling of the ventilation system.
freedomben 121 days ago [-]
Oh man, I'm jealous that you get cubicles. When I moved from Big Corp to startup land, I did not realize how much I would miss having a cubicle.
ileonichwiesz 121 days ago [-]
Corps don’t do cubicles anymore either, since the pandemic it’s all open spaces with hot desks
swah 121 days ago [-]
I bashed the cubicle 15 years ago - nowadays would kill to work with 2 more folks around, even if only a couple days a week.
(Coffee shops don't really work for me...)
frakt0x90 121 days ago [-]
I used to do this as a data scientist. Sometimes training jobs would take an awkward amount of time like 30 minutes or an hour and I'd get sidetracked doing something else. So I just had it beep when it was done like an oven. Prevented me from having to check back every now and then or missing an email. We didn't have good chat integration back then.
yipbub 120 days ago [-]
I have these that come from history|grep espeak
From a particularly sunny day where I was having too much fun waiting for my builds:
while ps -49011;do sleep 3;done;espeak "IT'S DONE YOU FUCK. COME WORK.";telegram-send "done"
More regularly:
gh pr checks 2850 --watch ; while true; do espeak "main done";sleep 5;done
fabrik42 121 days ago [-]
I use a sound effect to notify me about the exit of long running commands
alias kk
kk='say "ok! I am ready"'
sleep 10 && kk
Not my idea, I found it years ago in some dotfile.
But it is kind of handy if you run a long-running task in a terminal in the background.
busterarm 121 days ago [-]
Almost 20 years ago, Ang Cui and I were bullshitting and brainstorming around an idea he had to categorize patterns in network traffic as audio tones so that one could listen to network traffic flow.
He has since gone on to do other, bigger things and I'm still sitting here kicking myself for not at least pursuing the idea a little.
95% of my work (web dev) isn't so much waiting for something to happen, where a notification of any sort would be useful. Most builds etc only take a few seconds, so I just wait.
Most of the work is thinking through a problem, then ensuring it's coded correctly. The colors and syntax highlighting and squiggly lines and Typescript warnings etc (in Jetbrains) are all helpful because they are contextual. "Hey, this function isn't written right" or "you mapped this array to an invalid return type" let me know exactly what I did wrong so I can fix it.
I don't think random beeps and dings and pewpews would have the same kind of contextual usefulness, and would probably be annoying and take me out of the zone whenever I'm focused and coding.
grahamj 121 days ago [-]
Mostly agree but this does give me an idea: having a sound that indicates a change you just made to a line caused an issue with an offsceeen line. For example deleting the last usage of a variable declared higher up.
Of course there are already onscreen solutions for that, such as indicators in the minimap, but it could be more obvious as a sound.
solardev 121 days ago [-]
I agree, that would be nice. It could be like RTS games, where a narrator says something like "Your code is under attack" and there's a ping on the minimap pointing at the exact line.
grahamj 121 days ago [-]
lol coding does feel like an RTS sometimes.
Oh shit something broke over there!
Crap I forgot to built something over here!
Bah I knew I should have tested that!
The deadline is approaching!
inanutshellus 120 days ago [-]
Sure. I've used `say` on macos (spd-say for linux) like so:
mvn clean install ; say "Done"
It's great for those build times that're awkwardly long. Just long enough that you get bored waiting, too short to accomplish something else in the meantime. So you crank up the volume, load up HN, read an article and "DONE!" OH HOLY SHI--. Back to work.
that said it sucks to set up that flow when you /sometimes/ are around other people. it's pretty jarring if anyone can hear it, so you just wouldn't do it in a tight-collab area.
Usually though they're SUPER annoying so eventually I weeded them out of my workflow.
Would not recommend using sounds in development.
throwaway4aday 119 days ago [-]
> it's pretty jarring if anyone can hear it
That's only because you haven't put any effort into sound design. Notification and alert sounds can be horrible like many of the ringtones people choose or they can be pleasant and unobtrusive like certain defaults in various apps. Try browsing some sound effect libraries on various game asset stores, there are many free effects available, and choose something that isn't jarring but is still unique enough to recognize. Avoid sharp beeps and boops or loud melodies, look for ambient sounds like the click of a lock or switch, the swish of paper or fabric, a soft impact sound like dropping a slipper or flip-flop, something you'll notice but won't startle you.
JohnFen 125 days ago [-]
No, I do the opposite. I keep my speakers muted when developing. I don't want sounds. But then, I'm also one of those weirdos who prefers not to use colors as well (they hinder rather than help me), so it may just be a personality thing.
ElFitz 121 days ago [-]
For those interested, Xcode lets you configure sounds to be played when a breakpoint is reached. It can also be set up to conditionally play a sound.
Those breakpoints can also be configured to continue running the app instead of pausing.
It can quickly get out of hands though.
samatman 121 days ago [-]
I've avoided XCode thus far, but I'm going to have to see if there's a way to add this by Python scripting LLDB, because there are certain kinds of tracing where sound is probably the optimal medium. It's mind-numbing to try and catch unexpected orderings using printf debugging, and step debugging makes this worse not better.
I'm thinking that for up to five events (which covers a lot of ground) this would be pretty sustainable with the pentatonic scale. Any combination of pentatonics is reasonably pleasant, and it would be very easy indeed to hear a permutation in the expected melody. I think this is something I could keep doing without suddenly developing an extreme aversion to it.
It would still be necessary to use headphones to prevent casuals from being exposed, though. It wouldn't be that melodic...
e28eta 121 days ago [-]
It can be super useful for detecting the timing or relative ordering of code blocks. Something like “what order are these 2-3 methods called in and does it vary?” is so easy to hear as you navigate through an app.
Or if you’re doing something async / interactive / whatever, and don’t want to stop the app, but do want to know when a code block executes.
I don't personally but then again most of my work is not asynchronous in nature.
A friend of mine has a TSR application that plays sounds to simulate as if they had a mechanical keyboard which they use with their laptop. So that's something.
tsumnia 121 days ago [-]
I use a mechanical keyboard at home and I can absolutely see the 'tacking' sounds that it makes as a form of audio feedback
swah 121 days ago [-]
Same, I was surprised to find out how hard it was to play a sound everytime the word ERROR appeared on my terminal.
I even wanted to run a sound on the "positive case" ie a loop that is processing a few hundred items, could easily benefict from a subtle sound so you could feel when some request got hold...
Like virtually all hardware does ie your vacuum cleaner has something stuck and is not operating at 100% etc.
(I'm planning doing a "toy" terminal using a gamedev environment just to explore this a bit)
edit: If you use Raycast you can just throw confetti from the command line too for extra dopamine:
open raycast://confetti
destructionator 121 days ago [-]
Use the ascii bell character "\a" and turn off the "visual bell" or whatever options in the terminal (I hate those things) so you can actually hear it beep and find joy.
bloopernova 121 days ago [-]
Instead of sounds to indicate the end of a long-running task, use a notification:
I noticed that gnome terminal has this built in. I normally use tmux, so the gnome terminal feature does not work for me since the command never finishes in the view of the terminal, but occasionally I'll fire off a command in a regular terminal window and will ReDiscover this. Pretty neat!
mellosouls 120 days ago [-]
I use a pomodoro app that pings when time is up and ticks for the duration if sound is on.
One constraint on frequent sound use is you can only really use them in either a solo environment or with headphones without being antisocial; which is probably a contributory reason to it not being a significant presence in modern development.
I suspect it was a more common thing in the beginnings of home computer use (80s onwards) when creating and controlling sound was immediately available from the command line before programming got abstracted away to a secondary level.
tacon 121 days ago [-]
In the depths of the pandemic, James Shore ran a Tuesday TDD Lunch & Learn livestream. He based everything around TDD with an audio addition to the red/green display. Here is an example of the sound:
Terminal bell rings every time I press escape more than once in vim :-)
picometer 120 days ago [-]
A while back I prototyped (very roughly) an auditory equivalent to “syntax highlighting”, using ambient tones and white noise, rather than discrete beeps/sound effects. [1]
I’m actually revisiting this project right now! I’m reimplementing it in Rust and also exploring different ways to communicate parser state and other contextual information through sound.
This doesn't seem to work for me in any browser. No sound.
jagged-chisel 121 days ago [-]
VSCode is adding sound as an accessibility feature. I am personally not in need of this feature (yet), so I notice when they surprise me with a new sound for a new event turned on by default.
I think I could find value in adding sound to my dev environment, iff there were a quick and easy way to sample and select from collections of sounds made for this purpose.
As it stands, if I don’t like the sound chosen by the audio accessibility group, I just turn it off because there’s no UI to change it.
Animats 121 days ago [-]
Once, Apple had Sonic Finder.[1] It was kind of cute. Especially the part where the sound for dropping something in a move was deeper for a larger object.
I have `blaze` (bazel) aliased to a command that runs whatever blaze command I'm trying to do and then rings the terminal bell. Any compilation, run, test, etc, all gets a visual and audible notification that it has completed.
This is great for my focus. Even if a build or test is only going to take 10s, I'll still change window to my email or chat. The ping brings me back.
gknoy 121 days ago [-]
I have a shell alias that I use sometimes when running long-running test suites locally, or doing some long task that is blocking my work (building Docker images, installing libraries). It echoes something for the shell, shows a success/failure image in the terminal, and playes an audio clip (loud and annoying ;)) when tests pass. The only way I could make it better would be to play a sad trombone on failure:
It's useful because I can hear that the task is done while I'm reviewing a PR, or reading documentation, or loading the dishwasher.
wkoszek 121 days ago [-]
I don't use anything, but each time my eyes hurt, I wonder if I should: with some sense of music and tones, I often wonder if I could develop enough audio feedback to be able to do tasks like opening apps, writing, compiling, and getting feedback. I also often wonder if that is something that the visually impaired already use.
snarfy 121 days ago [-]
I'm overloaded with notifications. I don't want any more.
zulban 120 days ago [-]
Sure. I have scripts to build my unity game on several platforms, the last is Android which then installs on my phone. It plays Ocarina of Time sound effects upon success or failure, since it can take several minutes, or randomly fail before then. In both cases it's nice to hear immediately that I should do something.
sandspar 120 days ago [-]
The same sound on success or failure?
zulban 120 days ago [-]
Nope. Failure is the minigame gong failure. Success is one of the jingles of success, with five tones that each increase in pitch.
frantzmiccoli 120 days ago [-]
I have scripts that run in the background to check for the health status of some systems I am monitoring. I use a program to display results on my wallpaper and I trigger a "say" command if it fails.
I also commonly use a "say" command to just get notified when a long running command is done.
dfansteel 121 days ago [-]
I once used the Xcode feature to play a sound when a breakpoint was hit. My EM had a conversation with me.
maniatico 120 days ago [-]
I configured Visual Studio to play sounds if a compilation succeeded or failed (to wake up if it's taking too long). I also configured it to play a sound if a breakpoint is hit (quite useful if you are debugging a game and some assert you don't care triggers)
BWStearns 121 days ago [-]
Sometimes if I'm running some long running task I'll do `; say finished` afterwards so I get pinged when it wrapped up.
At once point I had a slightly more sophisticated command that would check the output and say completed or failed but it wasn't much more useful.
MrHamdulay 121 days ago [-]
There is React Geiger which makes geiger counter noises on render [1].
Easy to tell when you have messed up and re-rendering tons unexpectedly.
At a previous job we had a service that handled around 1 query per second.
I crafted a oneliner that `tail -f`'d the logs and played a note for each response. I believe there were different notes for different HTTP status codes but it was years ago so the details flee me.
_joel 121 days ago [-]
Interesting, could set the "bad" response codes to be in a minor keys and and "good" as major and feed that into a generative player. Listen to the stream and if it starts sounding moody and broody, check monitoring.
chrisguilbeau 120 days ago [-]
Late to the party, but I have a script called zbeep that takes command and args as arguments. Makes a sound before starting execution and has success and fail sounds. It’s great for those 5-10 min processes. For long stuff I have a similar zslack command.
jbarberu 120 days ago [-]
I use a command that'll play a good/bad sound effect based on previous shell command exit code.
Something like:
function boop() {
local last="$?"
if [[ "$last" == '0' ]]; then
sfx good
sfx bad
$(exit "$last")
I'd then do:
$ make -j; boop
$ nmap <...>; boop
That way I can focus my attention elsewhere while waiting for stuff that'll take anywhere from 20s-2min without losing track of time.
Lately I've been experimenting with throwing in notify-send in there too, but find it a bit much to both get sound and visual feedback.
stusmall 121 days ago [-]
I remember I was screen sharing while troubleshooting something at a new job. I hadn't really set up my mac, and most everything was still defaults until I got a working build/deploy. One of the founding engineers said "You should turn bells off on your terminal. If [the CTO] sees that, he will give you so much shit." I should have taken that weird but ultimately innocent interaction as a sign that I was walking into an absolutely insane environment.
It's a tangent, but the bell character is a left over from how people used to do what you are asking for. Your question just reminded me of that strange conversation and harsh reaction.
cmpalmer52 120 days ago [-]
I use a plugin called Grep Console in my JetBrains Rider IDE. It lets you auto highlight, color, or play a sound when certain regular expressions are found in the log output.
So I set it to play an 8-bit sounding “thump” sound whenever it sees an [ERR] in the log output to hear any handled, but logged, errors. I also set up other sounds for specific things I’m looking for so I know when they’ve occurred (sirens, ahooga horns, sproings). It’s a great help, along with color coding, to find things in a long log file when verbose logging is turned on.
philsnow 121 days ago [-]
It sounds a lot like “auditory icons” as used in Emacspeak [0] and some other environments to improve accessibility for people with vision impairments.
Bill Buxton [1] seems to have a good treatment of the subject but i don’t know what’s autoritative
It really is interesting that we generally don't utilize sound as much in development as our other senses. One reason many of us don't might be that we listen to music as a way to focus while coding?
Sort of related, but I was monkeying around on MonkeyType the other day and turned on the 'pentatonic scale' key sound effect... and it seems to help me be more consistent with my typing? It's quite interesting and rather unexpected. (If anyone knows how I could recreate that sound effect globally, I'd appreciate it!)
dvh 121 days ago [-]
I use short beep in all my inotify/rsync scripts to make sure that local file I just saved was finished uploading to server so I can refresh the browser.
Another one is espeak that says "keyboard" when my keyboard get disconnected (usually due to me soldering stuff which then kills my keystroke monitoring keylogger which then I need to manually restart because it runs as root)
On Upwork page a custom extension keeps continuously beeping when new message appears in chat.
At 17:00 espeak says "17:00" to remind me it is time to make a soup.
actinium226 120 days ago [-]
There was once a VSCode extension that would make typewriter sounds as you typed, including a nice "ping" when you hit enter. A quick search shows a few extensions like this, but I tried installing one and no joy. But it was really nice to get a little audible feedback.
I do think this is a great idea. I notice that I get super engaged with video games in part because the constant noise meshes well with ADHD, and so I'd love to see a VSCode extension of some sort that can do this.
mayoff 120 days ago [-]
I have Xcode set up to play a sound effect when a build or a test run finishes successfully, and a different sound effect (the Metal Gear alert) when it fails.
criddell 121 days ago [-]
I've used the same sound effects for decades now.
In Windows, open the Sound control panel page (type Alt-R then enter mmsys.cpl is the easiest way to get there) and on the sounds page there's a list you can scroll to see all the program events you can define sounds for.
I use Visual Studio and play a Homer Simpson "Doh!" clip for build failed and a Fred Flintstone "Yabba dabba doo!" clip for build succeeded.
rerdavies 120 days ago [-]
I would really really like a VSCode extension that went "bing" when a build finishes. I think that would seriously boost my productivity.
xandrius 120 days ago [-]
Great starting point for a fun little project. Let us know how it goes :)
rerdavies 118 days ago [-]
Tragically, I'm deep in the weeds on a fun BIG project at the moment. :-P
I have a completely local dev environment for a cloud based project. It requires me to stand up a few things so I can mock resources like Google Cloud. It can sometimes take a bit to populate all the customer config, depending on the machine I’m using anywhere from 5 sec to 45 sec. I think I’m using systemd to pop a notification at the end of a lengthy start up script For everything.
NotAnOtter 120 days ago [-]
This sounds like hell.
It might be a brainhack positive reinforcement type thing, like "tests passed! Ding!" but for actual functional use ("File passed linter! Ding!" every few seconds) sounds like overstimulation fodder.
I already get annoyed at my machine when it's trying to correct what I'm writing faster than I can write it incorrectly. Let me get the rough draft out first.
amelius 121 days ago [-]
I listen to the sounds of my code loading from my cassette tape drive. And my modem makes sounds too, when I'm doing stuff in the cloud.
serced 121 days ago [-]
In the previous startup I worked at, we set up a PR action that played a celebration thingy after every PR merge. We used https://github.com/leokster/dingdong_sonos to play on the Sonos speakers. Fun little gimmick but not really as a usecase like colors for linting etc.
jdlshore 120 days ago [-]
Yes; my build script plays one sound on success, another when lint fails, and a third when anything else fails. It’s on a watch loop so it runs whenever I save.
I use TDD, so I’m running the build every few minutes. The build (including tests) only takes half a second, so I can hit save, hear a sound, and continue programming without looking at the output. It’s surprisingly nice.
wruza 121 days ago [-]
I buzz in ahk on timeout paths (e.g. dialog failed to show), also signal the end of lora training (half an hour+). Tried to voice over tsc -w errors, but that got old quickly.
I work in automation so sending an IM in case something’s wrong (or finished) is not a rare thing. May count as a sound too. I also shoot videos of everything a visual script does for debug (xvfb, ffmpeg).
121 days ago [-]
xaellison 120 days ago [-]
I worked for a company where the main workflow was to download an entire postgres dump at the start of the day and work off that. It took 25 min. I aliased our download command to play run a profane version of `say "beep beep"` after it finished. Then one time it spoke up during our stand up and everyone heard. It got more polite thereafter.
armchairhacker 125 days ago [-]
I don’t, but I can imagine someone using them for events that may take a while (e.g. build ended, tests ended, deploy ended), or particularly if the event is a failure they have to respond to.
Xcode at least used to have sounds for “build failed” and “build succeeded”, and IntelliJ gives you notifications for build and test failures when the app isn’t focused.
vinay_ys 120 days ago [-]
Hook up different kinds of alerts/notifications to office intercom and announce outages and pages! Gives the feeling of a real sense of urgency and danger! :-)
Sev1 alerts, DDOS attacks etc. You can do this for positive things too – like a e-commerce product launch going out of stock in record time, or hitting a sales target etc.
digitalsushi 121 days ago [-]
in the late 90s i used a script someone made that would trigger callbacks on syslog patterns. there's different types of icmp traffic; i had iptables log the type that the ping command uses, and i played a submarine ping for each that my gateway received. i'm on the east coast usa, and i remember that i would get barraged with pings overnight, around 4am, as my ssh port got hammered simultaneously.
its 25 years later and the thought of having a single discoverable element on the net scares me.
i would really like an app that can create ambient music with composition: small songs that can overlay with harmony; if my network is running hot the baseline ramps up. if i have emails waiting, little tweets from a treble track that are fleeting but line up with the beat. there's so many ways i could use that soundtrack. plug it into the ide, errors in the buffer, subtle cues.
digitalsankhara 120 days ago [-]
I do some personal work in MacOS 9 on a MacBook Pismo and use the standard Platinum sounds at a low sound level. I personally find the little click and chirp soundtrack quite useful as audio feedback. Though if I were to do this in the office, for the sake of my personal safety, I think I would wear headphones!
paragraft 120 days ago [-]
I've used it in anger on a project with an unreasonable start time in its test suite. Put an alert sound on VS when breakpoints were reached let me start a test with debugger attached, and then go do something else for the time it would take to start, but not forget what I had been originally doing.
lhamil64 121 days ago [-]
I forget if this is a setting or on by default, but VScode will play a sound when a task is finished running, and it's different based on whether the task succeeded or failed. I use this so that I can leave long running jobs (usually testcases) running and not have to keep checking on the status.
WalterBright 120 days ago [-]
I suppress all the sound effect alerts Windows makes. They're not helpful, just annoying.
But when debugging real time software, where instrumenting the code breaks it, I would have the code run an instruction that toggles the speaker state. By the tone it makes, I can infer what's happening.
Configurable to play a sound for any command you set (including not found). I've been using this or similar for many years and find the terminal to feel empty without it.
huhtenberg 121 days ago [-]
Decades ago I tweaked a toy raytracer I was messing with to make a click for every screen pixel traced. It made zero practical sense, but the result was way cool nonetheless. Added another dimension to the rendering process and made it feel more tangible, if you will.
dgunay 124 days ago [-]
Only a little bit. I have VS Code configured to emit a small sound when a terminal command fails, or when a debugging breakpoint is hit. I also used to add `; say "tests are done"` to my test command so I could go to another screen and know when my tests finished.
JonChesterfield 121 days ago [-]
I'm moderately interested in audio feedback indicating performance behaviour. Maybe memory allocation or syscalls. Page faults. Something to play during unit tests or similar and give some indication of things going wrong. Not interested enough to implement it yet.
RGBCube 122 days ago [-]
I actually did set my shell to spawn a background task to play the vine boom whenever I entered an invalid command.
Something like
command_not_found() {
pw-play /opt/boom.opus &
And it actually improved my command accuracy by a lot. And it was super fun.
Mithriil 120 days ago [-]
A small sound effect I used once. At my last job, I queued a beep in my terminal at the end of the company-needed opening script that took 3 minutes so that I could look away and know when it is ready. (Useless to say that I almost never closed the console.)
b800h 121 days ago [-]
One rather fabulous example I encountered had speakers rigged up to the wallboard that displayed pipeline info, and when someone broke the build, a clip of "Father Jack" from Father Ted profusely swearing was broadcast out across the dev room.
n0n0n4t0r 120 days ago [-]
For long running scripts, I like to finish them With something like `say "wake up lazy bastard`.
My previous employer has a wiki full of procedure containing this kind of easter egg.
(I knew the founders and it made them laugh, so no issue there)
relwin 121 days ago [-]
Unshielded embedded systems generate RF noise that can be received on AM/FM radios. Some devs figured out which processes generated which noises and could determine what the system was doing, or if a loop was taking too long just by listening.
sc11 121 days ago [-]
Matlab plays a sound on error by default (on some systems through the internal speaker, bypassing volume controls) and I always found it irritating.
The only use case I see for them is something running in the background that takes a while and might get interrupted.
thenthenthen 120 days ago [-]
I integrated this handy squeaky door sound effect for when I open my laptop based on its ambient light sensor [1]
Come to think of it, Windows 95, XP, etc. had lots of sounds built in. ICQ played a typewriter sound with every single keystroke. It was a bit annoying, but if I listen to those sounds now it definitely brings back a strong sense of nostalgia.
Gregam3 121 days ago [-]
At one point I had my partner scream "breakpoint" and recorded it, it then played from my ide whenever a breakpoint was hit so I would swap back to that workspace and continue working.
But it got extremely annoying within a few days as you could imagine
qsdf38100 121 days ago [-]
When some repetitive task (rebuilding a program, running tests, …) tend to last more than 30 seconds, I like to make it beep when it’s done so I can do something else and not get carried away and loose some precious time on my #1 priority goal.
janalsncm 121 days ago [-]
Yes, if I have a long running script in Jupyter I run a cell right underneath containing
!say “done”
And turn my speakers up.
ChrisMarshallNY 121 days ago [-]
No. I also don't listen to music.
I do, however, use colors, and the GUI over CLI, whenever possible.
shiomiru 121 days ago [-]
Programmer preferences really differ, don't they... I listen to music, don't use colors, and prefer CLIs over GUIs. I also like my BEL to beep.
benterix 121 days ago [-]
Yes! I used it a lot with CDK as all the process was usually quite long so I switched to doing other things and a nice sound would tell me the synthesis went fine whereas a "broken glass" sound would mean I need to do better.
anothername12 121 days ago [-]
When I was a kid learning pascal, I used beep() debugging (similar to printf debugging)
aendruk 121 days ago [-]
I’ve set my shell to discreetly play the sound of a mouse button click upon completion of any command that ran for longer than 20 seconds. That choice of sound has the convenient effect that no one else seems to consciously notice it.
idreyn 112 days ago [-]
Been thinking about this. Do you have a snippet you can share?
aendruk 111 days ago [-]
ZSH plugin:
_click_preexec() {
_click_precmd() {
[[ $+_click_start_seconds ]] || return
if (( SECONDS - _click_start_seconds >= 20 )); then
pw-play 'mouse_click.wav' &!
unset _click_start_seconds
For very long local builds, like a full bitbake, I do `&& bell` so I know when to tab back to my build terminal.
i.e. `bitbake bsp-vendor-full-image || beep && beep` so I get a sound when things finish, whether it failed or succeeded.
tyrust 121 days ago [-]
I added an alarm to my prompt so it happens every time a command finishes. I only use a visual bell, which propagates through tmux and my window manager. So basically, if I'm focused elsewhere when a command finishes, I have a nice indicator reminding me to go back.
ijustlovemath 121 days ago [-]
Sometimes I'll add a chime to a long running build, eg `make || aplay fail.wav`
I used them when running some tasks. There's a shortcut for it in my dotfiles.
smrtinsert 121 days ago [-]
Years ago we decided on gradles earlier versions. I added a sound effect to my machine for when it finished. I might have used a video game computer sound so that it sounded real and not super annoying to anyone nearby.
atemerev 120 days ago [-]
When I was writing electronic trading systems, I experimented with audio logging for different types of fills / cancellations / other trading events. It was useful, but somewhat annoying. I disabled it later.
bonestamp2 120 days ago [-]
I used to have an intellij plugin that would make a sound when there was a regix match in the terminal. It was extremely useful, I had it set to make a sound when a build was complete, or there was a compilation error.
sleepybrett 120 days ago [-]
I do
`stupidlylongrunningcommand | say 'stupdily long running command complete'` a lot.
aidenn0 120 days ago [-]
My dad used to work long hours at a startup where the build-times were non-trivial. He setup his build to echo infinite ^G characters (i.e. the terminal bell) when it finished and would nap while it was building.
Visual studio plays a >donk< on test or build failure and a ding on success. I have a habit of switching away to another project or hacker news while tests run, so this is extremely useful for me.
jonathanyc 120 days ago [-]
A friend told that at the trading company he worked at, traders set up distinct sounds for alerts.
I was hoping someone with a more direct source would comment in the thread but a quick Cmd-F doesn’t turn up anything!
Other than 3 hours where I modified git push to play "Push It" by Salt-N-Pepa before it got annoying, nope.
frereubu 121 days ago [-]
My first thought was some kind of 16-bit sound when you open and complete different brackets, perhaps a different sound for each depth, but I imagine that would become annoying pretty quickly!
qrush 120 days ago [-]
I've set my Slack notifications to the "Hummus" sound instead because it's a lot less stressful and funny. Yes it's on your Slack too. Join me in chickpea silliness.
Continuous testing tools would make good use of audio. It's been a minute since I have been in need of such a tool, but I could appreciate differentiating sounds for passed/failed.
gwbas1c 120 days ago [-]
I once had a very boring job with long compile times. I played a sound at the end of the build script, because otherwise I would just start goofing off and not doing anything.
(I quit shortly after that.)
eastbound 120 days ago [-]
Yes. I’ve modified maven so that it says “Success” or “Error” (with the command `say` of macOS). It’s very useful when you have a build of 30-50s that you execute dozens of times a day.
prmoustache 120 days ago [-]
Not in dev environment but syadmin one, we used play sound on the machine which was hosting the nagios monitoring dashboard on a TV screen.
Better to have one sound than 5 individual phones alarms.
z3t4 121 days ago [-]
When making my own editor I found one place where I wanted to have sound: When searching, and the search has reached the end - I added an auidble beep as well as a shaking effect.
calvinmorrison 121 days ago [-]
In Olden Days (but recently enough it was retro) we borrowed a receipt printer from the front desk and printed the motd and jira tickets and fortune statements at random times
iamwil 121 days ago [-]
I sometimes do (on my mac)
`some_long_running_script; say "done with the script"`
and it'll say the line when it's done, whether there's an error or whatever. so I know to check.
analogwzrd 120 days ago [-]
Definitely need to add a womp womp on a compile error
fnord77 119 days ago [-]
I feel like I would get PTSD eventually. The slack new message sound triggers my anxiety, I can only imagine what a compiler error sound would do to me :D
rldjbpin 120 days ago [-]
personally, as mentioned by others, a sound alert can be handy as an idea when a long-running background task finishes. this is especially pertinent for those on ssh sessions to another machine.
my spin for the workaround used to be echoing the "bell" symbol (07) in ASCII after the command finishes. but it would not respect the audio device i use while i tried it. definitely a good usecase for ricing your bash/zsh.
racl101 121 days ago [-]
I use the say command on MacOS for a few things.
That command is a kinda fun. One time I had it read out to the lyrics to "Fitter Happier" using the Fred voice.
marssaxman 125 days ago [-]
No - in fact I habitually leave my speaker muted, to prevent programs like Slack from distracting (and likely irritating) my co-workers in the office.
dpedu 120 days ago [-]
MacOs ships with the `say` command and once in awhile I'll do something like `longRunningProcess ; say its done`, but not beyond that.
zffr 121 days ago [-]
I sometimes use sound to notify me when long running tasks finish. On macOS you can do this by doing "long_command; say done;"
theultdev 121 days ago [-]
Yes, if it's frequent it becomes annoying.
If it's infrequent you forget what it's for.
I blare music when I code too, so that takes precedence.
121 days ago [-]
faizmokh 124 days ago [-]
I configured my Xcode behaviors to play a sound when a build is completed or when the test fails/passes.
121 days ago [-]
kqr 121 days ago [-]
I've long wanted to explore this. There are two ways one can go about it:
- Airliner cockpits use certain audio signals deliberately and sparingly, to draw attention to important events.
- Some systems naturally (or artificially) emit sound as a side effect of what they do, and this sound, while not signaling anything specific, is part of what allows the operator to build mechanical sympathy for the system.
I think these two are completely different ways to use sound, but I imagine both could be viable.
_joel 121 days ago [-]
Yes, the system beep, although that just makes the terminal flash on my setup :)
valbaca 121 days ago [-]
for very long builds, I'll simply add `; say "build done"`
pornel 120 days ago [-]
On macOS, when I run a long script I add at the end:
say done
hackmiester 120 days ago [-]
I use `ping -a` so that when the host comes up, my terminal will beep.
dghughes 121 days ago [-]
What about smells? Scent is a powerful tool for recalling memories.
jbverschoor 120 days ago [-]
I make them myself
DidYaWipe 121 days ago [-]
I have. You can assign sounds to stuff in IDEs, which I had some fun with in the early days of Visual C++.
I was the tech lead on a project at a Big-6 consulting firm, so my friend and I set the team's machines up to point to wave files on the network for basic compilation events. Success, warning, error. And the Windows startup sound.
This allowed me to change any of these sounds at any time, unbeknownst to the team. At some point, I changed the "build failed" sound to my own voice saying "That's crap!" It was amusing to hear this randomly coming out of this cube or that... especially my own, when I had a build fail and said "That's crap" right before my computer said it in the exact same intonation.
Yeah... easily amused in the days of "Compaq Business Audio!"
mleo 121 days ago [-]
I find default calendar notifications useless. They pop-up 15 minutes before the meeting so they get dismissed, out of site, out of mind. With an integration of Keyboard Maestro, iCalbuddy, Stream Deck and modified shell script I show the upcoming meeting on a Stream Deck key.
Stream deck key shows time of next meeting, how long until that is, with background colors changing as it approaches, and how many meetings remain for the day.
For the sound effect portion, at 1 - 2 minutes prior and at the meeting time, a sound effect is played giving me the heads up that a meeting is starting. Also at 1-2 minutes prior to meeting starting, the Sonos speaker in the office announces the meeting subject.
kjs3 120 days ago [-]
I don't hate my coworkers that much.
lofaszvanitt 120 days ago [-]
Yes, we do... when the system reboots.
liveoneggs 121 days ago [-]
Everyone with a mechanical keyboard
leecarraher 121 days ago [-]
steve gibson of grc apparently uses sound as a second input channel to handle various tasks. as i recall he made an app decades ago called wizmo that allows you to script sounds, and as listeners probably recall, yabba-dabba-doo is one such audio channel input to let him know someone has made a purchase order on his website.
al_borland 125 days ago [-]
Many years ago I had a manager who set a sound on our monitoring system to make a noise every time we got an alert. It went off non-stop and everyone started yelling at him until he turned it off.
Dowwie 121 days ago [-]
it would be hard to hear it over the roar of my mad typing on a mechnical keyboard
ycombinatrix 120 days ago [-]
i change the default windows beep, does that count?
AndyKluger 116 days ago [-]
Sorry this is totally unrelated, but I don't know how to notice replies on HN, and missed a question from you 5 months ago, and HN won't let me reply to that old comment.
You asked what adlist was blocking assets on a site of yours, and I don't think it's an adlist, but a general rule against loading scripts from other domains. Here's what the log looks like: https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/w7pjcgqn387.png
fragmede 125 days ago [-]
ping -a
kelsey98765431 121 days ago [-]
what is wrong with the top comments in this thread? Fastest way to get me to find an alternative software is to have it start beeping and whistling at me.
webgtx 125 days ago [-]
From my perspective, this is unnecessary overhead.
tdeck 120 days ago [-]
Now that you mention it, OpenSCAD makes a sound when it's done rendering which I find very helpful. Sometimes it takes several minutes and I usually want to queue up a print right when it's done.
nprateem 121 days ago [-]
Yeah I sometimes say like BOOM or NIAAAOOOMM when I get things working
pavel_lishin 121 days ago [-]
Absolutely fucking not. My computer should make no sound that I don't explicitly ask it to make.
criddell 121 days ago [-]
Well if you've configured your environment to use an audible alert for some condition, haven't you explicitly asked it to make the sound?
pavel_lishin 121 days ago [-]
If I don't explicitly control that condition, then I would say not.
Something like "./run-long-task.sh; say 'Task is done'" is fine.
An audible alert when an email arrives or a build fails is hell.
dheera 121 days ago [-]
I would absolutely love an office where every time a build fails there is a big "womp womp" sound in the office coming out of that person's machine.
SoftTalker 121 days ago [-]
Yes. My computer can't even make a sound even if it wants to (no speakers connected). My phone has the same settings -- all sounds off, the exception is for turn-by-turn nav if I'm in a dense area, otherwise I just follow the blue line.
121 days ago [-]
witx 121 days ago [-]
> blacklist pcspkr
semiinfinitely 120 days ago [-]
Absolutely not
Haskell4life 121 days ago [-]
michael569 120 days ago [-]
vagippona 121 days ago [-]
Rendered at 08:06:58 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time) with Vercel.
[1] <https://ftp.arl.army.mil/~mike/ping.html>
I keep a 30-year-old Triplett around more or less just for this reason. My Fluke from 2019 is much better at everything else, but...
I'm surprised someone hasn't made an open source DMM that lets people configure all the stuff people have been wanting for years.
$action = New-ScheduledTaskAction -Execute 'Powershell.exe' -Argument '-NoProfile -WindowStyle Hidden -command "& {[System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName(""System.Speech"") | Out-Null; (New-Object (""System.Speech.Synthesis.SpeechSynthesizer"")).Speak(""I''m watching you"")}"'
$period = New-TimeSpan -Minutes 30;
$trigger = New-ScheduledTaskTrigger -RepetitionInterval (New-TimeSpan -Minutes 30) -RepetitionDuration (New-TimeSpan -Days 1024) -At 9am -Once
Register-ScheduledTask -Action $action -Trigger $trigger -TaskName "Security reminder" -Description "Security Reminder"
You can imagine people faces, especially many were sitting in headphones in open space offices. Those were the days...
There was this story of a person who could ping a machine and he knew it was in his house, but for the love of God couldn't find the machine. It's a very short story, but he ends up looking at the pings not knowing where this machine is runnning.
I wrote a Python daemon which on startup loads small .wav files into memory to make latency as small as possible, and listens for interrupts as well as reads from a fifo. Other programs can send commands to it to play certain chimes on demand. In ~/.vimrc I added autocommands on certain actions - buffer write, enter/exit Insert mode, enter/exit command line, text change, etc. to send commands to my daemon. Now, when I use vim, I get audible feedback of my actions during writing. Since this is all in a separate daemon done in an UNIXy way, adding support for this in other applications should be easy enough if I want to.
If there was interest, I think that I could clean up the project a little and publish it, including a set of free .wav chimes to use.
edit: Sounds are present when opening the console, or dragging a canvas around
It was literally like the hacker movies and predated most of them. Keystrokes, button presses, everything made a little noise. My first boss talked about the horror of the university computer lab full of them before they turned all the sounds off (as well as the absurd cost of outfitting that lab).
Were you procrastinating when you wrote this?
I’m a Python dev and I’m happy to contribute to a project is you get it started.
The idea being that you can test the app.and hear the sound logs going off as you go. In a tight loop that executes quickly I would hope that you could hear something "being off" in the same way that a mechanic can hear if an engine is "running rough" etc.
Of course... It might just be a totally inscrutable and useless wall of noise too! Won't know until I try it out
The idea, if I remember correctly, was to intercept system calls and play a sound every time one occurred. So you'd get a series of beeps every time the disk was accessed, somewhat similar to the spinning noise from HDDs. It would play a different type of noise every time the network was accessed, memory was allocated or freed, and so on.
They reported that developers got pretty good at diagnosing and debugging their programs, purely from listening to it run.
I think this can happen by either recognising the "rhythm" in which sounds appear and/or recognising different tones.
As a first step, my idea was to write a logger that plays different beep sounds for different log levels. That way you could mostly identify the “rhythm” because I guess most log messages would have the same severity. However, to a tiny degree also by the pitch of the sound.
Then as a second step I thought of mapping the log message to a scale of sounds by e.g., hashing the message. This obviously would only work if there’s no dynamic content in the message.
It's a "runtime" that executes arbitrary JS code while continuously playing a single tone. Every loop iteration increases the tone's frequency, and every recursive function call increases the tone's pitch (when the function returns, the tone's pitch is decreased).
I included two examples of fibonacci: one that's iterative and one recursive. I think the audio/visual feedback helps you "feel" the difference of why the iterative implementation is faster than the recursive one.It's a bit of a hack, and you may need to refresh the page after it finishes running through the code once.
An out of place beep would probably be noticable.
Here's an example:
I ended up disabling the feature because it was always the bottom shelf.
Was forced to move to a new place. Had to buy a secondhand fridge. Thermostat was out of whack. Instead of calling a technician, I decided to have fun, replaced the thermostat by an Arduino with a couple of thermometers (top shelf, bottom shelf), a relay driving a contactor, and a beeper. Firmware stayed in "beta version", never thought about publishing it.
When I moved again to a new place I ditched the frankenfridge.
Would be funny to create an elaborate system of notification tones that are only discernible by a trained musician
Oh man, could this concept be turned into an esoteric programming language where to program you use a musical keyboard and all the symbols in your lang are different chords or intervals
Absolutely no visual feedback for extra pain
One example is the Atacama Large Millimeter Array, that in practice is three separate arrays of telescopes (an array up to 50 dishes that are 12 meter diameter, an array up to 10 that are 7 meter diameter, and another up to 4 dishes that are 12 meters in diameter) that are observing different targets at the same time. Each array has its own kit of sound clips and after a few sessions it becomes second nature to identify which array needs attention by the sounds coming over the speaker. "Uh oh, looks like there's gonna be trouble!" followed by another announcement that the script was terminated. Then the array operator works on recovery while I would see if the script should be re-started or if weather conditions had changed enough to warrant a different choice of observation.
Similarly, optical telescopes often have audible alerts when integrations have finished and the data are being read off of the CCD/sensor.
All their computers were a constant barrage of custom pop culture sound effects for every action. Minimize a window and a computer would emit like a "Ooh baby" clip for instance. Place had the tone of a morning radio show. Seemingly every action you could attach a sound effect to, they had. It would drive me insane trying to work like that.
Tech culture is very different from what it once was.
Imagine an elevator, gas pump, vending machine, or laundromat emitting sound effects constantly.
Quite the dystopian hellscape.
Most of them play advertisements while you fuel up. I hate it. The only thing that I like about New Jersey forbidding me from touching a gas pump is that I'm not subjected to ads for diarrhea medication or low-APR loans every time I fuel up.
It was horrible.
Maybe there are a few cities where it’s a ton more common than most of the rest of the country.
I guess this must be a US thing. The only thing my gas pump shows is how much money I’m paying and that’s it.
[1]: https://www.threads.net/@twind.fotografie/post/C6f4n28gdqY
This a non-that-inaccurate depiction of how life in Japan is, but thankfully one adapts quite quickly to that.
AI Fridge: "We noticed you're almost out of cheese. Would you like to make your dairy extraordinary today with Tillamook Sharp Cheddar? Say OK to order now!"
Enfleshened One: "No. Please self destruct."
AI Fridge: "...Take that back, or I'll wilt all your lettuce."
This plays a click when React components rerender, to make you aware of the page performance
Before everyone went 'open office' it was semi fun to have sounds on different build actions. Now not so much :(
I moved desk within a few hrs.
Just created an alias
alias waitfor='f() { sleep $1; say "Task $2 is probably done now"; }; f'
It is not like I get called often but still had bad memories from former work where everyone had the same phone and the same sounds and I was often working 24/7 support. Hated that work and hated my morning wake up alarm that I had to change every couple months because each one I hated more and more the longer I used it.
I love melodic music and also any sounds not aligning to melody or rhythm are super annoying for me especially if I get into the flow.
If you want to make a beep in a linux console, try adding this to your shell scripts. It should trigger the default system "beep" sound. I used to include this in my scripts that ran really long tests or cluster jobs to wake me up and check the results.
Sadly, on many laptops and PCs today, there seems to be no action on the PC speaker at all, but you can configure this system beep code to trigger a sound of your choice from your favorite gui console application.
In Python I believe you can trigger the system 'beep' sound with one of the following: print("\a") # cross platform print('\007') # linux only
My gui favorite, Konsole does not make any sound using these standard methods unless you manually configure it to play a file for "Bell in focused session" under Notifications. Of course this plays a wav/ogg file instead of triggering the PC speaker.
It can be really hard to make a little beep these days, when you consider you may have 4 different sound outputs (one for each display and video card, one or two for the motherboard), application specific audio levels that get set to quiet or muted by default arbitrarily, and then application specific opt-ins needed just to support a little sound that was kind of a failsafe notification in earlier times.
Activities in complex networks are often both too important to ignore and too tedious to watch. We created a network monitoring system, Peep, that replaces visual monitoring with a sonic `ecology' of natural sounds, where each kind of sound represents a specific kind of network event....
(not my work; that of a former co-worker)
Here's a recent discussion here on HN: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=33017337
The advantage over normal print debugging is that you get immediate feedback, and do not need to switch to a console. This is also useful when it comes to debugging split second timings (custom window movement scripts).
I got bored waiting for long running scripts to finish one day and wrote this bash one liner.
Now I can run a command and put a pipe and the zzz alias on the end and it will tell me when it’s finished.
> alias zzz='echo "zuhg zuhg\n" "work work\n" "lowk taar\n" "jobs done\n" "sawobu\n" "dabu\n" "i can do that\n" "be happy to\n" "OK\n" "no time for play\n" "my life for the horde\n" "what you want?\n" "master?\n" "dabu\n" "for the horde\n" "okie dokie\n" "hragh\n" "something need doing?\n" "ready to work" | shuf -n 1 | say -vRocko'
Here's all of them: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gntGbsmTY_E
Loosely related, I am almost always running some white noise into my IEMs.
He'd turn it up and go play N64, and occasionally his computer would announce he's in a conversation with a girl so he'd drop the controller and pick up the conversation.
(something I add to longer scripts when the job gets particularly boring)
however, turning off the damn bell in my terminal is a must. I hate whenever I'm trying to tab complete and it doesn't find anything and plays the bell. Hitting tab is instinctual for me, and I do it much more frequently than I would guess.
preemptively, to anyone telling me this is terrible, i'd say this is a toy and a subjective one, but that we're detailing our personal flows here, and not inventing interfaces :)
A lot less "Las Vegas video slots parlor" because of the randomness.
1. https://github.com/tonsky/AnyBar
I also did something similar that one time I had to compile LLVM (~4h on my laptop) and that other time I had to compile Firefox (~6h on same laptop).
[1]: https://ieks.cc/articles/mac-beep.html
So we could sit back and listen to the line printer. If the buzzer sounded, the programmer would say "Oh &#$!@". Just like Pavlov demonstrated.
> sysm makes your system play custom sounds when any configured system or external event happens
It reminds me of plane cockpits where the system barks out things like "Terrain! Pull up!" if the pilot needs to react instantly.
I also surprise myself regularly by finding that I'm still wearing noise-cancelling headphones long, long after the Zoom or WebEx has ended. When I take the headphones off, I'm surprised again by how noisy the background is, particularly the howling of the ventilation system.
(Coffee shops don't really work for me...)
From a particularly sunny day where I was having too much fun waiting for my builds:
More regularly:He has since gone on to do other, bigger things and I'm still sitting here kicking myself for not at least pursuing the idea a little.
Most of the work is thinking through a problem, then ensuring it's coded correctly. The colors and syntax highlighting and squiggly lines and Typescript warnings etc (in Jetbrains) are all helpful because they are contextual. "Hey, this function isn't written right" or "you mapped this array to an invalid return type" let me know exactly what I did wrong so I can fix it.
I don't think random beeps and dings and pewpews would have the same kind of contextual usefulness, and would probably be annoying and take me out of the zone whenever I'm focused and coding.
Of course there are already onscreen solutions for that, such as indicators in the minimap, but it could be more obvious as a sound.
Oh shit something broke over there!
Crap I forgot to built something over here!
Bah I knew I should have tested that!
The deadline is approaching!
that said it sucks to set up that flow when you /sometimes/ are around other people. it's pretty jarring if anyone can hear it, so you just wouldn't do it in a tight-collab area.
Usually though they're SUPER annoying so eventually I weeded them out of my workflow.
Would not recommend using sounds in development.
That's only because you haven't put any effort into sound design. Notification and alert sounds can be horrible like many of the ringtones people choose or they can be pleasant and unobtrusive like certain defaults in various apps. Try browsing some sound effect libraries on various game asset stores, there are many free effects available, and choose something that isn't jarring but is still unique enough to recognize. Avoid sharp beeps and boops or loud melodies, look for ambient sounds like the click of a lock or switch, the swish of paper or fabric, a soft impact sound like dropping a slipper or flip-flop, something you'll notice but won't startle you.
Those breakpoints can also be configured to continue running the app instead of pausing.
It can quickly get out of hands though.
I'm thinking that for up to five events (which covers a lot of ground) this would be pretty sustainable with the pentatonic scale. Any combination of pentatonics is reasonably pleasant, and it would be very easy indeed to hear a permutation in the expected melody. I think this is something I could keep doing without suddenly developing an extreme aversion to it.
It would still be necessary to use headphones to prevent casuals from being exposed, though. It wouldn't be that melodic...
Or if you’re doing something async / interactive / whatever, and don’t want to stop the app, but do want to know when a code block executes.
I wish it had more short & distinctive sounds to choose from though! edit: I think I found this project while working at a previous job, but haven’t used it recently: https://github.com/matthewreagan/Xcode-Breakpoint-Sounds
A friend of mine has a TSR application that plays sounds to simulate as if they had a mechanical keyboard which they use with their laptop. So that's something.
I even wanted to run a sound on the "positive case" ie a loop that is processing a few hundred items, could easily benefict from a subtle sound so you could feel when some request got hold...
Like virtually all hardware does ie your vacuum cleaner has something stuck and is not operating at 100% etc.
(I'm planning doing a "toy" terminal using a gamedev environment just to explore this a bit)
edit: If you use Raycast you can just throw confetti from the command line too for extra dopamine:
One constraint on frequent sound use is you can only really use them in either a solo environment or with headphones without being antisocial; which is probably a contributory reason to it not being a significant presence in modern development.
I suspect it was a more common thing in the beginnings of home computer use (80s onwards) when creating and controlling sound was immediately available from the command line before programming got abstracted away to a secondary level.
I really like the gentle audio feedback with TDD, so I took the sounds from James' bespoke TDD harness and added it to my jest-audio-reporter.
"Building ..." "Cancelled" "Unable to comply, building in progress" "Construction complete" "Cannot deploy here"
"Job's done"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HW1qfrx_Lg8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PoMhMZZjbGg
Terminal bell rings every time I press escape more than once in vim :-)
I’m actually revisiting this project right now! I’m reimplementing it in Rust and also exploring different ways to communicate parser state and other contextual information through sound.
[1] http://marycourtland.github.io/AuralJS/
I think I could find value in adding sound to my dev environment, iff there were a quick and easy way to sample and select from collections of sounds made for this purpose.
As it stands, if I don’t like the sound chosen by the audio accessibility group, I just turn it off because there’s no UI to change it.
[1] http://sonify.psych.gatech.edu/~ben/references/gaver_the_son...
The best example of which being Retaliation - https://github.com/codedance/Retaliation
[1] https://freesound.org/search/?q=Retro+Video+Game+sound+effec...
This is great for my focus. Even if a build or test is only going to take 10s, I'll still change window to my email or chat. The ping brings me back.
I also commonly use a "say" command to just get notified when a long running command is done.
At once point I had a slightly more sophisticated command that would check the output and say completed or failed but it wasn't much more useful.
Easy to tell when you have messed up and re-rendering tons unexpectedly.
[1] https://github.com/kristiandupont/react-geiger
I crafted a oneliner that `tail -f`'d the logs and played a note for each response. I believe there were different notes for different HTTP status codes but it was years ago so the details flee me.
Something like:
I'd then do: or That way I can focus my attention elsewhere while waiting for stuff that'll take anywhere from 20s-2min without losing track of time.Lately I've been experimenting with throwing in notify-send in there too, but find it a bit much to both get sound and visual feedback.
It's a tangent, but the bell character is a left over from how people used to do what you are asking for. Your question just reminded me of that strange conversation and harsh reaction.
Bill Buxton [1] seems to have a good treatment of the subject but i don’t know what’s autoritative
[0] https://tvraman.github.io/emacspeak/manual/Auditory-Icons.ht...
[1] https://www.billbuxton.com/AudioUI06icons.pdf
gcc hello_world.c ; beep -f MICROWAVE_DING_FREQUENCY
gcc hello_world.c 2> /dev/snd
./hello_world xargs -I {} curl -X POST "https://api.openai.com/v1/audio/speech" \ -H "Authorization: Bearer sk-Ajs7aNsa8dJa5dr8jS4xManJ6V9xIjk" \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -d '{"model": "tts-1", "text": {},"voice: "echo"}' > /dev/snd
Sort of related, but I was monkeying around on MonkeyType the other day and turned on the 'pentatonic scale' key sound effect... and it seems to help me be more consistent with my typing? It's quite interesting and rather unexpected. (If anyone knows how I could recreate that sound effect globally, I'd appreciate it!)
Another one is espeak that says "keyboard" when my keyboard get disconnected (usually due to me soldering stuff which then kills my keystroke monitoring keylogger which then I need to manually restart because it runs as root)
On Upwork page a custom extension keeps continuously beeping when new message appears in chat.
At 17:00 espeak says "17:00" to remind me it is time to make a soup.
I do think this is a great idea. I notice that I get super engaged with video games in part because the constant noise meshes well with ADHD, and so I'd love to see a VSCode extension of some sort that can do this.
In Windows, open the Sound control panel page (type Alt-R then enter mmsys.cpl is the easiest way to get there) and on the sounds page there's a list you can scroll to see all the program events you can define sounds for.
I use Visual Studio and play a Homer Simpson "Doh!" clip for build failed and a Fred Flintstone "Yabba dabba doo!" clip for build succeeded.
It might be a brainhack positive reinforcement type thing, like "tests passed! Ding!" but for actual functional use ("File passed linter! Ding!" every few seconds) sounds like overstimulation fodder.
I already get annoyed at my machine when it's trying to correct what I'm writing faster than I can write it incorrectly. Let me get the rough draft out first.
I use TDD, so I’m running the build every few minutes. The build (including tests) only takes half a second, so I can hit save, hear a sound, and continue programming without looking at the output. It’s surprisingly nice.
I work in automation so sending an IM in case something’s wrong (or finished) is not a rare thing. May count as a sound too. I also shoot videos of everything a visual script does for debug (xvfb, ffmpeg).
Xcode at least used to have sounds for “build failed” and “build succeeded”, and IntelliJ gives you notifications for build and test failures when the app isn’t focused.
its 25 years later and the thought of having a single discoverable element on the net scares me.
i would really like an app that can create ambient music with composition: small songs that can overlay with harmony; if my network is running hot the baseline ramps up. if i have emails waiting, little tweets from a treble track that are fleeting but line up with the beat. there's so many ways i could use that soundtrack. plug it into the ide, errors in the buffer, subtle cues.
But when debugging real time software, where instrumenting the code breaks it, I would have the code run an instruction that toggles the speaker state. By the tone it makes, I can infer what's happening.
Configurable to play a sound for any command you set (including not found). I've been using this or similar for many years and find the terminal to feel empty without it.
I actually did set my shell to spawn a background task to play the vine boom whenever I entered an invalid command.
Something like
And it actually improved my command accuracy by a lot. And it was super fun.The only use case I see for them is something running in the background that takes a while and might get interrupted.
But it got extremely annoying within a few days as you could imagine
!say “done”
And turn my speakers up.
I do, however, use colors, and the GUI over CLI, whenever possible.
i.e. `bitbake bsp-vendor-full-image || beep && beep` so I get a sound when things finish, whether it failed or succeeded.
> doSomething && say “Finished!”
`stupidlylongrunningcommand | say 'stupdily long running command complete'` a lot.
Add this to your ~/.zshrc or ~/.bashrc
alias alertme='printf \\a; sleep 0.1; printf \\a; sleep 0.1; printf \\a; sleep 0.1; printf \\a; sleep 0.1; printf \\a'
I add this after longish tasks - eg:
python longtest.py; alertme
seeddb; alertme
I was hoping someone with a more direct source would comment in the thread but a quick Cmd-F doesn’t turn up anything!
(I quit shortly after that.)
Better to have one sound than 5 individual phones alarms.
`some_long_running_script; say "done with the script"`
and it'll say the line when it's done, whether there's an error or whatever. so I know to check.
my spin for the workaround used to be echoing the "bell" symbol (07) in ASCII after the command finishes. but it would not respect the audio device i use while i tried it. definitely a good usecase for ricing your bash/zsh.
That command is a kinda fun. One time I had it read out to the lyrics to "Fitter Happier" using the Fred voice.
If it's infrequent you forget what it's for.
I blare music when I code too, so that takes precedence.
- Airliner cockpits use certain audio signals deliberately and sparingly, to draw attention to important events.
- Some systems naturally (or artificially) emit sound as a side effect of what they do, and this sound, while not signaling anything specific, is part of what allows the operator to build mechanical sympathy for the system.
I think these two are completely different ways to use sound, but I imagine both could be viable.
I was the tech lead on a project at a Big-6 consulting firm, so my friend and I set the team's machines up to point to wave files on the network for basic compilation events. Success, warning, error. And the Windows startup sound.
This allowed me to change any of these sounds at any time, unbeknownst to the team. At some point, I changed the "build failed" sound to my own voice saying "That's crap!" It was amusing to hear this randomly coming out of this cube or that... especially my own, when I had a build fail and said "That's crap" right before my computer said it in the exact same intonation.
Yeah... easily amused in the days of "Compaq Business Audio!"
Stream deck key shows time of next meeting, how long until that is, with background colors changing as it approaches, and how many meetings remain for the day.
For the sound effect portion, at 1 - 2 minutes prior and at the meeting time, a sound effect is played giving me the heads up that a meeting is starting. Also at 1-2 minutes prior to meeting starting, the Sonos speaker in the office announces the meeting subject.
You asked what adlist was blocking assets on a site of yours, and I don't think it's an adlist, but a general rule against loading scripts from other domains. Here's what the log looks like: https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/w7pjcgqn387.png
Something like "./run-long-task.sh; say 'Task is done'" is fine.
An audible alert when an email arrives or a build fails is hell.
> blacklist pcspkr