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Unit tests as documentation (thecoder.cafe)
valenterry 2 minutes ago [-]
Okay, I'll go with it: statically defined types are also documentation!

And the method names are equivalent to the test names. Of course, only if you don't wildly throw around exceptions or return null (without indicating it clearly in the type signature).

bunderbunder 3 hours ago [-]
I share this ideal, but also have to gripe that "descriptive test name" is where this falls apart, every single time.

Getting all your teammates to quit giving all their tests names like "testTheThing" is darn near impossible. It's socially painful to be the one constantly nagging people about names, but it really does take constant nagging to keep the quality high. As soon as the nagging stops, someone invariably starts cutting corners on the test names, and after that everyone who isn't a pedantic weenie about these things will start to follow suit.

Which is honestly the sensible, well-adjusted decision. I'm the pedantic weenie on my team, and even I have to agree that I'd rather my team have a frustrating test suite than frustrating social dynamics.

Personally - and this absolutely echoes the article's last point - I've been increasingly moving toward Donald Knuth's literate style of programming. It helps me organize my thoughts even better than TDD does, and it's earned me far more compliments about the readability of my code than a squeaky-clean test suite ever does. So much so that I'm beginning to hold hope that if you can build enough team mass around working that way it might even develop into a stable equilibrium point as people start to see how it really does make the job more enjoyable.

wubrr 3 hours ago [-]
> It's socially painful to be the one constantly nagging people about names, but it really does take constant nagging to keep the quality high.

What do test names have to do with quality? If you want to use it as some sort of name/key, just have a comment/annotation/parameter that succinctly defines that, along with any other metadata you want to add in readable English. Many testing frameworks support this. There's exactly zero benefit toTryToFitTheTestDescriptionIntoItsName.

6r17 3 hours ago [-]
That's not the point of the article. The code should be readable no exception. The only reason we should be ysing x y z are for coordinates ; i should be left for index_what ; same goes for parameters ; they should also contain what unit they are on (not scale, but scale_float) only exception I see are typed languages ; and even then I'm occasionally asked a detail about some obscure parameter that we set up a year ago. I understand it can sound goofy, but the extra effort is made towards other people working on the project, or future self. There is no way I can remember keys or where I left the meaning of those, and there is no justification to just write it down.

Readability of the code makes a lot of it's quality. A working code that is not maintainable will be refactored. A non working cofe that is maintainable will be fixed.

seadan83 1 hours ago [-]
What kinds of things would you say are best as annotation vs in the test method name? Would you mind giving a few examples?

Also, are you a fan of nesting test classes? Any opinions? Eg:

Class fibrulatatorTest {

  Class highVoltages{

      Void tooMuchWillNoOp() {}
      Void maxVoltage() {}
} }
8note 2 hours ago [-]
It's important to this article because its claiming that the name is coupled functionally to what the code tests -- that the test will fail if the name is wrong.

I don't know if any test tools that work like that though.

tpoacher 3 hours ago [-]
Obviously this is slightly implementation dependent but if your tests are accompanied by programmatic documentation (that is output together with the test), doesn't that eliminate the need for a descriptive test name in the first place?

If anything, in this scenario, I wouldn't even bother printing the test names, and would just give them generated identifier names instead. Otherwise, isn't it a bit like expecting git hashes to be meaningful when there's a commit message right there?

zoover2020 3 hours ago [-]
Have you considered a linter rule for test names? Both Checkstyle and ESLint did great work for our team
yourapostasy 1 hours ago [-]
> ...increasingly moving toward Donald Knuth's literate style of programming.

I've been wishing for a long time that the industry would move towards this, but it is tough to get developers to write more than performative documentation that checks an agile sprint box, much less get product owners to allocate time test the documentation (throw someone unfamiliar with the code to do something small with it armed with only its documentation, like code another few necessary tests and document them, and correct the bumps in the consumption of the documentation). Even tougher to move towards the kind of Knuth'ian TeX'ish-quality and -sophistication documentation, which I consider necessary (though perhaps not sufficient) for taming increasing software complexity.

I hoped the kind of deep technical writing at large scales supported by Adobe Framemaker would make its way into open source alternatives like Scribus, but instead we're stuck with Markdown and Mermaid, which have their place but are painful when maintaining content over a long time, sprawling audience roles, and broad scopes. Unfortunate, since LLM's could support a quite rich technical writing and editing delivery sitting on top of a Framemaker-feature'ish document processing system oriented towards supporting literal programming.

lucianbr 8 hours ago [-]
One - unit tests explain nothing. They show what the output should be for a given input, but not why, or how you get there. I'm surprised by the nonchalant claim that "unit tests explain code". Am I missing something about the meaning of the english word "explain"?

Two - so any input value outside of those in unit tests is undocumented / unspecified behavior? A documentation can contain an explanation in words, like what relation should hold between the inputs and outputs in all cases. Unit tests by their nature can only enumerate a finite number of cases.

This seems like such an obviously not great idea...

atoav 8 hours ago [-]
Not sure about this, but I like it the way it is done in the Rust ecosystem.

In Rust, there are two types of comments. Regular ones (e.g. starting with //) and doc-comments (e.g. starting with ///). The latter will land in in the generated documentation when you run cargo doc.

And now the cool thing: If you have example code in these doc comments, e.g. to explain how a feature of your library can be used, that script will automatically become part of the tests per default. That means you are unlikey to forget to update these examples when your code changes and you can use them as tests at the same time by asserting something at the end (which also communicates the outcome to the reader).

readline_prompt 4 hours ago [-]
Doctests are great aren't they?
TeMPOraL 4 hours ago [-]
IDK, they sound like they overflow the "maximum code" counter and land up straight in the literate programming land. I wonder how far you could go writing your whole program as doctests spliced between commentary.
chrisweekly 7 hours ago [-]
Does your IDE handle syntax-highlighting and intellisense -type enhancements for these unit tests written as doc-comments?
lucianbr 7 hours ago [-]
Yeah, combining unit tests and written docs in various ways seems fine. My reading of the article was that the tests are the only documentation. Maybe that was not the intent but just a bad interpretation on my part.

Though some replies here seem to keep arguing for my interpretation, so it's not just me.

8n4vidtmkvmk 9 minutes ago [-]
Yes, actually. Sometimes the edge cases that aren't covered by unit tests are undefined behavior. I don't recommend doing this frequently but sometimes it's hard to know the best way to handle weird edge cases until you gather more use cases so deliberately not writing a test for such things is a legit strategy IMO. You should probably also add to the method doc comment that invoking with X is not well defined.
monocasa 7 hours ago [-]
Unit tests can explain nothing. But so can paragraphs of prose.

The benefit of explanations in tests is that running them gets you closer to knowing if any of the explanations have bit rotted.

mannykannot 7 hours ago [-]
> The benefit of explanations in tests is...

What you appear to have in mind here is the documentation of a test. Any documentation that correctly explains why it matters that the test should pass will likely tell you something about what the purpose of the unit is, how it is supposed to work, or what preconditions must be satisfied in order for it to work correctly, but the first bullet point in the article seems to be making a much stronger claim than that.

The observation that both tests and documentation may fail to explain their subject sheds no light on the question of whether (or to what extent) tests in themselves can explain the things they test.

tmoertel 2 hours ago [-]
In some cases, unit tests can both test and specify the semantics of the system being tested. My favorite example is the ReadP parsing library for Haskell. The source code ends with a short and automatically testable specification of the semantics of the combinators that make up the library. So, in this example, the tests tell you almost everything you need to know about the library.


tpoacher 2 hours ago [-]
Unit tests are programmatic specification. I'm assuming it is in this manner that the article is referring to them as documentation, rather than as "explanations" per se.

Obviously unit tests cannot enumerate all inputs, but as a form of programmatic specification, neither do they have to.

For the case you mention where a broad relation should hold, this is a special kind of unit test strategy, which is property testing. Though admittedly other aspects of design-by-contract are also better suited here; nobody's claiming that tests are the best or only programmatic documentation strategy.

Finally, there's another kind of unit testing, which is more appropriately called characterisation testing, as per M. Feathers book on legacy code. The difference being, unit tests are for developing a feature and ensuring adherence to a spec, whereas characterisation tests are for exploring the actual behaviour of existing code (which may or may not be behaving according to the intended spec). These are definitely then tests as programmatic documentation.

worldsayshi 7 hours ago [-]
One: Can we test the tests using some somewhat formal specification of the why?

Two: my intuition says that exhaustively specifying the intended input output pairs would only hold marginal utility compared to testing a few well selected input output pairs. It's more like attaching the corners of a sheet to the wall than gluing the whole sheet to the wall. And glue is potentially harder to remove. The sheet is n-dimensional though.

lucianbr 7 hours ago [-]
I really don't understand the "exhaustive specification" thing. How else is software supposed to work but with exhaustive specification? Is the operator + not specified exhaustively? Does your intuition tell you it is enough to give some pairs of numbers and their sums, and no need for some words that explain + computes the algebraic sum of its operands? There are an infinite number of functions of two arguments that pass through a finite number of specified points. Without the words saying what + does, it could literally do anything outside the test cases.

Of course, for + it's relatively easy to intuit what it is supposed to mean. But if I develop a "joe's interpolation operator", you think you'll understand it well enough from 5-10 unit tests, and actually giving you the formula would add nothing? Again I find myself wondering if I'm missing some english knowledge...

Can you imagine understanding the Windows API from nothing but unit tests? I really cannot. No text to explain the concepts of process, memory protection, file system? There is absolutely no way I would get it.

__MatrixMan__ 6 hours ago [-]
The thing about Joe's interpolation operator is that Joe doesn't work here anymore but thousands of users are relying on his work and we need to change it such that as few of them scream as possible.

That's the natural habitat for code, not formally specified, but partially functioning in situ. Often the best you can do is contribute a few more test cases towards a decent spec for existing code because there just isn't time to re-architect the thing.

If you are working with code in an environment where spending time improving the specification can be made a prerequisite of whatever insane thing the stakeholders want today... Hang on to that job. For the rest of us, it's a game of which-hack-is-least-bad.

invaderzirp 10 seconds ago [-]
What's stopping someone from reading the code, studying it deeply, and then writing down what it does? That's what I do, but I see people struggle with it because they just want to get more tickets done.
worldsayshi 4 hours ago [-]
I suspect we're thinking about quite different use cases for our testing code. If the input-output pairs are describing a highly technical relationship I would probably want a more rigorous testing procedure. Possibly proofs.

Most of the tests I write daily is about moving and transforming data in ways that are individually rather trivial, but when features pile up, keeping track of all requirements is hard, so you want regression tests. But you also don't want a bunch of regression tests that are hard to change when you change requirements, which will happen. So you want a decent amount of simple tests for individually simple requirements that make up a complex whole.

m000 2 hours ago [-]
One - Why do you care how you got there? You need to read the code for that. But the tests do explain/document how you can expect the test to work. If the code is unreadable, well that sucks. But you at least have a programmatic (and hopefully annotated) description of how the code is expected to work, so you have a stable base for rewritting it to be more clear.

Two - Ever heard of code coverage? Type systems/type checkers? Also, there's nothing precluding you from using assertions in the test that make any assumed relations explicit before you actually test anything.

danielovichdk 6 hours ago [-]
This is one of those thing that is "by philosophy", and I understand, i think, what you are saying.

I do think that tests should not explain the why, that would be leaking too much detail, but at the same time the why is somewhat the result of the test. A test is a documentation of a regression, not of how code it tests is implemented/why.

The finite number of cases is interesting. You can definitely run single tests with a high number of inputs which of course is still finite but perhaps closer to a possible way of ensuring validity.

lcall 5 hours ago [-]
At least sometimes, it really helps for a test to say WHY it is done that way. I had a case where I needed to change some existing code, and all the unit tests passed but one. The author was unavailable. It was very unclear whether I should change the test. I asked around. I was about to commit the changes to the code and test when someone came back from vacation and helpfully explained. I hope I added a useful comment.
__MatrixMan__ 7 hours ago [-]
Often, tests are parameterized over lists of cases such that you can document the general case near the code and document the specific cases near each parameter. I've even seen test frameworks that consume an excel spreadsheet provided by product so that the test results are literally a function of the requirements.

Would we prefer better docs than some comments sprinkled in strategic places in test files? Yes. Is having them with the tests maybe the best we can do for a certain level of effort? Maybe.

If the alternative is an entirely standalone repository of docs which will probably not be up to date, I'll take the comments near the tests. (Although I don't think this approach lends itself to unit tests.)

Etherlord87 5 hours ago [-]

> returns a sum of reciprocals of inputs

Unit Test:

    assert_eq(foo(2, 5), 1/2 + 1/5)
    assert_eq(foo(4, 7), 1/4 + 1/7)
    assert_eq(foo(10, 100, 10000), 0.1101)
Akranazon 3 hours ago [-]
youainti 10 minutes ago [-]
Something I've been thinking of is that unit tests may now become useful as examples to be input into LLMs. If each function has a couple of tests with appropriate documentation, that may be useful as RAG input.
simonw 8 hours ago [-]
A trick I use a lot these days is to take the unit tests from an under-documented library, dump them into an LLM and ask it to write me detailed usage documentation.

This works REALLY well. I've even occasionally done some of my own reviewing and editing of those docs and submitted them back to the project. Here's an example: https://github.com/pydantic/jiter/pull/143 - Claude transcript here: https://gist.github.com/simonw/264d487db1a18f8585c2ca0c68e50...

7 hours ago [-]
benrutter 7 hours ago [-]
I've heard "tests are documentation" a lot, and even said it without thinkibg much myself. It sounds good, and I definitely like the idea of it, but I'm not sure it's true. Here's my thinking:

- I've never tried to understand a code base by looking at the tlunit tests first. They often require more in depth understanding (due to things like monkeypatching) than just reading the code. I haven't seen anyone else attempt this either.

- Good documentation is good as far as it aids understanding. This might be a side effect of tests, but I don't think it's their goal. A good test will catch breaks in behaviour, I'd never trade completeness for readability in tests, in docs it's the reverse.

So I think maybe, unit tests are just tests? They can be part of your documentation, but calling them documentation in and of themselves I think is maybe just a category error?

latchkey 6 hours ago [-]
Nobody is mentioning this. Tests are for change over time, they are not just for testing the output is the same.

When you have a codebase sitting around rotting for years and you need to go back and refactor things to add a feature or change the behavior, how do you know you aren't breaking some dependent code down the line?

What happens when you upgrade a 3rd party dependency, how do you know it isn't breaking your code? The javascript ecosystem is rife with this. You can't upgrade anything years later or you have to start over again.

Tests are especially important when you've quit your company and someone else is stuck maintaining your code. The only way they can be sure to have all your ingrained knowledge is to have some sort of reliable way of knowing when things break.

Tests are for preventing the next developer from cursing you under their breath.

jaredcwhite 7 hours ago [-]
I very much disagree with this.

Good code can be documentation, both in the way it's written and structured and obviously in the form of comments.

Good tests simply verify what the author of the test believes the behavior of what is being tested should be. That's it. It's not documentation, it rarely "explains" anything, and any time someone eschews actually writing documentation in the form of good code hygiene and actual docs in favor of just writing tests causes the codebase to suffer.

RangerScience 4 hours ago [-]
I disagree in a very specific and limited way: good tests show you how to use the code, which can be as simple as just “here’s some typical parameters for this function.”

In more complex situations, good tests also show you the environmental set up - for example, all the various odd database records the code needs or expects.

It’s not everything you’d want out of a doc, but it’s a chunk of it.

bluefirebrand 2 hours ago [-]
> good tests show you how to use the code

If you can't find examples of how to use the code in the code then why does the code even exist?

hombre_fatal 2 hours ago [-]
I like how they couldn't be bothered to show examples of this ideal unit test code they think is just as good as documentation, just like people who can't be bothered to write docs.

In reality, except for the most trivial projects or vigilant test writers, tests are too complicated to act as a stand in for docs.

They are usually abstract in an effort to DRY things up such that you don't even get to see all the API in one place.

I'd rather keep tests optimized for testing rather than nerfing them to be readable to end users.

lihaoyi 6 minutes ago [-]
I make heavy use of this idea in many of my open source projects. I've tried a variety of approaches:

* ScalaSql, where the reference docs (e.g. https://github.com/com-lihaoyi/scalasql/blob/main/docs/refer...) are generated by running unit tests (e.g. https://github.com/com-lihaoyi/scalasql/blob/53cbad77f7253f3...)

* uPickle, where the documentation site (https://com-lihaoyi.github.io/upickle/#GettingStarted) is generated by the document-generator which has syntax to scrape (https://github.com/com-lihaoyi/upickle/blob/004ed7e17271635d...) the unit tests without running them (https://github.com/com-lihaoyi/upickle/blob/main/upickle/tes...)

* OS-Lib, where the documentation examples (e.g. https://github.com/com-lihaoyi/os-lib?tab=readme-ov-file#osr...) are largely manually copy-pasted from the unit tests (e.g. https://github.com/com-lihaoyi/os-lib/blob/9e7efc36355103d71...) into the readme.md/adoc

It's a good idea overall to share unit tests and documentation, but there is a lot of subtlety around how it must be done. Unit tests and documentation have many conflicting requirements, e.g.

* Unit tests prefer thoroughness to catch unintuitive edge cases whereas documentation prefers highlighting of key examples and allowing the reader to intuitively interpolate

* Unit tests examples prefer DRY conciseness whereas documentation examples prefer self-contained-ness

* Unit tests are targeted at codebase internal developers (i.e. experts) whereas documentation is often targeted at external users (i.e. non-experts)

These conflicting requirements mean that "just read the unit tests" is a poor substitute for documentation. But there is a lot of overlap, so it is still worth sharing snippets between unit tests and examples. It just needs to be done carefully and with thought given handling the two sets of conflicting requirements

tln 8 hours ago [-]
Extracting unit tests from your docs: great!

Somehow extracting your docs from unit tests: might be ok!

Pointing people at unit tests instead of writing docs: not even remotely ok.

Is that really what this guy is advocating??

bluefirebrand 8 hours ago [-]
> Pointing people at unit tests instead of writing docs: not even remotely ok.

Couldn't agree more

I'm trying to integrate with a team at work that is doing this, and I'm finding it impossible to get a full picture of what their service can do.

I've brought it up with my boss, their boss, nothing happens

And then the person writing the service is angry that everyone is asking him questions about it all the time. "Just go read the tests! You'll see what it does if you read the tests!"

Incredibly frustrating to deal with when my questions are about the business rules for the service, not the functionality of the service

alphanumeric0 5 hours ago [-]
The code, tests and comments convey what actual business rules are implemented.

While documentation is someone's non-precise natural language expression of what (to the best of their imperfect human capacity) expected the code to implement at the time of writing.

bluefirebrand 5 hours ago [-]
Yes, it is absolutely more valuable to know what the code "should" be doing than to know what the code is doing

Otherwise there is no way to know what is expected behavior or just a mistake built into it by accident

1 hours ago [-]
teivah 8 hours ago [-]
No, not replacing documentation is a way to enrich documentation. That being said, that should have been clearer; I will update it.

Thanks, "This guy"

rglover 8 hours ago [-]
Just write the docs. A simple template:

- What is it?

- What does it do?

- Why does it do that?

- What is the API?

- What does it return?

- What are some examples of proper, real world usage (that don't involve foo/bar but instead, real world inputs/outputs I'd likely see)?

MathMonkeyMan 8 hours ago [-]
I was going to say that unit tests have the benefit of breaking when the truth changes.

But then I realized that a lot of what makes a set of tests good documentation is comments, and those rot, maybe worse than dedicated documentation.

Keeping documentation up to date is a hard problem that I haven't yet seen solved in my career.

rglover 8 hours ago [-]
The only fix for that is discipline. You can't automate away quality. The best people/teams understand that and make good docs a feature requirement, not an afterthought.

My favorite example is Stripe. They've never skimped on docs and you can tell they've made it a core competency requirement for their team.

hitchdev 7 hours ago [-]
I dont think it is about discipline. Discipline is required if you're duplicating tedious work, not for creativity.

At its core, a good test will take an example and do something with it to demonstrate an outcome.

That's exactly what how to docs do - often with the exact same examples.

Logically, they should be the same thing.

You just need a (non turing complete) language that is dual use - it generates docs and runs tests.

For example:




MathMonkeyMan 7 hours ago [-]
I wonder if there's some conservation law for "concerted mental effort." As if by spending time and energy on the often exasperating task of keeping documentation relevant, you reduce the time and energy required to comprehend the system.

You're right, it is a matter of culture and discipline. It's much harder to maintain a consistent and legible theory of a software component than it is to wing it with your 1-2 other teammates. Naming things is hard, especially when the names and their meanings eventually change.

starkparker 2 hours ago [-]
Not that this solves the hard problem, but there's a simonw post for that: https://simonwillison.net/2018/Jul/28/documentation-unit-tes...

Including screenshots, which a lot of tech writing teams raise as a maintenance burden: https://simonwillison.net/2022/Oct/14/automating-screenshots...

Then there are tools like Doc Detective to inline tests in the docs, making them dependent on each other; if documented steps stop working, the test derived from them fails: https://doc-detective.com/

sbuttgereit 7 hours ago [-]
Elixir's documentation (ExDoc) & unit testing framework (ExUnit) doesn't solve this problem but provides a facility to ease it a bit.

In the documentation, you can include code examples that, if written a certain way, not only looks good when rendered but can also be tested for their form and documented outputs as well. While this doesn't help with the descriptive text of documentation, at least it can flag you when the documented examples are no longer valid... which can in turn capture your attention enough to check out the descriptive elements of that same area of documentation.

This isn't to say these documentation tests are intended to replace regular unit tests: these documentation tests are really just testing what is easily testable to validate the documentation, the code examples.

Something can be better than nothing and I think that's true here.

Ygg2 7 hours ago [-]
> Keeping documentation up to date is a hard problem that I haven't yet seen solved in my career.

Rust doctests. They unite documentation and unit test. Basically documentation that's never so out of sync its assert fail.

alphanumeric0 5 hours ago [-]
- What is it? - What does it do? - Why does it do that?

This could all easily fit in the top-level comments of a main() function or the help text of a CLI app.

- What is the API?

This could be gleaned from the code, either by reading it or by generating automatic documentation from it.

- What does it return?

This is commonly documented in function code.

- What are some examples of proper, real world usage (that don't involve foo/bar but instead, real world inputs/outputs I'd likely see)?

This is typically in comments or help text if it's a CLI app.

croes 8 hours ago [-]
Why is a hard question.

And what should be obvious or it’s still too complex.

rglover 8 hours ago [-]
If why is hard it may not need to exist. For example:

"This function exists to generate PDFs for reports and customer documents."

"This endpoint exists to provide a means for pre-flight authorization of requests to other endpoints."

croes 7 hours ago [-]
Isn’t that the same as the what?
1980phipsi 1 hours ago [-]
D has documented unit tests.


Nice when combined with CI since you’ll know if you accidentally break your examples.

PaulHoule 9 hours ago [-]
Actually every example in the documentation should be backed by a unit test, as in the example is transcluded from the unit test into the docs. Since you often want to show examples that don’t compile in docs you also should be able to write tests for compile errors.
red2awn 8 hours ago [-]
Better yet, use doc test as featured in Python [1] or Rust [2]. This makes sure your documentation examples are always up-to-date and runnable.

[1]: https://docs.python.org/3/library/doctest.html

[2]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/rustdoc/write-documentation/docume...

danjl 8 hours ago [-]
Why just unit tests? Integration tests seem much more valuable as documentation of what the users will do in the app. Unit tests have limited benefits overall, and add a bunch of support time, slowing down development. If you have good (90%+) coverage just from integration tests, you are likely doing 90%+ coverage of the unit tests at the same time, without the extra effort or support burden. You can use the same reasoning to describe the benefits for understanding the code, you get a clear understanding of the important usage cases, plus you get the unit-level "documentation" for free.
avensec 7 hours ago [-]
Your point is valid, and some of the dialog in the replies to your comment is also valid. So, I'm just responding to the root of the dialog. What architectures are you working with that suggest higher integration test strategies?

I'd suggest that the balance between Unit Test(s) and Integration Test(s) is a trade-off and depends on the architecture/shape of the System Under Test.

Example: I agree with your assertion that I can get "90%+ coverage" of Units at an integration test layer. However, the underlying system would suggest if I would guide my teams to follow this pattern. In my current stack, the number of faulty service boundaries means that, while an integration test will provide good coverage, the overhead of debugging the root cause of an integration failure creates a significant burden. So, I recommend more unit testing, as the failing behaviors can be identified directly.

And, if I were working at a company with better underlying architecture and service boundaries, I'd be pointing them toward a higher rate of integration testing.

So, re: Kent Dodds "we write tests for confidence and understanding." What layer we write tests at for confidence and understanding really depends on the underlying architectures.

evil-olive 7 hours ago [-]
unit vs integration tests is not an either/or. you need both, and in appropriate coverage amounts.

a common way to think about this is called the "test pyramid" - unit tests at the base, supporting integration tests that are farther up the pyramid. [0]

roughly speaking, the X-axis of the pyramid is number of test cases, the Y-axis is number of dependencies / things that can cause a test to fail.

as you travel up the Y-axis, you get more "lifelike" in your testing...but you also generally increase the time & complexity it takes to find the root-cause of a test failure.

many times I've had to troubleshoot a failure in an integration test that is trying to test subsystem A, and it turns out the failure was caused by unrelated flakiness in subsystem B. it's good to find that flakiness...but it's also important to be able to push that testing "down the pyramid" and add a unit test of subsystem B to prevent the flakiness from reoccurring, and to point directly at the problem if it does.

> Unit tests have limited benefits overall, and add a bunch of support time, slowing down development

unit tests, _when done poorly_, have limited benefits, require additional maintenance, and slow down development.

integration tests can also have limited benefits, require additional maintenance, and slow down development time, _when done poorly_.

testing in general, _when done well_, increases development velocity and improves product quality in a way that completely justifies the maintenance burden of the additional code.

0: https://martinfowler.com/articles/practical-test-pyramid.htm...

smrtinsert 8 hours ago [-]
If you look for edge cases in integration tests, you will have a combinatorial explosion of integration tests and you will be adding much more work. Unit tests save time, not lose it.

I make this part of my filtering potential companies to work with now. I can't believe how often people avoid doing unit tests.

danjl 8 hours ago [-]
That's funny, since I wouldn't code at a place that mandates unit tests. Sure, they have a very minor role, in very specific cases, but I'd say 90% of projects can get 90% of the benefits by writing only integration tests with 90% coverage. If you'd like a more in-depth discussion of why integration testing is better: https://kentcdodds.com/blog/write-tests
theLiminator 8 hours ago [-]
I think unit testing if you're testing in a blackbox manner. Whitebox unit testing tends to be very fragile and nowhere near as valuable as an integration test.
ssalka 2 hours ago [-]
I forget where I heard this, but early in my career someone described unit tests to me as "a contract between you and your code." Which seems largely true – when I write a test, I'm saying "this is how a given function should behave, and that contract should hold true over time." If my future self wants the code to behave differently, so be it, but the contract needs to be amended so that the new code changes are also in agreement with it.

Conversely, if you fail to write a unit test, there is no contract, and the code can freely diverge over time from what you think it ought to be doing.

janalsncm 4 hours ago [-]
Code and tests tell you what. They don’t tell you why. And if there’s a bug not covered in the tests, neither code nor tests can help you figure that out.
eschneider 8 hours ago [-]
Unit tests are a _kind_ of documentation, but are rarely a complete solution to "documenting code". In general, the folks who don't do adequate code documentation are the same folks who don't do adequate unit tests. :/
meindnoch 8 hours ago [-]
Is this "article" written by a LLM?

"Tomorrow, you will receive your weekly recap on unit tests."

Please, no.

teivah 8 hours ago [-]
As the post's author, no, it's not written by an LLM.

The Coder Cafe is a daily newsletter for coders; we go over different topics from Monday to Thursday, and on Friday, there's a recap ;)

exabrial 2 hours ago [-]
If you want to see how to do this right, go look at the CDI specification for Java.

Every statement in the spec has a corresponding unit test, and it’s unbelievably incredible. Hats of to everyone that worked on this.

hannasm 2 hours ago [-]
I like the idea of this article but I would say that it's actually integration tests that are documentation.

When learning a new codebase, and I'm looking for an example of how to use feature X I would look in the tests first or shortly after a web search.

It seems to me like the second half of this article also undermines the main idea and goal of using unit tests in this way though.

  > Descriptive test name, Atomic, Keep tests simple, Keep tests independent
A unit test that is good at documenting the system needs to be comprehensive, clear and in many cases filled with complexity that a unit test would ignore or hide.

A test with a bunch of mocks, helpers, overrides and assumptions does not help anyone understand things like how to use feature X or the correct way to solve a problem with the software.

There are merits to both kinds of tests in their time and place but good integration tests are really the best ones for documenting and learning.

zahlman 8 hours ago [-]
This isn't at all a new idea, but it's the first time I've seen it presented with this textbook AI style.
teivah 8 hours ago [-]
Is there something problematic you think about the style? It's a genuine question.

I wrote a book, and when I created my newsletter, I wanted to have a shift in terms of style because, on the Internet, people don't have time. You can't write a post the same way you write a book. So, I'm following some principles taken here and there. But happy to hear if you have some feedback about the style itself :)

kubectl_h 7 hours ago [-]
I am starting to notice more and more unit tests in my org are written by AI -- I'm guessing usually after the implementation. I know this because I have, guiltily, done it and can tell when someone else has done it as well. I don't think anything can be done about this technically so it probably needs to be something discussed socially within the team.
_thisdot 7 hours ago [-]
What is wrong with this? Tests involve a lot of hardcoding and mocking. I see this as an excellent use case for AI.
JonChesterfield 7 hours ago [-]
Generating tests that match the implementation doesn't tell you the implementation is doing the right thing. If it isn't, changing the implementation will break the tests, which in the best case wastes time and in the worst means the bugfix is abandoned.

I deeply hate "regression tests" that turn red when the implementation changes, so you regenerate the tests to match the new implementation and maybe glance at the diff, but the diff is thousands of lines long so really it's not telling you anything other than "something changed".

tqi 3 hours ago [-]
Without further documentation (beyond a descriptive test name), I fear that unit tests inevitably become a kind of Chesterton's Fence...
danielovichdk 6 hours ago [-]
Unit tests is documentation of assertions. Hence it documents the result of how the code results to specification.

It's of course not documentation in the sense of a manual to the detail of code it exercises, but it definitely helps if tests are proper crafted.

Attummm 8 hours ago [-]
Unit tests as documentation have proven their worth over the years.

For example this recent feature was added through unit test as documentation.


byyll 3 hours ago [-]
Write your unit tests all you want but they are not documentation.
kbbgl87 8 hours ago [-]
I believe that doctest is the best of both worlds, https://docs.python.org/3/library/doctest.html
mihaigalos 8 hours ago [-]
In TDD, u-tests are called "spec". Pretty much sums it up.
lucianbr 7 hours ago [-]
So again, any inputs outside of those exemplified in unit tests are unspecified behaviour? How would this work for mathematical operators for example?
viraptor 7 hours ago [-]
A part of this lives in the spec name, and a part in the assumption that the Devs are not psychos. As in, if you test that sum(a,b) returns a sum of your numbers, the name/description of the test says so. And the second part means that it should hold for all numbers and the exceptions would be tested explicitly - nobody added "if a=5 & b=3 return 'foobar'" to it.
samatman 1 hours ago [-]
Induction is a valid form of inference.
advisedwang 7 hours ago [-]
spec and documentation are things different though?
worik 8 hours ago [-]
Unit tests are valuable

But they are also pricy

I am interested in how people prevent unit tests becoming a maintenance burden over time.

I have seen so many projects with legacy failing tests. Any proposal to invest time and money cleaning them up dies on the alter of investing limited resources in developing features that make money

timeon 6 hours ago [-]
"// The Coder Cafe"

if it had "///" it could have test in docs: https://doc.rust-lang.org/stable/book/ch14-02-publishing-to-...

eesmith 7 hours ago [-]
I did not agree with most of the advice. Here are some examples:

> Unit tests explain [expected] code behavior

Unit tests rarely evaluate performance, so can't explain why something is O(n) vs O(n^2), or if it was supposed to be one or the other.

And of course the unit tests might not cover the full range of behaviors.

> Unit tests are always in sync with the code

Until you find out that someone introduced a branch in the code, eg, for performance purposes (classic refactor step), and forgot to do coverage tests to ensure the unit tests exercised both branches.

> Unit tests cover edge cases

Note the True Scotsman fallacy there? 'Good unit tests should also cover these cases' means that if it didn't cover those cases, it wasn't good.

I've seen many unit tests which didn't cover all of the edge cases. My favorite example is a Java program which turned something like "filename.txt" into "filename_1.txt", where the "_1" was a sequence number to make it unique, and ".txt" was required.

Turns out, it accepted a user-defined filename from a web form, which could include a NUL character. "\x00.txt" put it in an infinite loop due to it's incorrect error handling of "", which is how the Java string got interpreted as a filename.

> Descriptive test name

With some test systems, like Python's unittest, you have both the test name and the docstring. The latter can be more descriptive. The former might be less descriptive, but easier to type or select.

> Keep tests simple

That should be 'Keep tests understandable'. Also, 'too many' doesn't contribute information as by definition it's beyond the point of being reasonable.

Etheryte 8 hours ago [-]
This is functionally not different from saying your code is your documentation. If it builds, then it's valid, etc. In other words, nonsense. Code, tests and documentation each serve a useful purpose and crucially they each serve a purpose that's distinct from the other ones, but supports them. Code is there to do the thing, tests are there to make sure the thing is done correctly, documentation is for other humans to understand what the thing is and how it's done.
wubrr 7 hours ago [-]
Code as documentation is not nonsense at all. I do think high quality documentation should exist on it's own, but cleanly written and organized, well-commented code that is easy to read and understand is extremely valuable for many reasons. It IS a huge part of the documentation for the technical people that have to maintain the code and/or use it in advanced/specialized ways.
Etheryte 6 hours ago [-]
Yes, except this is not what people talk about when they say code is the documentation. What's meant in that context is no documentation and only code, with the idea that you can always read the code if you need to figure something out. Which, of course, is nonsense.
wubrr 5 hours ago [-]
Nah, that's your own (incorrect) interpretation, the first result of googling 'code as documentation' [0], starts off with:

> Almost immediately I feel the need to rebut a common misunderstanding. Such a principle is not saying that code is the only documentation.

[0] https://martinfowler.com/bliki/CodeAsDocumentation.html

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