This is cool, but rather than a clock, I'd rather use a tachometer, and use the inverse of the ping time as the "performance measure", with 0 rpm being 0 hz of ping (no pings returning), and redline being, say, 1000hz, indicating 1ms pings.
0x457 31 days ago [-]
I have a voltage meter panel that I wanted to use for CPU usage indication on a front panel.
kqr 33 days ago [-]
I have a small indicator next to my clock on my status bar which indicates ICMP echo RTT to a reliable host, and it's actually somewhat convenient to have at a glance.
However, this analogue dial design really gives the RTT more of a visceral feel. I like it!
boneitis 33 days ago [-]
Anything you'd be willing to share about what you have set up? I would like to have realtime network monitors and ping/jitter indicators at all times, and the couple things i had recently set up are all gone now before i could add any notes to my backups before my ssd died just yesterday.
I'm really perplexed that not more people demand these types of things in their status huds. I get connection skips all the time.
jweather 32 days ago [-]
For those of a Windows persuasion, PingoMeter is indispensable: Ping one host periodically, display RTT in a bar graph in the system tray with optional alerts. You'll never have to type "ping" again.
CableNinja 33 days ago [-]
Its not nearly a simple desktop widget like the ones mentioned here, but the right answer is a monitoring solution.
Personally, im a huge fan of zabbix, because of its flexibility and ease of use (been poking with it for 20 years so maybe im biased). I have it running for my homelab, which includes a remote server. I have a whole page of network stats, including graphs for data from `mtr`. Id rather have a dashboard to go look at than something that is always in my face, but thats because i dislike taking screenspace for things im not working on.
luckman212 32 days ago [-]
For macOS, you might check out Pingr. It puts a nice looking flame graph in your menubar showing realtime latency.
Unfortunately it's not open source, but I've not suffered any ill-effects yet.
kqr 33 days ago [-]
Oh, you will be very disappointed. This is the script:
result=$(ping -n -c 1 -W 1 | perl -lne '/icmp_seq=1.*time=([0-9.]+) ms/ and print $1;')
if [ -z "$result" ]; then
echo "I: -- ms"
echo "I: $result ms"
It runs as a shell script in my XMobar every second.
Sorry to hear about your storage dying on you.
boneitis 32 days ago [-]
> Oh, you will be very disappointed.
Fat chance; you are my MVP today. Thank you and everyone else for chiming in!
yardshop 33 days ago [-]
I love this! The hardware and the presentation are very nicely done.
To do a similar job though, I run NirSoft PingInfoView which allows you to put in a list of hosts and shows an ongoing display of who is responding or not and all kinds of stats about the connection. (Windows only)
Really cool. Might be useful to put in the background of your zoom call, though mostly for the conversation.
I especially like the "hour" hand that shows the worst ping and slowly decays to more recent ping values. I should look into this for a dial-based esp32 thing I am working on.
netsharc 32 days ago [-]
The hour hand functionality doesn't seem to be described in the readme, from watching the video I thought it's the average over some time period, and yours is a different guess.
Document your UI, folks!
Oh it uses "outermost" and "innermost" instead of "minute" and "hour" hands:
> the outermost hand will update once each second with the latest ping value, while the innermost hand tracks the recent maximum pings, making an intermittent connection easy to see.
pjsg 33 days ago [-]
There are easier solutions that involve fewer parts. In particular there is the VID27-05 ( which is a dual stepper motor, driven off 5 volts which is designed for (car?) instrument clusters. They come with the builtin endstop and are dirt cheap. As I recall, you can drive these directly from the pins of an ESP8266 (and, I guess, the ESP32).
You need to add a second clock in your cameras background which quickly spins so that when your video freezes for others, they can see you've disconnected and you're not stoically ignoring them
commandersaki 33 days ago [-]
Nice, but I find the long hand movement a bit too busy for my liking.
flerchin 33 days ago [-]
I really like it. A fun merging of analog with web
ferguu_ 33 days ago [-]
This is seriously cool!
foldl2022 33 days ago [-]
Is one ESP32 enough?
0x457 31 days ago [-]
I don't see why it needs two. Should be plenty of RAM left, unless I underestimate how much esp-idf and co consumes.
brokensegue 33 days ago [-]
I'd buy this
reportgunner 32 days ago [-]
That's a dial not a clock.
bastloing 33 days ago [-]
Nice! Now I've got a use for my spare esp32
Rendered at 04:28:48 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time) with Vercel.
However, this analogue dial design really gives the RTT more of a visceral feel. I like it!
I'm really perplexed that not more people demand these types of things in their status huds. I get connection skips all the time.
Personally, im a huge fan of zabbix, because of its flexibility and ease of use (been poking with it for 20 years so maybe im biased). I have it running for my homelab, which includes a remote server. I have a whole page of network stats, including graphs for data from `mtr`. Id rather have a dashboard to go look at than something that is always in my face, but thats because i dislike taking screenspace for things im not working on.
Unfortunately it's not open source, but I've not suffered any ill-effects yet.
Sorry to hear about your storage dying on you.
Fat chance; you are my MVP today. Thank you and everyone else for chiming in!
To do a similar job though, I run NirSoft PingInfoView which allows you to put in a list of hosts and shows an ongoing display of who is responding or not and all kinds of stats about the connection. (Windows only)
I especially like the "hour" hand that shows the worst ping and slowly decays to more recent ping values. I should look into this for a dial-based esp32 thing I am working on.
Document your UI, folks!
Oh it uses "outermost" and "innermost" instead of "minute" and "hour" hands:
> the outermost hand will update once each second with the latest ping value, while the innermost hand tracks the recent maximum pings, making an intermittent connection easy to see.
This is the driver for the Lua Nodemcu for the ESP8266: