Given the lack of interest in the industry “self” regulating, and/or taking responsibility of, the content; what other option is there. It seems there’s little interest globally.
With my direct and indirect experiences of social media; I strongly support this.
That said; how does a young individual get updates to public transport outages that are only available via twitter/x, or read the menu of the local cafe that is only posted on Facebook?
I do worry about the implementation, especially if government owned. The government has, in the past, said one thing and executed another. (DNS metadata collection for ISP’s, for example) Whilst I have nothing to hide, and am happy to be entirely transparent with them; I can appreciate, respect, and understand the hesitation.
And, if government owned; how long until it’s “privatised”.
Will be interesting to see how this plays out.
quitit 57 days ago [-]
There is zero willingness by Meta and others to even follow through on their own guidelines or government requirements. I think it's time a hard decision was made about the harms spread by these networks.
I am definitely not alone in submitting a report about a fake profile only for the system to nearly automatically deny it. Even when the real person being impersonated is literally sitting next to me asking me to help them submit the report. Even illegal drug dealers operate in the open on Meta properties with no recourse whatsoever.
The process of eliminating a huge swath of fake and harmful content could be implemented trivially, we have so many ways of muting or limiting the spread of information which is unvetted, dubious origin, has outlier qualities and so on - yet nothing of the type is engaged by these networks to obvious harmful consequences.
gU9x3u8XmQNG 56 days ago [-]
Thanks for your reply.
On a similar note; a family member was being exposed to intense and violent content over Facebook. There was no block, ignore, or report feature on the content exposed. The only option we could find, after researching it; was a “show less of this content” setting buried deep in the Facebook web app (not even available on the standalone app).
Honestly; if the account owner has little option to manage the content they are exposed to.. ugh!
quitit 56 days ago [-]
Your experience brings about an excellent point (and something that is coming up in discussion frequently with the proposed under-16 social media ban in Australia - a ban that is being supported by all sides of their government.)
That point is that even the user making positive attempts to moderate their experience on the platform is futile and in my experience largely ignored. (I actually have the experience that it then shows me more of that content.)
Social media platforms are keenly aware that anger and fear drive significantly more engagement and whistleblowers have detailed how Facebook prioritises this content, shovelling it to users specifically to drive usage (and with that ad value and ad impressions).(1)(2)(3)(4)
There is a deep commercial incentive for social media networks to act against their own "community guidelines" and legislation. I applaud Australia's direction for recognising that these networks are not acting in good faith and introducing measures that address the proven harms.(5)
I have successfully and completely moderated my facebook usage, in the same manner as I do with any site that doesn't respect my wishes.
I simply don't use it.
I didn't need any government "assistance".
quitit 51 days ago [-]
You don’t need to have a Facebook profile to be impersonated on Facebook.
brokenmachine 50 days ago [-]
That's actually a good point.
Personally I would like them to regulate what kind of info the algorithms are allowed to use to profile people. No super-focused targeting.
mcdeltat 57 days ago [-]
> Given the lack of interest in the industry “self” regulating, and/or taking responsibility of, the content; what other option is there
This is surely an important point. People often make the argument of individual freedom. But at the same time, evidently we are excellent at using those freedoms to screw ourselves over. Globally, we've been speedrunning fucking up society in critical areas for decades now. Could the solution be less freedom? Is there some hidden hook whereby more freedom can solve everything?
PittleyDunkin 56 days ago [-]
> Globally, we've been speedrunning fucking up society in critical areas for decades now.
Social media has also been enormously beneficial in terms of crippling the propaganda power of centralized, commercial media. It would be very bad to simply return to the authority of editorial boards. What we actually need is to grapple with the social responsibility that comes with this power, which could take decades or even centuries of living with the internet to wrangle.
Especially now that we know how little of the world traditional newsrooms are even willing to cover, let alone fund coverage of.
Besides, the cat is out of the bag.
gU9x3u8XmQNG 56 days ago [-]
Not sure I agree with this entirely, especially the points on media. And I don’t think it’s been beneficial at all.
I’d argue the problem here is more so quality, and can really only be solved with regulation. I want to read news, not a blog and opinion.
There should be clear and concise standards media outlets need to adhere to, but as per my suggestion in regards to social media; will not self regulate.
Additionally; there is no accountability and responsibility.
I would argue that the only benefit that has been made is making this more apparent and obvious.. and hopefully for the better.
PittleyDunkin 56 days ago [-]
> There should be clear and concise standards media outlets need to adhere to
Yea that's be great but it's never going to happen, and if it did happen you wouldn't like it. It's like people wanting unbiased journalism: that only exists in the minds of the people who think there are only two serious opinions to have on any topic.
partomniscient 56 days ago [-]
It does happen - sometimes get we unbiased journalism. Just not from 'professional' journalists.
In response to an article posted in the global news thread on reddit, someone who lives there and actually has local knowledge and context can click 'reply' and explain what's actually going on and contradict/correct what the clickbaity sensationalist mass media article contains.
For example, I live here, the government is passing trying to pass said law that they can't control the implementation of. It's also seen by some as a surveillance state move under the guise of "won't someone think of the children". Under the proposed rules, theoretically people < 16 won't even be allowed to text one another.
More in depth/informative article from a local source, not Reuters:
That link seems like the opposite of unbiased journalism, and also the title quotes someone as having called it a ‘deeply flawed plan’ but upon closer inspection, seems to be quoting the opinion of the author themself!.
partomniscient 54 days ago [-]
At a fundamental aspect, that's what journalism is though - some individual noticing something and writing down what they percieved, its always biased. To think otherwise is ludicrous.
The linked article is way more informative and in depth compared to the link in the original HN post.
ImPostingOnHN 54 days ago [-]
The linked post seems to spend all its time advocating for one position without taking even a moment, much less equal time, to even explain the other position.
partomniscient 54 days ago [-]
WTF is people's obsession with the 'other position'. Sometimes there is no other position. It's just people complaining that someones opinion doesn't align with theirs.
An apple tree has 2 apples on it. It's a fact. There is no 'other position'. So sick of narrow-minded idiots/bigots. The article I linked to has way more factual information than the Reuters one.
The government is trying to legislate something it can't control. The whole situation is stupid.
ImPostingOnHN 54 days ago [-]
These are also facts:
- The post in question is about legislation which has opinions on at least 2 sides: for it or against it.
- The post in question openly advocated for 1 of the sides while effectively ignoring the others. It's not more informative, it's just someone announcing a lot of their opinions. Their opinions aren't additional information, and thus are not informative.
- Someone disagreeing with you doesn't make them obsessed or narrow-minded or a bigot.
> The government is trying to legislate something it can't control
This suggests that you consider unbiased journalism to be journalism which agrees with you. That's the outside perspective from someone who, unlike you, doesn't feel one way or the other on the legislation in question (it doesn't affect me).
Neonlicht 56 days ago [-]
Social media could include everything including forums and websites were people can leave a comment.
I know that some people here on HN want to go full Unabomber and live in the woods but I kind of like the internet.
dsvnasd 56 days ago [-]
> Besides, the cat is out of the bag.
That's what I was thinking too.
I am not sure what the value is in severely regulating half a dozen or so companies when work arounds are so easily to implement. Maybe as a stop gap solution while we figure out long term solutions (which the government has a horrible track record on).
But for any long term solution we would first have to define what social media even is, and in a way that's testable in court. Don't run away from the hard things, but wow, that's hard.
mcdeltat 56 days ago [-]
Your point is very valid. I know I would certainly have less awareness of global topics if social media didn't exist (and I don't even use it that much). Social media is definitely contributing to mental health issues too.
Do you think social media is net positive? Or do you think there is an alternative method by which the negative effect can be mitigated?
PittleyDunkin 56 days ago [-]
> Do you think social media is net positive? Or do you think there is an alternative method by which the negative effect can be mitigated?
I think we're stuck with it no matter what so we better develop better ways to deal with its existence regardless.
_Algernon_ 56 days ago [-]
>Social media has also been enormously beneficial in terms of crippling the propaganda power of centralized, commercial media
This is just plain wrong. Social media has moved the propaganda power to foreign hostile nations on a golden platter. That is not an improvement.
PittleyDunkin 56 days ago [-]
> Social media has moved the propaganda power to foreign hostile nations on a golden platter.
I mean it's not like the power of domestic propaganda has waned, it's just in a war for the attention of the ignorant with other interests (most of which aren't foreign powers, by the way, but simply capital). Social media that enabled independent coverage and discussion is still there for the adults in the room and it would be a true loss for any society to sweep the rug out from under the people who care to look beyond the for-profit newsroom (i.e., almost all media that's readily accessible at least to americans).
bigfudge 56 days ago [-]
> Social media that enabled independent coverage and discussion is still there for the adults in the room
I'm not actually sure that's true. The only reliable sources on social media (in the sense of 'usually not horribly wrong') are actually traditional media companies like bbc, guardian. Perhaps I'm holding it wrong, but finding other trustworthy sources is actually really hard...
belorn 55 days ago [-]
If there is one single reliable fact that I wish was repeated more often in this kind of discussions is that news papers and media companies will cater to the demographics of their core audience. Left, right, center, young, old, male, female, city, rural, and so on. Consumers will self select towards publishers which they agree with, and publishers will cater to that which more reliable generates revenue and views.
Meta studies often illustrate this well, but one can also do this on an individual level. Seek up reliable sources which opposing core audience compared to ones own demographic and it becomes obvious how horribly wrong they seem with miss leading statements, omissions, weasel words, emotional labeled meanings, mixed with with straight falsehoods.
The only trustworthy sources are multiple sources, and even then we are likely to fail since we are going to be searching for confirmation of what we already believe to be true. Social media do not usually help here, through Wikipedia seems to be a fairly good starting point (especially the talk pages are good to see where different reliable sources disagrees the most).
alxlaz 56 days ago [-]
This is especially untrue today, when reaching a wide, relevant audience requires significant resources, including financial -- either outright paying for sponsored places at the top of people's timelines, or paying for the expertise that delivers the right content to the right people in the right formulation.
There's obviously still room for exceptions (especially in small niches, where individual content creators can still make a dent) but this isn't 2006 anymore. The vast majority of the content that covers social, political or economic issues on social media platforms is paid for and pushed by directly interested parties (political parties, companies etc.) with ample funding and is often part of campaigns that span both social media and traditional media. The "indie" outlook is part of the packaging.
The terms of the "paid by" disclaimers are sufficiently generous that they're all but useless once you get past things like goodie bags for influencers or regulated campaign ads.
PittleyDunkin 56 days ago [-]
> Perhaps I'm holding it wrong, but finding other trustworthy sources is actually really hard...
Yes, it is hard, but there's no such thing as easy trust, and you should always be questioning whether such trust is actually earned or just comforting.
I don't think the "bbc" or "the guardian" are very trustworthy, either (at least by themselves)—both have obvious polemics and blind spots. They also only cover a very narrow, western-centric view of the world, leaving you with piss-poor understanding of world politics. I'm not saying you should ignore them but they're still propaganda.
Substack is invaluable; blogs are invaluable; twitter, as miserable as it is, is invaluable (for direct access to reporters sans newsrooms, if nothing else).
EraYaN 56 days ago [-]
They are not propaganda in the classic sense since that requires intent and a goal.
PittleyDunkin 56 days ago [-]
Sorry, why do you believe these entities have no intent nor goals? That's a very odd assumption to make.
As always, I highly recommend Manufacturing Consent, which well illustrates how to examine financial interests to determine the above. Propaganda does not require conspiracy nor explicit instructions on what messages to convey; it only requires a class of people produced from the same environment, aiming to reproduce that same environment.
blitzar 55 days ago [-]
> illustrates how to examine financial interests to determine the above
On this basis we have to exclude all "citizen jounalists" as unreliable click bait at best or just plain manufactured news.
doodaddy 56 days ago [-]
There is some truth to this crippling power and I don’t doubt that there are examples of it. But social media has been the vector for massive amounts of propaganda. Sorry to say I’d rather just have the commercialized editorial boards. At least that’s a single problem that can be reigned in. Instead we have the worst of both worlds - commercialized media plus a million-headed hydra spewing falsehoods and nonsense.
PittleyDunkin 56 days ago [-]
> At least that’s a single problem that can be reigned in.
I don't understand what you're referring to. How do you recommend reigning in a newsroom? Especially one beholden to owners and advertisers with interests directly opposed to those of readers? How do you as a consumer opt out of the financial barriers to quality reporting? The only answer is the peer to peer nature of social media and the internet.
Perhaps what you're missing is that traditional media has zero incentive to highlight the positives of direct communication between disparate populations, creating farcically-negative hysteria about the dangers of worldviews not beholden to giant interests (yes, including domestic and foreign state powers, but also individual entities with massive capital to throw around).
broken-kebab 56 days ago [-]
>Sorry to say I’d rather just have the commercialized editorial boards
Not me. Having a solid experience living in some far-from-democracy countries, I can state with all certainty that social platforms opened at least a crack to alternative opinions for a lot of people. Yes, they are full of propaganda, but I think they still provide more pluralistic picture compared to the world where old media ruled supreme. The real problem with those platforms is not "misinformation" (which will be everywhere anyway), buy addictiveness, and the fact they incentivize aggressive tribalism
johnisgood 56 days ago [-]
History should have taught us that the answer is no, the solution is not less freedom.
It does make me want to watch the movie Equilibrium though.
latentsea 56 days ago [-]
>That said; how does a young individual get updates to public transport outages that are only available via twitter/x, or read the menu of the local cafe that is only posted on Facebook?
If such regulations come in to effect, I think those business / institutions will adapt (eventually) to cater to communicating via additional channels.
whiplash451 56 days ago [-]
> how does a young individual get updates to public transport outages that are only available via twitter/x, or read the menu of the local cafe that is only posted on Facebook?
Solutions will appear naturally to fill the gaps. This is not rocket science.
RadiozRadioz 56 days ago [-]
And indeed, solutions have already appeared: RSS
JKCalhoun 56 days ago [-]
Agree. Like, local cafe, don't do that.
NeutralCrane 56 days ago [-]
> That said; how does a young individual get updates to public transport outages that are only available via twitter/x, or read the menu of the local cafe that is only posted on Facebook?
Probably in a similar way to how they did prior to 2010
CJefferson 56 days ago [-]
Those methods have gone. My local bus stop timetable is just a QR code now.
Baljhin 47 days ago [-]
Those methods have improved, in some places. Some (should be all) bus stops in our area have realtime info displays of schedules, weather, news - and of course, Ads.
whiplash451 56 days ago [-]
> I do worry about the implementation
The government does not own the implementation.
As mentioned in another comment, simply making this illegal would create a significant incentive for soc media companies to implement the solution.
The onus is on them to respect the law.
They've been slapped in the face in EU court enough now that they'd think about it seriously.
account42 56 days ago [-]
> That said; how does a young individual get updates to public transport outages that are only available via twitter/x, or read the menu of the local cafe that is only posted on Facebook?
I have never needed either of these so maybe those kids will manage too?
And especially in the public transport case that information should really be made available outside of private platforms in any case.
thrw42A8N 55 days ago [-]
I need these multiple times every day, so maybe not. And this information simply isn't available elsewhere, regardless of what we think about it - in many cases it's not official but crowd sourced in a FB group, it's not a matter of simply publishing news articles on a different site.
y1426i 56 days ago [-]
I don't think this is a practical solution. And it does not solve the underlying issue, which is the attention economy.
Here's a better solution option that is easier to implement; even adults can benefit, and I think it solves some of the problems:
1. Have an easy option to turn off feeds and enforce for non-adults. This would apply not just to meta, twitter, but also to Youtube, LinkedIn, etc.
2. Disable like display. The like counts are what hooks people and gives the dopamine kick. Add the ability to hide it and not show for under 18 easily.
3. Social and news sites should not be allowed to send notifications, period. Not on phones or browsers, at least not for those under 18.
Something along these lines would improve social media for everyone, not just kids. Parents' mental health affects kids the same. So blocking it just for kids only goes so far.
gU9x3u8XmQNG 56 days ago [-]
Thanks for your reply.
I think you have valid points, but as noted; the industry has no interest in any form of regulation or responsibility.
I don’t see any alternative.
Nasrudith 54 days ago [-]
Ah "taking responsibility for content", that classic weasel phrase for "Do what I specifically want or else." While disregarding the sheer difficulty of moderation at scale. They want a return to a "broadcast" information model and just refuse to admit it.
56 days ago [-]
exe34 56 days ago [-]
The law could force a "for kids" version like youtube, and businesses would automatically start there unless they were unsuitable.
NeutralCrane 56 days ago [-]
I think Kids YouTube is a great example of how Kids social media is as bad or worse than just normal social media.
exe34 56 days ago [-]
in what ways? I'm not familiar with the details myself, other than you can't comment.
immibis 57 days ago [-]
"The spying industry isn't spying on people enough, so the government has no choice but to force them to spy harder"
BiteCode_dev 57 days ago [-]
As usual, the problem with this is that it assumes a way to perfectly identify somebody on the internet, which in turns mean a way to perfectly identify, in real time, somebody carrying permanently a tracking device with GPS, microphone and camera.
It's crazy that all the things we considered the worst of dystopia in the 80's, thinking nobody would be stupid enough to do, and that those societies in SF books were only distant fictions, are things we are actively seeking now.
Things like "Find my" and "air tags" are already beloved my millions, people use it to track loved ones and they swear by it. Even very intelligent, educated people.
There is such a cognitive dissonance between people swearing the last election meant a likely dictatorship and the same people setting up a tech rope around their necks in case a dictatorship does happen.
My now-dead Jewish grandfather met my grandmother during the French occupation because she was making fake papers. He would be horrified if he knew what we are doing right now with our data.
My German ex was born in East Germany, 11 years before the fall of the Berlin Wall. She thinks people are mad to believe that tracking is not going to be abused.
What the hell is going on?
dredmorbius 57 days ago [-]
SocMed / AdTech cos. can already ID and target users with precision. Knowing someone's pregnant before their family does, per the canonical example from 2012.[1]
Impose an insanely steep tax (say, 10,000%) on all ads revenue tied to underage individuals.
Now it's possible to pursue the Al Capone prosecution: tax fraud.
SocMed cos. will avoid anyone underage like the plauge.
Given my experience with ads today is that they frequently get my gender, language, nationality, and country of residence wrong (and in mutually incompatible ways), I suspect that the famous pregnancy story was dumb luck rather than a reflection of quality.
But yes, the Al Capone solution seems like it would work.
xuki 57 days ago [-]
They don’t have to be right all the time, just enough to make ROI positive.
HappMacDonald 55 days ago [-]
For their own needs, yes. For the purposes of satisfying the goals of government regulations, no.
dotancohen 55 days ago [-]
I don't mind them having a positive ROI. I do mind them spying on me and my children, even if they draw incorrect conclusions about what ads interest us.
mulmen 56 days ago [-]
I realize this is the prevailing wisdom but it is short sighted and simplistic because it ignores opportunity cost.
dredmorbius 55 days ago [-]
Could you expand on that?
mulmen 44 days ago [-]
Simply being positive does not mean it is ideal. Accepting the first approach that delivers a positive result could mean you miss out on other even better opportunities.
56 days ago [-]
dredmorbius 57 days ago [-]
More on mechanism (and why specific mechanisms should not be legislated) here:
Rather than tax, I would just like to see data on how many Ads kids are being shown in a day. And whether its increasing year on year.
dredmorbius 54 days ago [-]
¿Por que no los dos?
graemep 57 days ago [-]
> SocMed / AdTech cos. can already ID and target users with precision.
Not reliably so, and not people who are deliberately trying to fake the system.
Looking at the ads FB are showing me, they are not well targetted at all. I can see an add about AI in education that seems to be aimed at teachers (not a teacher), one from a charity aimed at people with spare rooms that could be used to accommodate human trafficking survivors (I do not have a spare room), a summer school for kids who might do a history related subject at university (that one is well targetted), one advertising admin jobs at British intelligence agencies (I only just meet security requirements and I do not have relevant experience). I get shown multiple ads aimed at Muslims (I am not a Muslim). In the past I have been shown ads for Judaism GCSE courses (not Jewish either, and my kids did not do any religion GCSEs).
richrichardsson 56 days ago [-]
As a counter to this: advertisers not knowing how to use the targeting options available to them != the platform can't target well.
Saying that though, it does seem like as soon as I click one advert (either out of curiosity, or to waste obvious scam advertisers budget), I'm suddenly inundated with similar adverts.
Worse I've clicked an ad, bought a product and still seen adverts for the same product from the vendor after the fact. I'm pretty sure there are ways for vendors to preclude such wasteful ad spend.
TeMPOraL 56 days ago [-]
> As a counter to this: advertisers not knowing how to use the targeting options available to them != the platform can't target well.
Also, it's not like the platform is going to give advertisers access to its full capabilities. For one, they don't need to - they only need to sell the minimum it takes to keep the advertisers on board. Two, they wouldn't want some clever advertisers to extract juicy data indirectly and cut out the middleman.
richrichardsson 55 days ago [-]
> some clever advertisers to extract juicy data indirectly and cut out the middleman
What am I missing here? Don't you still need the platform to actually advertise on? How could I extract data and use that to advertise to someone?
high_na_euv 56 days ago [-]
Better capabilities for customers, they reach more customers, more revenue = they may increase ad spending because they see it working
TeMPOraL 56 days ago [-]
Yes, but you want to minimize the "better" part so you get the extra revenue without losing your competitive advantage.
exe34 56 days ago [-]
it's also helpful to extract all the value at the current cost before incurring more costs.
alistairSH 56 days ago [-]
And yet Netflix, Amazon, etc recommend movies and shows I’ve watched in the last 6 months. They literally know who I am and what I’ve watched and can’t/won’t build a basic recommendation engine that includes “don’t recommend things watched in the last X months”.
Maybe there’s a reason they want me to rewatch things, but I find it extremely annoying to have the first rows of recommendations be things I watched recently.
Marsymars 56 days ago [-]
This might make sense given the priors. e.g. someone who's hasn't watched Star Wars in the past 6 months might be less likely to watch and enjoy Star Wars than someone who's already watched Star Wars in the past 6 months.
dredmorbius 56 days ago [-]
That is all but certainly more a sign of enshittification than of technical inability to implement that function.
56 days ago [-]
whiplash451 56 days ago [-]
> As usual, the problem with this is that it assumes a way to perfectly identify somebody on the internet
It does not require this, and in fact the solution may be almost entirely outside of the technology realm.
Simply making it illegal would be enough to:
1. Deter a lot of people from enabling social media on the smartphone of their kids
2. Enable a lot of parents to tell their kids that what they are doing is illegal
3. Force BigTech to implement whatever solution fits best to control the age of the user before install. The onus to respect the law is on them.
xnorswap 56 days ago [-]
Exactly, if cigarettes were currently available at any age, and it was proposed to be limited to 18+, you'd get people in here decrying the law, saying it's completely unworkable to prevent absolutely every under age person ever from consuming tobacco, and therefore we shouldn't limit it at all.
It's a very technical misunderstanding of how law works, or the effects law have on society. Legality isn't technicality. Something being physically possible doesn't "break" the law, and breaking a law doesn't render that law useless.
everforward 56 days ago [-]
> Something being physically possible doesn't "break" the law, and breaking a law doesn't render that law useless.
No, but the ease of breaking the law does need to be weighed against the costs it imposes on everyone else. Carrying a driver's license is almost a non-cost, and is really only necessary til people hit 28 or so and cashiers largely stop checking.
Needing to verify age online could place very real costs on people. Enabling surveillance is an issue. The chilling effect of knowing that database leaks are going to tie your real identity to your online one is an issue (think the Ashley Madison leaks, but for your old angsty teenager Reddit account). There are a lot of small groups who don't want their membership revealed, like LGBT people in countries with laws against it, domestic abuse victims, support groups for people with trauma, etc, etc.
I don't think I've seen a system that doesn't involve those issues. I'm sure one is hypothetically possible, but that never seems to be a goal of these laws.
So the question is whether restricting social media use by age is worth those drawbacks. My personal values say it's not, but I do recognize that's a value call to some degree and views will differ.
xnorswap 56 days ago [-]
Those are very valid but separate concerns.
You can make social media illegal for under 16s without requiring online age validation.
After all, a form of this already exists with the US COPPA [1] law, and the presence of that law hasn't forced age validation on everyone.
If the US can make it de-facto illegal for companies to let under 13s use social media, and has been the case for over 20 years, then it shouldn't be a sudden privacy-ending problem for Australia to make it illegal for under 16s to use social media.
Kids get around COPPA all the time. Everyone in my kid's middle school knows that you have to simply lie about your age when you sign up for an Internet service, because most of them won't let you in if you are stupid enough to say you are under 13, and the services that let you in are nerfed to the point of uselessness.
Furthermore, now I have to navigate the morality of encouraging my own kid to lie, just so she can use an online service that I approve of as a parent. Terrible law.
sekai 56 days ago [-]
Apples to oranges.
Piracy would be a good comparison to this law. We all know how that turned out.
BiteCode_dev 56 days ago [-]
Or CP.
Also we have to consider that gov spying programs are developed everywhere in the world, and the fact CP has been used as an excuse to pass questionable bills again and again.
What's even crazier is that we have to even argue this is a problem.
And that intelligent people are arguing that this is all OK. People that read history books, saw PRISM and Snowden, heard about cops abusing their system already, etc.
whiplash451 56 days ago [-]
Piracy is also apples to oranges.
There aren’t big tech companies running piracy services.
You could put them under the rule of law if they did.
protocolture 56 days ago [-]
The government in question is literally working through a plan for a national online proof of age thingy in line with this.
When it comes through, theres like 10 other interest groups who want to immediately use it for their thing.
eastbound 56 days ago [-]
> whatever solution fits best to control the age of the user before install. The onus to respect the law is on them.
If it becomes commonplace, the iPhone could vouch for you about your age, without disclosing your identity.
Mindwipe 56 days ago [-]
> If it becomes commonplace, the iPhone could vouch for you about your age, without disclosing your identity.
No, it really couldn't. If it can't disclose your identity, then there's no mechanism to revoke a compromised or cloned identifier, and no ability to demonstrate in court that you performed the necessary diligence correctly.
Age verification systems must, inherently, either produce a secure proof of age with no genuine anonymity, or a chocolate teapot highly insecure proof of age that's no better than a "I am over 18" tickbox that isn't going to protect websites in court from these clumsy laws.
Cpoll 56 days ago [-]
> no better than a "I am over 18" tickbox
Surely even a flag locked behind the "parental controls" section of an iPhone is much better than a tickbox.
LegionMammal978 56 days ago [-]
Eh, companies would probably be permitted to keep using the systems since "it's the industry standard, there's nothing more we could've done", and it would just become another instance of regulatory capture.
See, e.g., the GDPR, which as written has strong language against storing data, but as applied is riddled with 'reasonable' exceptions that have never been tested in court. It's like Schrödinger's regulation, it's both incredibly restrictive and trivial to comply with (unless you're Super Evil™) at the same time, somehow.
dsvnasd 56 days ago [-]
> Simply making it illegal
The problem is, what is "it"? Are applications like WhatsApp and iMessage social media? They seem to be significant sources of teenage angst but they are also incredibly useful tools. What about Hacker News? Is it social media?
How do you prove it?
HappMacDonald 55 days ago [-]
I'm certain social media will be defined as "any media platform where content is both published and consumed by the public".
Which would comfortably cover every method of person to person communication from SMS to the telephone app.
tiew9Vii 57 days ago [-]
> As usual, the problem with this is that it assumes a way to perfectly identify somebody on the internet, which in turns mean a way to perfectly identify, in real time, somebody carrying permanently a tracking device with GPS, microphone and camera.
It's Australia, who often rank very low for a western country on human rights.
While trying to introduce laws to weaken encryption an ex Australia prime minister famously said:
> "The laws of mathematics are very commendable, but the only law that applies in Australia is the law of Australia" Malcolm Turnbull.
What's crazy the west look at places such as China as dystopian with the great firewall etc, it appears China was just ahead of the game.
Australia is probably the easiest place to introduce a system to block social media, a experimentation ground for five eyes. Easy to push things through, protesting isn't an Australian pass time, not that big of a country, not that small of a country.
giancarlostoro 56 days ago [-]
Not that I agreed with the person for doing it, but people got arrested for protesting lockdowns on social media over Facebook. I remember seeing a video of a self-proclaimed pregnant woman being handcuffed. I cant imagine why nobody protests in Australia, assuming this is the normal government response.
Baljhin 47 days ago [-]
Source? Or at least give us some related example.
boffinAudio 57 days ago [-]
Australia has been a petri dish for the testing of totalitarian-authoritarian policies and populist dogma since its inception as a nation.
Never forget that the Western worlds first, most successful racist genocide occurred in Australia, and the same racist reasoning that allowed it to maintain White Australia policies into the 80's are still being used to justify the slaughter of innocent human beings all over the world.
When the USA wants something dirty done, in yet another illegal war, Australia is ready with hat in hand, willful and subservient, to commit yet more crimes against humanity and get away with it.
Australia is where the apparatus designed, with intent, to massively violate the human rights of over a billion human beings currently operates, at insane scales, every second of the day. Australians are fine with it.
(Disclaimer: White Stolen Generation Australian.)
immibis 57 days ago [-]
Isn't it Israel where they test the technology (on Palestinians)?
boffinAudio 57 days ago [-]
5-eyes and then 9-eyes and then 12-eyes say "whaaaa?"
I think the kinetic testing is done all over the middle east. The mind-control stuff is pretty successfully deployed down under, though.
aa-jv 56 days ago [-]
>(Disclaimer: White Stolen Generation Australian.)
For those who are reading this thread in disbelief at the magnitude of Australia's dark history, this is a compelling read:
> Never forgetten that the Western worlds first, most successful racist genocide occurred in Australia
oh dear, have we forgotten about The Holocaust so soon?
Or are we just going to let slide mis-information on true historical events that don't need lying to relay the injustice, and support justice?
Btw we are not going to accept that you mistyped, Again.
worthless-trash 56 days ago [-]
There is no sane discussion to be had around the "stolen generation" (I don't believe it was white, they were black) due to the mass misinformation that exists, the situation is muddy and complex where the facts simply don't meet reality.
boffinAudio 56 days ago [-]
>mass misinformation
The White Stolen Generation is a real thing. If you don't know about it, you're not qualified to dismiss it:
(EDIT: please look at the URL, which includes the anchor directly to the section on the "White Stolen Generation" - for some reason when following the URL through HN, the jump to the anchor for that section is not followed, giving the impression that there is no "White Stolen Generation" section on the given website, when .. indeed .. there is.)
Those who don't want to confront this painful aspect of Australia's terrible history tend to want to muddy the waters, but those of us who actually suffered under the forced human trafficking regime that was official Australian government policy see things a lot more clearly...
worthless-trash 56 days ago [-]
Really, the white one ? You are saying white children were stolen, just so we're clear on that. Sounds like you're not qualified to talk on it.
mrbombastic 56 days ago [-]
Given that they linked to an article about Aboriginal children being abducted I think it is safe to assume this was an unfortunate typo
boffinAudio 56 days ago [-]
>an unfortunate typo
No, it was not an unfortunate typo. You have merely not bothered to take anything more than a superficial glance at the details.
Please, before you rush to be right about something you know nothing about, try a simple google search, at least - especially for such a subject where some of us were victimized by our own governments.
The link given goes directly to the section on the White Stolen Generation:
Did you know that in Australia there is another stolen generation, one which shares the pain and consequences? It's called the "white stolen generation" to distinguish it from the Aboriginal stolen generation.
In the five decades up to 1982, the newborn babies of young, single women were forcibly removed from them for adoption, a practice sometimes called 'baby farming'. Mothers were drugged, tethered to beds, not allowed to see their babies, told they were dead. [54] Many of these adoptions occurred after the mothers were sent away by their families due to the stigma associated with being pregnant and unmarried.
More than 250,000 white mothers lost their babies to forcible removal at birth by these past illegal adoption practices. Groups such as Adoption Loss Adult Support and Apology Alliance offer help and support.
Between 2010 and 2012 apologies were offered by Western Australia, South Australia, ACT, New South Wales, Victoria and Tasmania. Prime Minister Julia Gillard offered a national apology to those affected by forced adoptions in 2013.
In fact, an "apology" was given by the Australian government, but as we can see, it was not enough.
General public awareness of the subject, as you have demonstrated, is terrible. And, yet again, Australia gets away with it as a result.
mrbombastic 56 days ago [-]
Apologies, when I open the link it takes me to the top of the page on mobile which says “A guide to Australia's Stolen Generations
Read why Aboriginal children were stolen from their families, where they were taken and what happened to them.”
I don’t have a dog in this fight and know very little about this piece of history, so I am bowing out. I did think it was legitimately a typo
worthless-trash 56 days ago [-]
Yep, that ones on me, I had too many tabs open and didnt investigate fully on what I was reading.
boffinAudio 56 days ago [-]
Your superficial dismissal of this situation is highly offensive. Please inform yourself.
Yes, white children were stolen and officially trafficked by their governments, as official policy. From around the Commonwealth, in fact.
And some of us are still suffering.
>Sounds like you're not qualified to talk on it.
What part of "(Disclaimer: White Stolen Generation Australian.)" didn't you understand?
worthless-trash 47 days ago [-]
I like how you post twice. Such passion.
defrost 47 days ago [-]
Many people in Australia know people that were affected by such policies .. but wait, there's even another third "stolen generation" in Australia aside from the Aboriginal kids (whom I know a number of) and the single mother kids (of whom I know a number of) .. the post WWII UK orphan kids sent to Australia for their health a better life.
That didn't turn out well thanks to kiddy fiddling "Christian Brothers" at multiple institutes across Australia who worked their way through literal boatloads of children.
Clontarf Boys Town, Castledare, Bindoon, and several other sites in this state alone were the subject of a massive nation wide Royal Commission into child abuse.
No, the tracking is irrelevant. The important point is to establish a shared cultural norm.
In the US, children under 13 are usually forbidden from having online accounts. Do some kids lie? For sure, but the sites will try to ban those accounts.
In practice, this legislation would be very positive because it would establish the expectation that young teens _are not on social media_. This only works if it's national legislation: No kid will feel left out because his/her friends are on SnapGramTok. They are all banned. They can be mad at the unfair government/adults together.
scotty79 57 days ago [-]
Is GitHub social media? How about stack overflow?
What is social media exactly?
This would need to be ban on specific blocklisted companies and services which might be a good thing because alternatives might arise that could try to do their best to not end up on the blocklist.
CJefferson 57 days ago [-]
The government, and big tech companies, don’t need air tags or “find me” to track almost everyone, they have a mobile phone constantly chatting with local towers.
I don’t understand what is dystopian about knowing where I left my keys, and seeing how my wife’s commute home is doing without phoning her while she is driving, assuming we always both have mobile phones.
verisimi 57 days ago [-]
As you immerse yourself in technology, you hand over privacy, signals to act, and the framing of reality to an adversarial third party. It is an adversarial relationship as corporations and governments are not interested in your well being (if they appear to this is merely the 'candy' to draw you in) - they are interested in divesting you from your resources (time, money). If they are able to intermediate reality for us, the very means to experience a natural/unmanipulated mode of existence will be no longer be available.
CJefferson 56 days ago [-]
What does any of that have to do with having “find my” enabled for my wife, as opposed to just owning an iPhone or android phone, which at this point almost all adults have, and give all their location data to billion dollar multinational corporations?
verisimi 55 days ago [-]
I think the difference is between cheering on the loss of privacy and recognising the loss.
The loss of privacy was something that was totally foreseeable (by me, at least) but embraced by the general population. The general embrace has meant that we all operate within a panopticon-like system - this itself modifies behaviour. No alternative choices are available - as a collective all have to 'follow the herd', with phones etc being essential to modern existence, despite the privacy reservations felt by many.
I'm taking the opportunity to express the idea that it is possible to find appeal in this or that tech feature and to lose sight of the broader ramifications. Each incremental change can be justified (no batteries makes my phone slimmer, 'finding my' is useful, its good to know my blood pressure, etc) but to imagine that the rollout of these features is a natural unfolding of reality without preordained end goal (technocratic governance) is naive.
Technocratic governance is not a goal that anyone would accept if it was proposed in a straightforward way - hence the duplicity, incrementalism, destruction of existing institutions, etc.
The dystopian bit is the corporation having this data, not you. And having this data for all users. Pretty much everyone has a mobile phone.
hilbert42 56 days ago [-]
"The dystopian bit is the corporation having this data."
I find data collection and tracking disconcerting not because I'm doing anything nefarious, unlawful or something I'm ashamed of—my life is pretty boring and uninteresting—but because it has the effect of reducing one's autonomy. If one knows one's data is monitored and one is being tracked then one acts differently. For some, they'll make minor changes in behavior, for others a lot. Even for those who've no idea about others tracking or collecting data about them there's the broader issue of how society ought to be conducted. That's a very big issue I can't address here.
Of course, the authoritarians amongst us would argue that monitoring is good thing as people won't be tempted to misbehave, commit crimes and such. I'd answer that by saying those who've nefarious intent will find ways of circumventing the surveillance so the net effect on society is negative as the 'innocent' are the onrs who are targeted without a good or just reason.
Right, pretty much everyone has a mobile phone. What has truly surprised me is how many people are prepared to trade data and being surveiled for convenience. I often wonder if they make such conscious decisions knowing the full implications of that surveillance. I suspect most do not.
Having a mobile phone it's inevitable I will be tracked by multiple entities from government to Google. My response is governed by how much I am prepared to trade privacy and autonomy for convenience and I reckon that's a large amount. Not having Google account and killing and or removing all Google services goes some considerable way but I'm under no illusion that Big Tech is still tracking me. That said, the info colllected wouldn't hold much value.
fsflover 55 days ago [-]
> Having a mobile phone it's inevitable I will be tracked by multiple entities from government to Google
Not, it's not. You could use a GNU/Linux phone with hardware kill switches for modem and WiFi/Bluetooth: Librem 5. This is what I do.
hilbert42 55 days ago [-]
Right, I'm aware of that. In fact my phones are tighter than I mentioned. First, I've a number of phones, the one for calls is a feature/flip phone sans internet access. The others are internet-only smartphones and they're with a different ISP (I've multiple smartphones because I'm always mucking with the O/Ses and I must have at least one working). They're rooted and run either LineageOS or their native Android stripped of manufacturer bloatware and all Google stuff. Even then they always run with a firewall enabled, and the active apps are mostly from F-droid.
WiFi is set to only reconnect manually and mobile data is off until needed. There's lots of other protections too such as no Chrome browser and JS is turned off by default on the browsers (I've three different browsers set for different jobs, none keep cookies between sessions). With ad protection and JS off I never see ads. I've no social media accounts, HN is pretty much it—and you can hardly call it social media. YouTube is viewed through NewPipe and so on.
That's pretty tight. But it's easy for me because I've no need of social media and such. Right, my ISP can track me but I'm not in the drug trade or espionage so that's pretty irrelevant.
I've a box of older phones and GNU/Linux is a pending project for them. I'm watching Librem and I'll likely go that way eventually.
What I really want on my phones are manual click-type (air gap) off switches to switch the phone off in a split second, same with WiFi. Unfortunately, I've been spoiled forever. My ancient Nokia had a battery with a quick release button on the back. If say I was in a meeting and wanted to kill the phone quickly I could reach into my pocket and push the button and slide the battery abount 1cm which disconnected it—the phone was off in a fraction of a second, none of this nonsense waiting for the phone to shut down.
I miss that feature with a passion and I want it back.
ilkke 57 days ago [-]
Isn't this the point they were trying to make? The corporations already have that data, it comes with the platform.
The bit where you can use some of it for own purposes is not really the offending part.
afro88 57 days ago [-]
It's offending because it's complicit with the dystopian mass surveillance. Encouraging of it even. "I can find my keys when I lose them, so it's fine that a single corporation knows where billions of people are and what they are doing"
throw_pm23 57 days ago [-]
No, I think you having the data is also creepy. I wouldn't want my wife to follow all my steps, and neither would she.
JKCalhoun 57 days ago [-]
Our family (my daughters, wife) has had Find My paired on our phones since, well 2010 when it was introduced. We like it.
I remember watching my sister and her husband calling each other frequently with, "How far are you away from home?" and just kind of scratched my head. (I think I have sinced talked them into enabling Find My.)
When my wife or I want to call a daughter we can see immediately if they are at work or at home... things like that are nice. There's also an indescribable sweetness to just looking longingly in on a daughter who is far away and wondering how her day is going. Empty nest blues? (Or maybe Miner at the Dial-A-View.)
dagw 57 days ago [-]
and just kind of scratched my head
Can you at least conceive that some people might find it deeply creepy that someone can follow their every step, and equally creepy to be able to 'spy' on another person 24/7?
giancarlostoro 56 days ago [-]
Sure but those of us who have this sort of tracking for our loved ones enabled arent looking at that 24/7, and if you are referring to the corporations, well they already were. At least now they have made it useful to everyday people.
throw_pm23 56 days ago [-]
I find the corporations doing it less creepy than my loved ones. To be clear, I think both are bad, but for different reasons.
giancarlostoro 56 days ago [-]
If you don't trust someone with your location, you don't have to give it to them. Personally I find the corporations angle more creepy. You cannot personally vet the people they hire, but you know who you give access to your address to. Outside of family, only one friend ever drops me his location information temporarily because he drives his truck and he uses it to give me a heads up when he's near him in town, in case we can hang out. I mostly ignore it though unless he tells me how close he is.
JKCalhoun 57 days ago [-]
I can imagine it. (And in this case I think my sister and her husband simply hadn't yet adapted to the new technology they had at their disposal.)
CJefferson 56 days ago [-]
Yes, and they can choose not to do that. If they don’t want companies doing it, they better not have a turned on android or iPhone device with them.
But I don’t think it’s a distopian nightmare that I want it.
brokenmachine 52 days ago [-]
If your daughter or wife decided that she didn't want to be tracked by you any more, would you happily accept her wishes, or would you assume that she had "something to hide"?
57 days ago [-]
throw_pm23 57 days ago [-]
Watching your wife's commute also makes me uneasy. Maybe she wants to get you a surprise birthday present or something. Anyway, I wouldn't want to track someone like that (including children) or be tracked like that.
EDIT: toned down the term I used.
56 days ago [-]
seunosewa 56 days ago [-]
It's for safety.
johnisgood 56 days ago [-]
Of our women and children!
Way to rationalize stalking away.
They do the same in Chris Hansen's show. They are there only to check upon the safety of the minor.
EraYaN 56 days ago [-]
I mean Apple even added a native feature to iMessage with full on tracking, exactly because of safety. Sure someone needs to send it manually but the whole point of Check-in (tracking someones progress home) is safety. Just too many shady blokes out on the street at night.
johnisgood 49 days ago [-]
I understand. My girlfriend lives in LA, lot of shady people out in the streets during the daytime, too.
I do not see how following her every step would help her though.
We are usually in a call whenever she is outside, but I feel like even this is futile were anything bad to happen.
BiteCode_dev 56 days ago [-]
"He already has pneumonia, adding lung cancer doesn't matter"
dmwilcox 57 days ago [-]
It seems like we don't need a technical solution for this and making one would be dystopian as you point out.
Why not just (a) make it illegal so the parents and tech companies see it that way and (b) put some fines on the responsible adult parties if violations are found?
Sure enforcement would be spotty and loose, but tickets for parents and fines for tech companies would go a long way to establish the cultural change without the need for "verification"
Mindwipe 56 days ago [-]
> Sure enforcement would be spotty and loose, but tickets for parents and fines for tech companies would go a long way to establish the cultural change without the need for "verification"
A company can't work like that - the tech company will need to do it's upmost to avoid the fines, and so will implement verification that is both unsafe, incredibly invasive, discriminatory but crucially has an audit trail, and it's insane to suggest they would do anything else.
djtango 57 days ago [-]
Yeah - exactly.
If companies are motivated and parents are motivated to prevent it and schools have the cover to also police it, then social media usage probably won't hit critical mass for kids and they won't feel FOMO to get it.
"it's illegal" is usually a decent enough hard stop to most kids for "why can't I have it"
Should just age-restrict smartphones altogether imo lol. Entire generations survived without mobile phones and it would remove entire issues around addictive mobile games, social media abuse, attention/focus issues
johnisgood 56 days ago [-]
I would not know English nor how to code were it for age-restricted access to computers.
Baljhin 47 days ago [-]
Yes you would: you'ld learn <pick-a-language> just like people have for centuries - in school,
and you'ld learn how to code just like millions have for decades - in school or library computer rooms, or with an age-restricted computer that your family would provide.
victorbjorklund 56 days ago [-]
what prison time should a 15 year old get if they sign up to Instagram claiming to be 16?
Mordisquitos 56 days ago [-]
Similar prison time to the one that a 17 year-old faces for buying alcohol by claiming to be 18.
EraYaN 56 days ago [-]
If you put the parent in jail for 6 months and fine the company 1 million per user account, they for sure will start thinking real hard about fixing the problem.
itishappy 56 days ago [-]
How about a small fine and a short ban? Similar to driving underage.
clown_strike 56 days ago [-]
1 year of community service.
rgbswan 57 days ago [-]
not enough good/grand/noble characters in software engineering, management, leadership and so on.
nature-nurture x game-theory anxiety/thrill VS. consciousness & planetary/colony-wide awareness; and I'm not talking about some esoteric spirituality or whatever the fuck.
we are always in a natural balance, established by those who do and those who don't. all of us compartmentalise. and good/noble/grand people in law are rare and entirely absent in politics.
TV & the radio made a lot of destructive behaviours look cool (all that finboy shit) and so did feel-good literature like Siddharta.
and then there's the myth of "hard decisions" that can only be made by certain kinds of characters.
young ppl are easy to bend towards hierarchies that reward certain kinds of behaviour and convictions. makes em feel proud.
and in the end we are all just doin our job ^^
GoblinSlayer 57 days ago [-]
They surf on smartphones anyway, so it's enough to identify the device itself. Luckily the devices are already authenticated and identified, for your safety.
taylorius 57 days ago [-]
They figured out that if they get a load of hot girls, and cool goofy guys to entice people, and don't mention the spying part - it works a lot better than a bunch of government goons in badly fitting suits telling you to betray your friends and neighbours, or else.
jancsika 56 days ago [-]
Sounds like you are advocating for a much different law: one that bans (or at least makes prohibitively expensive) the kind of data mining/tracking that social media companies currently rely on for their business models.
Am I correct in this assumption?
sourcepluck 56 days ago [-]
It really is almost hilariously formulaic. I mean, it'd be hilarious if it didn't have such disastrous consequences.
The slide to dystopia which is described or implied by countless fictional books is, in fact, really easy to pull off. It's death by a thousand socially convenient compromises.
I remember when a significant portion of people thought carrying phones around was creepy, or that spending your life looking at screens was antisocial, and these things were actively proclaimed. Contrary to popularly repeated historical revisionist tropes, lots of people had to be cajoled and prodded and pressured into the "digital revolution". Surely others remember that?
And now we're at a stage now where if you don't have something like whatsapp or facebook or instagram or whatever, depending on the culture and the age group, there's a real chance that you'll be socially confronted, and even belittled in some circumstances.
lm28469 57 days ago [-]
> It's crazy that all the things we considered the worst of dystopia in the 80's, thinking nobody would be stupid enough to do, and that those societies in SF books were only distant fictions, are things we are actively seeking now
8 years old doom scrolling tiktok is a dystopia we are experiencing right now, pick your flavor
Nasrudith 54 days ago [-]
Goddamn, dystopia as a word has reached a new level of dilution.
tacocataco 56 days ago [-]
I pick social media being regulated into becoming healthy for everyone so it doesn't have to be banned for teenagers.
Etheryte 57 days ago [-]
I agree with everything you said. Leaving the morale and ideology aside for a moment though and looking at the technical side, couldn't this, at least in theory, also be implemented in a way that's not so dystopian? Everyone has a SIM card, whether physical or digital, and also a cell plan. If you make carriers mark all underage customers and then have the SIM forward that boolean value to the phone and nothing more, could you in theory still implement something like this without any further breach of privacy? Of course, as with any system there's workarounds, but as a baseline this would work, no?
TeMPOraL 56 days ago [-]
Maybe things have changed since I was a kid, and I'm not up to date as my kids are too young to operate cell phones, but - does anyone actually buys a plan for an underage person? I'd think it's usually an adult parent/caregiver who buys another SIM card under their own name and just gives it to the kid; the carrier shouldn't have a way of knowing which phone/SIM card belongs to an underage person.
Etheryte 56 days ago [-]
Functionally yes, the plan is in the parent's name. But at least where I'm from, you already have plans that are geared at kids, e.g. they have limits on how big their bill can be so they don't blow it up, certain services are turned off for them such as pay-per-minute calls, and so forth. Perhaps to put a different way, the carriers might not have this info right now, but it would be straightforward to implement this limit this way. Any other approach that I can think of would be both more technical work and also a bigger breach of privacy.
michaelt 56 days ago [-]
> couldn't this, at least in theory, also be implemented in a way that's not so dystopian?
It depends on the assumptions you're willing to make.
Imagine if Australia introduces a block that works really well, and preserves privacy, but you can bypass it by using a VPN, or by rooting your phone.
Would that be good enough, because only 1% of kids will figure out those bypasses? Or will the knowledge spread like wildfire until 90% of kids are using VPNs or rooting their phones?
If you assume such bypasses would spread like wildfire, Australia would also need to block all VPNs or make every phone impossible to root. Tough to do that in a way that isn't dystopian.
EraYaN 56 days ago [-]
That is why you always regulate the provider/seller (ie. the social media site) and not the consumption side. We already learned this in the war on drugs, prosecution of consumption has never really worked all that well.
the5avage 57 days ago [-]
> worst of dystopia in the 80's
Huxley's "Brave New World" was published 1932
amarcheschi 56 days ago [-]
In italy we have a digital ID (spid) that's actually managed by third parties authorized by government and you can use it to log in on some services, I think this way it would work
Although I think it's only for government sites. I believe it could probably be used to verify only age in a privacy-respecting fashion.
But let's be real. We all know this isn't about protecting children, because it never is.
willvarfar 56 days ago [-]
Sweden has had a "BankID" system since 2003. It's run by the bank branch organisation. It works really well. Almost everybody has it.
simion314 57 days ago [-]
And there is a super obvious solution to this,assuming children can't buy phones then the parents should setup the account for the children and enter the birthdate. Now the OS the browser int eh phones know if the user is an adult in that country, or whatever age level needed.
If say an adult is incapable to setup a phone/tablet, then a person at the store would help them set the initial part but skip the login with Google/Apple etc.
No idea why this was not tried and then see if it fails.
BiteCode_dev 57 days ago [-]
Just because there is no solution to a rat infestation doesn't mean you should burn the house with the people in it.
simion314 57 days ago [-]
>Just because there is no solution to a rat infestation doesn't mean you should burn the house with the people in it.
What? you mean asking the parent to enter a date of birth before giftin the child a phone and setting it in child mode is like burning things?
Did you really relied to me? Then explain
Seems to me a better idea then government IDs or sending your ID to Facebook.
I could guess why Google did nlot add this feature to Android , they want the money from ads, and maybe Apple wants Google to bhave money to share with them.
TeMPOraL 56 days ago [-]
> What? you mean asking the parent to enter a date of birth before giftin the child a phone and setting it in child mode is like burning things?
How do you want to enforce it? Everyone who grew up as Internet started knows that everyone is over 18 on the Internet. Or did you, as a kid, ever put your real birth date on a form asking for it for purposes of age-walling you?
And if not voluntary, then... it's either companies asking for government-issued IDs on a case-by-case basis, or a larger system, perhaps legally mandated, that forces you to tie your government-issued ID into it so age information is automatically propagated in the background.
simion314 56 days ago [-]
>How do you want to enforce it? Everyone who grew up as Internet started knows that everyone is over 18 on the Internet. Or did you, as a kid, ever put your real birth date on a form asking for it for purposes of age-walling you?
1 make it illegal for children to buy smarthpones, tablets.
2 make the OS vendors to add a parent mode/child control API, when the phone starts first time the parent enters the details
3 inform the buyer that if he is a parent he is responsible for the child not the government, the parent must set the correct birthdate on the device and set the device in child mode , they can decide to trust the child but then the government is not responsible.
4 the browssers on this locked devices will report to the websites if the user is adult or not, they will not report he brithdate just a true /false
5 if a website fails to read the age from the browser and still offers oillegal content to a browser that is marked as minor then the website is repossible and it is fined.
At no point the child is asked to enter his age so there is not similar to current place where you click I am over 18.
If you have children you might have made an account for them to use a smartphone, Did you lied bout their birthdate ? Did you gave them the new phone in a box and let them set it up because you were to busy ?
tacocataco 56 days ago [-]
My personal theory is that powerful people didn't want people to be digitally free. It might make them think about fighting for freedoms offline as well.
"...way to perfectly identify somebody on the internet..."
semi-extrinsic 56 days ago [-]
> As usual, the problem with this is that it assumes a way to perfectly identify somebody on the internet
Nope, it does not require this.
What you can do is to construct a zero-knowledge proof of the age of the smartphone user. You can do this based on the certificate that is provisioned in modern electronic passports. The proof construction can choose to ignore expiry date, so the government can offer to issue expired passports with blank photos for the instances of people who should not have functioning passports.
Then you need the social media sites to agree on a common auth mechanism that uses the zero-knowledge proof, and if the same proof gets used on multiple devices, you log out the previously used device.
So even if a parent lets their kid use the parent's passport to generate the proof on the kids phone, every time the kid uses this proof, the parent gets logged out of Facebook and all other social media apps.
Then no parents are going to let the kids use their ID, because of the negative impact to themselves. And you have no more means of tracking than already exists today.
This also offers interesting possibilities for a startup! In the EU today, there are essentially zero legal ways for a 12-year-old to have a group chat with their friends, apart from RCS and iMessage, which then divides the friend group into two halves. Imagine then a chat app aimed specifically at group conversations for teens, where every user has a verified age. This type of app is something parents will pay good money for.
LegionMammal978 56 days ago [-]
> Then you need the social media sites to agree on a common auth mechanism that uses the zero-knowledge proof, and if the same proof gets used on multiple devices, you log out the previously used device.
> So even if a parent lets their kid use the parent's passport to generate the proof on the kids phone, every time the kid uses this proof, the parent gets logged out of Facebook and all other social media apps.
Doesn't this automatically give the "common auth mechanism" perfect knowledge of all the parent's social media accounts, whether under a real name or a pseudonym? That sounds like an additional means of tracking.
Also, what if the parent legitimately has multiple devices that they use for social media (e.g., a phone and a laptop)? You might say, "log them out if it's used simultaneously from multiple devices", but then you're tracking all social-media usage everywhere in realtime.
BeFlatXIII 56 days ago [-]
I hope European 12-year-olds are still wise enough to know the age-old tradition of claiming to be 22 when creating online accounts.
scotty79 57 days ago [-]
A knife can be stuff of nightmares or a very useful tool (even with constant threat of abuse and accidental harm).
Location tracking is just another knife.
BiteCode_dev 56 days ago [-]
Yes, but:
- You don't have full control over the knife. In fact it's not about your use of the knife.
- The people in control of the knife have a poor track record at caring about you, and belong to a category that history has proven we should not trust.
- Every time you use the knife, you sign a blank contract giving full authorization to future non-specified knife usage to people you don't know nor do you know their motive. And you trust none of those people, for an indefinite length of time, will abuse it.
- Cumulative use of the knife can accumulate stabs that may be delt to you and all your love ones one day all at once.
- Use of knife can be automated and scale at the level of all countries.
- Most people are not knowledgeable about the knife, don't know much about it, and it's invisible to them.
scotty79 56 days ago [-]
> You don't have full control over the knife. In fact it's not about your use of the knife.
There are many knives in your relative proximity all the time. Some of them are used for your benefit, other are used for other's benefit, every one have potential to be abused against you by evil actor.
> The people in control of the knife have a poor track record at caring about you, and belong to a category that history has proven we should not trust.
Scrutiny should be proportional severity of harm times the frequency of harm.
> Every time you use the knife, you sign a blank contract giving full authorization to future non-specified knife usage to people you don't know nor do you know their motive. And you trust none of those people, for an indefinite length of time, will abuse it.
Everytime you enter restaurant or even leave your house you are giving full authorization to people around you who posses knives to use those knives for non-specified purposes. You can only hope they are reasonable and won't cause you harm.
> Cumulative use of the knife can accumulate stabs that may be delt to you and all your love ones one day all at once
Knives don't need to accumulate anything. One misapplication can end your life literally
> Use of knife can be automated and scale at the level of all countries.
There are many machines that are basically bunch of fast moving knives. It's on you to not be where they are. Their operators are bound to take precautions proportional to harm times the frequency of harm.
> Most people are not knowledgeable about the knife, don't know much about it, and it's invisible to them
You usually can't really tell how many knives are around you and most are hidden at most times.
anilakar 57 days ago [-]
Exactly. You don't allow people to carry knives in public because it does more harm than good.
scotty79 57 days ago [-]
Some places don't. Some do. In Poland news about ban on knife carrying was April fool's joke. In UK it's a serious law with serious punishments. In UK people who'd carry a knife with malicious intent just moved to carrying caustic chemicals. It's often not specific tech that's a problem, but the culture and incentives for its misuse.
Although reasonable restrictions on all technologies aren't inherently bad.
Restrictions imposed pre-emptively just because nightmare scenarios are easy to imagine and captivating are not great.
ekianjo 56 days ago [-]
> just another knife
Not in the hand of a government that has a monopoly on violence. Most governments in the world dont have your best interests in mind and being tracked 24/7 is a bad deal to get.
scotty79 56 days ago [-]
People say "monopoly on violence" as if it's a bad thing. As if the opposite of that is no violence at all. But the opposite is commonality of violence which was the case before government became strong enough to enforce monopoly on violence and still is the case in places where the government is weak enough to lose the monopoly.
Monopoly on violence is the most significant cultural development that allowed incredible wealth and societal development.
Currently we are in the age of commonality of surveillance. If this turns out to be harmful enough we might as well move towards monopoly on surveillance and it might be an improvement.
Personally I think it won't be necessary.
I'm sure of one thing. Surveillance won't go away because it's a useful technological tool.
extrememacaroni 57 days ago [-]
God was a dream of good government.
emsign 57 days ago [-]
Isn't a smartphone exactly designed to track and surveil individuals on the internet. I only see legal limitations here, and the costs.
amelius 57 days ago [-]
Yeah but the ones controlling the tech are the ones who win if teenagers can access the social media.
rob74 57 days ago [-]
Now that you mention it, the would-be dictator that was just elected in the US is allied with both the stereotypical hand-wringing think-about-the-children people (religious groups) as well as with Elon Musk, owner of a major social media platform and future "efficiency czar". Talk about cognitive dissonance...
TeMPOraL 56 days ago [-]
> It's crazy that all the things we considered the worst of dystopia in the 80's, thinking nobody would be stupid enough to do, and that those societies in SF books were only distant fictions, are things we are actively seeking now.
> What the hell is going on?
Because they weren't all that dystopian? Maybe people had the good sense of being able to see the amazing aspects of those future technologies even when the authors tried to paint them darkly? Or maybe we rightly all realized - even if just at subconscious, emotional level - that those fictional dystopias are thin, simplistic narrative devices, and "no one would be stupid enough to" actually implement them?
What we didn't predict was adtech. For all the anti-corporate fiction that was part of, or adjacent to, science fiction of that era, the western culture is still obsessed with self-made people, glorifying entrepreneurship, making money. Well, turns out there's hardly a difference between small businesses and large corporations. The incentives are the same regardless of size; sole proprietorships and multinationals aren't some sworn enemies, they're just different size of the same thing.
What we didn't realize - and many still don't - is that, while no one may be stupid enough to implement the techno-dystopia outright, many will happily do whatever it takes, no matter how unscrupulous and underhanded, to secure their income. We didn't realize that glorifying "business sharks" means creating an entrepreneurship culture where customers are resources to be exploited, not human beings. Iterate on it enough, and we get to techno-dystopia indirectly, with no stupid steps made on the way - just plenty of exploitative ones.
Perhaps the memory of the first 3/4 of the 20th century has us put too much focus on the governments, and blind to private interests. A particular pet peeve of mine, for example:
> My German ex was born in East Germany, 11 years before the fall of the Berlin Wall. She thinks people are mad to believe that tracking is not going to be abused.
Yes, and at least some people who think alike also like to bring up Nazis pulling census records to make their purges more efficient. But frankly, I don't think this is a good argument against censuses, or contact tracing. It's not the census that put minorities in concentration camps, it's the Nazis. They wouldn't have stopped if that data didn't exist, they'd find some other proxy or just do it systematically, like they did elsewhere.
A better argument is to perhaps not collect data you don't need. A census without religious affiliation would be less useful to Nazis and the like, and it's questionable how useful having this information was for the purposes it was collected. But my ultimate point is, when your government turns evil, you're screwed anyway. We need to try and prevent it from going bad in the first place. It may indeed involve fighting against badly justified surveillance overreach, but trying to take away tools that an okay-ish government uses for good, only because they'll be used for bad things when the government turns evil, is just self-destructive behavior.
I mean, you could argue that teaching a person how to grow strength and keep a healthy body, how to read, write, plan, think, negotiate, convince, are all bad because what if that person becomes a criminal or a dictator? Yes, it would be much better if murderers and tyrants didn't know how to use a knife or a gun, or how to talk people into helping them. But we consider that risk to be worth it because of all the good it brings to everyone else, continuously.
And yeah, we're all so focused on the idea of governments going full-Nazi again, that we've ignored the gradual overreach of private interests, which at this point not only actively screws with our everyday lives all the time (hello advertising industry), but also undermines our governments too. Even worse, all the "dual-use" tech and data private interests have, that okay-ish governments would love to access but have good sense to refrain themselves, sits there gift-wrapped for any evil government willing to reach for it. We ended up choosing the worst option of all: all the downsides of tech being abused by private interests now and evil governments in the future, with none of the upsides of okay governments using it for good today.
So perhaps we should concentrate less on things like AirTags being potentially deadly in hands of the next Stalin, and focus more on fighting private and public attempts at abusing them early, while maximizing the benefits society can get from such technologies.
Or, in short, let's pay less attention to how some tech could be abused in principle, and more attention to people who are trying to abuse others.
myflash13 56 days ago [-]
Typical hacker misconception regarding the law. You don't need to implement perfect tracking to enforce a law. Make it illegal and then let BigTech use their AI algorithms to detect and block minor accounts. Parents will also play a major part.
jappgar 56 days ago [-]
Funny how so many middle-aged tech workers, who were almost certainly using some primitive social media themselves as teenagers, are now in support of a full ban.
I don't like the outcomes we see with modern social media, but this feels like we're punishing the victim instead of the perpetrator.
maxehmookau 56 days ago [-]
Social media that tech workers in the 30s and 40s were exposed to was never any more intense than a bulletin board or a chat room.
Social media now is a very different beast. It's designed to be addictive, and it generates engagement through polarization.
Is banning social media for children a punishment for the child? Some parents would argue the opposite, that it's a good thing that the child isn't developed enough to realise yet.
ev7 56 days ago [-]
Banning social media for a single child creates social death; banning it for all promotes social life.
mrweasel 56 days ago [-]
> this feels like we're punishing the victim instead of the perpetrator.
Wouldn't placing the limits on the social media companies potentially prevent them for operating at a profit? I don't think you're wrong, but I question if you're not removing social media for child and teenagers regardless, the difference is if there will be social media for them to use later in life.
Banning social media for those under 16 (or 18) or killing off social media in general do to restrictions in how they operate doesn't really matter to me, even if the latter seems like a bigger win for society in general.
Social media was an interesting and at times fun experiment, but it might be time accept that it's not working out as we had hoped.
Sophira 55 days ago [-]
One big difference is that LiveJournal, Inc. weren't a parasitic company who sought to embrace addiction and analyzing the hell out of their users with algorithms. They had every chance to because the data about interests and friends were just as open as they are on other services - perhaps even more so - but they didn't.
I can't speak for the other big companies of the time, like MySpace and Xanga, because I never used them.
DirkH 48 days ago [-]
Perhaps we support the ban because we saw first hand the damage it can cause to others and ourselves.
I would have supported a ban when I was in highschool. I think a lot of teenagers would have.
Also I don't understand how a ban is punishing the victim anymore than banning drugs from high-schools is punishing any teenagers.
ryandrake 56 days ago [-]
Same happened with the Drug War. The generation that spend their entire teenage years in the 60s in a haze of MJ smoke became the fiercest prohibition advocates during the 80s and 90s.
dsvnasd 56 days ago [-]
Actually this could be a really good analogy on many levels.
For example: Comparing the THC levels of the 60s to the THC levels today, and the potency social media of the 90s to the social media today seems appropriate. I mean one can only do so much social media over a slow modem on a home that has a single shared phone line.
> middle-aged tech workers, who were almost certainly using some primitive social media themselves as teenagers, are now in support of a full ban
How many people do that becasue they have thought about what they perhaps look back on posting on MySpace or Bebo or whatever and think "thank god that's disappeared from the internet"?
HDThoreaun 56 days ago [-]
Using social media as a teenager is why I think teenagers shouldnt be allowed to now. It was not a healthy experience.
jpalawaga 56 days ago [-]
social media for us was chronological timelines of content our friends produced.
Not... waves hands whatever the f*%k this is.
mrweasel 56 days ago [-]
Profit, it's profit, almost free, self-perpetuation, self-promoting profit, build on addictions and exploitation of users.
fsflover 55 days ago [-]
So Mastodon should be fine for the kids to use?
stonethrowaway 56 days ago [-]
Upvoted for mental imagery.
davkan 56 days ago [-]
40-50 year olds did not grow up with social media. Myspace didn’t even exist when they were in high school.
People in their early to mid 30s had Facebook come into popularity during high school. I’d wager the majority of that age group would happily ban social media for children having experienced youth both with and without modern social media.
max51 55 days ago [-]
The Facebook we had back then was completely different than what it is today. 100% of the content on the page was contents directly created or shared by one of your friend. No suggested posts, no ads, no news, no "influencers", no politicians, no algorithm, no tracking, etc. Being invite-only at first also means everyone you see on the site are friends or friends of friends, no parents, no teachers, no cops, no media organizations, no companies, etc.
You would login and see what your friends were up to, in chronological order.
physicsguy 55 days ago [-]
It was just poking people, playing silly games, and status updates that make me cringe when they come back in my "15 years ago today"
AlexeyBrin 57 days ago [-]
I wonder how can you implement such a law without forcing people to identify online ? Will they enforce a digital ID that you need to use to access the web or social media ?
prawn 57 days ago [-]
No comment on the implementation, but I wonder if there's some value in just allowing parents to be able to point to this and say "No, little Fred, you're not allowed to have an Instagram account until you're 16. It's the actual rule."
dools 57 days ago [-]
Yep, the "everyone else has BLAH" argument is a strong one. If we collectively take action through government to set a standard it is MUCH easier to shut down those self-fulfilling claims.
technion 57 days ago [-]
I'm listening to Australian radio right now and a group of mothers just made this exact point.
52 days ago [-]
boffinAudio 57 days ago [-]
Seems to me that the better solution is to give parents the ability to observe their kids' activities, and for <16 accounts to be able to operate only when tied with an adult account, which can observe activity...
Of course many will say this can be abused, but all technology can be abused and the reason we're in this mess in the first place is because OS designers haven't figured out that the relationship between parent and child is an important one which should be strengthened, not made weaker ..
antihero 56 days ago [-]
Ah yes, teenagers, people with famously little time on their hands and a penchant for following rules.
jolmg 57 days ago [-]
> allowing parents
What? Why would parents need permission from their government to forbid their kid from having an Instagram account? They're parents, so they can engage in parenting.
krisoft 57 days ago [-]
Not allowing as in "giving them permission", but "allowing" as in enabling them to do so.
Right now if a parent says "You can't have instagram. Because I say so." the kids answer will be "But I will be a looser noob if I can't. All my friend are on it. Jenny has 5k followers!"
Vs after the ban: "You can't have instagram. This is the law." "But mom! Some of my friends are on it. Jenny has 1k followers!" "Is that so? I will ask Jenny's mom if she knows about that."
It is not going to stop absolutely everything. (Same as prohibiting underage alcohol drinking is not stopping teens from drinking any). But it will put a serious damper on it and fracture the social networks into smaller more underground ones.
prawn 57 days ago [-]
Allowing as in “enabling”, obviously.
the5avage 57 days ago [-]
Because not everyone has a computer science degree.
They probably want to allow their kids to use a computer, so it would be very easy for the kid to go to instagram when they dont look.
alfiedotwtf 57 days ago [-]
I’m guessing you don’t have kids
prawn 57 days ago [-]
I have three kids. They have access to devices they use primarily for reading and language/music lessons. They don't use social media and would likely pay a decent level of attention if (in addition to us having explained concerns about social media for children) we indicated that there was government advice/ruling around this.
sekai 56 days ago [-]
> we indicated that there was government advice/ruling around this.
Why would any pre-teen / teen care about what government thinks? They care what their friends think about that TikTok they saw during recess, though.
addy34 57 days ago [-]
The government currently tendering for providers of different systems. See here [1] and here [2]:
Tender documents released on Monday show the technical trial is slated to begin “on or around 28 October”, with the provider also expected to assess the “effectiveness, maturity, and readiness” of technologies in Australia.
Biometric age estimation, email verification processes, account confirmation processes, device or operating-level interventions are among the technologies that will be assessed for social media (13-16 years age band).
In the context of age-restricted online content (18 years or over), the Communication department has asked that double-blind tokenised attribution exchange models, as per the age verification roadmap, and hard identifiers such as credit cards be considered.
They note that existing age verification setups largely either rely on providing ID, or on a combination of manual and automated behavior profiling (face recognition, text classification, reports from other users), both of which have obvious privacy and/or accuracy issues. The "double-blind tokens" point to a summary by LINC explaining how they _could_ be implemented with zero-knowledge proofs, but I could not find an article or a practical implementation (could just be a mistake on my part, admittedly)
At _best_ you end up with a solution in the vein of Privacy Pass - - but that requires a browser extension, a functioning digital ID solution you can build on top of, and buy-in from the websites. Personally, I also suspect the strongest sign a company is going to screw up the cryptographic side of it is if they agree to implement it...
alkonaut 57 days ago [-]
> "a functioning digital ID solution"
A functioning digital ID solutions seems like table stakes for anything in 2024.
strangecasts 56 days ago [-]
The operative part being "that you can build on top of", because the "ID token" approach means it now has to act as essentially a mini-OAuth-provider for many other websites, not just government services
alkonaut 56 days ago [-]
Yes. But I don’t think this type of regulation should care about whether it’s technically possible to do today. You could make a New York proposal type ban e.g banning algorithmic feeds to minors, even if it’s difficult to tell who is a minor and who isn’t. Social media companies would solve the ID problem or simply stop using those algorithms outright.
nick3443 57 days ago [-]
Sales of stick on mustaches will skyrocket
squigz 57 days ago [-]
It's a bit wild that instead of parents just being responsible and teaching their children properly, we'll resort to neutering privacy and freedom on the Internet.
sureIy 57 days ago [-]
Making it illegal could make it taboo, kids are less likely to talk about it in fear of "getting caught" and less talking means less usage.
This is not like porn which is a solitary activity: on social media you have to be social and let everyone know… at least for traditional actually-social media, not content-consuming apps like TikTok.
It's similar to alcohol usage: you can't stop it completely, but also you don't have 50% of kids bringing it to school.
sekai 56 days ago [-]
> Making it illegal could make it taboo, kids are less likely to talk about it in fear of "getting caught" and less talking means less usage
So like piracy?
> This is not like porn which is a solitary activity: on social media you have to be social and let everyone know… at least for traditional actually-social media, not content-consuming apps like TikTok
You don't? You can stay perfectly anonymous.
davesmylie 57 days ago [-]
A drop down list of birth dates/years "works" for most age restricted sites - I guess the logic is that if a user is lying about their age, it's not the sites problem.
Article states that sites must demonstrate they are taking reasonable measures to enforce this though - a lot will come down as to how courts interpret that. If they go to the extremes of the KYC laws in australia I imagine a significant fraction of adults will not want to verify their age.
alkonaut 57 days ago [-]
> I guess the logic is that if a user is lying about their age, it's not the sites problem.
If the law is to have any teeth at all, it should be the problem of the service provider.
Say for example that a banned feature for minors is having media feeds based on past watching behavior. Lacking a reliable age verification it's simple for social media companies to remove the feature entirely for all users, if it's unreasonable or impossible for them to implement age verification.
throwaway2037 57 days ago [-]
> extremes of the KYC laws in australia
Can you provide more details about this statement? I never heard anything about it on HN discussions.
jeeeb 57 days ago [-]
I’m not sure how unusual it is internationally but KYC laws in Australia will generally require 100 points of identification, usually satisfied by showing your passport and drivers license. Other options include recent utility bills, your birth certificate, medicare card etc.
The system wasn’t really designed for the internet era and I think a lot of people would not be happy about handing all the personal info over to TikTok or Facebook
whstl 57 days ago [-]
As much as I am grateful for most of GDPR, it has shown that leaving the implementation of anything to websites is a recipe for disaster.
It's gonna be cookie banners 2.0.
I bet a lot will just ask for a credit card number, like in those old scam fake-porn websites from the late 90s/early 2000s.
brtkdotse 57 days ago [-]
There’s a near-zero chance of getting caught driving without a license. Despite not having a drivers license checking mechanism, people generally don’t drive without a license because of the mere fact that it’s illegal.
Societal signaling is pretty powerful.
asdefghyk 57 days ago [-]
RE " can you implement such a law..."
Request the social media platform to implement the restriction.
The large social media platform have billions $ cash , so if that "really want to implement it" it should not be a problem.
However, I expect social media companies to "drag out every reason , why they can ot implement it..." - since it does not benefit the social media company. ... and would reduce its user base ...
michaelt 57 days ago [-]
> Request the social media platform to implement the restriction. The large social media platform have billions $ cash , so if that "really want to implement it" it should not be a problem.
I'm sure that Facebook, Google and TikTok will be delighted to make it mandatory that Australians send in photos of their face, passport and driving license.
But is it good for Australia to have their citizens hand such mountains of PII to unaccountable foreign megacorporations?
asdefghyk 57 days ago [-]
RE " it good for Australia to have their citizens hand such mountains of PII to unaccountable foreign megacorporations...." NOT NEEDED , Mega Corp needs to have office in Australia where such documents are checked. Document never leaves Australia.
peebee67 57 days ago [-]
You don't!
That's exactly what they're aspiring to here, following on from a well-established pedigree of Australian lawmakers and their dysfunctional relationship with the Internet.
donohoe 57 days ago [-]
You do! It already happens - just not for everyone.
I don't think lawmakers should describe HOW things are done necessarily. Here it's enough to say that "unless you can be 100% sure your user is above age X, then you can't provide them service Y or feature Z".
It might not even be the desired outcome to have identification, the better outcome could be to have feature Z stripped for all users (for example video feeds based on past watching behavior).
dyauspitr 57 days ago [-]
It’s happening on porn sites in some states in the US right now. When you visit the site, they ask you to validate with your ID.
scrps 57 days ago [-]
Hell of a time to run a VPN or a blackmail service... Porn site profiles with activity history + real traceable identities will make the Ashley Madison leak look quaint.
morkalork 57 days ago [-]
How long are VPN services for consumers like that going to be viable? All the 5 eyes countries are trending in the same direction and they US isn't shy to press other countries to follow their regulations with the threat of being sanctioned.
viraptor 57 days ago [-]
How so? Ashley Madison was a service for cheating. This would be for people watching porn - how is that worse?
The history is extremely unlikely to be available to the id validator (beyond the domain at most). VPNs can't see the actual history either.
pc86 57 days ago [-]
They're probably referring to the scope. Very few people were directly impacted by Ashley Madison (though there was at least one reported suicide due to the leaks), but lots of people watch porn and most of those people would not be too keen on their browsing history being leaked even if it's relatively tame, and especially if it's not.
clown_strike 57 days ago [-]
The funny thing these days is that all porn is tailored to appear as far from "tame" as imaginable.
The average PornHub user's history will be full of weird incest shit at the very least, not because of any specific interest in the genre but because so much generic heterosexual porn is labeled as such. Looks really bad for you if it makes the newspaper.
So even "tame" leakage is 100x more embarrassing than it ought to be, and thus snooping on bf/husband's devices to humiliate them over their porn usage is normalized on relationship subreddits. Same goes for them plugging your email address into the password reset form to try to verify whether you have an account on any given site.
GoblinSlayer 57 days ago [-]
>weird incest shit
Frankly, Stephen King stories are much weirder than any porn. Imagine enjoying watching monsters eating people.
heyrbbi 57 days ago [-]
gorogorogorokun 57 days ago [-]
I'm not sure if the incest is being consciously pushed. In Japanese animated, drawn, and live action porn for example, a popular yet totally seperate ecosystem from western pornography, the same kind of incest stuff, hell even worse incest pornography between blood relatives and even involving children, has been extremely popular. It seems like most people who watch pornography move on to riskier genres, and incest pornography is a very easy step down from relatively normal genres.
octopoc 57 days ago [-]
I was about to call you on this apparently you’re right—the CEO of PornHub is indeed a Rabbi. I’d love to be a fly on the wall in strategic planning for PornHub’s moderation team. The addiction strategy is working of course but it’s probably not just about the money—I imagine every decision in that industry has a moral justification. I don’t buy that they’re just amoral, I think they just have a different set of morals and it would be interesting to see what those were.
pc86 56 days ago [-]
You can still call someone out for blatant antisemitism when they're being blatantly antisemitic whether the thing they're saying is true or not. Do you think someone's being a Rabbi or being Jewish has anything to do with running a large adult content site?
I mean come on they literally created a throwaway account named "hey rabbi" to make that comment.
GoblinSlayer 57 days ago [-]
If FBI didn't shut it down, it's all tame, no?
strangecasts 57 days ago [-]
"The domain at most" can be quite sufficient for blackmail
_AzMoo 57 days ago [-]
You don't necessarily need to actually attempt to globally enforce it. It's like speeding, right? Everybody knows the law, and a lot of people choose to break it. We can't check everybody's speed all the time, so instead we selectively enforce.
The real change though comes from parent's perceptions. Right now there's age limits of 14-years-old on most social media platforms, however most parents just see this as a ToS thing, and nobody cares about actually violating it. Once it becomes law, the parents are suddenly responsible (and liable) for ensuring their children are not breaking the law by accessing social media. It's not going to stop everybody, but it'll certainly move the needle on a lot of people who are currently apathetic to the ToS of social media platforms.
Affric 57 days ago [-]
Not true. Only the social media companies will be liable. It’s an important part of the legislation.
_AzMoo 56 days ago [-]
Yeah, you're right about the liability part. But regardless, as a parent of teenagers, being able to justify an unpopular decision with "it's the law" instead of "research shows it's potentially bad for you in the medium to long term" is extremely valuable.
sturadnidge 57 days ago [-]
The government is being deliberately non-prescriptive about that, as they are about what qualifies as 'social media' (statement of fact - no comment on the approach itself). Ideally the legislation is accompanied by a government digital service that allows 3rd parties to verify age _without_ divulging full identity, but I don't see that side of things being discussed anywhere down here :(
threeseed 57 days ago [-]
They seem pretty clear [1] about what social media is:
Social networks, public media sharing networks, discussion forums, consumer review networks.
They haven't got the competence to implement it even if they wanted to.
askvictor 57 days ago [-]
Well, funny you should mention that - the AU government ID system (used to access govt services like medicare and tax), has very recently been rebranded from MyGovID to MyID. Most states have already got digital drivers' licences.
jojobas 57 days ago [-]
Same as alcohol. If you supply your kids with alcohol, or even have it at home and they get drunk without your knowledge, you'll be in trouble.
pests 57 days ago [-]
Not sure that is the best example as many states have exceptions to allow parents to legally give their children alcohol so that scenario you devised could be completely legal.
dredmorbius 57 days ago [-]
Law should not be excessively prescriptive, especially in the case of rapidly-evolving technologies (and business sectors) for all the obvious reasons.
What's far more useful is to propose effective incentives and disincentives, and let the participants work this out for themselves. There are some useful principles and examples which come to mind:
- Business is profit-oriented. Attack the basis of profits, in a readily-identifiable and enforceable way, and activity which pursues those markets will tend to dry up.
- Business is profoundly risk-averse. Raise the risks of an activity, or remove protections or limitations on threads (e.g., Section 230 of the CDA in the US), and incentives to participate in that activity will be greatly reduced. Penetrating corporate and third-party veils would be particularly useful, in this case, of service providers (aiding and abetting in a proscripted commerce) and advertisers (profiting by same). Lifting any limitations on harms which might occur (bullying, induced suicides, addiction, or others) would similarly be crippling.
As to how age might be ascertained:
- Self-reporting. Not terribly reliable, but a decent first cut.
- Profiling. There are exceedingly strong indicia of age which can be made, including based on a particular account's social graph, interests, online activity, location data (is the profile spending ~6h daily at an elementary school, and not lunching in the teacher's lounge?), etc. One strong distinction is between legislation and regulation, where the latter is imposed (usually with rulemaking process) through the executive branch (SCOTUS's Loper v. Raimondo being a phenomenally stupid rejection of that principle). Such regulation could then on a more flexible basis identify specific technical means to be imposed, reviewed, and updated on a regular schedule.
- Access providers. Most people now access the Internet through either fixed-location (home, work, institutional) providers, or their own mobile access provider. Such accounts could well carry age (and other attestation) flags which online service providers could be obliged to respect as regards regulation.
Jumping in before a few obvious objections: no, these mechanisms are not perfect but I'll assert they can be practically effective; and yes, there are risks for authoritarian regimes to abuse such measures, but then, those are already abusing present mechanisms. I'd include extensive AdTech-based surveillance in that, which is itself ripe for abuse and has demonstrated much of this already.
(That said, I'd welcome rational "what could possibly go wrong" discussion.)
Hilift 57 days ago [-]
Remember the Silicon Valley episode where they would have been fined $21 billion for not verifying the age of PiperChat users? Same way. All companies are one slippery slope away from being fined by Missouri for not protecting children enough. Or Australia.
benabbott 56 days ago [-]
I fully support this. In fact, make it 18. I see it like a new type of drug. Future generations will be horrified that we permitted children to connect their brains to attention-optimization algorithms running on supercomputers.
Children can not consent. They can't sign contracts. They don't understand the ramifications of what algorithmically delivered content does to you.
mezzie2 56 days ago [-]
I have one primary worry about this. Do you spend much time on college campuses or around military bases? If so, you know that credit card companies and shady car dealerships loooove the newly 18 year old adults.
I think that introducing people to social media right when they'll be on the hook for all their bad decisions during the exploratory period is going to result in a lot of 18-20 year olds in a ton of debt + them being even more hooked on social media than kids are now because they'll also be away from adult supervision. Imagine the sports betting ads for the newly 18. The influencers puffing up the newly 18 about how adult and mature they are and all adults buy product X, etc. They'll have no way of knowing what's normal to share and will probably overshare, but unlike minors, they'll be legally able to torpedo the rest of their lives. Etc.
Making it 18 puts a target on their back for the ad and social media companies: Fresh meat that aren't entitled to any protection. That seems like a bad combination to me.
NeutralCrane 56 days ago [-]
I mean if 13 year olds had cash to spend and were able to buy cars and open credit cards, they’d target them too. It’s not because they aren’t inoculated, it’s because they are susceptible to the negative consequences at that age regardless.
cathalc 56 days ago [-]
On that point, I don't think most adults understand the ramifications either!
dataflow 56 days ago [-]
18 seems terrible. You're making a fraction of the kids miss out on their friends' lives just before they're about to go their separate ways and potentially never see each other again. At least give them a bit of time to naturally settle into the new social environment before they permanently part ways?
hooverd 56 days ago [-]
They can build those relationships without being hooked into the slop machine.
dataflow 56 days ago [-]
Not when half of the are hooked, no. See my other comments.
nosbo 56 days ago [-]
Not disagreeing with you. But we (those of us old enough to remember) still kept in touch with our friends that moved away to different unis before social media existed.
dataflow 56 days ago [-]
You're missing the issue I'm referring to. Staying in touch with you is very different when the communication mechanism doesn't pose extra hurdles and burdens compared to the majority of your cohort. It's also very different when you're already close friends by the time you part ways. The issue here is that some people will have social media and some will lack it, putting the latter at an artificial and entirely avoidable disadvantage, causing them to make fewer of those close friendships in the first place compared to their peers. This disparity is the issue I'm talking about, when the bonds aren't strong enough yet.
OptionOfT 56 days ago [-]
I disagree.
If the relationship is valuable to you, it requires maintaining. Following each other on social media isn't the same.
Not to mention social media is filled with someone's best moments which give you a bad view on how you're doing against your peers.
Not to that half of the posts on social media are ads, which aren't good for you at any age.
dataflow 56 days ago [-]
> If the relationship is valuable to you, it requires maintaining. Following each other on social media isn't the same.
Maybe not to you, but to some people it is incredibly valuable for maintaining relationships. And these are kids about to part with most of their friends for the first time, you can't rely on them having learned your insightful life lessons by this point. I'm guessing you've never been felt the negative effects being left out of a social circle can have? Relationships aren't binary, not everyone is best friends or strangers. Lots of room in between for people to bond or be left out.
dsvnasd 56 days ago [-]
With any regulation there are pro/cons. You've highlighted a con but there are significant pros to overcome.
I grew up in a pre internet world. We had "negative effects being left out of a social circles" then too. Social circles being hard is not going away regardless of how this decision lands.
dataflow 56 days ago [-]
> I grew up in a pre internet world. We had "negative effects being left out of a social circles" then too. Social circles being hard is not going away regardless of how this decision lands.
The fact that you never grew up in the social media world highlights exactly why you don't understand the problem despite thinking you do. Your good old "social circles being hard" issue is not the problem here.
Please understand that there are plenty of situations where someone gets invited to something if and only they are visible to others and easy to invite. i.e. there exist plenty of situations where being on the platform is the sole determining factor. And that being off the platform that the majority use puts a very significant, ongoing, and asymmetric burden on the host (or invitor, if it's a different person) to keep them posted on all the details that did not exist otherwise, and this fundamentally makes one less likely to be included, in an entirely natural and unavoidable fashion that is no fault of anyone involved, and has nothing to do with "social circles being hard".
You have to recognize when the system is making a problem worse than it naturally is.
dsvnasd 56 days ago [-]
> You have to recognize when the system is making a problem worse than it naturally is.
The irony. How can you be certain that it's not social media making "problem worse than it naturally is"? Many people believe that social media is.
As someone who was not particularly visible, and was not invited to every party, I am very aware that "there are plenty of situations where someone gets invited to something if and only they are visible to others and easy to invite". Is "not being on social media" really all that different than "not being on the <insert sport> team"? The same arguments apply. Easier to see and invite teammates, more social cache, etc.
In any case, if all teens were off social media then it would not be a determining factor, and I'm sure alternative systems would emerge for inviting people to places.
dataflow 56 days ago [-]
> The irony. How can you be certain that it's not social media making "problem worse than it naturally is"? Many people believe that social media is.
It is the problem. I don't think you understood my point. If nobody in high school had it, I wouldn't be bringing it up. The problem here is some students will have it the last year and some won't. By seeing it at 18, you're making it worse for the younger kids. Either 19 or 16 would be better.
dsvnasd 56 days ago [-]
I didn’t think that was your point so I did misunderstand it. I agree this is a concern but I’m not sure how it’s totally avoided. 12% of high school seniors graduate at 19.
In any case, I’m probably not the right person to determine the cutoff criteria. Whatever the boundary, that’s going to be a rough time for those going through it.
dataflow 56 days ago [-]
> I’m not sure how it’s totally avoided. 12% of high school seniors graduate at 19.
I mean there's a reason (well, multiple) why I suggested 16 instead of 19. I just pointed out that 19 to try to get my point across about social media being harmful.
> Whatever the boundary, that’s going to be a rough time for those going through it.
Again, this wasn't the point. The point was that if you do this in the last year of high school, you're not just giving younger kids a temporary rough time for that one year. You're also robbing them of their very last opportunities to form the stronger long-term connections they would have made during that time, which inflicts life-long damage to them socially. If you put the cutoff a little earlier so they all have a year or two to adjust to the new social environment, you avoid that long-term harm.
Also, nobody said the cutoff has to be rounded to the exact day. It could just as well be moved to coincide with the start or end of a school year, avoiding this problem entirely. And it'll be easier to enforce in school too.
pushupentry1219 56 days ago [-]
> Maybe not to you, but to some people it is incredibly valuable for maintaining relationships.
Communication is incredibly valuable for maintaining relationships. Whether that's through social media, IM, calling them, hanging out in meatspace. THAT is valuable. Not merely following someone on social media.
I am in my early 20s. My highschool life (and some after) was filled with social media use and borderline addiction. I added people on social media that I kind of knew, or talked to once, or wanted to talk to.
But literally none of that kept me in touch with most if not all of them. More than half of them I never messaged, never interacted with on social media.
What kept me in touch with them was me or them. I deleted all my social media. And the ones who make the effort to contact me out of social media? Those are the real relationships.
illiac786 56 days ago [-]
> Children can not consent. They can't sign contracts. They don't understand the ramifications of what algorithmically delivered content does to you.
I’d argue, neither do the majority of adults.
I’m still for this ban because a young brain is so much more malleable and hence much more at risk.
nutanc 57 days ago [-]
This is awesome. I have been telling that social media is like smoking. When cigarettes came, even doctors were advertising the benefits of cigarettes. Now we know the harmful effects. Same is the case with social media. We just dont know they harmful effects completely yet.
Ban this. I am addicted and can't stop. Or put a warning on social media apps like they do on cigarette packets. Using this app maybe harmful for your mental health.
amelius 57 days ago [-]
No we need to kill the advertisement based monetization model, so there is no incentive to produce addictive content.
The_Colonel 56 days ago [-]
Advertising is one of the less harmful monetization models out there, especially for kids. YouTubers soliciting donations, selling merchandise etc. are praying on young kids. If you take away advertising, these more direct methods will be used more heavily.
amelius 56 days ago [-]
> Advertising is one of the less harmful monetization models out there, especially for kids.
No, because it incentivizes the addictive content.
> YouTubers soliciting donations, selling merchandise etc. are preying on young kids.
That's a different issue, and already happening. It should be banned too.
The_Colonel 56 days ago [-]
> That's a different issue, and already happening. It should be banned too.
There's basically no way to ban this (and advertising) without banning social media.
Jyaif 57 days ago [-]
If mastodon was used by teens, it would have all the same problems.
Advertisment is not the problem here.
kalaksi 57 days ago [-]
Mastodon doesn't have the incentive to try to spy on everybody and try to get everybody hooked by any means necessary.
pxoe 56 days ago [-]
is that why they're trying to implement better suggestions and discovery algorithms ( just to get people to stick on their website even a little bit cause otherwise it's just kinda dead
protocolture 56 days ago [-]
Masto has no social graph. Its just like IRC and PHP forums that many of us here used as teens.
amelius 57 days ago [-]
Right now this is perhaps true, because mastodon has to compete with commercial social media.
childintime 57 days ago [-]
We all want this regardless. Yet we don't. We also want innovation, and that means we have to vote by avoiding the amount of shit coming down the pipe. So for starters I use an ad-blocker. But platforms will still strangle free speech because of their business model acting out.
I think for starters we should have competition, therefore mandate federation between platforms. No big winner-takes-all tech monopolies. But the USA doesn't want to give up the profit, nor the power that comes with it, to own the world.
Perhaps as an example, Google performs an auction in the milliseconds before serving up ads. So it's possible.
In the end platforms will integrate an AI buddy that will come to know us even better, and that represents our ways. Of course we'll want that, but please, federate.
johnisgood 56 days ago [-]
You can put a warning everywhere, because everything or anything may be harmful to your mental health. sighs
"This is why we can't have nice things".
nutanc 56 days ago [-]
You are right. The wording was wrong. It should have been, "The usage of this app will be harmful for your mental health".
johnisgood 56 days ago [-]
I do not disagree with that.
cynicalsecurity 57 days ago [-]
This is an attack on freedom.
lm28469 57 days ago [-]
To be fair every single law in the world is an attack on freedom if you're a 5 IQ freedom absolutist.
You can't drive a car without headlights, you can't drive a car without seatbelts, you can't kill your neighbours if he fucks your wife, you can't open a shop selling BBQ dog ribs... life is so unfair =(
_Algernon_ 57 days ago [-]
I don't know what to tell you... Minors are supposed to lack freedom compared to adults in a society.
immibis 57 days ago [-]
How do you think social media is going to verify that you're not a minor?
johnny22 57 days ago [-]
no, it's OUR freedoms that are being messed with, not just the kids.
hello_moto 57 days ago [-]
Let kids have guns, can drink booze, and smoke too while we're at it?
dkdbejwi383 57 days ago [-]
I mean you could make an argument that outlawing murder is also an attack on freedom. That doesn't mean it isn't a silly argument however.
bowsamic 57 days ago [-]
Yes and rightly so
jaimex2 57 days ago [-]
peutetre 57 days ago [-]
They'll pick the biggest ones. They won't block them. It'll be up to the platforms themselves to prevent access to children under 16.
jaimex2 53 days ago [-]
Great, then all the kids will end up at 4chan.
bowsamic 57 days ago [-]
This place is no better
pixxel 57 days ago [-]
Weak minds love government intervention over parental responsibility. It’s awesome! Get your IDs out, everyone, think of the children. JFC.
Johanx64 57 days ago [-]
Here's the reality: some significant % of parents will have zero parental responsibility and are ill suited to be parents.
This is just a fact.
How to solve this?
1. Only allow suitable responsible people to be parents. Would you like this? This would be highly unpopular and wouldn't happen.
2. Or alternatively you enforce uniform rules across all population of minors, thus children without functional parents have limitations and protections in place as if they had parents with resposibility.
The second option is simply more palatable and feasible to be implemented.
johnny22 57 days ago [-]
the problem isn't what it means to the kids, but what it means to us! It'd mean we'd need to be ID'd. We don't want that.
Johanx64 57 days ago [-]
Oh, I agree with you in regards for the ID requirements. That is not a solution (especially for social networks that are not self identifying like FB)
hello_moto 57 days ago [-]
Then parents all over the world have failed.
Even the successful ones have limited shelf life before the kids get isolated from the friends and losing out the actual real world Social Life.
The tone of your response signals that you're definitely Americans. Americans have a different culture and perspective when it comes to Freedom, Government intervention given your history.
That doesn't mean your perspective fits in other countries.
johnisgood 56 days ago [-]
Could not agree more.
intended 57 days ago [-]
Absolutely, and if people can’t be good parents they shouldn’t be.
Maybe people should be given permission to have kids. Then the only people who have kids are the ones who can carry that responsibility.
So many parents today dont have the education, time or knowledge to truly understand what their kids are doing. Just imagine, we need to curtail our freedoms, so that these weak parents can not screw up their kids because of their inability to adapt to the world.
PS: for what it’s worth, I doubt this bill will pass.
Creating verifiable IDs for children is a failed dream, and cannot be achieved; even the most draconian interventions will have errors.
r3d 57 days ago [-]
maxehmookau 56 days ago [-]
Hard agree. It's our generation's smoking. Zuckerberg's recent PR glow-up is just this generation's Marlboro man. An acceptable face on something much more sinister.
autumnstwilight 56 days ago [-]
Apart from the logistical issues with tracking and verifying everyone's identity, I think cutting teenagers off from an (admittedly very manipulated and dysfunctional) source of community is not a straightforwardly good idea. To give some examples, isolated LGBT teenagers probably benefit from being able to find and talk to people like them, and people into all kinds of niche hobbies and interests can be inspired to learn and create by other people into the same thing (cosplayers, digital artists, electronic musicians, etc). Also social media is used for organizing a ton of IRL events as well. (It would be nice if online community was not all centered on Facebook/Twitter/etc, but unfortunately that's the current situation.)
account42 56 days ago [-]
Another view might be that kids are better left off exploring their identity without agenda-driven strangers influencing them over the internet.
squigz 55 days ago [-]
It's a lot easier to explore one's identity when you're talking to people who have similar parts of their identity. I'm curious how one would do that, on any medium, without being exposed to 'agenda-driven strangers'?
Spivak 55 days ago [-]
What are you talking about? Finding your people is one of the main benefits of the internet for minorities or folks with niche interests. We're literally on an interest based community right now.
There's this weird belief in certain circles that being gay is contagious and if we could only keep our kids away from seeing them they'll turn out "normal" and its bollocks. They'll just be unhappy and ashamed of themselves, think they're broken and not know why.
Nasrudith 54 days ago [-]
Ah yes, when you are a minority living your life is just 'an agenda'. It is so much better that kids feel alone and isolated than knowing facts that there are other people like them. Fuck that and fuck you.
squigz 55 days ago [-]
> (It would be nice if online community was not all centered on Facebook/Twitter/etc, but unfortunately that's the current situation.)
It's really not. Discord is very common too.
squarefoot 57 days ago [-]
Good, but not enough if you ask me. Mainstream social media make money out of angering people and the addiction it creates, and it affects everyone, not just kids: had a few grown ups among friends and other people, even over 60 and older, completely ruined by that crap. I don't see any reason why corporations that don't obey any moral obligation should be motivated to change their business model anytime soon, unless forced from above.
squigz 57 days ago [-]
What about non-mainstream social media? What about news services? What do you think would happen if we banned both, those people that get angry and addicted will just be happy and healthy? Or do you think corporations will find another avenue to try and manipulate people, which those people will happily flock to?
squarefoot 56 days ago [-]
Non mainstream media by its definition probably doesn't attract much people and damages would be restricted; I think the most damage happens in crowded echo chambers where a critical mass, assuming there is one, would be easily reached. Yes, very likely corporations would find other ways to exploit people addiction, and educating kids before it's too late is a good move, however I don't expect much cooperation by parents.
squigz 56 days ago [-]
> however I don't expect much cooperation by parents.
Why not? Most parents don't tend to hand their children drugs.
squarefoot 56 days ago [-]
I meant parents who are among the grown ups I was referring to in my original post. Kids become addict to social media also because of their absence as parents, and giving bad example.
ghssds 56 days ago [-]
In the '90s, a lot of dial-up BBS were owned by <16yo teens. Later the same happened with internet forum. Today, you'd think 16yo is old enough to have your own social media. Maybe a Mastodon or Lemmy instance, or something unfederated like an old phpBB forum or something. Yet the australian gov think these same people aren't old enough to access a social media! They should incite their teens to have one in their bedroom, fcs.
Benjamin_Dobell 56 days ago [-]
I'm not sure precisely how this legislation is to be phrased, however I assume all the use cases you presented from the 90s are still permitted. Social media is a very different beast than closed communities / interest groups.
im3w1l 56 days ago [-]
I don't think it's nearly that clearcut. Just to take an example, these days a lot of communities / interest groups are organized as Facebook Groups. Or subreddits. Is reddit social media? It has an algorithmic feed mainpage, it has profiles and likes and dms. You can make self-posts that are not posted to any subreddit just to your own profile. So if you think about it, it's actually very similar to facebook from a feature standpoint. But the culture is different. What about discord? I think it was originally meant for voice chat, but it also hosts communities / interest groups and quite a lot of other social network features. It does however not have a feed of posts, and you can't post things to your own profile. But you can set a status, which often is the precursor to a feed.
bigfatkitten 56 days ago [-]
> Social media is a very different beast than closed communities / interest groups.
Those are explicitly within scope for this plan also.
joshka 57 days ago [-]
How about over 60? That's more likely to have a positive effect on society
EasyMark 57 days ago [-]
Last I checked if you're over 60 then you're an Adult and can do adult things. You have long since stopped growing into your body by then. Children are not finished yet, and continue to have their brains mature and grow into the early 20s
isodev 57 days ago [-]
Banning <16 year olds from social media is for their protection. Banning >60 from social media (and I’d add voting) is for everyone else’s protection.
kortilla 57 days ago [-]
I think there is a better argument for banning anyone under the age of 30 from voting than there is for anything as low as a limit of 60 for voting.
lukan 57 days ago [-]
So as a compromise only allow people between 30 and 60 to vote?
(Which would be hilarious, as it means, allmost no one voted in office would be allowed to vote themself anymore, unless of course that would change, too)
robinei 57 days ago [-]
On the flip side, it seems evident that younger people tend to vote for the betterment of all, while older people tend to shift toward voting for «themselves».
akkad33 57 days ago [-]
Why is that evident? Any evidence for it?
robinei 57 days ago [-]
I’m talking of the typical left/right split. Where leftist policies tend toward redistribution of wealth to the benefit of broader swathes, while right oriented policies tend to at least lead to more concentration of wealth. Maybe it is an outdated bias, but until now at least my impression is that young people have had a greater tendency toward some form of humanistic idealism.
akkad33 56 days ago [-]
That's the traditional stereotype, but I have a hard time believing those whose internet presence is mostly manifested as Twitter stan wars and tiktok trends care about greater ideals than the next viral trend
kortilla 55 days ago [-]
It’s just different forms of selfishness. Many young adults on the left voting for free shit from the government are voting for it because they would get it. They don’t actually care about the VA or whatever other stuff they don’t qualify for.
Then they get decent paying jobs and vote for the party that gets rid of the programs they no longer qualify for in order to reduce their taxation.
a-french-anon 55 days ago [-]
>I’m talking of the typical left/right split. Where leftist policies tend toward redistribution of wealth to the benefit of broader swathes
Broader swathes which they're part of. This is just the millennia old has and has-nots, don't fall for wishful thinking this base.
hnthrowaway6543 57 days ago [-]
Not true; young, childless people don't think about the next generation, because why would they? It's game-theory optimal for them to maximize laws which benefit them personally, as they don't have to worry about their children growing up with the consequences.
Frankly, society would be a lot better if the childless couldn't vote; leave voting to people who have a stake in society's future!
(And yes, adoption counts, doesn't need to be biological -- not excluding anyone here.)
LeafItAlone 57 days ago [-]
>Frankly, society would be a lot better if the childless couldn't vote; leave voting to people who have a stake in society's future!
Whoa now. Just because I am childless doesn’t mean I don’t care about future generations. I still have friends and family that do have children and I vote with that in mind.
57 days ago [-]
robinei 57 days ago [-]
Maybe idealism is dead and even the youth have been corrupted these days.
maeil 57 days ago [-]
Hard to tell whether you are being sarcastic or not; just in case you aren't, it's trivial to confirm that few people vote in a game-theory optimal manner.
LeafItAlone 57 days ago [-]
>I think there is a better argument for banning anyone under the age of 30 from voting
Please expand on this.
cyanwave 57 days ago [-]
Damn ageism. There’s some amazing 60yo assembly devs out there.
BLKNSLVR 57 days ago [-]
And society wants them dev'ing amazingly in assembly, not doomscrolling!
cjbgkagh 57 days ago [-]
I could say that for all ages. Having known the world pre-social media I really do wish we could go back.
EasyMark 56 days ago [-]
I think ageism is one of the last safe hold outs for those who like to participate in "isms" outside their echo chambers.
cjbgkagh 56 days ago [-]
I’m against protected class laws and I am for accepting reality and making public policy based on that reality. It is just my view that social media is unhealthy at any age.
NavinF 57 days ago [-]
There's nothing keeping you here on a social media website. Dunno why you wanna control what others do with their time
phs318u 57 days ago [-]
> There's nothing keeping you here on a social media website
There’s nothing keeping you here in a casino, gambling your wages away.
There’s nothing keeping you here in a bar drinking yourself to oblivion.
There’s nothing keeping you here smoking three packs a day until you’re shitting tar.
The age old advice to “just stop” doesn’t quite work for those most at risk. Harm minimisation is a reasonable thing. We don’t think it’s a good idea for young kids to smoke, drink, drive, vote or have sex. Since we know that social media can be specifically harmful to the youngest demographic, why wouldn’t we want to regulate it based on age?
NavinF 57 days ago [-]
> Since we know that social media can be specifically harmful to the youngest demographic
Who is this "we" that accepts that uncritically? I've been on "social media" since I was 8yo and my little brother has been on social media since he was a baby. Now he's becoming a doctor. He grew up with the 1st gen iPhone which was released 17 years ago.
FWIW I think the drinking age of 21 in the US is kinda silly. Many Americans start driving at 14 (with employment letter) or at 15.5 and many Americans buy their first rifle at 18 years old.
phs318u 57 days ago [-]
Who’s being uncritical here? I’m not an alcoholic and neither is my sister. That doesn’t mean alcoholism doesn’t exist nor that there aren’t very real harms to a small subset of the population. Great enough harm (that also impacts on non-alcoholics), that we’ve collectively decided to regulate an otherwise legal substance. Would you suggest that we shouldn’t age-limit alcohol? And even with the things you quote - driving and gun ownership - there’s still an age limit, not no age limit. The specific number is irrelevant and up for discussion, but we’ve still decided for those things that there exists a “too young” category.
EDITED to remove a stupid phone autocorrection/autoinsertion.
cjbgkagh 56 days ago [-]
EDIT: I should point out that in general what happens to other people does impact me so I do have a stake in the behavior of others. No man is an island.
I’m not a social media addict, I only use HN occasionally and really only to remind myself what other people are like. Without this I would forget and assume things about people that are just not true. I treat social media like the dangerous drug that it is and intentionally limit my exposure. But not everyone can do that. I personally know many people who have let social media ruin their lives and their minds to the point I’m not even sure they are rehabilitatable.
I wasn’t proposing a ban, I don’t trust the government with that much power and regulation would be difficult- at what point does a social club become social media. I guess my appeal to time travel did not properly reflect this perceived futility.
I think the only way would be as an Amish like intentional community with a religious level of enforcement. E.g. You can use social media but only in the shed, not in the house. But that’s not realistic so I just have to accept that X% of the population are not going to make it unscathed. These people will become a burden on the state at a time when the state is increasingly reaching to voluntary euthanasia for solutions. Perhaps in time people will socially and genetically evolve in ways that’ll be able to deal with it.
lukan 57 days ago [-]
"There's nothing keeping you here on a social media website."
The people for instance, when everyone is on social media, you won't find people in the streets anymore, except for the homeless and junkies.
(but luckily it is still possible to find people in the real world, but it did became hard to find real undistracted people)
DavidPiper 57 days ago [-]
Seems like a strawman, I can think of plenty of reasons people want to control others' time. It's the literal job of every CEO for starters.
pests 57 days ago [-]
> I can think of plenty of reasons people want to control others' time
So can I
- They want to control people like property
- They want to impose their views and values
- They don't want any competition
- They have a power trip
- They want to use others time for their own benefit
What else am I missing?
pests 57 days ago [-]
What happened to Liberty?
The CEO is not controlling their time, he's buying it and they're selling it.
What other reasons do you have?
NavinF 57 days ago [-]
No CEO controls my time. What are you on about?
sureIy 57 days ago [-]
This is akin to speed limits. Doing 50 km/h on a 20 km/h street isn't going to kill you, but can kill people outside your vehicle.
tyre 57 days ago [-]
and in advanced age there is cognitive decline
the median seventy-five year old’s brain is not in the same condition as the median thirty year old’s
foxglacier 57 days ago [-]
It doesn't matter because the 35 year old isn't using his brain to vote anyway. He's just going by what social media, the news, and peer pressure leads him to. If anything, an older person has better established understanding of the world even if they're not better at working things out.
tyre 56 days ago [-]
Anecdotally the elderly in my life vote far more off of vibes than my immediate social circle does. You could say it’s a bubble or bias, but it’s the difference between coherent programs and policy decisions vs “anti-freedom” or “socialism”
foxglacier 55 days ago [-]
You actually know people who vote because of the programs and policies the candidates are expected to implement? I know people often pretend to but from what I've seen, it's always just the ones that the media has told them to think about and only used to justify favoring whoever they've already chosen anyway. I don't think it's even reasonable to expect voters to pay attention to such details because there are too many for everyone to be an expert on but if they vote based on broad philosophies like freedom or socialism, they can expect the politicians will make the many small decisions that more-or-less align with that.
belfalas 57 days ago [-]
75 and 60 are vastly different.
JasonBorne 57 days ago [-]
Banning those over 60 is a funny jab against an older generation who are susceptible to conspiracy theories and who are not media smart. They have lots of trouble differentiating sound and noise. I doubt this person was serious. Nevertheless, it was funny.
rwyinuse 57 days ago [-]
The young are also susceptible to conspiracy theories. You don't get "media smart" by browsing Tiktok and Instagram, which is all they know how to do.
alfiedotwtf 57 days ago [-]
If at “over 60 you can do adult things”, why do we take their drivers licenses away from and make them sit a drivers test every year unlike adults under 60?
kortilla 57 days ago [-]
They don’t take their license away, they just test more frequently to watch for deterioration of vision, etc.
Also, people under 60 still need to test and qualify for a license. So I’m not sure why you went down this comparison route.
sangnoir 57 days ago [-]
Because it's in society's best interest not to have impaired people driving; whether it's due to substances taken, illness or age.
skhr0680 57 days ago [-]
Countries around the world need to bite the bullet and implement that for voting too.
omeid2 57 days ago [-]
Voting rights should be proportional to remaining quality-adjusted life years remaining based on life expectancy.
I am joking of course, but there is something to ponder about the growing number of childless people over 40 voting with little concern for the long term.
rrrrrrrrrrrryan 57 days ago [-]
Old people with children vote for policies that favor their specific children.
Old people without children vote for policies that favor the next generation.
omeid2 57 days ago [-]
No one cares about a race without a horse in it.
Nursie 57 days ago [-]
As a childless person over 40, wtf are you talking about?
People don't all vote purely on self-interest, some of us vote on how we think human society should be run, and what we think is genuinely best for everyone. Not just for our own immediate bottom line.
This whole ageist line of reasoning is pretty offensive.
kortilla 57 days ago [-]
It’s not ageism so much as they are prejudiced against people not raising children.
We childless folk have had a quiet 25ish years and now the pendulum seems to be swinging back the other direction. I’ve noticed quite an uptick in memes about childless people being selfish monsters and taking away our voting rights is right in line with that.
kredd 57 days ago [-]
Doesn’t really matter when the percentage of childless adults is growing every year. I just scoff and move on.
omeid2 57 days ago [-]
Exceptio probat regulam.
Nursie 57 days ago [-]
No, I don't believe I am particularly an exception, I believe you're just exhibiting prejudice.
omeid2 57 days ago [-]
Yes, not a snowflake for sure, but as you say "people don't all vote purely on self-interest" but most do.
Nursie 57 days ago [-]
I'm not sure that's particularly true.
And it still doesn't come close to justifying taking away someone's input to democracy. I find all these discussions massively distasteful.
Also short-sighted because they tend to assume that the age cohort making the claim have more stake in the future, are all of one mind, are thinking long term themselves, or are generally going to do things better. None of these things hold up to much scrutiny AFAICT.
omeid2 57 days ago [-]
Claims about "all" are not useful and a distraction from useful understanding of human behaviour. People, like any animal, as a rule, act largely on self-interest. That is with a broad definition of self that includes family --specially offsprings, and larger "identities" like clan, village, city, country, race, creed, religion, and so on.
Nursie 56 days ago [-]
> That is with a broad definition of self that includes family --specially offsprings, and larger "identities" like clan, village, city, country, race, creed, religion, and so on.
In which case the entire conversation is moot.
tgv 57 days ago [-]
It's hard to stay polite in discussions where people use the guise of irony to say things they know they shouldn't. You have no evidence for your proposal, and I bet you can't even argue why it would be a net positive, without resorting to prejudice.
In case you couldn't quite parse that, I mean: fuck your comment.
the5avage 57 days ago [-]
Thats too simple.
The problem is that a lot of democracies have a demography skewed towards old people and at the same time a simple majority can dictate over like a minority of 30% of the voters.
shirro 57 days ago [-]
The claim is that it protects the mental health and welfare of young people. Young people have special protection from the law in many regards including sexual consent, contracts, employment etc.
A 60 year old is expected to have the capacity to make informed choices. Whether they do is down to personal responsibility. Many of us will be 60 one day.
georgebarnett 57 days ago [-]
What sort of positive effect would you expect?
What do you think is wrong with people over 60?
lnxg33k1 57 days ago [-]
How about we only allow those who have our same ideas? That's great for democracy, true democratic values
qup 57 days ago [-]
How's that?
immibis 57 days ago [-]
pc86 57 days ago [-]
Here's a crazy thought maybe it's not actually fascism.
> characterized by a dictatorial leader, centralized autocracy, militarism, forcible suppression of opposition, belief in a natural social hierarchy,
Well none of those, so why don’t you explain which ones since they are so obvious to you.
avazhi 57 days ago [-]
Militarism and ‘strong regimentation of society’ are two that very obviously don’t apply to Trumpian politics. Trump was an isolationist militarily in his first term - an expansionist nationalist military is a sine qua non of fascism.
And Trump’s fetish for deregulation works against the second one.
threeseed 57 days ago [-]
> Fascism rejects the view that violence is inherently negative or pointless but rather views imperialism, political violence, and war as means to national rejuvenation
Trump has advocated for nationalist, North Korean style military parades and the use of the military against protesters etc. And there this myth of him being anti-interventionist but America was very active in Syria during his term.
avazhi 56 days ago [-]
I think you are conflating nationalism and fascism.
Nationalism has a lot of gradations, and while it can be a subset of fascism it isn't inherently fascistic. Fukuyama said: "But it is not clear that nationalism represents an irreconcilable contradiction in the heart of liberalism. In the first place, nationalism is not one single phenomenon but several, ranging from mild cultural nostalgia to the highly organized and elaborately articulated doctrine of National Socialism."
And using the military against mobs of people that are ransacking cities is not under any construction 'fascism' - property rights are after all pretty important in the Western Anglo-Saxon tradition and using force to protect property rights is not 'fascism'.
Not sure what you mean by America being active militarily in Syria, either - are you referring to Trump ordering the bombing of ISIS targets? By that logic when Obama ordered the Navy Seals to kill bin Laden the US was engaged in a fascistic military adventure in Pakistan which... would probably make you the only person in the world to think that.
Trump is a lot of things. A fascist as that word is understood by historians is not one of them.
AlexandrB 57 days ago [-]
Have you ever read "The Boy Who Cried Wolf"?
lern_too_spel 57 days ago [-]
Then why do the people he hand-picked say it is? Should I ignore the words coming out of their mouths and pens? Should I ignore the words coming out of Trump's own mouth? Then what should I use to determine whether it's fascism or not?
roenxi 57 days ago [-]
That is actually a pretty interesting question, fascism doesn't seem to have any actual meaning. It is very hard to outline what a "fascist" is unless they self-identify. I thought briefly in writing this comment and I can't actually rule out Trump being a fascist, based on the fact that any policy that isn't explicitly in the liberal or communist traditions may technically be fascist.
Anyway; it has reached the point where I no longer believe people who claim Trump said something negative. Back in the 2010s I spent enough time reading up primary sources to reveal it was a misquote. Possibly a malicious misinterpretation, possibly the man just makes people so emotional that they can't listen to him for a full minute and try to interpret with a neutral lens.
He appears to be close to a saint given how much time his opponents have to spend making up stuff about him to dislike. Realistically there are a lot of real problems that people should focus on; like bad policies.
immibis 57 days ago [-]
Fascism has a meaning like high-level language has a meaning. Yet if I point to a language like Java, you have plenty of ways to argue it's actually low-level if you're motivated to argue that.
lern_too_spel 57 days ago [-]
Within the past 24 hours, you said that "poisoning the blood of this country" is "Nazi rhetoric." Can you explain how both of Trump's recent usages of that "Nazi rhetoric" were misquoted?
roenxi 57 days ago [-]
Literally all the links provided were As far as I'm concerned there may as well be no evidence at all that Trump said it. They may be reliable on other topics but they aren't a credible source of reporting on what Trump says. Like I said, I followed up on that sort of thing in the 2010s and by now I'm happy to just ignore them as discredited.
As far as I'm aware Trump was running on deporting illegal immigrants. He's not planning on gassing anyone. Except maybe with all the hot air he blows, heh.
And even in 40 seconds of context, what do we get? He's not planning on gassing the Jews. He's not advocating rolling back democracy. He's not even talking about invading Russia (something of a rarity these days). He is, in fact, talking about that wall of his that has made the press so much for the last 8 years. Between that and bumping abortion from a Federal to State jurisdiction we may indeed be dealing with Hitler reborn.
He represents the faction of US politics that wants to enforce a secure border and his rhetoric is ugly. That is pretty normal for anti-migration rhetoric, by the way. It makes him nasty, maybe even cruel, but not a fascist.
This is why it is a waste of time trying to follow up NBC News articles. They're distracting from a real issue (migration, border security, what have you) with ... I don't even know how to characterise it. Abuse to try and shut people up, perhaps. Playing silly gotcha games, maybe. That quote isn't Trump trying to revive Nazi policies, as we all might have expected from the outset.
pests 57 days ago [-]
How is immigration poisoning the blood of this country tho?
What did Trump mean by that?
You mentioned Russia, the wall, NBC and typed a lot but didn't really answer the question.
roenxi 57 days ago [-]
> You mentioned Russia, the wall, NBC and typed a lot but didn't really answer the question.
Fair enough, let me be direct: I think the question is stupid and I'm not going to answer it. Trump has spent 4 years in office and run multiple election campaigns that have featured potentially hundreds of hours of coverage of Trump, his policies and opportunities to evaluate them.
With that in the background, old mate wants to discuss a tweet and 40 second clip, probably bought into the conversation by institutions that specialises in lying about what Trump says and taking clips out of context given that NBC News is involved.
And like I said, back in the 2010s fair enough it is a topic to discuss because who knows? Maybe he is Hitler. But it is now 2024, there isn't anything there and the people bringing it up are looking increasingly isolated and unhinged by virtue of crying wolf. Trump says mean things about immigrants. Everyone knows. He doesn't represent a return of the Nazi party, even if a lot of people don't like him or think he is a bad candidate.
pests 57 days ago [-]
> Fair enough, let me be direct: I think the question is stupid and I'm not going to answer it.
So you can't answer it.
> probably bought into the conversation by institutions that specialises in lying about what Trump says
Nope, he said it 4 times in 2023 alone and many many times since. In an interview with a right leaning website, in a rally in New Hampshire, and quite literally in the Truth Social post linked above, straight from Trump himself. No pesky journalists or reporters to misquote.
So hopefully we can agree he has said it, not out of context, multiple times.
What did Hitler say?
"All great cultures of the past perished only because the originally creative race died out from blood poisoning"
"Whenever Aryans have mingled their blood with that of an inferior race, the result has been the downfall of the people who were the standard-bearers of a higher culture,"
Going back to Trump's quote, what type of blood do you think he was referring to?
Do you think he meant the immigrants were going to literally inject poison into Americans as some kind of terrorist attack?
lern_too_spel 57 days ago [-]
So the goalposts moved from you no longer believe he said something negative (he very clearly did) to him not planning on gassing the Jews.
Yes, it's distracting from the real issues, but his supporters don't care that he torpedoed the bipartisan border control bill either.
These quotes aren't about his proposals to roll back democracy, and I never claimed they were. Rolling back democracy is more about his actions to gain absolute presidential immunity.
To be clear, I don't think Trump is fascist like Hitler. He is fascist like Putin. He wants autocracy for personal enrichment, not for extermination of undesirables. He uses Hitler's rhetoric because it works, and he admires Hitler for his crowds, not because Hitler would kill the man who married his favorite daughter.
immibis 57 days ago [-]
In my opinion, Hitler would still be Hitler if he targeted Muslims, Algerians or redheads. The choice of target group isn't important,nor was the precise method of murder - the thing that makes Hitler Hitler was that he tried to kill a whole group.
EasyMark 57 days ago [-]
I think leopards are the animal you're looking for here.
nick3443 57 days ago [-]
Dingoes mate
Juden1488 57 days ago [-]
NotLongNow 57 days ago [-]
nelox 57 days ago [-]
Even better, how about <16 to >16?
lnxg33k1 57 days ago [-]
I've always been a supporter of those, my view on democracy is not to be mature enough, but to be a part of society with needs and ideas, school students neee to be represented because they're part of a society
ajrehg 57 days ago [-]
Do you attribute the Trump victory to people over 60? What about German right wing parties? I assume similar can be found in the U.S., but I did not have time:
The most insane left culture warriors who wanted to relive a second spring on the other hand are indeed approaching or over 60. Fake culture warriors like Pelosi and Biden are over 80.
Fake culture warriors in software organizations like Python are approaching or over 60. You know, the exact same people who read Ayn Rand and supported ESR when it was politically expedient for their careers 20 years ago, because they always go with the herd, no matter how stupid it is.
These culture warriors, through their purges and insane statements, have so thoroughly destroyed any trust in the Democrats that there is a landslide victory for Trump now. It will take years to restore that confidence.
safety1st 57 days ago [-]
cultofmetatron 57 days ago [-]
> We don't have any studies showing that old people harm society using social media
an an american who just watched the recent election go down, I have to strongly disaagree with this.
tgv 57 days ago [-]
That's obviously a biased statement. I happen to share your bias toward the election outcome, but I'm afraid analysis shows that GenZ has moved towards Republican in comparison with similar aged voters 4 and 8 years ago, while people over 60 have moved towards Dems. So your assumptions are not correct, apart from the fact that they're not even relevant to the discussion about the influence of social media (and mobile phones) on young people.
_Algernon_ 57 days ago [-]
How can you justify that view? Harris lost because of voter turnout. I don't see how >60s are to blame for that. I also don't see how >60s are to be blamed for young people moving right.
lupusreal 57 days ago [-]
> I also don't see how >60s are to be blamed for young people moving right.
Rebelling against the perceived establishment as presented to them by their teachers (some of whom are that old) probably had something to do with it. (Their parents too, but their parents aren't >60)
Young men particularly have been getting dosed with idpol messaging about men by their predominantly female teachers from a young age. Anecdotally, there's also a general thing where the older a teacher gets the more embittered by experience they become, and they become more likely to fall into negative behavior patterns like having "nemesis students" they like to pick on, or exhibiting flagrant bias in the classroom against an entire gender.
safety1st 57 days ago [-]
vermilingua 57 days ago [-]
Yes, after years and years, we only recently have solid studies showing that social media harms individual children. I expect it’ll take a bit longer to finalize studies showing the harm to society.
safety1st 57 days ago [-]
And maybe once they exist it'll make sense to impose additional limitations on social media.
The overriding drive should be to make policy decisions based on strong evidence, not on sentiment. If that means we wait a bit longer then we wait a bit longer.
itake 57 days ago [-]
> Older adults are relatively more susceptible to impulsive social influence than young adults
The number of test subjects is small, but hopefully this will lead to more funding for larger projects.
LeafItAlone 57 days ago [-]
>Stupid, snarky comment intended to create division, that belongs in a trash heap like Reddit or Twitter, not here.
This also doesn’t belong here.
alkonaut 57 days ago [-]
Hot take: most reddit discussions are every bit as good as HN comments. There is no need to make HN "not Reddit".
s5300 57 days ago [-]
tnuc 57 days ago [-]
While I dislike social media, this ban is as stupid as Australia's laws enforcing bicycle helmets.
Will this mean I will have to register as my real name on Hacker News? Not a chance
alkonaut 57 days ago [-]
How is a bicycle helmet a bad idea? Many countries have that for minors. And obviously most(?) western countries have seatbelt laws and motorcycle helmet laws.
It's also a natural effect of having publicly funded healthcare I guess.
> Will this mean I will have to register as my real name on Hacker News?
First of all, age verification shouldn't mean the social media provider gets true identities. They shouldn't be trusted with that info. There needs to be services that allows verifying your age against one service, and the media service just getting the receipt of that verification. Whether such a service exists already or not shouldn't matter. The law should be written so that social media companies are restricted in what they can do when they can be sure someone isn't a minor, and when they are sure. For extra safety, perhaps it should say they can't be allowed to see for example physical ID:s. Because otherwise you'd risk privacy issues.
Second, I think it's better to formulate these laws the way the new york draft did: that specific features are restricted for minors. Such as: enless media feeds based on past behavior (such as any video "shorts" feeds in all the major platforms today).
lm28469 57 days ago [-]
> this ban is as stupid as Australia's laws enforcing bicycle helmets.
You're damn right, same as the law enforcing seatbelts, cars head and brake lights, ABS, testing of tap water quality, testing of food quality, &c.
I want absolute freedom to get utterly fucked by the first mega corp or dumbass who want to do it !!!
sandbach 57 days ago [-]
As sibling comments seem to have missed the point: laws mandating helmets reduce the general rates of cycling, as people without helmets don't cycle at all. Cycling is so good for your health that the risks associated with not cycling are actually greater than those that go along with cycling without a helmet.
phist_mcgee 57 days ago [-]
Enforcing bicycle helmets is a good idea. It's about protecting your health and reducing the burden on the public health system.
I've fallen off a bike before and my helmet definitely saved me from a serious head injury. Would I have worn one if it was not compulsory and drilled into me as a child that's what you do when you ride one? Maybe not.
It saved me that day and I expect it saves many people in this country every day too.
inopinatus 57 days ago [-]
> Would I have worn one if it was not compulsory and drilled into me as a child that's what you do when you ride one?
Yes. Because this is a false dichotomy. The latter does not depend upon the former. I can say that with certainty because I received the message growing up in a country with a cycling proficiency programme in schools instead of mandatory helmet laws.
Everyone should wear a helmet when riding, but criminalising noncompliance is an inefficient, reductive, expensive, heavy-handed, unnecessarily punitive, and ultimately counter-productive approach to achieving it.
johnisgood 56 days ago [-]
> It's about protecting your health and reducing the burden on the public health system.
So is controlling what and how much people can eat to prevent or reduce obesity.
From now on, you are only allowed to eat broccoli (I actually love broccoli) to ensure you will not be a burden on the public health system.
phist_mcgee 56 days ago [-]
I think you're reaching a little bit mate.
LeafItAlone 57 days ago [-]
Don’t many US states have laws requiring bicycle helmets for minors?
In Australia this is not just for minors, you can be fined as an adult for cycling without a helmet which is even more absurd when you look at the lack of cycling infrastructure in Australian cities and the general cultural distain towards cyclists.
the5avage 57 days ago [-]
You dont even have sidewalks to go by foot. You are in general cultural distain towards anything that is not a big 4WD car.
threeseed 57 days ago [-]
If you are seriously injured and/or disabled then your fellow taxpayers will be paying for your health care either through Medicare or the NDIS.
In a society it's not fair for your selfish actions to have a negative effect on everyone else.
jamil7 57 days ago [-]
An active society reduces the burden on public health care, take a look at the obesity rates in Australia, especially childhood obesity, shouldn't we also regulate lifestyle choices that contribute to this? How about the explosion of massive 4WDs in Australia? Are you not also subsidising the health care burden those? If you want to keep cyclists safe then build more bike lanes.
johnisgood 56 days ago [-]
It is an excellent defense, because similar logic is often resisted when it comes to regulating lifestyle and food consumption - even though complications from obesity impose a much greater, and growing, financial burden on public healthcare systems.
56 days ago [-]
hooverd 56 days ago [-]
Show me your car helmet advocacy. Now.
plantain 56 days ago [-]
Why single out cycling for this special purview?
Are you planning to ban all snowsports? Horse riding? They produce similar or higher levels of injury and disability even with helmets.
>it's not fair for your selfish actions to have a negative effect on everyone else.
If negative externalities are the metric we're evaluating what is and isn't allowed in our society, you're really going to take a pass at cyclist helmets instead of cars? Do you know what the leading cause of child death in Australia is? It's cars
jaimex2 57 days ago [-]
And this is why we try our best to have minority governments.
The bills being put forward lately are really concerning and I have no idea how to get a party in that would kill the eSafety Commissioner and put in strong freedom of speech laws.
I'm pretty content seeing the web destroy their website blocking measures. Thank you DoH and ECH!
lrvick 57 days ago [-]
I would remind everyone that the ban of porn below 18 is not enforced, but it is enough to ensure it is not consumed openly or at school. That is how this will play out too.
shirro 57 days ago [-]
If a kid wants to find porn then so be it. If an adult Australian citizen or media company wants to show them porn then that is probably a criminal offense.
Kids also find alcohol. Can't supply as an adult or company.
The problem for the social media companies is that their recommendation algorithms and content make it very clear they know exactly what ages are watching and what they are showing them. They are multi-billion dollar multi-national operations and not some kid running an iffy image board. I usually hate the Australian government's dumb takes on anything tech or Internet (cryptography, internet filters) but in this case I think pushing regulatory compliance on large companies is what makes this doable.
cnity 57 days ago [-]
Porn isn't consumed openly or at school because of social effects (read: it is embarrassing), not because of laws. If schoolchildren are the pliable rule-followers you imply, why do they all vape?
Tronno 57 days ago [-]
Not sure what kind of maniac would "consume" porn openly at school. In contrast, I doubt most kids will have any such misgivings about social media, especially if not enforced.
deergomoo 57 days ago [-]
Teenagers can be weird and dumb and like to show off. A kid in my class used to pull porn up on the computer connected to the projector if the teacher left the room, just because they thought it was funny.
BeFlatXIII 56 days ago [-]
Back in my HS years, we had a sped student who loved having a wank in the library.
bgdkbtv 56 days ago [-]
A lot of you who are supporting this are unaware that to enforce this, EVERYONE will have to have an online government ID and the government will be tracking EVERYONE's internet activity.
tessierashpool9 57 days ago [-]
prohibition never worked and won't ever - the only way to make it work is by implementing a total surveillance state with draconian punishment for noncompliant citizens. but given that i'm more or less the only one realizing that i just make peace with what is coming.
pie_flavor 57 days ago [-]
'Prohibition didn't work' is an almost meaningless statement. It's always some variation on 'yeah, drastically fewer people drank, but it didn't eradicate it entirely and cost a nonzero amount to maintain'. Same as banning anything ever, like murder, or unregistered securities.
tessierashpool9 57 days ago [-]
prohibition of alcohol didn't just cause less people to drink ... it provided the breeding ground for organized crime, caused people to go blind from drinking self-made liquor and started the war on drugs which eventually led to the fentanyl crisis.
my body, my choice.
Sabinus 57 days ago [-]
But we already prohibit children from drinking alcohol. How is social media any different?
aniviacat 56 days ago [-]
And that's where the analogy falls short.
You think teens are going to start using darknet social media?
lupusreal 57 days ago [-]
That assumes "make it work" means making it work 100% with no gaps or misses. If it only works 90% of the time then it's still working quite well and you get most of the benefit from it without needing "a total surveillance state with draconian punishment for noncompliant citizens"
For instance, it has always been possible for sufficiently motivated kids to acquire hard liquor. If nothing else they can steal it from their parents. To stop this you would need surveillance inside every home and extremely harsh punishments. But we don't actually need that, because an imperfect prohibition works reasonably well.
The whole premise that if a law isn't perfectly enforceable then it's a bad law is a weird thing that techies on the libertarian/autism spectrum come up with a lot, but it's not the way the world actually works.
tessierashpool9 57 days ago [-]
prohibition of alcohol didn't just cause less people to drink and more to drink less ... it provided the breeding ground for organized crime, caused people to go blind from drinking self-made liquor and started the war on drugs which eventually led to the fentanyl crisis.
my body, my choice.
lupusreal 57 days ago [-]
Prohibition of hard liquor for kids causes negligible organized crime. Furthermore, it is unlikely that prohibiting <16 kids from using social media will trigger an organized crime wave.
The failings of blanket alcohol prohibition in America do not automatically transfer to all forms and instances of prohibition. Thinking otherwise is a trap that techie libertarians often fall for, for some reason. Science should study it.
tessierashpool9 57 days ago [-]
or you are looking at this maybe a little rosy colored. the tabacco ban in new zealand, as well as same ideas for england, would affect also grownups. also - what is social media anyway? i don't think this can be as easily defined as a molecule. and it's supervision would require surveillance. and that's not a good thing. sure kiddies need boundaries and guidance but the broader picture shows that such ideas are usually connected to extending the same thinking to adults. and again - my body, my choice. i do not accept the state telling me what not to do when it isn't impacting somebody else on an individual and direct level. end of story.
aniviacat 56 days ago [-]
> when it isn't impacting somebody else on an individual and direct level
But it is. Children using social media put active pressure on other children to use social media too. Not using social media today is very difficult for children, since it can make social integration a lot more difficult. Children using social media are actively pushing other children into addiction. Children using social media are actively harming others.
Your body, your choice. But if you regularly run over people, I will take away your drivers license.
tessierashpool9 56 days ago [-]
> Your body, your choice. But if you regularly run over people, I will take away your drivers license.
do i really have to explain this to you ...
aniviacat 56 days ago [-]
Yes, please.
pxoe 56 days ago [-]
hey, it definitely works! it lets politicians pat themselves on the back like they did something and get some brownie points and maybe even more people to vote for them.
donohoe 57 days ago [-]
Start with 16. Increment it every year.
omeid2 57 days ago [-]
Tasmania tried doing that with smoking and it kind of didn't go through due to technicalities.
New Zealand also tried it. But then we elected a government full of [ex] tobacco lobbyists
HKH2 57 days ago [-]
And make the home page an ugly green with disgusting pictures of health problems?
dredmorbius 57 days ago [-]
I'd suggest 61 as well, and closing the gap ;-)
tmshapland 57 days ago [-]
Love this!
aussieguy1234 57 days ago [-]
I support the ban.
In terms of enforcement, social media platforms already use algorithms and gather huge amounts of data on their users, enough to make a good estimate of age even if a user has signed up with a fake age.
So, when the algorithm detects that a user is likely to be underage, that's when they'd be required to show ID.
linuxandrew 57 days ago [-]
I put in a submission to the committee for this issue[1]. The big issues from my point of view are widespread ID validation and the security and privacy consequences of that, definition of social media, lack of controls provided by social media websites, and further risks to centralisation (like ID providers requiring an app that can only run on an iOS or Google Play device).
Many of the ID verification services that have spun up over recent years like AU10TIX are private companies that don't have their users' interests at heart. It wouldn't surprise me if they become more involved with the so-called data economy (data broker ecosystem)—if they aren't already.
Meta itself causes harm to users of all ages with their algorithms (like suggested content on the feed) which can't really be turned off, and fueled the misinformation crisis which really took off a few years ago. The social media companies have done a good job of convincing the Australian government to overlook these harms.
FYI, assuming that is your web server, your TLS certificate expired end of last month.
linuxandrew 57 days ago [-]
Ty, I'll fix it very soon :) Something's up with Certbot and it's probably a trivial fix.
ossobuco 56 days ago [-]
So when China regulates the internet, it's a dictatorship; when a western-affiliated democracy does it, it's... good?
rty32 56 days ago [-]
I can't answer "whether censorship good or bad", but one thing I think is true and needs to be clarified is that there is a democratic process for such legislation -- representatives debate the topic and vote on them, and if they do become law, they may be challenged in the court. They don't just happen. By comparison, censorship in China is mandated by a number of different laws and "rules" with extremely broad and vague words, some of which date back decades, with the explicit intention to be able to arbitrarily enforce the laws based on whoever is in power to interpret them, and... good luck challenging them in courts.
Of course there are lots of caveats here -- e.g. in the US model, what if the executive branch, legislation and the court are controlled by one person (which we'll see very soon), and in the other hand, in China there is actually a parliament and a formal process for many of the legislations (even though that doesn't mean much). Still, at a very high level, there is a distinction.
sigmar 56 days ago [-]
uh yeah, dictatorships are bad. Society determining their government and enacting laws through consensus is good. Is that controversial now?
self_awareness 56 days ago [-]
It's only democracy if it's the government on which we have voted for,
otherwise it's a disgrace and a Russian manipulation.
stonethrowaway 56 days ago [-]
benkaiser 56 days ago [-]
It sounds righteous for sure, but the implementation sounds terrible.
Let's suppose kids do get forced off the mainstream social networks with Australia legal entities (Meta, Goog, Bytedance, X?). What stops them from joining fringe social networks operated outside of Australia with even less oversight? Surely nothing bad could happen between kids on those networks.
Yes, the Australian government could DNS block them like they do torrent sites.
But it really wouldn't be beyond teenagers to inform their friends about how to change DNS servers...
jumpei163 56 days ago [-]
That's what I thought.
How do you verify the age? Verifying ID? That seems like another route that could go wrong. Just having a checkbox to confirm the age? Do a poll on this website to see how many people have visited an adult website when they were not...
As long as you have internet access, there will be a way.
I don't have a good proposal, but I feel this is more like a cultural issue than something we can simply fix by implementing law.
squigz 55 days ago [-]
> I don't have a good proposal, but I feel this is more like a cultural issue than something we can simply fix by implementing law.
...Why not make the aspects of these sites that are so harmful illegal in general?
metalman 57 days ago [-]
this is fake legislative action, there is no way to legaly enforce this, short of a
complete and total policing of the internet and peoples phones,and the quiet
part is that by seperating the "law" into
all of its beurocratic bits,such as needing to "ratify" it later....., and then actualy create and fund some sort of enforcement body at some further and impossible to predict time
which all then points to a desperate and floundering government, resorting to the lamest kinds of tacticts to buy a bit more time at the trough
oink oink
Moldoteck 55 days ago [-]
Imo would be nicer if algorithmic feed & targeted ads would be banned for them. So basically a social network with chronological feed and no targeted ads should be ok-ish. This would allow them to use the tech without the addiction mechanisms and influencing
vv_ 56 days ago [-]
There are parental controls on most phones. Educating parents on how to use them is a better option than a blanket ban that'll either: a) not work or b) require you to use some digital / national ID to register.
r3d 57 days ago [-]
It's crazy that human beings with the new fandangled ability to communicate in ever easier ways have created this problem. This is your enemy. Social media, government rules are not the enemy. Nor the saviour you think it might be.
whiplash451 56 days ago [-]
I'm not sure to see the value of going all the way to 16. 14yo would be a massive win already.
The cost/benefit of social media between 14 and 16 is much more favorable to social media than <14.
Perenti 56 days ago [-]
13-15 is when the brain is driven mostly by hormones, not thought. It's worst at 14. 14 is NOT the age to let teens off their leash.
whiplash451 56 days ago [-]
I'll take your word for it since I don't have kids in that age range, but I'd tend to think that hormones are in the driver seat all the way up to the 20s.
Perenti 56 days ago [-]
The way to give this teeth is for any proposed law to charge the parent or guardian of social networking children, as well as the social networking site. Once it hits the parents' pockets they'll start to get involved in their kids lives and see what they're looking at on the web.
PittleyDunkin 56 days ago [-]
That, or they'll just give their own kid access to their social media accounts.
brokenmachine 52 days ago [-]
I wish they would make some effort to restrict what inputs the social media algorithms can use to target people, instead of this ham-fisted idiocy.
zoezoezoezoe 55 days ago [-]
Regulating this is always going to be impossible, and when it’s not, you’re in a surveillance state and you have bigger problems than the age you’re allowed to be on social media
protocolture 56 days ago [-]
"Australia Proposes Ban" is way too common a headline.
looopTools 56 days ago [-]
I agree with others whom see the identification problem. But I also think that it is a right step on the way to help improve the current situation
Nathanba 57 days ago [-]
What even counts as social media? Is Hackernews social media? Is my future platform where people can talk to each other social media?
It's all pure desperation, they could instead force social media companies to only promote useful educational, pro-science, pro-fitness, documentaries, family style content and then social media would be helpful. Forming communities around learning, robotics, science? What could possibly be better for children who look for purpose in life? It would be fantastic. But of course half the grifters on social media are also already hiding in those tags and serving the most shallow, useless, fake content about e.g ancient pyramid aliens or discussions about how veganism will help your body. As you can tell by my last little insertion here, half the problem is that even all the adults can't come to a shared understanding of what is "good" or true.
esperent 57 days ago [-]
> What even counts as social media?
I think the way the EU approached this with their "digital gatekeepers" is smart. Recognize that policing the entire internet isn't possible or even desirable. Focus on those few companies with the largest capacity for harm. Different criteria might be appropriate when focusing on potential harm for children (e.g. Roblox rather than Twitter) but besides a few changes you'll probably end up with roughly the same list.
I'm not sure I'd support an outright ban, but rather very strict monitoring and requirements around moderation, in app purchasing, gambling mechanics, and so on.
immibis 57 days ago [-]
Australia takes a different approach and says (in their Basic Online Safety Expectations 2024) that every online account must be linked to a phone number.
This is the same country that brought you "the laws of mathematics are very commendable but they don't apply in Australia".
I foresee a two- or three-tier Internet in the future, and Australia will probably be the first "western" country to block Tor.
xyzzy123 57 days ago [-]
> Australia will probably be the first "western" country to block Tor.
The Australian way would be to "ban" tor without any particular concern for enforceability or technical feasibility. Any actual blocking would be pushed onto industry somehow, which would then proceed to half-ass it, doing the absolute minimum possible to demonstrate they are complying with regulation.
I like Australia a lot, but a lot of the time it feels like political priority is to "make it look like something is being done". No one would actually care if the blocking worked or not unless the media made a big song and dance about it.
I also wonder how much of this ban is about "punishing" X and Meta in particular - Meta for it's refusal to pay for news and X because they didn't jump to immediately remove stuff the government wanted taken down.
> What even counts as social media?
Anything the government needs more leverage over or wants to shake down for money.
squigz 57 days ago [-]
> The Australian way would be to "ban" tor without any particular concern for enforceability or technical feasibility. Any actual blocking would be pushed onto industry somehow, which would then proceed to half-ass it, doing the absolute minimum possible to demonstrate they are complying with regulation.
Just because it wouldn't be well-implemented doesn't mean it's nothing to worry about, not to mention that such things are almost always just 1 step on a path of many.
threeseed 57 days ago [-]
> X because they didn't jump to immediately remove stuff the government wanted taken down
Yes they did. X has always capitulated to the whims of governments.
immibis 56 days ago [-]
Except that one time Elon Musk strongly disagreed with a government who wanted him to take down some Nazi stuff and got his app blocked in a whole country.
When it's about taking down left wing stuff he just complies.
threeseed 57 days ago [-]
Where in that document [1] [2] does it mention every online account must be linked to a phone number.
Because it mentions that an account must be linked to an email address or phone number.
Which would be the standard for almost every online service.
> every online account must be linked to a phone number
They seem to be learning a lot from the Chinese.
dyauspitr 57 days ago [-]
South Koreans have needed an id to get online for more than a decade
Edit: actually never mind it was only active between the years 2007-2012
Nathanba 57 days ago [-]
In a way it shouldn't be tied to size either, it should be tied to results. If a social company is clearly only interested in profit to the exclusion of societal benefits then they deserve to be regulated.
sega_sai 57 days ago [-]
I would say anything with algorithmic personalized feed is a social media, and that's I would stop kids having access to.
I think the main danger is in the engagement maximisation done through these algorithmic feeds.
nick3443 57 days ago [-]
Mandate that the home/landing page of social media sites is a chronological display of people/artists/whatevers you've legitimately chosen to follow rather than maximization algorithm force feeding. For all users. The have to click to get to the algorithm zone. Problem solved.
viraptor 57 days ago [-]
I don't think that's really solved. Facebook had lots of engagement pre-feed. Reddit has lots of engagement even without personalisation. It's still going to be problematic for lots of people.
akira2501 57 days ago [-]
> What could possibly be better for children who look for purpose in life?
They sort of naturally do that if you have the appropriate challenges and opportunities around them.
> ancient pyramid aliens or discussions about how veganism will help your body.
There used to be a tabloid called "News of the Weird." This stuff just exists. You'll find it anywhere people gather. We're story tellers. When we don't have a compelling story we just make stuff up. It's identical to the point above.
> even all the adults can't come to a shared understanding of what is "good" or true.
It's not possible. If the children are intended to inherit the future then this is a flawed and reductive strategy. You will not achieve what you seek through parochial means.
Really.. I think your biggest problem should be advertising. It should be nowhere near children. Ban _that_ but keep the social media.
22c 57 days ago [-]
I think the proposal is fundamentally flawed because of this reason.
Facebook, Instagram and X/Twitter are probably what's intended here, but what about Tumblr, DeviantArt or Discord? What about Reddit or a generic forum? What about VRChat or Webfishing?
If this is about protecting children from harmful depictions of body image or misogynistic content, then why not instead propose a law that states online services that allow children to join need to appropriately moderate the content that is shown to children or could face massive fines. I don't necessarily agree with that approach, but at least it would make sense with what their stated objectives are.
galuggus 57 days ago [-]
Yes. Does Roblox count? What about Minecraft?
dyauspitr 57 days ago [-]
Start with the big 4 or 5 and add more in there as and when they become problematic. Who decides which one? Some agency.
I think the real solution is banning under 18s from having smart phones period.
k310 54 days ago [-]
I'm late to this thread, but I propose that for greater social good, people OVER 16 should be banned.
56 days ago [-]
teyc 57 days ago [-]
Why about Sky News?
elric 57 days ago [-]
Can't we just ban exploitative & manipulative social media instead? This is another case of the baby and the bathwater.
ElCapitanMarkla 56 days ago [-]
This is the wrong approach, to achieve the desired effect they should make social media compulsory for anyone over ~40.
DeathArrow 57 days ago [-]
Ok, they will join places like 4chan instead.
asdefghyk 56 days ago [-]
Social media companies would have a strong motivation to ensure the plan fails.
They would want it to fail to stop spreading to other countries. They could help it fail by several methods, in my opinion. Social media companies would have NO motivation to ensure its success. Maybe there needs to be a significant penalty to social media companies if the proposal fails?
asdefghyk 56 days ago [-]
The penalty for potential failure needs to be very high - such as banning a app from a country. It could be done. ( Something that would give social media companies significant motivation. ) Social media implication efforts should be examined and audited for software experts and other experts - even down to viewing every part of their software system. Actually tested by outside experts. I used to work for large gambling organisation and the companies systems where audited such by experts - they could reques tto see ANYTHING . Included their own test scenarios . included auditing of our test results. Depending on change , audit could take days . Penalty for hiding anything was so high , it was not done. Same type of system needs to apply to social media companies. I would predict they will claim it can not be done
nashashmi 56 days ago [-]
This might force children to be social in the real world. And disabled children will remain unsocial.
nottorp 56 days ago [-]
Doesn't everyone lie about their age anyway, to get around the stupid restrictions?
56 days ago [-]
styczen 55 days ago [-]
I proposed ban on all social media politicians and government officials.
turing_complete 57 days ago [-]
I wouldn't have said this a few years ago, but I think this is a good idea.
throwawaythekey 57 days ago [-]
Also note that the government is attacking social media on a second front.
Last night they took advantage of the population being distracted by the US election by having an extended parliamentary session to push forward with a second reading of the controversial misinformation bill.
The government and state media apparatus are of course both immune from any penalty under the bill.
Part of the concerted effort against social media is the (sudden?) loss of ability to control the narrative by the established power base. Politics and Print / Television Media used to have the last word on "facts", but now every man and his dog can create their own narrative.
Methinks they're, again, using "think of the children" as a bulwark against the inevitability of their own waning power. The more things change...
Can we also prevent under 16s from being exposed to religious teachings?
the5avage 57 days ago [-]
I really hope you sort this out.
When I have my masters degree finished I would like to live in your beautiful country where a lot of wonderful people live.
nomdep 53 days ago [-]
I would raise the limit to 20 at least
ost-ing 53 days ago [-]
I would argue when the prefrontal lobe has matured, which is about 25 for males. These platforms are highly manipulative and causing immeasurable damage to our social fabric. A dopamine slot machine in your pocket powered by AI, ready to grab your attention anyway it can, by outraging, triggering or seducing you. I personally would ascribe these platforms as evil.
NoZZz 55 days ago [-]
An insane idea, encroaching on the liberty we enjoy on the web.
These types of decisions should be up to parents, and, will eventually play out as they seem fit.
scudsworth 56 days ago [-]
australia proposes big button that says "are you really old enough to read posts? please do not lie"
bigfatkitten 57 days ago [-]
All of these <16s will be voting in a few years, and Australia has compulsory voting. I hope they remember this on their first visit to the ballot box.
viraptor 57 days ago [-]
Kids in schools which forbid phone use for everyone are often happy with the result. Banning social networks for everyone may be popular with them by the time they vote.
bigfatkitten 57 days ago [-]
What about the 14-15 year olds who happily use who happily use various apps to keep in touch with their family and friends (outside school hours), who will now be prohibited from doing so?
viraptor 57 days ago [-]
You don't need social networks to keep in touch with family and friends. RCS and a large number of communicators are available for everyone.
bigfatkitten 56 days ago [-]
Postal mail is also available to everyone, but it's as functionally equivalent to Instagram as RCS is.
viraptor 56 days ago [-]
"I want Instagram" and "I want to be in touch with my friends and family" are completely separate things. You don't need social networks for that. It was possible to be in touch before the internet and I believe that Instagram didn't improve it at all.
bigfatkitten 56 days ago [-]
By that logic, we could simply ban the internet and save a lot of trouble. Society functioned without it for thousands of years.
viraptor 56 days ago [-]
Why go to extremes? The internet does improve the friends&family communication a lot and is useful. I'm saying that Instagram and other social media don't improve it that much beyond direct communication.
Mashimo 57 days ago [-]
I'm not Australian, how are they now being prohibited?
bigfatkitten 56 days ago [-]
They don't really have a plan yet.
Thinking things through isn't a quality that Australian governments have ever been blessed with, particularly when it comes to tech policy.
BLKNSLVR 57 days ago [-]
This will be wholly supported by both parties of our primarily two-party system. There's no alternative but a protest vote to one of those fringe parties that will never get any real power anyway.
viraptor 57 days ago [-]
A protest vote is still free in Australia due to a reasonable voting system. And quite a few independents still get in. Is not terrible and actually can make a difference.
andrewstuart 57 days ago [-]
They’re protecting the children.
jaimex2 57 days ago [-]
They're taking steps to control freedom of speech.
Little steps, get them young.
You should see the misinformation bill they are trying to pass.
57 days ago [-]
brokenmachine 52 days ago [-]
I, for one, am all in favour of our new "summary execution of children if they access social media" law.
Bring on the brown shirts! We must protect family values at all cost!
VagabundoP 57 days ago [-]
Yeah I’m not against it. Please EU follow suit.
What really needs to happen is tough regulators digging through the algorithms. Why are boys on YouTube getting served so much manosphere crap? Etc.
We have enough studies about what these algorithms are trying to do to people to keep them engaged. It’s not healthy for society.
akomtu 56 days ago [-]
The algorithm is pretty simple: show random videos, select categories that invoke the most reaction, show more random videos from those categories and so on. That's why the algorithm often converges to a local maximum and keeps showing disturbing shit on one topic.
johnny22 57 days ago [-]
Honestly that does not seem enough. Honestly I'm worried about the entire age range of human beings in this regard, not just children.
martin82 56 days ago [-]
Time for some "right wing extremists" to win a landslide victory and send that administration packing.
Hopefully, this is an issue that will make Australians finally wake up fron their hypnosis...
uhtred 56 days ago [-]
I fully support this.
Fuck google, meta, tiktok, all of them, they are ruining the world.
And fuck amazon too.
pfdietz 56 days ago [-]
Another development that makes me happy for the US 1st Amendment.
Giorgi 57 days ago [-]
Ahh yes, government knows what is best for you.
golemiprague 57 days ago [-]
rationalfaith 57 days ago [-]
dominojab 56 days ago [-]
OfficeChad 57 days ago [-]
consumerx 57 days ago [-]
lol, probably because they have a propaganda leak.
gloosx 57 days ago [-]
Such a shame of a news, sad to see the level of Australian govt when they are trying to ban for "safety" in the year 2024. Good thing one smart Digital Industry Group representative already told them they are not thinking straight. Of course giving young people something better and more exciting thing to do is not in their plans.
In their dreams is to BAN, take ID VERIFICATIONS and FINE private companies for the rest of their days, any Australian should be ashamed of such dull and unsophisticated policies, and BRAVO to Sunita Bose.
yowayb 57 days ago [-]
Completely unenforceable
jaimex2 57 days ago [-]
It's so sad seeing how many people think its on the government to raise kids.
logicchains 57 days ago [-]
The main reason for this ban, like the attempted TikTok ban in the US, is the overwhelmingly anti-zionist views of the younger generation due to repeated social media exposure to the genocide in Gaza. Fundamentally social media facilitates the faster and broader spread of information than ever before in human history, which is a threat to the gatekeepers who for decades have tightly controlled what information the people of Australia have access to.
Rendered at 23:56:46 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time) with Vercel.
With my direct and indirect experiences of social media; I strongly support this.
That said; how does a young individual get updates to public transport outages that are only available via twitter/x, or read the menu of the local cafe that is only posted on Facebook?
I do worry about the implementation, especially if government owned. The government has, in the past, said one thing and executed another. (DNS metadata collection for ISP’s, for example) Whilst I have nothing to hide, and am happy to be entirely transparent with them; I can appreciate, respect, and understand the hesitation.
And, if government owned; how long until it’s “privatised”.
Will be interesting to see how this plays out.
I am definitely not alone in submitting a report about a fake profile only for the system to nearly automatically deny it. Even when the real person being impersonated is literally sitting next to me asking me to help them submit the report. Even illegal drug dealers operate in the open on Meta properties with no recourse whatsoever.
The process of eliminating a huge swath of fake and harmful content could be implemented trivially, we have so many ways of muting or limiting the spread of information which is unvetted, dubious origin, has outlier qualities and so on - yet nothing of the type is engaged by these networks to obvious harmful consequences.
On a similar note; a family member was being exposed to intense and violent content over Facebook. There was no block, ignore, or report feature on the content exposed. The only option we could find, after researching it; was a “show less of this content” setting buried deep in the Facebook web app (not even available on the standalone app).
Honestly; if the account owner has little option to manage the content they are exposed to.. ugh!
That point is that even the user making positive attempts to moderate their experience on the platform is futile and in my experience largely ignored. (I actually have the experience that it then shows me more of that content.)
Social media platforms are keenly aware that anger and fear drive significantly more engagement and whistleblowers have detailed how Facebook prioritises this content, shovelling it to users specifically to drive usage (and with that ad value and ad impressions).(1)(2)(3)(4)
There is a deep commercial incentive for social media networks to act against their own "community guidelines" and legislation. I applaud Australia's direction for recognising that these networks are not acting in good faith and introducing measures that address the proven harms.(5)
I simply don't use it.
I didn't need any government "assistance".
Personally I would like them to regulate what kind of info the algorithms are allowed to use to profile people. No super-focused targeting.
This is surely an important point. People often make the argument of individual freedom. But at the same time, evidently we are excellent at using those freedoms to screw ourselves over. Globally, we've been speedrunning fucking up society in critical areas for decades now. Could the solution be less freedom? Is there some hidden hook whereby more freedom can solve everything?
Social media has also been enormously beneficial in terms of crippling the propaganda power of centralized, commercial media. It would be very bad to simply return to the authority of editorial boards. What we actually need is to grapple with the social responsibility that comes with this power, which could take decades or even centuries of living with the internet to wrangle.
Especially now that we know how little of the world traditional newsrooms are even willing to cover, let alone fund coverage of.
Besides, the cat is out of the bag.
I’d argue the problem here is more so quality, and can really only be solved with regulation. I want to read news, not a blog and opinion.
There should be clear and concise standards media outlets need to adhere to, but as per my suggestion in regards to social media; will not self regulate.
Additionally; there is no accountability and responsibility.
I would argue that the only benefit that has been made is making this more apparent and obvious.. and hopefully for the better.
Yea that's be great but it's never going to happen, and if it did happen you wouldn't like it. It's like people wanting unbiased journalism: that only exists in the minds of the people who think there are only two serious opinions to have on any topic.
In response to an article posted in the global news thread on reddit, someone who lives there and actually has local knowledge and context can click 'reply' and explain what's actually going on and contradict/correct what the clickbaity sensationalist mass media article contains.
For example, I live here, the government is passing trying to pass said law that they can't control the implementation of. It's also seen by some as a surveillance state move under the guise of "won't someone think of the children". Under the proposed rules, theoretically people < 16 won't even be allowed to text one another.
More in depth/informative article from a local source, not Reuters:
The linked article is way more informative and in depth compared to the link in the original HN post.
An apple tree has 2 apples on it. It's a fact. There is no 'other position'. So sick of narrow-minded idiots/bigots. The article I linked to has way more factual information than the Reuters one.
The government is trying to legislate something it can't control. The whole situation is stupid.
- The post in question is about legislation which has opinions on at least 2 sides: for it or against it.
- The post in question openly advocated for 1 of the sides while effectively ignoring the others. It's not more informative, it's just someone announcing a lot of their opinions. Their opinions aren't additional information, and thus are not informative.
- Someone disagreeing with you doesn't make them obsessed or narrow-minded or a bigot.
> The government is trying to legislate something it can't control
This suggests that you consider unbiased journalism to be journalism which agrees with you. That's the outside perspective from someone who, unlike you, doesn't feel one way or the other on the legislation in question (it doesn't affect me).
I know that some people here on HN want to go full Unabomber and live in the woods but I kind of like the internet.
That's what I was thinking too.
I am not sure what the value is in severely regulating half a dozen or so companies when work arounds are so easily to implement. Maybe as a stop gap solution while we figure out long term solutions (which the government has a horrible track record on).
But for any long term solution we would first have to define what social media even is, and in a way that's testable in court. Don't run away from the hard things, but wow, that's hard.
I think we're stuck with it no matter what so we better develop better ways to deal with its existence regardless.
This is just plain wrong. Social media has moved the propaganda power to foreign hostile nations on a golden platter. That is not an improvement.
I mean it's not like the power of domestic propaganda has waned, it's just in a war for the attention of the ignorant with other interests (most of which aren't foreign powers, by the way, but simply capital). Social media that enabled independent coverage and discussion is still there for the adults in the room and it would be a true loss for any society to sweep the rug out from under the people who care to look beyond the for-profit newsroom (i.e., almost all media that's readily accessible at least to americans).
I'm not actually sure that's true. The only reliable sources on social media (in the sense of 'usually not horribly wrong') are actually traditional media companies like bbc, guardian. Perhaps I'm holding it wrong, but finding other trustworthy sources is actually really hard...
Meta studies often illustrate this well, but one can also do this on an individual level. Seek up reliable sources which opposing core audience compared to ones own demographic and it becomes obvious how horribly wrong they seem with miss leading statements, omissions, weasel words, emotional labeled meanings, mixed with with straight falsehoods.
The only trustworthy sources are multiple sources, and even then we are likely to fail since we are going to be searching for confirmation of what we already believe to be true. Social media do not usually help here, through Wikipedia seems to be a fairly good starting point (especially the talk pages are good to see where different reliable sources disagrees the most).
There's obviously still room for exceptions (especially in small niches, where individual content creators can still make a dent) but this isn't 2006 anymore. The vast majority of the content that covers social, political or economic issues on social media platforms is paid for and pushed by directly interested parties (political parties, companies etc.) with ample funding and is often part of campaigns that span both social media and traditional media. The "indie" outlook is part of the packaging.
The terms of the "paid by" disclaimers are sufficiently generous that they're all but useless once you get past things like goodie bags for influencers or regulated campaign ads.
Yes, it is hard, but there's no such thing as easy trust, and you should always be questioning whether such trust is actually earned or just comforting.
I don't think the "bbc" or "the guardian" are very trustworthy, either (at least by themselves)—both have obvious polemics and blind spots. They also only cover a very narrow, western-centric view of the world, leaving you with piss-poor understanding of world politics. I'm not saying you should ignore them but they're still propaganda.
Substack is invaluable; blogs are invaluable; twitter, as miserable as it is, is invaluable (for direct access to reporters sans newsrooms, if nothing else).
As always, I highly recommend Manufacturing Consent, which well illustrates how to examine financial interests to determine the above. Propaganda does not require conspiracy nor explicit instructions on what messages to convey; it only requires a class of people produced from the same environment, aiming to reproduce that same environment.
On this basis we have to exclude all "citizen jounalists" as unreliable click bait at best or just plain manufactured news.
I don't understand what you're referring to. How do you recommend reigning in a newsroom? Especially one beholden to owners and advertisers with interests directly opposed to those of readers? How do you as a consumer opt out of the financial barriers to quality reporting? The only answer is the peer to peer nature of social media and the internet.
Perhaps what you're missing is that traditional media has zero incentive to highlight the positives of direct communication between disparate populations, creating farcically-negative hysteria about the dangers of worldviews not beholden to giant interests (yes, including domestic and foreign state powers, but also individual entities with massive capital to throw around).
Not me. Having a solid experience living in some far-from-democracy countries, I can state with all certainty that social platforms opened at least a crack to alternative opinions for a lot of people. Yes, they are full of propaganda, but I think they still provide more pluralistic picture compared to the world where old media ruled supreme. The real problem with those platforms is not "misinformation" (which will be everywhere anyway), buy addictiveness, and the fact they incentivize aggressive tribalism
It does make me want to watch the movie Equilibrium though.
If such regulations come in to effect, I think those business / institutions will adapt (eventually) to cater to communicating via additional channels.
Solutions will appear naturally to fill the gaps. This is not rocket science.
Probably in a similar way to how they did prior to 2010
The government does not own the implementation.
As mentioned in another comment, simply making this illegal would create a significant incentive for soc media companies to implement the solution.
The onus is on them to respect the law.
They've been slapped in the face in EU court enough now that they'd think about it seriously.
I have never needed either of these so maybe those kids will manage too?
And especially in the public transport case that information should really be made available outside of private platforms in any case.
Here's a better solution option that is easier to implement; even adults can benefit, and I think it solves some of the problems:
1. Have an easy option to turn off feeds and enforce for non-adults. This would apply not just to meta, twitter, but also to Youtube, LinkedIn, etc.
2. Disable like display. The like counts are what hooks people and gives the dopamine kick. Add the ability to hide it and not show for under 18 easily.
3. Social and news sites should not be allowed to send notifications, period. Not on phones or browsers, at least not for those under 18.
Something along these lines would improve social media for everyone, not just kids. Parents' mental health affects kids the same. So blocking it just for kids only goes so far.
I think you have valid points, but as noted; the industry has no interest in any form of regulation or responsibility.
I don’t see any alternative.
It's crazy that all the things we considered the worst of dystopia in the 80's, thinking nobody would be stupid enough to do, and that those societies in SF books were only distant fictions, are things we are actively seeking now.
Things like "Find my" and "air tags" are already beloved my millions, people use it to track loved ones and they swear by it. Even very intelligent, educated people.
There is such a cognitive dissonance between people swearing the last election meant a likely dictatorship and the same people setting up a tech rope around their necks in case a dictatorship does happen.
My now-dead Jewish grandfather met my grandmother during the French occupation because she was making fake papers. He would be horrified if he knew what we are doing right now with our data.
My German ex was born in East Germany, 11 years before the fall of the Berlin Wall. She thinks people are mad to believe that tracking is not going to be abused.
What the hell is going on?
Impose an insanely steep tax (say, 10,000%) on all ads revenue tied to underage individuals.
Now it's possible to pursue the Al Capone prosecution: tax fraud.
SocMed cos. will avoid anyone underage like the plauge.
1. "How Target Figured Out A Teen Girl Was Pregnant Before Her Father Did" <>, discussed on HN at the time: <> (17 Feb 2012).
But yes, the Al Capone solution seems like it would work.
Not reliably so, and not people who are deliberately trying to fake the system.
Looking at the ads FB are showing me, they are not well targetted at all. I can see an add about AI in education that seems to be aimed at teachers (not a teacher), one from a charity aimed at people with spare rooms that could be used to accommodate human trafficking survivors (I do not have a spare room), a summer school for kids who might do a history related subject at university (that one is well targetted), one advertising admin jobs at British intelligence agencies (I only just meet security requirements and I do not have relevant experience). I get shown multiple ads aimed at Muslims (I am not a Muslim). In the past I have been shown ads for Judaism GCSE courses (not Jewish either, and my kids did not do any religion GCSEs).
Saying that though, it does seem like as soon as I click one advert (either out of curiosity, or to waste obvious scam advertisers budget), I'm suddenly inundated with similar adverts.
Worse I've clicked an ad, bought a product and still seen adverts for the same product from the vendor after the fact. I'm pretty sure there are ways for vendors to preclude such wasteful ad spend.
Also, it's not like the platform is going to give advertisers access to its full capabilities. For one, they don't need to - they only need to sell the minimum it takes to keep the advertisers on board. Two, they wouldn't want some clever advertisers to extract juicy data indirectly and cut out the middleman.
What am I missing here? Don't you still need the platform to actually advertise on? How could I extract data and use that to advertise to someone?
Better capabilities for customers, they reach more customers, more revenue = they may increase ad spending because they see it working
Maybe there’s a reason they want me to rewatch things, but I find it extremely annoying to have the first rows of recommendations be things I watched recently.
It does not require this, and in fact the solution may be almost entirely outside of the technology realm.
Simply making it illegal would be enough to:
1. Deter a lot of people from enabling social media on the smartphone of their kids
2. Enable a lot of parents to tell their kids that what they are doing is illegal
3. Force BigTech to implement whatever solution fits best to control the age of the user before install. The onus to respect the law is on them.
It's a very technical misunderstanding of how law works, or the effects law have on society. Legality isn't technicality. Something being physically possible doesn't "break" the law, and breaking a law doesn't render that law useless.
No, but the ease of breaking the law does need to be weighed against the costs it imposes on everyone else. Carrying a driver's license is almost a non-cost, and is really only necessary til people hit 28 or so and cashiers largely stop checking.
Needing to verify age online could place very real costs on people. Enabling surveillance is an issue. The chilling effect of knowing that database leaks are going to tie your real identity to your online one is an issue (think the Ashley Madison leaks, but for your old angsty teenager Reddit account). There are a lot of small groups who don't want their membership revealed, like LGBT people in countries with laws against it, domestic abuse victims, support groups for people with trauma, etc, etc.
I don't think I've seen a system that doesn't involve those issues. I'm sure one is hypothetically possible, but that never seems to be a goal of these laws.
So the question is whether restricting social media use by age is worth those drawbacks. My personal values say it's not, but I do recognize that's a value call to some degree and views will differ.
You can make social media illegal for under 16s without requiring online age validation.
After all, a form of this already exists with the US COPPA [1] law, and the presence of that law hasn't forced age validation on everyone.
If the US can make it de-facto illegal for companies to let under 13s use social media, and has been the case for over 20 years, then it shouldn't be a sudden privacy-ending problem for Australia to make it illegal for under 16s to use social media.
Furthermore, now I have to navigate the morality of encouraging my own kid to lie, just so she can use an online service that I approve of as a parent. Terrible law.
Piracy would be a good comparison to this law. We all know how that turned out.
Also we have to consider that gov spying programs are developed everywhere in the world, and the fact CP has been used as an excuse to pass questionable bills again and again.
What's even crazier is that we have to even argue this is a problem.
And that intelligent people are arguing that this is all OK. People that read history books, saw PRISM and Snowden, heard about cops abusing their system already, etc.
There aren’t big tech companies running piracy services.
You could put them under the rule of law if they did.
When it comes through, theres like 10 other interest groups who want to immediately use it for their thing.
If it becomes commonplace, the iPhone could vouch for you about your age, without disclosing your identity.
No, it really couldn't. If it can't disclose your identity, then there's no mechanism to revoke a compromised or cloned identifier, and no ability to demonstrate in court that you performed the necessary diligence correctly.
Age verification systems must, inherently, either produce a secure proof of age with no genuine anonymity, or a chocolate teapot highly insecure proof of age that's no better than a "I am over 18" tickbox that isn't going to protect websites in court from these clumsy laws.
Surely even a flag locked behind the "parental controls" section of an iPhone is much better than a tickbox.
See, e.g., the GDPR, which as written has strong language against storing data, but as applied is riddled with 'reasonable' exceptions that have never been tested in court. It's like Schrödinger's regulation, it's both incredibly restrictive and trivial to comply with (unless you're Super Evil™) at the same time, somehow.
The problem is, what is "it"? Are applications like WhatsApp and iMessage social media? They seem to be significant sources of teenage angst but they are also incredibly useful tools. What about Hacker News? Is it social media?
How do you prove it?
Which would comfortably cover every method of person to person communication from SMS to the telephone app.
It's Australia, who often rank very low for a western country on human rights.
Secret trials
Secret laws
Secret ministries
Secret backdoors
Introducing Digital ID system that may be enabler for this
While trying to introduce laws to weaken encryption an ex Australia prime minister famously said:
> "The laws of mathematics are very commendable, but the only law that applies in Australia is the law of Australia" Malcolm Turnbull.
What's crazy the west look at places such as China as dystopian with the great firewall etc, it appears China was just ahead of the game.
Australia is probably the easiest place to introduce a system to block social media, a experimentation ground for five eyes. Easy to push things through, protesting isn't an Australian pass time, not that big of a country, not that small of a country.
Never forget that the Western worlds first, most successful racist genocide occurred in Australia, and the same racist reasoning that allowed it to maintain White Australia policies into the 80's are still being used to justify the slaughter of innocent human beings all over the world.
When the USA wants something dirty done, in yet another illegal war, Australia is ready with hat in hand, willful and subservient, to commit yet more crimes against humanity and get away with it.
Australia is where the apparatus designed, with intent, to massively violate the human rights of over a billion human beings currently operates, at insane scales, every second of the day. Australians are fine with it.
(Disclaimer: White Stolen Generation Australian.)
I think the kinetic testing is done all over the middle east. The mind-control stuff is pretty successfully deployed down under, though.
For those who are reading this thread in disbelief at the magnitude of Australia's dark history, this is a compelling read:
oh dear, have we forgotten about The Holocaust so soon?
Or are we just going to let slide mis-information on true historical events that don't need lying to relay the injustice, and support justice?
Btw we are not going to accept that you mistyped, Again.
The White Stolen Generation is a real thing. If you don't know about it, you're not qualified to dismiss it:
(EDIT: please look at the URL, which includes the anchor directly to the section on the "White Stolen Generation" - for some reason when following the URL through HN, the jump to the anchor for that section is not followed, giving the impression that there is no "White Stolen Generation" section on the given website, when .. indeed .. there is.)
Those who don't want to confront this painful aspect of Australia's terrible history tend to want to muddy the waters, but those of us who actually suffered under the forced human trafficking regime that was official Australian government policy see things a lot more clearly...
No, it was not an unfortunate typo. You have merely not bothered to take anything more than a superficial glance at the details.
Please, before you rush to be right about something you know nothing about, try a simple google search, at least - especially for such a subject where some of us were victimized by our own governments.
The link given goes directly to the section on the White Stolen Generation:
(Look at the URL...)
The "white stolen generations"
Did you know that in Australia there is another stolen generation, one which shares the pain and consequences? It's called the "white stolen generation" to distinguish it from the Aboriginal stolen generation.
In the five decades up to 1982, the newborn babies of young, single women were forcibly removed from them for adoption, a practice sometimes called 'baby farming'. Mothers were drugged, tethered to beds, not allowed to see their babies, told they were dead. [54] Many of these adoptions occurred after the mothers were sent away by their families due to the stigma associated with being pregnant and unmarried.
More than 250,000 white mothers lost their babies to forcible removal at birth by these past illegal adoption practices. Groups such as Adoption Loss Adult Support and Apology Alliance offer help and support.
Between 2010 and 2012 apologies were offered by Western Australia, South Australia, ACT, New South Wales, Victoria and Tasmania. Prime Minister Julia Gillard offered a national apology to those affected by forced adoptions in 2013.
Source: A guide to Australia's Stolen Generations - Creative Spirits, retrieved from
Then there is this:
.. and of course you could read what Wikipedia has to say about it:
In fact, an "apology" was given by the Australian government, but as we can see, it was not enough.
General public awareness of the subject, as you have demonstrated, is terrible. And, yet again, Australia gets away with it as a result.
I don’t have a dog in this fight and know very little about this piece of history, so I am bowing out. I did think it was legitimately a typo
Yes, white children were stolen and officially trafficked by their governments, as official policy. From around the Commonwealth, in fact.
And some of us are still suffering.
>Sounds like you're not qualified to talk on it.
What part of "(Disclaimer: White Stolen Generation Australian.)" didn't you understand?
That didn't turn out well thanks to kiddy fiddling "Christian Brothers" at multiple institutes across Australia who worked their way through literal boatloads of children.
Clontarf Boys Town, Castledare, Bindoon, and several other sites in this state alone were the subject of a massive nation wide Royal Commission into child abuse.
In the US, children under 13 are usually forbidden from having online accounts. Do some kids lie? For sure, but the sites will try to ban those accounts.
In practice, this legislation would be very positive because it would establish the expectation that young teens _are not on social media_. This only works if it's national legislation: No kid will feel left out because his/her friends are on SnapGramTok. They are all banned. They can be mad at the unfair government/adults together.
What is social media exactly?
This would need to be ban on specific blocklisted companies and services which might be a good thing because alternatives might arise that could try to do their best to not end up on the blocklist.
I don’t understand what is dystopian about knowing where I left my keys, and seeing how my wife’s commute home is doing without phoning her while she is driving, assuming we always both have mobile phones.
The loss of privacy was something that was totally foreseeable (by me, at least) but embraced by the general population. The general embrace has meant that we all operate within a panopticon-like system - this itself modifies behaviour. No alternative choices are available - as a collective all have to 'follow the herd', with phones etc being essential to modern existence, despite the privacy reservations felt by many.
I'm taking the opportunity to express the idea that it is possible to find appeal in this or that tech feature and to lose sight of the broader ramifications. Each incremental change can be justified (no batteries makes my phone slimmer, 'finding my' is useful, its good to know my blood pressure, etc) but to imagine that the rollout of these features is a natural unfolding of reality without preordained end goal (technocratic governance) is naive.
Technocratic governance is not a goal that anyone would accept if it was proposed in a straightforward way - hence the duplicity, incrementalism, destruction of existing institutions, etc.
I find data collection and tracking disconcerting not because I'm doing anything nefarious, unlawful or something I'm ashamed of—my life is pretty boring and uninteresting—but because it has the effect of reducing one's autonomy. If one knows one's data is monitored and one is being tracked then one acts differently. For some, they'll make minor changes in behavior, for others a lot. Even for those who've no idea about others tracking or collecting data about them there's the broader issue of how society ought to be conducted. That's a very big issue I can't address here.
Of course, the authoritarians amongst us would argue that monitoring is good thing as people won't be tempted to misbehave, commit crimes and such. I'd answer that by saying those who've nefarious intent will find ways of circumventing the surveillance so the net effect on society is negative as the 'innocent' are the onrs who are targeted without a good or just reason.
Right, pretty much everyone has a mobile phone. What has truly surprised me is how many people are prepared to trade data and being surveiled for convenience. I often wonder if they make such conscious decisions knowing the full implications of that surveillance. I suspect most do not.
Having a mobile phone it's inevitable I will be tracked by multiple entities from government to Google. My response is governed by how much I am prepared to trade privacy and autonomy for convenience and I reckon that's a large amount. Not having Google account and killing and or removing all Google services goes some considerable way but I'm under no illusion that Big Tech is still tracking me. That said, the info colllected wouldn't hold much value.
Not, it's not. You could use a GNU/Linux phone with hardware kill switches for modem and WiFi/Bluetooth: Librem 5. This is what I do.
WiFi is set to only reconnect manually and mobile data is off until needed. There's lots of other protections too such as no Chrome browser and JS is turned off by default on the browsers (I've three different browsers set for different jobs, none keep cookies between sessions). With ad protection and JS off I never see ads. I've no social media accounts, HN is pretty much it—and you can hardly call it social media. YouTube is viewed through NewPipe and so on.
That's pretty tight. But it's easy for me because I've no need of social media and such. Right, my ISP can track me but I'm not in the drug trade or espionage so that's pretty irrelevant.
I've a box of older phones and GNU/Linux is a pending project for them. I'm watching Librem and I'll likely go that way eventually.
What I really want on my phones are manual click-type (air gap) off switches to switch the phone off in a split second, same with WiFi. Unfortunately, I've been spoiled forever. My ancient Nokia had a battery with a quick release button on the back. If say I was in a meeting and wanted to kill the phone quickly I could reach into my pocket and push the button and slide the battery abount 1cm which disconnected it—the phone was off in a fraction of a second, none of this nonsense waiting for the phone to shut down.
I miss that feature with a passion and I want it back.
I remember watching my sister and her husband calling each other frequently with, "How far are you away from home?" and just kind of scratched my head. (I think I have sinced talked them into enabling Find My.)
When my wife or I want to call a daughter we can see immediately if they are at work or at home... things like that are nice. There's also an indescribable sweetness to just looking longingly in on a daughter who is far away and wondering how her day is going. Empty nest blues? (Or maybe Miner at the Dial-A-View.)
Can you at least conceive that some people might find it deeply creepy that someone can follow their every step, and equally creepy to be able to 'spy' on another person 24/7?
But I don’t think it’s a distopian nightmare that I want it.
EDIT: toned down the term I used.
Way to rationalize stalking away.
They do the same in Chris Hansen's show. They are there only to check upon the safety of the minor.
I do not see how following her every step would help her though.
We are usually in a call whenever she is outside, but I feel like even this is futile were anything bad to happen.
Why not just (a) make it illegal so the parents and tech companies see it that way and (b) put some fines on the responsible adult parties if violations are found?
Sure enforcement would be spotty and loose, but tickets for parents and fines for tech companies would go a long way to establish the cultural change without the need for "verification"
A company can't work like that - the tech company will need to do it's upmost to avoid the fines, and so will implement verification that is both unsafe, incredibly invasive, discriminatory but crucially has an audit trail, and it's insane to suggest they would do anything else.
If companies are motivated and parents are motivated to prevent it and schools have the cover to also police it, then social media usage probably won't hit critical mass for kids and they won't feel FOMO to get it.
"it's illegal" is usually a decent enough hard stop to most kids for "why can't I have it"
Should just age-restrict smartphones altogether imo lol. Entire generations survived without mobile phones and it would remove entire issues around addictive mobile games, social media abuse, attention/focus issues
and you'ld learn how to code just like millions have for decades - in school or library computer rooms, or with an age-restricted computer that your family would provide.
nature-nurture x game-theory anxiety/thrill VS. consciousness & planetary/colony-wide awareness; and I'm not talking about some esoteric spirituality or whatever the fuck.
we are always in a natural balance, established by those who do and those who don't. all of us compartmentalise. and good/noble/grand people in law are rare and entirely absent in politics.
TV & the radio made a lot of destructive behaviours look cool (all that finboy shit) and so did feel-good literature like Siddharta.
and then there's the myth of "hard decisions" that can only be made by certain kinds of characters.
young ppl are easy to bend towards hierarchies that reward certain kinds of behaviour and convictions. makes em feel proud.
and in the end we are all just doin our job ^^
Am I correct in this assumption?
The slide to dystopia which is described or implied by countless fictional books is, in fact, really easy to pull off. It's death by a thousand socially convenient compromises.
I remember when a significant portion of people thought carrying phones around was creepy, or that spending your life looking at screens was antisocial, and these things were actively proclaimed. Contrary to popularly repeated historical revisionist tropes, lots of people had to be cajoled and prodded and pressured into the "digital revolution". Surely others remember that?
And now we're at a stage now where if you don't have something like whatsapp or facebook or instagram or whatever, depending on the culture and the age group, there's a real chance that you'll be socially confronted, and even belittled in some circumstances.
8 years old doom scrolling tiktok is a dystopia we are experiencing right now, pick your flavor
It depends on the assumptions you're willing to make.
Imagine if Australia introduces a block that works really well, and preserves privacy, but you can bypass it by using a VPN, or by rooting your phone.
Would that be good enough, because only 1% of kids will figure out those bypasses? Or will the knowledge spread like wildfire until 90% of kids are using VPNs or rooting their phones?
If you assume such bypasses would spread like wildfire, Australia would also need to block all VPNs or make every phone impossible to root. Tough to do that in a way that isn't dystopian.
Huxley's "Brave New World" was published 1932
Although I think it's only for government sites. I believe it could probably be used to verify only age in a privacy-respecting fashion.
But let's be real. We all know this isn't about protecting children, because it never is.
If say an adult is incapable to setup a phone/tablet, then a person at the store would help them set the initial part but skip the login with Google/Apple etc.
No idea why this was not tried and then see if it fails.
What? you mean asking the parent to enter a date of birth before giftin the child a phone and setting it in child mode is like burning things?
Did you really relied to me? Then explain
Seems to me a better idea then government IDs or sending your ID to Facebook.
I could guess why Google did nlot add this feature to Android , they want the money from ads, and maybe Apple wants Google to bhave money to share with them.
How do you want to enforce it? Everyone who grew up as Internet started knows that everyone is over 18 on the Internet. Or did you, as a kid, ever put your real birth date on a form asking for it for purposes of age-walling you?
And if not voluntary, then... it's either companies asking for government-issued IDs on a case-by-case basis, or a larger system, perhaps legally mandated, that forces you to tie your government-issued ID into it so age information is automatically propagated in the background.
1 make it illegal for children to buy smarthpones, tablets.
2 make the OS vendors to add a parent mode/child control API, when the phone starts first time the parent enters the details
3 inform the buyer that if he is a parent he is responsible for the child not the government, the parent must set the correct birthdate on the device and set the device in child mode , they can decide to trust the child but then the government is not responsible.
4 the browssers on this locked devices will report to the websites if the user is adult or not, they will not report he brithdate just a true /false
5 if a website fails to read the age from the browser and still offers oillegal content to a browser that is marked as minor then the website is repossible and it is fined.
At no point the child is asked to enter his age so there is not similar to current place where you click I am over 18.
If you have children you might have made an account for them to use a smartphone, Did you lied bout their birthdate ? Did you gave them the new phone in a box and let them set it up because you were to busy ?
"...way to perfectly identify somebody on the internet..."
Nope, it does not require this.
What you can do is to construct a zero-knowledge proof of the age of the smartphone user. You can do this based on the certificate that is provisioned in modern electronic passports. The proof construction can choose to ignore expiry date, so the government can offer to issue expired passports with blank photos for the instances of people who should not have functioning passports.
Then you need the social media sites to agree on a common auth mechanism that uses the zero-knowledge proof, and if the same proof gets used on multiple devices, you log out the previously used device.
So even if a parent lets their kid use the parent's passport to generate the proof on the kids phone, every time the kid uses this proof, the parent gets logged out of Facebook and all other social media apps.
Then no parents are going to let the kids use their ID, because of the negative impact to themselves. And you have no more means of tracking than already exists today.
This also offers interesting possibilities for a startup! In the EU today, there are essentially zero legal ways for a 12-year-old to have a group chat with their friends, apart from RCS and iMessage, which then divides the friend group into two halves. Imagine then a chat app aimed specifically at group conversations for teens, where every user has a verified age. This type of app is something parents will pay good money for.
> So even if a parent lets their kid use the parent's passport to generate the proof on the kids phone, every time the kid uses this proof, the parent gets logged out of Facebook and all other social media apps.
Doesn't this automatically give the "common auth mechanism" perfect knowledge of all the parent's social media accounts, whether under a real name or a pseudonym? That sounds like an additional means of tracking.
Also, what if the parent legitimately has multiple devices that they use for social media (e.g., a phone and a laptop)? You might say, "log them out if it's used simultaneously from multiple devices", but then you're tracking all social-media usage everywhere in realtime.
Location tracking is just another knife.
- You don't have full control over the knife. In fact it's not about your use of the knife.
- The people in control of the knife have a poor track record at caring about you, and belong to a category that history has proven we should not trust.
- Every time you use the knife, you sign a blank contract giving full authorization to future non-specified knife usage to people you don't know nor do you know their motive. And you trust none of those people, for an indefinite length of time, will abuse it.
- Cumulative use of the knife can accumulate stabs that may be delt to you and all your love ones one day all at once.
- Use of knife can be automated and scale at the level of all countries.
- Most people are not knowledgeable about the knife, don't know much about it, and it's invisible to them.
There are many knives in your relative proximity all the time. Some of them are used for your benefit, other are used for other's benefit, every one have potential to be abused against you by evil actor.
> The people in control of the knife have a poor track record at caring about you, and belong to a category that history has proven we should not trust.
Scrutiny should be proportional severity of harm times the frequency of harm.
> Every time you use the knife, you sign a blank contract giving full authorization to future non-specified knife usage to people you don't know nor do you know their motive. And you trust none of those people, for an indefinite length of time, will abuse it.
Everytime you enter restaurant or even leave your house you are giving full authorization to people around you who posses knives to use those knives for non-specified purposes. You can only hope they are reasonable and won't cause you harm.
> Cumulative use of the knife can accumulate stabs that may be delt to you and all your love ones one day all at once
Knives don't need to accumulate anything. One misapplication can end your life literally
> Use of knife can be automated and scale at the level of all countries.
There are many machines that are basically bunch of fast moving knives. It's on you to not be where they are. Their operators are bound to take precautions proportional to harm times the frequency of harm.
> Most people are not knowledgeable about the knife, don't know much about it, and it's invisible to them
You usually can't really tell how many knives are around you and most are hidden at most times.
Although reasonable restrictions on all technologies aren't inherently bad.
Restrictions imposed pre-emptively just because nightmare scenarios are easy to imagine and captivating are not great.
Not in the hand of a government that has a monopoly on violence. Most governments in the world dont have your best interests in mind and being tracked 24/7 is a bad deal to get.
Monopoly on violence is the most significant cultural development that allowed incredible wealth and societal development.
Currently we are in the age of commonality of surveillance. If this turns out to be harmful enough we might as well move towards monopoly on surveillance and it might be an improvement.
Personally I think it won't be necessary.
I'm sure of one thing. Surveillance won't go away because it's a useful technological tool.
> What the hell is going on?
Because they weren't all that dystopian? Maybe people had the good sense of being able to see the amazing aspects of those future technologies even when the authors tried to paint them darkly? Or maybe we rightly all realized - even if just at subconscious, emotional level - that those fictional dystopias are thin, simplistic narrative devices, and "no one would be stupid enough to" actually implement them?
What we didn't predict was adtech. For all the anti-corporate fiction that was part of, or adjacent to, science fiction of that era, the western culture is still obsessed with self-made people, glorifying entrepreneurship, making money. Well, turns out there's hardly a difference between small businesses and large corporations. The incentives are the same regardless of size; sole proprietorships and multinationals aren't some sworn enemies, they're just different size of the same thing.
What we didn't realize - and many still don't - is that, while no one may be stupid enough to implement the techno-dystopia outright, many will happily do whatever it takes, no matter how unscrupulous and underhanded, to secure their income. We didn't realize that glorifying "business sharks" means creating an entrepreneurship culture where customers are resources to be exploited, not human beings. Iterate on it enough, and we get to techno-dystopia indirectly, with no stupid steps made on the way - just plenty of exploitative ones.
Perhaps the memory of the first 3/4 of the 20th century has us put too much focus on the governments, and blind to private interests. A particular pet peeve of mine, for example:
> My German ex was born in East Germany, 11 years before the fall of the Berlin Wall. She thinks people are mad to believe that tracking is not going to be abused.
Yes, and at least some people who think alike also like to bring up Nazis pulling census records to make their purges more efficient. But frankly, I don't think this is a good argument against censuses, or contact tracing. It's not the census that put minorities in concentration camps, it's the Nazis. They wouldn't have stopped if that data didn't exist, they'd find some other proxy or just do it systematically, like they did elsewhere.
A better argument is to perhaps not collect data you don't need. A census without religious affiliation would be less useful to Nazis and the like, and it's questionable how useful having this information was for the purposes it was collected. But my ultimate point is, when your government turns evil, you're screwed anyway. We need to try and prevent it from going bad in the first place. It may indeed involve fighting against badly justified surveillance overreach, but trying to take away tools that an okay-ish government uses for good, only because they'll be used for bad things when the government turns evil, is just self-destructive behavior.
I mean, you could argue that teaching a person how to grow strength and keep a healthy body, how to read, write, plan, think, negotiate, convince, are all bad because what if that person becomes a criminal or a dictator? Yes, it would be much better if murderers and tyrants didn't know how to use a knife or a gun, or how to talk people into helping them. But we consider that risk to be worth it because of all the good it brings to everyone else, continuously.
And yeah, we're all so focused on the idea of governments going full-Nazi again, that we've ignored the gradual overreach of private interests, which at this point not only actively screws with our everyday lives all the time (hello advertising industry), but also undermines our governments too. Even worse, all the "dual-use" tech and data private interests have, that okay-ish governments would love to access but have good sense to refrain themselves, sits there gift-wrapped for any evil government willing to reach for it. We ended up choosing the worst option of all: all the downsides of tech being abused by private interests now and evil governments in the future, with none of the upsides of okay governments using it for good today.
So perhaps we should concentrate less on things like AirTags being potentially deadly in hands of the next Stalin, and focus more on fighting private and public attempts at abusing them early, while maximizing the benefits society can get from such technologies.
Or, in short, let's pay less attention to how some tech could be abused in principle, and more attention to people who are trying to abuse others.
I don't like the outcomes we see with modern social media, but this feels like we're punishing the victim instead of the perpetrator.
Social media now is a very different beast. It's designed to be addictive, and it generates engagement through polarization.
Is banning social media for children a punishment for the child? Some parents would argue the opposite, that it's a good thing that the child isn't developed enough to realise yet.
Wouldn't placing the limits on the social media companies potentially prevent them for operating at a profit? I don't think you're wrong, but I question if you're not removing social media for child and teenagers regardless, the difference is if there will be social media for them to use later in life.
Banning social media for those under 16 (or 18) or killing off social media in general do to restrictions in how they operate doesn't really matter to me, even if the latter seems like a bigger win for society in general.
Social media was an interesting and at times fun experiment, but it might be time accept that it's not working out as we had hoped.
I can't speak for the other big companies of the time, like MySpace and Xanga, because I never used them.
I would have supported a ban when I was in highschool. I think a lot of teenagers would have.
Also I don't understand how a ban is punishing the victim anymore than banning drugs from high-schools is punishing any teenagers.
For example: Comparing the THC levels of the 60s to the THC levels today, and the potency social media of the 90s to the social media today seems appropriate. I mean one can only do so much social media over a slow modem on a home that has a single shared phone line.
How many people do that becasue they have thought about what they perhaps look back on posting on MySpace or Bebo or whatever and think "thank god that's disappeared from the internet"?
Not... waves hands whatever the f*%k this is.
People in their early to mid 30s had Facebook come into popularity during high school. I’d wager the majority of that age group would happily ban social media for children having experienced youth both with and without modern social media.
You would login and see what your friends were up to, in chronological order.
Of course many will say this can be abused, but all technology can be abused and the reason we're in this mess in the first place is because OS designers haven't figured out that the relationship between parent and child is an important one which should be strengthened, not made weaker ..
What? Why would parents need permission from their government to forbid their kid from having an Instagram account? They're parents, so they can engage in parenting.
Right now if a parent says "You can't have instagram. Because I say so." the kids answer will be "But I will be a looser noob if I can't. All my friend are on it. Jenny has 5k followers!"
Vs after the ban: "You can't have instagram. This is the law." "But mom! Some of my friends are on it. Jenny has 1k followers!" "Is that so? I will ask Jenny's mom if she knows about that."
It is not going to stop absolutely everything. (Same as prohibiting underage alcohol drinking is not stopping teens from drinking any). But it will put a serious damper on it and fracture the social networks into smaller more underground ones.
They probably want to allow their kids to use a computer, so it would be very easy for the kid to go to instagram when they dont look.
Why would any pre-teen / teen care about what government thinks? They care what their friends think about that TikTok they saw during recess, though.
Tender documents released on Monday show the technical trial is slated to begin “on or around 28 October”, with the provider also expected to assess the “effectiveness, maturity, and readiness” of technologies in Australia.
Biometric age estimation, email verification processes, account confirmation processes, device or operating-level interventions are among the technologies that will be assessed for social media (13-16 years age band).
In the context of age-restricted online content (18 years or over), the Communication department has asked that double-blind tokenised attribution exchange models, as per the age verification roadmap, and hard identifiers such as credit cards be considered.
They note that existing age verification setups largely either rely on providing ID, or on a combination of manual and automated behavior profiling (face recognition, text classification, reports from other users), both of which have obvious privacy and/or accuracy issues. The "double-blind tokens" point to a summary by LINC explaining how they _could_ be implemented with zero-knowledge proofs, but I could not find an article or a practical implementation (could just be a mistake on my part, admittedly)
At _best_ you end up with a solution in the vein of Privacy Pass - - but that requires a browser extension, a functioning digital ID solution you can build on top of, and buy-in from the websites. Personally, I also suspect the strongest sign a company is going to screw up the cryptographic side of it is if they agree to implement it...
A functioning digital ID solutions seems like table stakes for anything in 2024.
This is not like porn which is a solitary activity: on social media you have to be social and let everyone know… at least for traditional actually-social media, not content-consuming apps like TikTok.
It's similar to alcohol usage: you can't stop it completely, but also you don't have 50% of kids bringing it to school.
So like piracy?
> This is not like porn which is a solitary activity: on social media you have to be social and let everyone know… at least for traditional actually-social media, not content-consuming apps like TikTok
You don't? You can stay perfectly anonymous.
Article states that sites must demonstrate they are taking reasonable measures to enforce this though - a lot will come down as to how courts interpret that. If they go to the extremes of the KYC laws in australia I imagine a significant fraction of adults will not want to verify their age.
If the law is to have any teeth at all, it should be the problem of the service provider.
Say for example that a banned feature for minors is having media feeds based on past watching behavior. Lacking a reliable age verification it's simple for social media companies to remove the feature entirely for all users, if it's unreasonable or impossible for them to implement age verification.
The system wasn’t really designed for the internet era and I think a lot of people would not be happy about handing all the personal info over to TikTok or Facebook
It's gonna be cookie banners 2.0.
I bet a lot will just ask for a credit card number, like in those old scam fake-porn websites from the late 90s/early 2000s.
Societal signaling is pretty powerful.
Request the social media platform to implement the restriction. The large social media platform have billions $ cash , so if that "really want to implement it" it should not be a problem.
However, I expect social media companies to "drag out every reason , why they can ot implement it..." - since it does not benefit the social media company. ... and would reduce its user base ...
I'm sure that Facebook, Google and TikTok will be delighted to make it mandatory that Australians send in photos of their face, passport and driving license.
But is it good for Australia to have their citizens hand such mountains of PII to unaccountable foreign megacorporations?
That's exactly what they're aspiring to here, following on from a well-established pedigree of Australian lawmakers and their dysfunctional relationship with the Internet.
It might not even be the desired outcome to have identification, the better outcome could be to have feature Z stripped for all users (for example video feeds based on past watching behavior).
The history is extremely unlikely to be available to the id validator (beyond the domain at most). VPNs can't see the actual history either.
The average PornHub user's history will be full of weird incest shit at the very least, not because of any specific interest in the genre but because so much generic heterosexual porn is labeled as such. Looks really bad for you if it makes the newspaper.
So even "tame" leakage is 100x more embarrassing than it ought to be, and thus snooping on bf/husband's devices to humiliate them over their porn usage is normalized on relationship subreddits. Same goes for them plugging your email address into the password reset form to try to verify whether you have an account on any given site.
Frankly, Stephen King stories are much weirder than any porn. Imagine enjoying watching monsters eating people.
I mean come on they literally created a throwaway account named "hey rabbi" to make that comment.
The real change though comes from parent's perceptions. Right now there's age limits of 14-years-old on most social media platforms, however most parents just see this as a ToS thing, and nobody cares about actually violating it. Once it becomes law, the parents are suddenly responsible (and liable) for ensuring their children are not breaking the law by accessing social media. It's not going to stop everybody, but it'll certainly move the needle on a lot of people who are currently apathetic to the ToS of social media platforms.
Social networks, public media sharing networks, discussion forums, consumer review networks.
What's far more useful is to propose effective incentives and disincentives, and let the participants work this out for themselves. There are some useful principles and examples which come to mind:
- Business is profit-oriented. Attack the basis of profits, in a readily-identifiable and enforceable way, and activity which pursues those markets will tend to dry up.
- Business is profoundly risk-averse. Raise the risks of an activity, or remove protections or limitations on threads (e.g., Section 230 of the CDA in the US), and incentives to participate in that activity will be greatly reduced. Penetrating corporate and third-party veils would be particularly useful, in this case, of service providers (aiding and abetting in a proscripted commerce) and advertisers (profiting by same). Lifting any limitations on harms which might occur (bullying, induced suicides, addiction, or others) would similarly be crippling.
As to how age might be ascertained:
- Self-reporting. Not terribly reliable, but a decent first cut.
- Profiling. There are exceedingly strong indicia of age which can be made, including based on a particular account's social graph, interests, online activity, location data (is the profile spending ~6h daily at an elementary school, and not lunching in the teacher's lounge?), etc. One strong distinction is between legislation and regulation, where the latter is imposed (usually with rulemaking process) through the executive branch (SCOTUS's Loper v. Raimondo being a phenomenally stupid rejection of that principle). Such regulation could then on a more flexible basis identify specific technical means to be imposed, reviewed, and updated on a regular schedule.
- Access providers. Most people now access the Internet through either fixed-location (home, work, institutional) providers, or their own mobile access provider. Such accounts could well carry age (and other attestation) flags which online service providers could be obliged to respect as regards regulation.
Jumping in before a few obvious objections: no, these mechanisms are not perfect but I'll assert they can be practically effective; and yes, there are risks for authoritarian regimes to abuse such measures, but then, those are already abusing present mechanisms. I'd include extensive AdTech-based surveillance in that, which is itself ripe for abuse and has demonstrated much of this already.
(That said, I'd welcome rational "what could possibly go wrong" discussion.)
Children can not consent. They can't sign contracts. They don't understand the ramifications of what algorithmically delivered content does to you.
I think that introducing people to social media right when they'll be on the hook for all their bad decisions during the exploratory period is going to result in a lot of 18-20 year olds in a ton of debt + them being even more hooked on social media than kids are now because they'll also be away from adult supervision. Imagine the sports betting ads for the newly 18. The influencers puffing up the newly 18 about how adult and mature they are and all adults buy product X, etc. They'll have no way of knowing what's normal to share and will probably overshare, but unlike minors, they'll be legally able to torpedo the rest of their lives. Etc.
Making it 18 puts a target on their back for the ad and social media companies: Fresh meat that aren't entitled to any protection. That seems like a bad combination to me.
If the relationship is valuable to you, it requires maintaining. Following each other on social media isn't the same.
Not to mention social media is filled with someone's best moments which give you a bad view on how you're doing against your peers.
Not to that half of the posts on social media are ads, which aren't good for you at any age.
Maybe not to you, but to some people it is incredibly valuable for maintaining relationships. And these are kids about to part with most of their friends for the first time, you can't rely on them having learned your insightful life lessons by this point. I'm guessing you've never been felt the negative effects being left out of a social circle can have? Relationships aren't binary, not everyone is best friends or strangers. Lots of room in between for people to bond or be left out.
I grew up in a pre internet world. We had "negative effects being left out of a social circles" then too. Social circles being hard is not going away regardless of how this decision lands.
The fact that you never grew up in the social media world highlights exactly why you don't understand the problem despite thinking you do. Your good old "social circles being hard" issue is not the problem here.
Please understand that there are plenty of situations where someone gets invited to something if and only they are visible to others and easy to invite. i.e. there exist plenty of situations where being on the platform is the sole determining factor. And that being off the platform that the majority use puts a very significant, ongoing, and asymmetric burden on the host (or invitor, if it's a different person) to keep them posted on all the details that did not exist otherwise, and this fundamentally makes one less likely to be included, in an entirely natural and unavoidable fashion that is no fault of anyone involved, and has nothing to do with "social circles being hard".
You have to recognize when the system is making a problem worse than it naturally is.
The irony. How can you be certain that it's not social media making "problem worse than it naturally is"? Many people believe that social media is.
As someone who was not particularly visible, and was not invited to every party, I am very aware that "there are plenty of situations where someone gets invited to something if and only they are visible to others and easy to invite". Is "not being on social media" really all that different than "not being on the <insert sport> team"? The same arguments apply. Easier to see and invite teammates, more social cache, etc.
In any case, if all teens were off social media then it would not be a determining factor, and I'm sure alternative systems would emerge for inviting people to places.
It is the problem. I don't think you understood my point. If nobody in high school had it, I wouldn't be bringing it up. The problem here is some students will have it the last year and some won't. By seeing it at 18, you're making it worse for the younger kids. Either 19 or 16 would be better.
In any case, I’m probably not the right person to determine the cutoff criteria. Whatever the boundary, that’s going to be a rough time for those going through it.
I mean there's a reason (well, multiple) why I suggested 16 instead of 19. I just pointed out that 19 to try to get my point across about social media being harmful.
> Whatever the boundary, that’s going to be a rough time for those going through it.
Again, this wasn't the point. The point was that if you do this in the last year of high school, you're not just giving younger kids a temporary rough time for that one year. You're also robbing them of their very last opportunities to form the stronger long-term connections they would have made during that time, which inflicts life-long damage to them socially. If you put the cutoff a little earlier so they all have a year or two to adjust to the new social environment, you avoid that long-term harm.
Also, nobody said the cutoff has to be rounded to the exact day. It could just as well be moved to coincide with the start or end of a school year, avoiding this problem entirely. And it'll be easier to enforce in school too.
Communication is incredibly valuable for maintaining relationships. Whether that's through social media, IM, calling them, hanging out in meatspace. THAT is valuable. Not merely following someone on social media.
I am in my early 20s. My highschool life (and some after) was filled with social media use and borderline addiction. I added people on social media that I kind of knew, or talked to once, or wanted to talk to.
But literally none of that kept me in touch with most if not all of them. More than half of them I never messaged, never interacted with on social media.
What kept me in touch with them was me or them. I deleted all my social media. And the ones who make the effort to contact me out of social media? Those are the real relationships.
I’d argue, neither do the majority of adults.
I’m still for this ban because a young brain is so much more malleable and hence much more at risk.
Ban this. I am addicted and can't stop. Or put a warning on social media apps like they do on cigarette packets. Using this app maybe harmful for your mental health.
No, because it incentivizes the addictive content.
> YouTubers soliciting donations, selling merchandise etc. are preying on young kids.
That's a different issue, and already happening. It should be banned too.
There's basically no way to ban this (and advertising) without banning social media.
Advertisment is not the problem here.
I think for starters we should have competition, therefore mandate federation between platforms. No big winner-takes-all tech monopolies. But the USA doesn't want to give up the profit, nor the power that comes with it, to own the world.
Perhaps as an example, Google performs an auction in the milliseconds before serving up ads. So it's possible.
In the end platforms will integrate an AI buddy that will come to know us even better, and that represents our ways. Of course we'll want that, but please, federate.
"This is why we can't have nice things".
You can't drive a car without headlights, you can't drive a car without seatbelts, you can't kill your neighbours if he fucks your wife, you can't open a shop selling BBQ dog ribs... life is so unfair =(
This is just a fact.
How to solve this?
1. Only allow suitable responsible people to be parents. Would you like this? This would be highly unpopular and wouldn't happen.
2. Or alternatively you enforce uniform rules across all population of minors, thus children without functional parents have limitations and protections in place as if they had parents with resposibility.
The second option is simply more palatable and feasible to be implemented.
Even the successful ones have limited shelf life before the kids get isolated from the friends and losing out the actual real world Social Life.
The tone of your response signals that you're definitely Americans. Americans have a different culture and perspective when it comes to Freedom, Government intervention given your history.
That doesn't mean your perspective fits in other countries.
Maybe people should be given permission to have kids. Then the only people who have kids are the ones who can carry that responsibility.
So many parents today dont have the education, time or knowledge to truly understand what their kids are doing. Just imagine, we need to curtail our freedoms, so that these weak parents can not screw up their kids because of their inability to adapt to the world.
PS: for what it’s worth, I doubt this bill will pass. Creating verifiable IDs for children is a failed dream, and cannot be achieved; even the most draconian interventions will have errors.
There's this weird belief in certain circles that being gay is contagious and if we could only keep our kids away from seeing them they'll turn out "normal" and its bollocks. They'll just be unhappy and ashamed of themselves, think they're broken and not know why.
It's really not. Discord is very common too.
Why not? Most parents don't tend to hand their children drugs.
Those are explicitly within scope for this plan also.
(Which would be hilarious, as it means, allmost no one voted in office would be allowed to vote themself anymore, unless of course that would change, too)
Then they get decent paying jobs and vote for the party that gets rid of the programs they no longer qualify for in order to reduce their taxation.
Broader swathes which they're part of. This is just the millennia old has and has-nots, don't fall for wishful thinking this base.
Frankly, society would be a lot better if the childless couldn't vote; leave voting to people who have a stake in society's future!
(And yes, adoption counts, doesn't need to be biological -- not excluding anyone here.)
Whoa now. Just because I am childless doesn’t mean I don’t care about future generations. I still have friends and family that do have children and I vote with that in mind.
Please expand on this.
There’s nothing keeping you here in a casino, gambling your wages away.
There’s nothing keeping you here in a bar drinking yourself to oblivion.
There’s nothing keeping you here smoking three packs a day until you’re shitting tar.
The age old advice to “just stop” doesn’t quite work for those most at risk. Harm minimisation is a reasonable thing. We don’t think it’s a good idea for young kids to smoke, drink, drive, vote or have sex. Since we know that social media can be specifically harmful to the youngest demographic, why wouldn’t we want to regulate it based on age?
Who is this "we" that accepts that uncritically? I've been on "social media" since I was 8yo and my little brother has been on social media since he was a baby. Now he's becoming a doctor. He grew up with the 1st gen iPhone which was released 17 years ago.
FWIW I think the drinking age of 21 in the US is kinda silly. Many Americans start driving at 14 (with employment letter) or at 15.5 and many Americans buy their first rifle at 18 years old.
EDITED to remove a stupid phone autocorrection/autoinsertion.
I’m not a social media addict, I only use HN occasionally and really only to remind myself what other people are like. Without this I would forget and assume things about people that are just not true. I treat social media like the dangerous drug that it is and intentionally limit my exposure. But not everyone can do that. I personally know many people who have let social media ruin their lives and their minds to the point I’m not even sure they are rehabilitatable.
I wasn’t proposing a ban, I don’t trust the government with that much power and regulation would be difficult- at what point does a social club become social media. I guess my appeal to time travel did not properly reflect this perceived futility.
I think the only way would be as an Amish like intentional community with a religious level of enforcement. E.g. You can use social media but only in the shed, not in the house. But that’s not realistic so I just have to accept that X% of the population are not going to make it unscathed. These people will become a burden on the state at a time when the state is increasingly reaching to voluntary euthanasia for solutions. Perhaps in time people will socially and genetically evolve in ways that’ll be able to deal with it.
The people for instance, when everyone is on social media, you won't find people in the streets anymore, except for the homeless and junkies.
(but luckily it is still possible to find people in the real world, but it did became hard to find real undistracted people)
So can I
- They want to control people like property - They want to impose their views and values - They don't want any competition - They have a power trip - They want to use others time for their own benefit
What else am I missing?
The CEO is not controlling their time, he's buying it and they're selling it.
What other reasons do you have?
the median seventy-five year old’s brain is not in the same condition as the median thirty year old’s
Also, people under 60 still need to test and qualify for a license. So I’m not sure why you went down this comparison route.
I am joking of course, but there is something to ponder about the growing number of childless people over 40 voting with little concern for the long term.
Old people without children vote for policies that favor the next generation.
People don't all vote purely on self-interest, some of us vote on how we think human society should be run, and what we think is genuinely best for everyone. Not just for our own immediate bottom line.
This whole ageist line of reasoning is pretty offensive.
We childless folk have had a quiet 25ish years and now the pendulum seems to be swinging back the other direction. I’ve noticed quite an uptick in memes about childless people being selfish monsters and taking away our voting rights is right in line with that.
And it still doesn't come close to justifying taking away someone's input to democracy. I find all these discussions massively distasteful.
Also short-sighted because they tend to assume that the age cohort making the claim have more stake in the future, are all of one mind, are thinking long term themselves, or are generally going to do things better. None of these things hold up to much scrutiny AFAICT.
In which case the entire conversation is moot.
In case you couldn't quite parse that, I mean: fuck your comment.
The problem is that a lot of democracies have a demography skewed towards old people and at the same time a simple majority can dictate over like a minority of 30% of the voters.
A 60 year old is expected to have the capacity to make informed choices. Whether they do is down to personal responsibility. Many of us will be 60 one day.
What do you think is wrong with people over 60?
It seems pretty text book to me.
Well none of those, so why don’t you explain which ones since they are so obvious to you.
And Trump’s fetish for deregulation works against the second one.
Trump has advocated for nationalist, North Korean style military parades and the use of the military against protesters etc. And there this myth of him being anti-interventionist but America was very active in Syria during his term.
Nationalism has a lot of gradations, and while it can be a subset of fascism it isn't inherently fascistic. Fukuyama said: "But it is not clear that nationalism represents an irreconcilable contradiction in the heart of liberalism. In the first place, nationalism is not one single phenomenon but several, ranging from mild cultural nostalgia to the highly organized and elaborately articulated doctrine of National Socialism."
And using the military against mobs of people that are ransacking cities is not under any construction 'fascism' - property rights are after all pretty important in the Western Anglo-Saxon tradition and using force to protect property rights is not 'fascism'.
Not sure what you mean by America being active militarily in Syria, either - are you referring to Trump ordering the bombing of ISIS targets? By that logic when Obama ordered the Navy Seals to kill bin Laden the US was engaged in a fascistic military adventure in Pakistan which... would probably make you the only person in the world to think that.
Trump is a lot of things. A fascist as that word is understood by historians is not one of them.
Anyway; it has reached the point where I no longer believe people who claim Trump said something negative. Back in the 2010s I spent enough time reading up primary sources to reveal it was a misquote. Possibly a malicious misinterpretation, possibly the man just makes people so emotional that they can't listen to him for a full minute and try to interpret with a neutral lens.
He appears to be close to a saint given how much time his opponents have to spend making up stuff about him to dislike. Realistically there are a lot of real problems that people should focus on; like bad policies.
As far as I'm aware Trump was running on deporting illegal immigrants. He's not planning on gassing anyone. Except maybe with all the hot air he blows, heh.
He represents the faction of US politics that wants to enforce a secure border and his rhetoric is ugly. That is pretty normal for anti-migration rhetoric, by the way. It makes him nasty, maybe even cruel, but not a fascist.
This is why it is a waste of time trying to follow up NBC News articles. They're distracting from a real issue (migration, border security, what have you) with ... I don't even know how to characterise it. Abuse to try and shut people up, perhaps. Playing silly gotcha games, maybe. That quote isn't Trump trying to revive Nazi policies, as we all might have expected from the outset.
What did Trump mean by that?
You mentioned Russia, the wall, NBC and typed a lot but didn't really answer the question.
Fair enough, let me be direct: I think the question is stupid and I'm not going to answer it. Trump has spent 4 years in office and run multiple election campaigns that have featured potentially hundreds of hours of coverage of Trump, his policies and opportunities to evaluate them.
With that in the background, old mate wants to discuss a tweet and 40 second clip, probably bought into the conversation by institutions that specialises in lying about what Trump says and taking clips out of context given that NBC News is involved.
And like I said, back in the 2010s fair enough it is a topic to discuss because who knows? Maybe he is Hitler. But it is now 2024, there isn't anything there and the people bringing it up are looking increasingly isolated and unhinged by virtue of crying wolf. Trump says mean things about immigrants. Everyone knows. He doesn't represent a return of the Nazi party, even if a lot of people don't like him or think he is a bad candidate.
So you can't answer it.
> probably bought into the conversation by institutions that specialises in lying about what Trump says
Nope, he said it 4 times in 2023 alone and many many times since. In an interview with a right leaning website, in a rally in New Hampshire, and quite literally in the Truth Social post linked above, straight from Trump himself. No pesky journalists or reporters to misquote.
So hopefully we can agree he has said it, not out of context, multiple times.
What did Hitler say?
"All great cultures of the past perished only because the originally creative race died out from blood poisoning"
"Whenever Aryans have mingled their blood with that of an inferior race, the result has been the downfall of the people who were the standard-bearers of a higher culture,"
Going back to Trump's quote, what type of blood do you think he was referring to?
Do you think he meant the immigrants were going to literally inject poison into Americans as some kind of terrorist attack?
Yes, it's distracting from the real issues, but his supporters don't care that he torpedoed the bipartisan border control bill either.
These quotes aren't about his proposals to roll back democracy, and I never claimed they were. Rolling back democracy is more about his actions to gain absolute presidential immunity.
To be clear, I don't think Trump is fascist like Hitler. He is fascist like Putin. He wants autocracy for personal enrichment, not for extermination of undesirables. He uses Hitler's rhetoric because it works, and he admires Hitler for his crowds, not because Hitler would kill the man who married his favorite daughter.
The most insane left culture warriors who wanted to relive a second spring on the other hand are indeed approaching or over 60. Fake culture warriors like Pelosi and Biden are over 80.
Fake culture warriors in software organizations like Python are approaching or over 60. You know, the exact same people who read Ayn Rand and supported ESR when it was politically expedient for their careers 20 years ago, because they always go with the herd, no matter how stupid it is.
These culture warriors, through their purges and insane statements, have so thoroughly destroyed any trust in the Democrats that there is a landslide victory for Trump now. It will take years to restore that confidence.
an an american who just watched the recent election go down, I have to strongly disaagree with this.
Rebelling against the perceived establishment as presented to them by their teachers (some of whom are that old) probably had something to do with it. (Their parents too, but their parents aren't >60)
Young men particularly have been getting dosed with idpol messaging about men by their predominantly female teachers from a young age. Anecdotally, there's also a general thing where the older a teacher gets the more embittered by experience they become, and they become more likely to fall into negative behavior patterns like having "nemesis students" they like to pick on, or exhibiting flagrant bias in the classroom against an entire gender.
The overriding drive should be to make policy decisions based on strong evidence, not on sentiment. If that means we wait a bit longer then we wait a bit longer.
The number of test subjects is small, but hopefully this will lead to more funding for larger projects.
This also doesn’t belong here.
> Will this mean I will have to register as my real name on Hacker News?
First of all, age verification shouldn't mean the social media provider gets true identities. They shouldn't be trusted with that info. There needs to be services that allows verifying your age against one service, and the media service just getting the receipt of that verification. Whether such a service exists already or not shouldn't matter. The law should be written so that social media companies are restricted in what they can do when they can be sure someone isn't a minor, and when they are sure. For extra safety, perhaps it should say they can't be allowed to see for example physical ID:s. Because otherwise you'd risk privacy issues.
Second, I think it's better to formulate these laws the way the new york draft did: that specific features are restricted for minors. Such as: enless media feeds based on past behavior (such as any video "shorts" feeds in all the major platforms today).
You're damn right, same as the law enforcing seatbelts, cars head and brake lights, ABS, testing of tap water quality, testing of food quality, &c.
I want absolute freedom to get utterly fucked by the first mega corp or dumbass who want to do it !!!
I've fallen off a bike before and my helmet definitely saved me from a serious head injury. Would I have worn one if it was not compulsory and drilled into me as a child that's what you do when you ride one? Maybe not.
It saved me that day and I expect it saves many people in this country every day too.
Yes. Because this is a false dichotomy. The latter does not depend upon the former. I can say that with certainty because I received the message growing up in a country with a cycling proficiency programme in schools instead of mandatory helmet laws.
Everyone should wear a helmet when riding, but criminalising noncompliance is an inefficient, reductive, expensive, heavy-handed, unnecessarily punitive, and ultimately counter-productive approach to achieving it.
So is controlling what and how much people can eat to prevent or reduce obesity.
From now on, you are only allowed to eat broccoli (I actually love broccoli) to ensure you will not be a burden on the public health system.
In a society it's not fair for your selfish actions to have a negative effect on everyone else.
Are you planning to ban all snowsports? Horse riding? They produce similar or higher levels of injury and disability even with helmets.
>it's not fair for your selfish actions to have a negative effect on everyone else.
If negative externalities are the metric we're evaluating what is and isn't allowed in our society, you're really going to take a pass at cyclist helmets instead of cars? Do you know what the leading cause of child death in Australia is? It's cars
The bills being put forward lately are really concerning and I have no idea how to get a party in that would kill the eSafety Commissioner and put in strong freedom of speech laws.
I'm pretty content seeing the web destroy their website blocking measures. Thank you DoH and ECH!
Kids also find alcohol. Can't supply as an adult or company.
The problem for the social media companies is that their recommendation algorithms and content make it very clear they know exactly what ages are watching and what they are showing them. They are multi-billion dollar multi-national operations and not some kid running an iffy image board. I usually hate the Australian government's dumb takes on anything tech or Internet (cryptography, internet filters) but in this case I think pushing regulatory compliance on large companies is what makes this doable.
my body, my choice.
You think teens are going to start using darknet social media?
For instance, it has always been possible for sufficiently motivated kids to acquire hard liquor. If nothing else they can steal it from their parents. To stop this you would need surveillance inside every home and extremely harsh punishments. But we don't actually need that, because an imperfect prohibition works reasonably well.
The whole premise that if a law isn't perfectly enforceable then it's a bad law is a weird thing that techies on the libertarian/autism spectrum come up with a lot, but it's not the way the world actually works.
my body, my choice.
The failings of blanket alcohol prohibition in America do not automatically transfer to all forms and instances of prohibition. Thinking otherwise is a trap that techie libertarians often fall for, for some reason. Science should study it.
But it is. Children using social media put active pressure on other children to use social media too. Not using social media today is very difficult for children, since it can make social integration a lot more difficult. Children using social media are actively pushing other children into addiction. Children using social media are actively harming others.
Your body, your choice. But if you regularly run over people, I will take away your drivers license.
do i really have to explain this to you ...
In terms of enforcement, social media platforms already use algorithms and gather huge amounts of data on their users, enough to make a good estimate of age even if a user has signed up with a fake age.
So, when the algorithm detects that a user is likely to be underage, that's when they'd be required to show ID.
Many of the ID verification services that have spun up over recent years like AU10TIX are private companies that don't have their users' interests at heart. It wouldn't surprise me if they become more involved with the so-called data economy (data broker ecosystem)—if they aren't already.
Meta itself causes harm to users of all ages with their algorithms (like suggested content on the feed) which can't really be turned off, and fueled the misinformation crisis which really took off a few years ago. The social media companies have done a good job of convincing the Australian government to overlook these harms.
Of course there are lots of caveats here -- e.g. in the US model, what if the executive branch, legislation and the court are controlled by one person (which we'll see very soon), and in the other hand, in China there is actually a parliament and a formal process for many of the legislations (even though that doesn't mean much). Still, at a very high level, there is a distinction.
Let's suppose kids do get forced off the mainstream social networks with Australia legal entities (Meta, Goog, Bytedance, X?). What stops them from joining fringe social networks operated outside of Australia with even less oversight? Surely nothing bad could happen between kids on those networks.
Yes, the Australian government could DNS block them like they do torrent sites. But it really wouldn't be beyond teenagers to inform their friends about how to change DNS servers...
How do you verify the age? Verifying ID? That seems like another route that could go wrong. Just having a checkbox to confirm the age? Do a poll on this website to see how many people have visited an adult website when they were not...
As long as you have internet access, there will be a way.
I don't have a good proposal, but I feel this is more like a cultural issue than something we can simply fix by implementing law.
...Why not make the aspects of these sites that are so harmful illegal in general?
The cost/benefit of social media between 14 and 16 is much more favorable to social media than <14.
I think the way the EU approached this with their "digital gatekeepers" is smart. Recognize that policing the entire internet isn't possible or even desirable. Focus on those few companies with the largest capacity for harm. Different criteria might be appropriate when focusing on potential harm for children (e.g. Roblox rather than Twitter) but besides a few changes you'll probably end up with roughly the same list.
I'm not sure I'd support an outright ban, but rather very strict monitoring and requirements around moderation, in app purchasing, gambling mechanics, and so on.
This is the same country that brought you "the laws of mathematics are very commendable but they don't apply in Australia".
I foresee a two- or three-tier Internet in the future, and Australia will probably be the first "western" country to block Tor.
The Australian way would be to "ban" tor without any particular concern for enforceability or technical feasibility. Any actual blocking would be pushed onto industry somehow, which would then proceed to half-ass it, doing the absolute minimum possible to demonstrate they are complying with regulation.
I like Australia a lot, but a lot of the time it feels like political priority is to "make it look like something is being done". No one would actually care if the blocking worked or not unless the media made a big song and dance about it.
I also wonder how much of this ban is about "punishing" X and Meta in particular - Meta for it's refusal to pay for news and X because they didn't jump to immediately remove stuff the government wanted taken down.
> What even counts as social media?
Anything the government needs more leverage over or wants to shake down for money.
Just because it wouldn't be well-implemented doesn't mean it's nothing to worry about, not to mention that such things are almost always just 1 step on a path of many.
Yes they did. X has always capitulated to the whims of governments.
When it's about taking down left wing stuff he just complies.
Because it mentions that an account must be linked to an email address or phone number.
Which would be the standard for almost every online service.
They seem to be learning a lot from the Chinese.
Edit: actually never mind it was only active between the years 2007-2012
They sort of naturally do that if you have the appropriate challenges and opportunities around them.
> ancient pyramid aliens or discussions about how veganism will help your body.
There used to be a tabloid called "News of the Weird." This stuff just exists. You'll find it anywhere people gather. We're story tellers. When we don't have a compelling story we just make stuff up. It's identical to the point above.
> even all the adults can't come to a shared understanding of what is "good" or true.
It's not possible. If the children are intended to inherit the future then this is a flawed and reductive strategy. You will not achieve what you seek through parochial means.
Really.. I think your biggest problem should be advertising. It should be nowhere near children. Ban _that_ but keep the social media.
Facebook, Instagram and X/Twitter are probably what's intended here, but what about Tumblr, DeviantArt or Discord? What about Reddit or a generic forum? What about VRChat or Webfishing?
If this is about protecting children from harmful depictions of body image or misogynistic content, then why not instead propose a law that states online services that allow children to join need to appropriately moderate the content that is shown to children or could face massive fines. I don't necessarily agree with that approach, but at least it would make sense with what their stated objectives are.
I think the real solution is banning under 18s from having smart phones period.
Last night they took advantage of the population being distracted by the US election by having an extended parliamentary session to push forward with a second reading of the controversial misinformation bill.
The government and state media apparatus are of course both immune from any penalty under the bill.
Methinks they're, again, using "think of the children" as a bulwark against the inevitability of their own waning power. The more things change...
Can we also prevent under 16s from being exposed to religious teachings?
When I have my masters degree finished I would like to live in your beautiful country where a lot of wonderful people live.
Thinking things through isn't a quality that Australian governments have ever been blessed with, particularly when it comes to tech policy.
Little steps, get them young.
You should see the misinformation bill they are trying to pass.
Bring on the brown shirts! We must protect family values at all cost!
What really needs to happen is tough regulators digging through the algorithms. Why are boys on YouTube getting served so much manosphere crap? Etc.
We have enough studies about what these algorithms are trying to do to people to keep them engaged. It’s not healthy for society.
Hopefully, this is an issue that will make Australians finally wake up fron their hypnosis...
Fuck google, meta, tiktok, all of them, they are ruining the world.
And fuck amazon too.
In their dreams is to BAN, take ID VERIFICATIONS and FINE private companies for the rest of their days, any Australian should be ashamed of such dull and unsophisticated policies, and BRAVO to Sunita Bose.