Transitioned from gnu stow to nix/home-manager and haven't looked back.
The great part about that setup is my configuration contains not just my dotfiles, but also the installation of the programs themselves.
I don't use the "nix" way of configuration though, I instead have home manager symlink everthing for me. Then I can bail on nix anytime and not have to translate all my files back to yaml.
Glad programs like the above exist though for those who don't want to sink time into nix but want to reasonably track configuration.
C-Loftus 7 hours ago [-]
Does this program allow linking the same file to different locations on MacOS vs Linux? I have a few config files like the vscode settings.json that end up in different paths but have the same content. (I see it allows for files that are OS specific but not clear if there is a way to keep them in sync if they are the same, but just need different paths)
I use stow at the moment and it is almost perfect but I don't believe it can do that without multiple symlinks or something messy. Didn't like home manager and other dotfiles solutions seemed too bloated for my case
The great part about that setup is my configuration contains not just my dotfiles, but also the installation of the programs themselves.
I don't use the "nix" way of configuration though, I instead have home manager symlink everthing for me. Then I can bail on nix anytime and not have to translate all my files back to yaml.
Glad programs like the above exist though for those who don't want to sink time into nix but want to reasonably track configuration.
I use stow at the moment and it is almost perfect but I don't believe it can do that without multiple symlinks or something messy. Didn't like home manager and other dotfiles solutions seemed too bloated for my case
I used yadm for a while. I switched to Chezmoi ( though. Same ideas, but much better execution IMO.
Where did you find yadm fall short?
I got frustrated with the chezmoi workflow and had Claude write something similar for me the other day.
It's just a simple bash script that acts as a wrapper around git and copies tracked files to a dotfiles directory and back.