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Cosmologists Try a New Way to Measure the Shape of the Universe (quantamagazine.org)
metalman 4 hours ago [-]
This should read, "Cosmologists Try a New Way to Measure the Tolerance For Continued Funding" which I think is diminishing rapidly, and by rights should be folded into philosophy and theology, and be done with it.... ie: you dont get payed, for pondering, the imponderables from the public purse, and perhaps just get tax free status as a not for profit edit: perhaps there could be a reward for exemplary incomrehensibility, that would be an arm chair produced by whichever hoary old furniture maker supplys the senate chambers
mediumsmart 1 days ago [-]
how can infinite be impossible when an end to it is that already, unless the thing is a thought or consciousness without origin. To be able to measure whatever needs infinite space which would be something you can't measure. My answer to this has always been do I really want to know?
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