"Almost every Java program, library, and framework uses some degree of reflection and dynamic classloading, and so you do have to spend the effort to configure Graal appropriately." -- this is by far the biggest problem with native binary compilation.
Imagine spending 15+ minutes building an exe, and it stopping at minute 15 because some things needed to be added in the config. Or, after waiting 30 minutes to have the exe ready, it refused to run because of the same problem.
The issue is we don't know what we don't know. You don't "forget to include something" because you don't know what to include (and even after seeing the error, you still don't lol).
This has been a solved problem since Exclesior JET in the 2000's, via agents and PGO, nowadays sadly gone because they no longer can compete with free beer GrallVM and OpenJ9.
Also ART takes the best of both worlds, as they quickly learned the best is to have JIT/AOT compiler collaborating, thus AOT gets all the reflection related info from the JIT, or Play Store Baseline Profiles and has all it needs to produce a proper AOT binary with the relevant execution flows.
To note that Java and .NET to some extent are catching up to Eiffel, Oberon, Smalltalk and Common Lisp toolchains, of a mix JIT/AOT, while inovating on their own ways as well.
SamInTheShell 1 hours ago [-]
I think you misunderstand the free beer quote because those tools are free as in freedom not as free beer.
Competing looks like starting with what other people are already doing and making it better.
lmz 51 minutes ago [-]
The free beer angle is more relevant because obviously their previous users were OK with paying for non-libre software.
(it is part of the graalvm so use that as your jvm to do this)
pjmlp 2 hours ago [-]
ludovicianul 3 hours ago [-]
I've built several apps that compile to binary across multiple platforms. The ecosystem is quite mature now, especially if you start from scratch and use things like Quarkus, Helidon or Springboot 3.x. There are *very few* libraries that might need special config.
littlecranky67 1 hours ago [-]
""Almost every Java program, library, and framework uses some degree of reflection and dynamic classloading" - The .NET framework faced the same issues, and much of their ahead-of-time compilation efforts were removing all those API calls to reflection/introspection calls from the base class library. Years of effort and it is still not 100% there yet - I wouldn't count that this is a lot easier in Javaland.
tannhaeuser 5 hours ago [-]
I guess Quarkus and Spring 3 native are meant for bringing existing apps to serverless deployments and fast startup times (plus process-level isolation as an option?), but it's true there are also new apps being developed using Quarkus. The investment in tooling, inertia of the ecosystem of third-party libs, and predominance of traditional JIT over AOT deployments must be the reason why they're not just doing away with Spring's reflection in the first place.
sgammon 2 hours ago [-]
Micronaut is essentially Spring anyway, but with build-time codegen instead of classpath scanning and runtime annotation processing.
It even has a compat layer, and like Quarkus it supports GraalVM out of the box, with minimal reflection at runtime.
We've been using it at work for a few years. A cli tool, builds in about 6 minutes. We compile it to Linux, Mac ARM and Mac Intel. You're correct about configuring libraries but I found those to be the minority. Most work without configuration. I do this because I will not use Golang if given a choice and Rust is not allowed.
sgammon 2 hours ago [-]
Builds have been slow for a long time via Native Image, but make sure you upgrade to the latest because it has gotten much faster lately. They've also worked hard on binary size.
A pure Java hello world now compiles in a few seconds on a commodity machine and weighs in at about 9mb.
Also, make sure you enable `-Ob` on newer versions of GraalVM, which significantly speeds up build times.
nomercy400 2 hours ago [-]
How do you compile to multiple platforms? Do you have separate machines for each platform?
Do you use any cli library in front?
Is 12-20mb acceptable for a cli executable?
Working on a cli tool poc for work here, hence the interest.
sgammon 2 hours ago [-]
Sorry, I know you weren't asking me, but for this same use case, yes, I've used a GHA build matrix with each OS/arch pair.
Cosmo/APE support would fix this, and GraalVM already ships with a Musl libc implementation, so it isn't very far off.
I am on the same boat, JVM, .NET and nodejs ecosystems before Go.
So many languages, tools and libraries to chose from, without the "simple minds" culture, even C manages to be more feature rich.
Jabihjo 2 days ago [-]
What's your issue with Golang? (Not hating, just curious)
killingtime74 2 days ago [-]
(sorry it's probably it an unpopular opinion) the error handling is hard to read, they purposely didn't incorporate any syntax sugars and innovations of previous years. They were one of the first popular languages with go routines although Project Loom in Java will soon have preemptive multi threading as well.
But to be clear, tedious manual XML configuration was also Spring. Others may have done it earlier, but Spring still decided it was the way to go, put their name on it, and released it.
p2detar 3 days ago [-]
> Graal can only create native binaries targeting the system on which it is running. That means that if you want to create binaries for {Linux,Windows,Mac}x{Intel,ARM}, you need 6 different machines in order to build the 6 binaries and somehow aggregate them together for publication or deployment. This is not a blocker, but can definitely be inconvenient v.s. some other toolchains which allow you to build native binaries for all targets on a single machine.
To me this is a huge downside. One of the reasons I like Go so much is that I can build binaries for any platform I want to support on my Mac or with Docker.
rixed 7 hours ago [-]
GCJ could do that, as well as JET I believe, but both are long dead.
The history of native compilation for java I find fascinating: Nothing looks like a normal, boring programming language as much as java, yet somehow it resists being treated as a normal, boring programming language, and needs its own galaxy of special idioms and tools, like it was some smalltalk or lisp.
lmz 47 minutes ago [-]
Once you have reflection that's basically eval() so just LISP with worse ergonomics.
chii 6 hours ago [-]
because java is not designed for it. It's retrofitted in, because of trends.
There's actually, imho, no need for native compilation for java tbh. Why isn't shipping the runtime with the code a more common practise? it's how intellij or eclipse worked. People today ship electron apps for god sakes!
If you _need_ native, for one reason or another and it's non-negotiable, then choose a native compiled language.
p2detar 5 hours ago [-]
> Why isn't shipping the runtime with the code a more common practise?
That's what I actually do for our product. The JRE is shipped with it as well as startup scripts and services registration bridge for Windows.
I guess the native compile thing is more for "Java on the Cloud" which tbh is not where Java shines. I say this as a long-term Java developer. Java is great for monoliths - on premises customers are supper happy. Java on the cloud seems like a waste of resources to me.
sgammon 3 hours ago [-]
> Why isn't shipping the runtime with the code a more common practise?
It really shouldn't be. It bloats everything. Containers are bigger. Software is bigger. There's no reason to do this, since very few apps use the entire surface area of a runtime (Python, Node, Java, etc).
Instead, a native GraalVM binary can embed all these things, including only the portions which the application needs to run. Thus it behaves like a dynamic piece of software during development, but a static, high-performance, low-surface-area-of-vulnerability native binary in production.
> That's what I actually do for our product. The JRE is shipped with it as well as startup scripts
Please, as a user, I implore you to look into native targets. It's not as hard as it seems anymore. Some thins really do need Jlink.
> I guess the native compile thing is more for "Java on the Cloud"
Not so. GraalVM is great for embedded development. It's great for desktop development or even shared native library development.
> Java on the cloud seems like a waste of resources to me.
There is no difference now between C++ "in the cloud" and Java "in the cloud" except Java remains memory safe by default.
xxs 4 hours ago [-]
While not a fan of the cloud - in case of java; package it in docker or whatever deployables along with the JRE (or even JDK) and call it a day.
Compile to native makes sense only for very fast startup cases.
As for wasted resources - there are cases where the servers have to be deployed in specific jurisdictions (compliance) - it's easier to use AWS than manage tons of small sites. Still I don't see any need for native compilation.
sgammon 2 hours ago [-]
> Compile to native makes sense only for very fast startup cases.
It also makes sense to reduce container size and vulnerability surface, and to reduce warmup time to peak JIT performance.
> Still I don't see any need for native compilation.
Sure, there isn't a "need," per se, just like there is not a "need" for JIT. This is how technology evolves. Things get better. Java's startup and time-to-peak performance are now comparable to native langs.
xxs 2 hours ago [-]
>and to reduce warmup time to peak JIT performance.
This actually works in the opposite way - JIT is a guided compilation which uses the input for best results. There are many optimizations done for multi call sites, e.g. static linking + guard, dual site inline, inline caches, and the v-table calls if all fails. Without guided optimization such decisions are not likely to happen.
In other words for peak runtime performance JIT would surpass ahead of time/native compilation.
>reduce container size
I would be exceptionally hard pressed to find a single case where that would matter (aside specific client deployments) - server side and the like I'd not care about extra 100MB or so deployable. E.g. if I want really small footprint I'd go and do it all in pure C w/ an absolute min external library support.
>startup times
I already mentioned it - and anything not sub 0.5sec, Java does quite ok. There is a lot to be said about the use of DI frameworks with blatant class path scans, but that's not necessarily Java's fault.
weinzierl 1 hours ago [-]
"Why isn't shipping the runtime with the code a more common practise?"
I'd say it is a pretty common thing. I can't tell you why it isn't the norm nowadays but it used to be that Sun and Oracle prohibited modifications to the JRE in their license. So you had ship the whole bloated thing or nothing to be compliant, even if it was technically not too hard to strip the JRE down to only the things your app needed.
sgammon 3 hours ago [-]
> There's actually, imho, no need for native compilation for java
Sure, that is true, but with native compilation available, Java can do even more things. There are other reasons, too: startup time, quicker time to peak performance, and better interfacing with FFM and JNI, to name a few.
> If you _need_ native, for one reason or another and it's non-negotiable, then choose a native compiled language.
You could do that, sure. But then you would need to worry about all the things that come with that. For example, memory safety -- GraalVM preserves memory safety guarantees with native binaries. Even binaries which themselves ship JIT features.
brabel 6 hours ago [-]
> Why isn't shipping the runtime with the code a more common practise?
Well, Java has jlink which is meant to do exactly that (ship the parts of the JVM you actually need, which is easy to figure out as there are tools to do that), and that's the recommended approach today for shipping anything Java.
pjmlp 3 hours ago [-]
Actually one of the few production deployments for GCJ used to be Red-Hat AOT compiling Eclipse.
It wasn't retroffied, rather only available behind a paywall, that is what kept companies like Excelsior JET in business.
OpenJ9 from IBM traces its roots back to Java AOT compilation to embedded development, used to be called WebSphere Real Time.
PTC and Aicas are two companies specialized in real time JVM implementations for embedded development, with military and factory automation as main customer targets, also supporting AOT compilation for decades.
jeswin 8 hours ago [-]
> To me this is a huge downside. One of the reasons I like Go
C# with NativeAOT might be an easier path for Java developers. Some might like the expressiveness as well over Go.
pragmatick 7 hours ago [-]
I don't think you'd be a Java developer anymore.
pjmlp 3 hours ago [-]
Why not?
Both ecosystems complement themselves, some stuff Java ecosystem does much better than .NET, like multiple implementations, with various kinds of GC and JIT implementations, wider support of hardware deployments, tooling like Graal, industry standards, IDE implementations, a mobile OS,...
Other things the .NET ecosystem does better, support for value types, low level programming, SIMD, desktop development, game engines.
To this day they keep copying features from each other, and if either C# or Java isn't one's taste, there are still several other options on each platform.
Hence why I am confortably at home using them both, complemented by JS/TS for FE, and C++ for fiddling with their runtimes, or plugging into native libraries.
neonsunset 6 hours ago [-]
That made me laugh out loud for some reason haha
brabel 6 hours ago [-]
I've been using Dart instead. Not too far from Java, but can compile to executable without any cerimony.
sgammon 3 hours ago [-]
Also, I don't believe this is fully true. GraalVM depends on the underlying C compiler to generate native code, so if properly configured with target triples and flags (just like any cross-compiling setup) it should work.
While I agree I think most use cases aren't for releasing end-user software that needs to run on many architectures and OSes but rather building enterprise software for one certain combination, usually x86 and linux, to deploy on a server or containerized in a hyperscaler.
But to contradict myself, I actually use windows, WSL and oracle cloud to build for windows x86, linux x86 and linux ARM64 to build a java desktop application. Of course I'd prefer it if I could just use my main machine and OS to build all those like Go can.
ludovicianul 2 hours ago [-]
You can do the same with GraalVM on Mac for Java.
taurknaut 7 hours ago [-]
Agreed, this is definitely an odd and very unnecessary constraint on builds.
sgammon 2 hours ago [-]
Well, it's also not true. But aside from that, plenty of software builds in its native environment. Cross-compiling is straight up hard for many toolchains.
flakes 7 hours ago [-]
I wonder if you could wrap this process in something like qemu for a cross-architecture build setup?
taraparo 7 hours ago [-]
You can e. g. create ARM builds on x86 using qemu but the compilation takes ages.
7 hours ago [-]
cratermoon 8 hours ago [-]
> this is a huge downside.
Also the compiler can only do static analysis and code generation. I'd much rather a hotspot VM analyze the running code and identify the optimizations on the fly.
Yasuraka 7 hours ago [-]
>I'd much rather a hotspot VM analyze the running code
wasting gigabytes of ram and fast startup times
>and identify the optimizations on the fly
and still get gapped by statically compiled languages.
I guess these are a cheap price to pay for the benefit of ... having to install and patch runtimes.
roncesvalles 5 hours ago [-]
There are instances where JVM's dynamically optimized code runs faster than equivalent C code compiled to a native binary. The Hotspot JVM is no joke.
sgammon 2 hours ago [-]
It's not either/or. Compiling a Native Image binary gives you the JIT power of the JVM, but with faster warmup time.
Peak-peak performance is not as good as JVM in many cases, but how long does your process actually spend within that space? Native Image can be optimal for many cases
pragmatick 7 hours ago [-]
Native Image requires so much more work to have a medium-sized java project properly run when compiled the price gets a lot higher.
sgammon 2 hours ago [-]
More of this configuration is automatic with every release
forty 7 hours ago [-]
> still get gapped by statically compiled languages.
Which statically complicated languages are you referring to? :)
gf000 7 hours ago [-]
Unused RAM is wasted. If you have plenty available then doing useless memory releases (including dropping/destroying objects with RAII, which can end up doing a lot of work in case of a data structure containing other objects that have to be dropped) will just hurt your throughput. Nonetheless, Java has a pretty trivial single flag to set an appropriate heap size if you are not happy with the default.
You are thinking of AOT compiled, but does that AOT language support arbitrary class loading to expand functionality, live observability while taking almost zero overhead for that?
So what do you do if a statically linked library of yours has a vulnerability?
tannhaeuser 6 hours ago [-]
What's your point? This is what the regular JVM/HotSpot has been doing for ages (and GraalVM, too). Whereas native-image does AOT, with optional profile-guided optimization to identify hotspots on the fly.
ltbarcly3 5 hours ago [-]
You realize you can run Linux, Windows, Mac x intel, arm builds on docker right? Right on your Mac.
dkjaudyeqooe 5 hours ago [-]
I'm under the impression that the Community Edition version of GraalVM is neutered by a limited garbage collector and some other limitations when producing native binaries.
Anyone know if this true?
sgammon 3 hours ago [-]
This is partly true. CE has the "serial GC," yes, and no access to G1 GC by default. But Oracle GraalVM (formerly "GraalVM Enterprise Edition," which no longer exists) was released under a much less restrictive license:
So, yes, GraalVM CE is slightly nerfed (the performance difference across all EE features is like 30% maximum, at peak, in limited circumstances). You also do not need to use GraalVM CE in as many places anymore, and Oracle GraalVM with G1 is a free download. Many free projects like Pkl use the full-blown VM.
Serial GC is still very performant. It's great for things like command line tools which don't need a low-pause long-running GC like G1.
sabas123 3 hours ago [-]
IIRC there base kit like garbage collector and runtime are all the same between community and enterprise. The biggest feature that comes to mind that is behind the enterprise-only wall (or at least used to be) is Profile Guided optimization.
quikoa 4 hours ago [-]
Could Oracle neuter it more in an update to push the commercial edition?
theflyinghorse 2 days ago [-]
Mill looks like an interesting option to try all around.
2 days ago [-]
neonsunset 5 hours ago [-]
dotnet publish /p:PublishAot=true
pjmlp 3 hours ago [-]
If the dependencies are written with AOT in mind, otherwise plenty of errors will show up.
Also it isn't that easy if any of GUI frameworks from Microsoft are being used.
Ah, and if using WinUI, one even has the additional requirement that only UI elements implemented with partial classes can be AOT compiled due to WinUI magic code.
metaltyphoon 39 minutes ago [-]
> If the dependencies
There needs to be more context here. I think the BCL is fully annotated already. Many of MS libraries are too including gRPC.
pjmlp 17 minutes ago [-]
Except most companies are using much more than just BCL.
Your gRPC example is also quite interesting, I am yet to use it in anger, and never seen it being used at any of our .NET customers.
Meanwhile as mentioned, GUI frameworks aren't supported, WinUI requires partial classes and only kind of works, ASP.NET only if using minimal APIs, EF partially, and so on.
So it isn't really telling the whole story that "dotnet publish /p:PublishAot=true" works regardless of the .NET codebase being compiled.
Alifatisk 3 hours ago [-]
Will this produce a cross-platform standalone binary?
diggan 2 hours ago [-]
No, and neither will one invocation of GraalVM.
neonsunset 1 hours ago [-]
It will be completely standalone. The same way it works with Rust, Go, etc. The binary size will be smaller than Go but bigger than Rust.
Portability is by definition not possible with natively compiled binaries however. It is a choice - either produce an assembly (still single-file, .NET can do this unlike JVM offerings) that is completely portable, or produce a self-contained executable targeted at a particular OS and ISA.
neuroelectron 4 hours ago [-]
Java had a huge reflection exploit a long time ago and most places blacklisted that library as a result so not a big loss there.
neuroelectron 50 minutes ago [-]
Well, wow. Apparently people are still blindly using reflection. A lot of people, in fact. Have you thought about literally any other language to build services?
Rendered at 13:40:26 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time) with Vercel.
Imagine spending 15+ minutes building an exe, and it stopping at minute 15 because some things needed to be added in the config. Or, after waiting 30 minutes to have the exe ready, it refused to run because of the same problem.
The issue is we don't know what we don't know. You don't "forget to include something" because you don't know what to include (and even after seeing the error, you still don't lol).
I just wished all 3rd party libraries put their "include this config to include my lib in your exe", just like OSGi manifest (https://www.ibm.com/docs/en/wasdtfe?topic=overview-osgi-bund...).
For example, an issue still open for almost 2 years: https://github.com/firebase/firebase-admin-java/issues/800
Also ART takes the best of both worlds, as they quickly learned the best is to have JIT/AOT compiler collaborating, thus AOT gets all the reflection related info from the JIT, or Play Store Baseline Profiles and has all it needs to produce a proper AOT binary with the relevant execution flows.
To note that Java and .NET to some extent are catching up to Eiffel, Oberon, Smalltalk and Common Lisp toolchains, of a mix JIT/AOT, while inovating on their own ways as well.
Competing looks like starting with what other people are already doing and making it better.
But you do need to start/run your app once to get the agent to do its stuff.
(it is part of the graalvm so use that as your jvm to do this)
It even has a compat layer, and like Quarkus it supports GraalVM out of the box, with minimal reflection at runtime.
A pure Java hello world now compiles in a few seconds on a commodity machine and weighs in at about 9mb.
Also, make sure you enable `-Ob` on newer versions of GraalVM, which significantly speeds up build times.
Do you use any cli library in front? Is 12-20mb acceptable for a cli executable?
Working on a cli tool poc for work here, hence the interest.
Cosmo/APE support would fix this, and GraalVM already ships with a Musl libc implementation, so it isn't very far off.
So many languages, tools and libraries to chose from, without the "simple minds" culture, even C manages to be more feature rich.
Much of this configuration could be automatic if more attention were given to GraalVM by library authors.
But it’s dynamic by implementation only; to alleviate what came before which was a tedious manual enumeration in xml of those same discoveries.
Presumably we could ask springboot’s discovery to output exactly those finding and the remove the introspection.
To me this is a huge downside. One of the reasons I like Go so much is that I can build binaries for any platform I want to support on my Mac or with Docker.
The history of native compilation for java I find fascinating: Nothing looks like a normal, boring programming language as much as java, yet somehow it resists being treated as a normal, boring programming language, and needs its own galaxy of special idioms and tools, like it was some smalltalk or lisp.
There's actually, imho, no need for native compilation for java tbh. Why isn't shipping the runtime with the code a more common practise? it's how intellij or eclipse worked. People today ship electron apps for god sakes!
If you _need_ native, for one reason or another and it's non-negotiable, then choose a native compiled language.
That's what I actually do for our product. The JRE is shipped with it as well as startup scripts and services registration bridge for Windows.
I guess the native compile thing is more for "Java on the Cloud" which tbh is not where Java shines. I say this as a long-term Java developer. Java is great for monoliths - on premises customers are supper happy. Java on the cloud seems like a waste of resources to me.
It really shouldn't be. It bloats everything. Containers are bigger. Software is bigger. There's no reason to do this, since very few apps use the entire surface area of a runtime (Python, Node, Java, etc).
Instead, a native GraalVM binary can embed all these things, including only the portions which the application needs to run. Thus it behaves like a dynamic piece of software during development, but a static, high-performance, low-surface-area-of-vulnerability native binary in production.
> That's what I actually do for our product. The JRE is shipped with it as well as startup scripts
Please, as a user, I implore you to look into native targets. It's not as hard as it seems anymore. Some thins really do need Jlink.
> I guess the native compile thing is more for "Java on the Cloud"
Not so. GraalVM is great for embedded development. It's great for desktop development or even shared native library development.
> Java on the cloud seems like a waste of resources to me.
There is no difference now between C++ "in the cloud" and Java "in the cloud" except Java remains memory safe by default.
Compile to native makes sense only for very fast startup cases.
As for wasted resources - there are cases where the servers have to be deployed in specific jurisdictions (compliance) - it's easier to use AWS than manage tons of small sites. Still I don't see any need for native compilation.
It also makes sense to reduce container size and vulnerability surface, and to reduce warmup time to peak JIT performance.
> Still I don't see any need for native compilation.
Sure, there isn't a "need," per se, just like there is not a "need" for JIT. This is how technology evolves. Things get better. Java's startup and time-to-peak performance are now comparable to native langs.
This actually works in the opposite way - JIT is a guided compilation which uses the input for best results. There are many optimizations done for multi call sites, e.g. static linking + guard, dual site inline, inline caches, and the v-table calls if all fails. Without guided optimization such decisions are not likely to happen.
In other words for peak runtime performance JIT would surpass ahead of time/native compilation.
>reduce container size
I would be exceptionally hard pressed to find a single case where that would matter (aside specific client deployments) - server side and the like I'd not care about extra 100MB or so deployable. E.g. if I want really small footprint I'd go and do it all in pure C w/ an absolute min external library support.
>startup times
I already mentioned it - and anything not sub 0.5sec, Java does quite ok. There is a lot to be said about the use of DI frameworks with blatant class path scans, but that's not necessarily Java's fault.
I'd say it is a pretty common thing. I can't tell you why it isn't the norm nowadays but it used to be that Sun and Oracle prohibited modifications to the JRE in their license. So you had ship the whole bloated thing or nothing to be compliant, even if it was technically not too hard to strip the JRE down to only the things your app needed.
Sure, that is true, but with native compilation available, Java can do even more things. There are other reasons, too: startup time, quicker time to peak performance, and better interfacing with FFM and JNI, to name a few.
> If you _need_ native, for one reason or another and it's non-negotiable, then choose a native compiled language.
You could do that, sure. But then you would need to worry about all the things that come with that. For example, memory safety -- GraalVM preserves memory safety guarantees with native binaries. Even binaries which themselves ship JIT features.
> Why isn't shipping the runtime with the code a more common practise?
Well, Java has jlink which is meant to do exactly that (ship the parts of the JVM you actually need, which is easy to figure out as there are tools to do that), and that's the recommended approach today for shipping anything Java.
It wasn't retroffied, rather only available behind a paywall, that is what kept companies like Excelsior JET in business.
OpenJ9 from IBM traces its roots back to Java AOT compilation to embedded development, used to be called WebSphere Real Time.
PTC and Aicas are two companies specialized in real time JVM implementations for embedded development, with military and factory automation as main customer targets, also supporting AOT compilation for decades.
C# with NativeAOT might be an easier path for Java developers. Some might like the expressiveness as well over Go.
Both ecosystems complement themselves, some stuff Java ecosystem does much better than .NET, like multiple implementations, with various kinds of GC and JIT implementations, wider support of hardware deployments, tooling like Graal, industry standards, IDE implementations, a mobile OS,...
Other things the .NET ecosystem does better, support for value types, low level programming, SIMD, desktop development, game engines.
To this day they keep copying features from each other, and if either C# or Java isn't one's taste, there are still several other options on each platform.
Hence why I am confortably at home using them both, complemented by JS/TS for FE, and C++ for fiddling with their runtimes, or plugging into native libraries.
Plz upvote
But to contradict myself, I actually use windows, WSL and oracle cloud to build for windows x86, linux x86 and linux ARM64 to build a java desktop application. Of course I'd prefer it if I could just use my main machine and OS to build all those like Go can.
wasting gigabytes of ram and fast startup times
>and identify the optimizations on the fly
and still get gapped by statically compiled languages.
I guess these are a cheap price to pay for the benefit of ... having to install and patch runtimes.
Peak-peak performance is not as good as JVM in many cases, but how long does your process actually spend within that space? Native Image can be optimal for many cases
Which statically complicated languages are you referring to? :)
You are thinking of AOT compiled, but does that AOT language support arbitrary class loading to expand functionality, live observability while taking almost zero overhead for that?
So what do you do if a statically linked library of yours has a vulnerability?
Anyone know if this true?
So, yes, GraalVM CE is slightly nerfed (the performance difference across all EE features is like 30% maximum, at peak, in limited circumstances). You also do not need to use GraalVM CE in as many places anymore, and Oracle GraalVM with G1 is a free download. Many free projects like Pkl use the full-blown VM.
Serial GC is still very performant. It's great for things like command line tools which don't need a low-pause long-running GC like G1.
Also it isn't that easy if any of GUI frameworks from Microsoft are being used.
Ah, and if using WinUI, one even has the additional requirement that only UI elements implemented with partial classes can be AOT compiled due to WinUI magic code.
There needs to be more context here. I think the BCL is fully annotated already. Many of MS libraries are too including gRPC.
Your gRPC example is also quite interesting, I am yet to use it in anger, and never seen it being used at any of our .NET customers.
Meanwhile as mentioned, GUI frameworks aren't supported, WinUI requires partial classes and only kind of works, ASP.NET only if using minimal APIs, EF partially, and so on.
So it isn't really telling the whole story that "dotnet publish /p:PublishAot=true" works regardless of the .NET codebase being compiled.
Portability is by definition not possible with natively compiled binaries however. It is a choice - either produce an assembly (still single-file, .NET can do this unlike JVM offerings) that is completely portable, or produce a self-contained executable targeted at a particular OS and ISA.