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Show HN: Modest – musical harmony library for Lua (github.com)
delineator 10 hours ago [-]
Things get more interesting when we explore musical tunings other than the 12 equal divisions of the octave (EDO) of Western music.

You can define interval structure as a sequence of large L, small s, and optionally medium M steps.

For example, the Major diatonic scale, a 7 note scale from 12 EDO, in Ls notation is:

   LLsLLLs  with L: 2  s: 1 (12=2+2+1+2+2+2+1)
A 6 note scale (Gorgo-6) in 16 EDO is:

   LLsLLL  with L: 3  s: 1 (16=3+3+1+3+3+3)
You can then explore frequency ratios beyond those available in 12 EDO, see this Lua file: https://github.com/robmckinnon/pitfalls/blob/main/lib/ratios...

E.g. the Gorgo-6 scale has the intervals S2 (septimal major second), d4 (Barbados third), N4 (undevicesimal wide fourth), s6 (septimal sixth), s7 (septimal minor seventh).

And chords based on those ratios, see Lua file: https://github.com/robmckinnon/pitfalls/blob/main/lib/chords...

The above links are Lua code files for a monome norns library for exploring microtonal tuning: https://llllllll.co/t/pitfalls/37795

Rochus 15 hours ago [-]
What is the target use case of the library? Aren't chord, note and interval objects redundant (i.e. a chord is a set of notes of a specific distance, where the latter is an interval)? The chords themselves are just a subset of scales, of which a finite number exists (see e.g. https://github.com/rochus-keller/musictools/). Do you consider the relation of chords and scales, and modulations within and between scales? Concerning Lisp, are you aware of https://ccrma.stanford.edu/software/s7/s7.html or https://commonmusic.sourceforge.net/?
esbudylin 13 hours ago [-]
Thanks for sharing Common Music! I haven't heard of it, it seems worth studying.

Speaking of use cases, I started this project with the idea of making a flexible parser for chord symbols. In the process of solving this problem, I wrote some general-purpose utilities, which eventually took form of this library. I'm making it public in the hope that it will be useful to others who use Lua for music and audio programming.

I haven't yet implemented the functions related to scales. I'm still thinking about their relation to chords and how to express it in the library's API.

linux2647 1 hours ago [-]
I wrote something like this for fun years ago, although I don’t think I published it. I think my library had a scale defined by a root note and a set of steps. A chord could be constructed from a scale and a root note, with modifiers such as inversions and others like X7, Xb5#13, etc. The scale has the blueprint and the notes follow. You already have the primitives with notes and intervals.

Parsing chords from notes is more difficult, as are most parsing tasks.

yots 18 hours ago [-]
Nice work! Perhaps this could interest users of norns[1], many of which are active on the lines[2] message board.

1. https://github.com/monome/norns

2. https://llllllll.co/

esbudylin 17 hours ago [-]
Thanks for the pointers! I'll try to spread the word there as well.
summarity 16 hours ago [-]
Oh very neat. I had worked with Fennel inside touchOSC to create custom control surfaces and used it extensively for chord identification logic. The code is private, but here's an excerpt (e.g. norm-chord tries to identify chords based on MIDI notes): https://gist.github.com/turbo/264d44f4f820b5b32fdd13b8ef475d...

You're right it's very expressive. I wish there was something like Teal, but for Fennel. I know there are libraries for runtime typing, but my ideal language would be a gradually statically typed Fennel.

helpfulContrib 10 hours ago [-]
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