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Roc rewrites the compiler in Zig (gist.github.com)
IshKebab 35 days ago [-]
This is the first justification of not using Rust that I actually agree with. Well written.

I recommend reading Roc's FAQ too - it's got some really great points. E.g. I'm internally screaming YESSS! to this: https://www.roc-lang.org/faq.html#curried-functions

But then it has other weird features too, like they seem to be really emphasising "friendliness" (great!) but then it has weird syntax like `\` for anonymous functions (I dunno where that dumb syntax came from by Nix also uses it and it's pretty awful). Omitting brackets and commas for function calls is also a bad decision if you care about friendliness. I have yet to find a language where that doesn't make the code harder to read and understand.

Skinney 35 days ago [-]
The syntax came from Elm, which got it’s syntax from Haskell (where Nix also got it from) which got its syntax from ML.

It’s a syntax that’s several decades old at this point.

It’s different, but not harder. If you learned ML first, you’d found Algol/C-like syntax equally strange.

wk_end 35 days ago [-]
(ETA: speaking strictly about anonymous functions; on rereading you might be talking about the absence of parens and commas for function application.)

That's not ML syntax. Haskell got it from Miranda, I guess?

In SML you use the `fn` keyword to create an anonymous function; in Ocaml, it's `fun` instead.

throwaway17_17 35 days ago [-]
I believe the `\` character for functions is original to Haskell. Miranda does not have anonymous functions as a part of the language.
pezezin 35 days ago [-]
The \ is a simplified lambda, because most programmers can't type λ easily.
robertlagrant 33 days ago [-]
I would be very in favour of making λ a keyword, though. Maybe a linter could convert \ to λ.
iso8859-1 33 days ago [-]
it would be confusing since it's not part of UnicodeSyntax


robertlagrant 33 days ago [-]
Well, even better to add it to that! But I was thinking generally, to be honest. I really want Python to synonimise the keyword lamdba with the λ symbol so I can golf my Advent of Code code better.
robertlagrant 32 days ago [-]
Argh. Synonymise.
needlesslygrim 35 days ago [-]
Well, ML (or at least the first versions of it) used a λx • x syntax [1] for λ-abstractions, the same (excluding the use of • over .) notation as used with the Lambda Calculus, and I've always assumed \ was an ASCII stand in.

[1]: https://homepages.inf.ed.ac.uk/wadler/papers/papers-we-love/... (can be spotted on page 353)

wk_end 35 days ago [-]
That paper isn't showing real ML syntax itself; it's a mathematical presentation to demonstrate how the type system algorithm works. The actual original LCF/ML syntax would differ. I don't believe it used an actual lambda character, although for the life of me I can't find any evidence one way or another, not even in the LCF source code (https://github.com/theoremprover-museum/LCF77)

But yes, the slash is just an ASCII stand-in for a lambda.

ETA: I tracked down a copy of the Edinburgh LCF text and I have to eat crow. It doesn't use a lambda, but it does use a slash rather than a reserved word. The syntax, per page 22, is in fact, `\x. e`. Similar to Haskell's, but with a dot instead of an arrow.


needlesslygrim 34 days ago [-]
Well if you're going to eat crow, I may as well eat pigeon, for I didn't realise that paper wasn't showing real source.

Thanks for the link to the LCF text though :^)

hillcapital 35 days ago [-]
They recently changed the syntax to add parens, commas and use `|arg|` for closures :)


3836293648 34 days ago [-]
Are the Roc people really doing everything they can to ruin everything they had going for them? Appealing to those who know nothing and won't be willing to touch anything FP at the cost of annoying those who actually want to try it is just so stupid
darthrupert 34 days ago [-]
I say this as someone who enjoys reading Rust more than Haskell or Elm -- that looks like a really bad idea for aesthetic reasons anyway. I mean if you want the syntax to look like Zig or Rust, perhaps go all the way there instead of making a kind of a mutant hybrid like this. Syntax is superficial and the semantics actually matter, but that doesn't mean the syntax can be just anything.

Is there some deeper technical reason for making such changes?

anacrolix 35 days ago [-]
trescenzi 35 days ago [-]
oh wow it went from being a very clear language to looking more like a hodgepodge of a few different languages.
IshKebab 35 days ago [-]
Ah great improvements! I don't know why the sibling comments are so negative; this is clearly better.
tasuki 35 days ago [-]
Why? I'm used to \ meaning lambda. I understand you aren't, and that's fine. But it's just your weird opinion determined by what programming languages you've learned.

Ultimately, it's just syntax and not so important. Semantics are important.

IshKebab 35 days ago [-]
> Why? I'm used to \ meaning lambda.

1. I know what lambda calculus is, and I didn't even make the connection between \ and lambda. It's pretty tenuous.

2. Most programmers do not know what lambda calculus is. This is supposed to be a friendly language, not an obscure academic one.

3. It's not even the same lambda as in lambda calculus, e.g. it takes multiple arguments.

4. Lambda was a reasonable choice in lambda calculus since it's a very "mathsy" language, and it's pretty much the only symbol in the language. It's a pretty awful choice for a practical programming language though - there's a reason 99% of languages use something like `fn` or `fun` or `function` or `def` instead of lambda to define top-level functions.

I'm not a huge fan of `|foo|` either to be honest - I don't see why you can't simply use the same syntax for anonymous and named functions - but it is at least a little better.

If it were up to me I'd go with something like

  fn double(a: list[int]) -> list[int] {
    a.map(fn(i) { i * 2 })
Same syntax; just allow omitting the name and inferring the types. I can't recall any languages that do that though so maybe there's some tricky reason it can't work?
trescenzi 34 days ago [-]
Right now I’m in between liking Gleam or Roc for a hobby functional language. The syntax you wrote is Gleam[1], well aside from it being List(). It’s very approachable, very consistent and that’s a core goal.

Roc was appealing because it was slightly more distinct and more unique. Plus it was more focused on speed. I appreciate them wanting to become more approachable. The new syntax seems less approachable to me because it’s now a half step between approachable Haskell and what feels like a combination of Ruby and Python.

[1]: https://gleam.run/

Hasnep 34 days ago [-]
Roc does use the same syntax for anonymous and named functions, both before and after the recent syntax changes.
akkad33 34 days ago [-]
I think because a closure is not a function as a closure can capture its environment, in a way that functions can't, so using the same syntax for closures and functions can be misleading (even though languages like JS do it)
IshKebab 34 days ago [-]
I dunno, I could say that functions do capture their environment (global variables are captured by reference).

I don't really see how it would be misleading.

pmarreck 34 days ago [-]
> Most programmers do not know what lambda calculus is

I would frankly be shocked if a 4 year syllabus in CS these days just skipped any mention of Alonzo Church, especially considering that it's fundamental to functional programming and theoretical computer science...

Maybe it's not taught in "CS" programs that are actually just "practical software engineering" bootcamps with extra steps. The real nerds know about lambdas. They're even literally called that in Ruby (and possibly other languages).

throwaway2037 34 days ago [-]
FYI: I have a computer science degree. I never learned any functional programming, nor lambda calculus during university. I learned about both topics in my late 30s as a professional.
pmarreck 26 days ago [-]
I find this insane, considering how important I find it now.

Honestly, I didn't take enough CS to get into functional langs, but I did learn what a lambda was. The importance of it all came later, after years of struggling with bugs in million-line codebases that wouldn't have even existed in an immutable, functional language without inheritance.

3836293648 34 days ago [-]
Your school should lose its accreditation. Your programme is an absolute failure and sounds like they called their software engineering programme computer science
IshKebab 34 days ago [-]
Brace yourself... most programmers don't have a CS degree.

Yes really.

pjmlp 33 days ago [-]
Depends on where they are on the globe.

In many places that won't get them through HR, nor calling oneself Software Engineer is legally allowed without a corresponding degree.

anacrolix 34 days ago [-]
It cannot be
akkad33 34 days ago [-]
There can't be a more democratized language than Python and in Python closures are defined literally using lambda keyword
IshKebab 34 days ago [-]
I guarantee that 99% of Python programmers just think that's a weird way of saying an anonymous function.

Hell I used lambda functions in C++ for years without knowing what lambda calculus is. And C++ doesn't even use `lambda`.

akkad33 33 days ago [-]
Sure, but that also means this kind of syntax does not alienate people just because they don't know what lambda calculus is. And they will appreciate it even more when one day they get curious and look up why it is called a lambda
hajile 35 days ago [-]
Pretty much all of those changes look bad to me.
masijo 35 days ago [-]
Jesus, why? This is a bummer.
35 days ago [-]
hajile 35 days ago [-]
I feel that he got a lot of pressure from the FP community and wrote a bunch of nonsense instead of being straightforward with them.

The only relevant reason he lists is point-free, but he doesn't go far enough. Point-free very often turns into write-only balls of unmaintainable nastiness. Wanting to discourage this behavior is a perfectly reasonable position. Unfortunately, this one true argument is given the most tepid treatment of all the reasons.

Everything else doesn't hold water.

As he knows way better than most, Elm has auto-curry and has been the inspiration for several other languages getting better error messages.

Any language with higher-order functions can give a function as a result and if you haven't read the docs or checked the type, you won't expect it. He left higher-order function in, so even he doesn't really believe this complaint.

The argument about currying and pipe isn't really true. The pipe is static syntax known to the compiler at compile time. You could just decide that the left argument is applied/curried to the function before the right argument.

I particularly hate the learning curve argument. Lots of great and necessary things are hard to learn. The only question is a value judgement about if the learning is worth the payoff. I'd guess that most of the Roc users already learned about currying with a more popular FP language before every looking at Roc, so I don't think this argument really applies here (though I wouldn't really care if he still believed it wasn't worth the learning payoff for the fraction of remaining users).

To reiterate, I agree with his conclusion to exclude currying, but I wish he were more straightforward with his one good answer that would tick off a lot of FP users rather than resorting to a ton of strawman arguments.

throwaway2037 35 days ago [-]
No trolling/nitpicking from me: You wrote <<The only relevant reason he lists is point-free>>. What do you mean by "point-free"... or did you write "point three" and it was auto-corrected on a mobile phone?

I also tried Googling for that term (never heard before), and I found these:


If you really meant "point-free", can you tell me where in his post he mentions it? I would like to learn more.
hajile 34 days ago [-]
Point-free is a functional programming style where you avoid assignments and prefer to do everything as a group of nested, mapped, and composed functions. It relies heavily on partial application. Like everything, it can be good when used in moderation.

Here's a made-up JS example. I've attempted to be fair to both approaches doing it how I personally would with each.

    //typical implementation
    const howManyAdults = (data) => {
      const adults = data
        .flatMap(obj => obj.type === 'parent' ? [obj, ...obj.children] : obj)
        .filter(obj => typeof obj.age === 'number')
        .filter(obj => obj.age >= 18 && obj.age < 150)

      adults.forEach(adult =>
        console.log(`${adult.name} is an adult age ${adult.age}`)

      return adults.length

    //nice "point-free" implementation using helper functions
    const transformData = obj => obj.type === 'parent' ? [obj, ...obj.children] : [obj]
    const isAdult = obj => obj.age >= 18 && obj.age < 130

    const howManyAdults = pipe(
      filter(hasTypeOf('age', 'number'),
      logEach`${pick('name')} is an adult age ${pick('age')}`,

    //completely point-free gets crazy
    const howManyAdults = pipe(
        compose(eq('parent'), pick('type')), 
        juxt([identity, pick('children']),
      ), []),
      filter(hasTypeOf('age', 'number'),
      filter(both(gte(pick('age',18), lt(pick('age'), 130)))),
      logEach`${pick('name')} is an adult age ${pick('age')}`,
I went through a point-free phase early in my career, but even with lots of practice, I can't believe that most devs ever find the third example as readable as the first or second. I'd also note that this is a trivial example and doesn't require you to track any monad wrappers either.

Personally, I rather like reading the moderate middle example because it removes the boilerplate and allows me to easily follow the overall flow without getting caught up in the details. But I'll take the first example every time if it means never dealing with the third example.

zozbot234 34 days ago [-]
inb4 pointless programming is pointless
syockit 35 days ago [-]
It's in the FAQ. Someone else posted a link to it in the comments, check it out. And yes, it is about tacit programming.
mrkeen 35 days ago [-]
It's the closest you get to 'λ' on a US keyboard.
IshKebab 35 days ago [-]
So this assumes knowledge of an obscure theoretical programming language, and a dubious symbol replacement. Yeah...
aylmao 34 days ago [-]
It doesn't assume it, it's syntax, you can just use it without knowing where it comes from.

It's like english. You don't need knowledge in obscure proto-germanic linguistics to use articles in your sentences. But if you want to understand why we seem to randomly attach "a" before nouns— proto-germanic linguistics has the answer (probably, I just speak english I don't know where all its syntax originates).

myaccountonhn 34 days ago [-]
Functional programming is common in university curriculum. Terrifying that it can still be considered obscure.
fuzztester 35 days ago [-]
IIRC, Richard explain that in one of his videos about Roc. I have seen at least a handful of them.
LAC-Tech 35 days ago [-]
I believe Haskell uses it as well.
nemo1618 35 days ago [-]
my hot take: the language should accept \, but formatters should replace it with λ
IshKebab 35 days ago [-]
Lean does symbols very well. You can just type \r and it will replace it with a right arrow as you type.
postepowanieadm 35 days ago [-]
msla 35 days ago [-]
> `\` for anonymous functions

A one-character ASCII rendering of the Greek lowercase letter lambda: λ

λx → x + 5

\x -> x + 5

LAC-Tech 35 days ago [-]
Opposite effect one, lost interest in Roc after reading that.

If anything I don't think Haskell goes far enough the automatic currying, points free stuff. If you're going to be declarative, don't half ass it.

rtfeldman 34 days ago [-]
We recently changed Roc's lambda syntax from the syntax that languages like Elm and Haskell use...

    foo = \arg1, arg2 ->
...to this:

    foo = |arg1, arg2|
The reason for this change was that we have a new and extremely well-received language feature (landed but not yet formally announced) which results in `->` and `=>` having different meanings in the type system. This made it confusing to have `->` in the syntax for anonymous functions, because it seemed to suggest a connection with the type-level `->` that wasn't actually there.

The most popular syntax that mainstream languages use today for anonymous functions is something like `(arg1, arg2) => body` but of course that has the same problem with having an arrow in it, so changing to that wouldn't have solved the problem.

Rust uses `|arg1, arg2| body` (and Ruby kinda uses it too for blocks), and we'd all had fine experiences using that syntax in Rust, so we chose it as the new lambda syntax. You can see the new syntax in the code example at the top of roc-lang.org.

xiaodai 35 days ago [-]
R has that too.
Iwan-Zotow 35 days ago [-]
really? thought it just function(x)
HackerThemAll 34 days ago [-]
Yeah Rust compiles slowly, so we need two more half-baked languages - Zig and Roc, both of which I couldn't care less.

Rust's slow compilation comes from lots of features and an excellent generated machine code quality. Both Zig and Roc will be equally slow or slower if they match what Rust offers.

If all they want is fast compilation, they can just try Pascal.

pmarreck 34 days ago [-]
> \ for anonymous functions

this didn't faze me in the least because it's just a more easily typed λ, the lambda character, which has for a long time now (many decades) been used to describe anonymous functions (i.e. "lambdas")

did you never take any formal CS education? if not, that might explain it

so before you jump to calling it "dumb", maybe next time lean on Chesterton's Fence for a bit.


That said, granted, the fact that it's also the escape character is problematic. Maybe /\ might have been better but that's even harder to type.

zoogeny 35 days ago [-]
It's nice to see Zig continuing to gain support. I have no idea why I've ended up siding with Zig in the lower languages wars.

I used to root for the D programming language but it seems to have got stuck and never gained a good ecosystem. I've disliked Rust from the first time I saw it and have never warmed up to it's particular trade offs. C feels unergonomic these days and C++ is overfull with complexity. Zig feels like a nice pragmatic middle ground.

I actually think Rust is probably perfectly suited to a number of tasks, but I feel I would default to choosing Zig unless I was certain beyond doubt that I needed specific Rust safety features.

bornfreddy 35 days ago [-]
I wanted to like Rust (memory safety and performance - what's not to like?) but both of my experiments with it ended in frustration. It seemed a way too complex language for what I needed.

Recently, a coworker of mine made a great observation that made everything clear to me. I was looking for a replacement for C, but Rust is actually a replacement for C++. Totally different beast - powerful but complex. I need to see if Zig is any closer to C in spirit.

pcwalton 35 days ago [-]
> I was looking for a replacement for C, but Rust is actually a replacement for C++. Totally different beast - powerful but complex.

I've seen this sentiment a lot, and I have to say it's always puzzled me. The difference between Rust and basically any other popular language is that the former has memory safety without GC†. The difference between C++ and C is that the former is a large multi-paradigm language, while the latter is a minimalist language. These are completely different axes.

There is no corresponding popular replacement for C that's more minimalist than Rust and memory safe.

† Reference counting is a form of garbage collection.

munificent 35 days ago [-]
Board games and craft beers are utterly unrelated objects who have commonality on essentially no axes (except sitting on tables, I guess). And, yet, if you like one, there's a very good chance you like the other.

I think that's where the sentiment comes from. It's not that Rust is similar to C++ in terms of the actual languages and their features. It's that people who like C++ are morely likely to like Rust than people who like C are.

I would argue that C is not a minimalistic language either. There is a lot under the hood in C. But it feels small in a way that Rust and C++ don't.

I think Rust and C++ appeal to programmers who are OK with a large investment in wrapping their head around a big complex language with the expectation that they will be able to amortize that investment by being very productive in large projects over a large period of time. Maybe sometimes the language feels like trying to keep a piece of heavy duty machinery from killing you, but they're willing to wrestle with it for the power you get in return.

The people who are excited about Zig and C wants something that feels more like a hand tool that doesn't demand a lot of their attention and lets them focus on writing their code, even if the writing process is a little more manual labor in return.

tialaramex 35 days ago [-]
> And, yet, if you like one, there's a very good chance you like the other.

Among my friends I know several people who are very enthusiastic about board games and several who are very enthusiastic about craft beer, but there's not a particular noticeable overlap. Personally of course I am very into board games and I don't drink at all.

> I would argue that C is not a minimalistic language either. There is a lot under the hood in C.

Nah, C actually is small, that's why K&R is such a short book. It makes enormous compromises to pull that off, but presumably on a machine where 64kB of RAM is extraordinary these compromises made lots of sense. C23 is quite a bit bigger, for example "bool" is now an actual type (albeit implicitly convertible) but still small by modern standards.

There really isn't that much "under the hood", it's often just the least possible moving parts that could possibly have worked.

a[b] in C++ is a call to a member function a.operator[](b) -- arbitrary user code

a[b] in Rust is a call to core::ops::Index::index(a, b) or, in context IndexMut::index_mut -- again, arbitrary user code

a[b] in C is just a pointer addition of a and b - one of them will be converted to a pointer if necessary, and then the other one is added to the pointer using normal pointer arithmetic rules

hajile 35 days ago [-]
> Nah, C actually is small,

I'd argue that C is much bigger than K&R, but that isn't immediately visible to a new programmer because it's all undefined behaviors.

pjmlp 35 days ago [-]
C23 + compiler extensions versus K&R C, is a little more than only UB.
pjmlp 35 days ago [-]
Except C in 2025 isn't K&R C, rather C23.

Also even between C89 and C23, many folks wrongly count "whatever my compiler does" as C, and there are endless amounts of extensions to be aware of.

voidhorse 35 days ago [-]
Exactly. There are two kinds of programmers, those who enjoy spending a bunch of time thinking about problems and decisions the language has foisted upon you (subtyping hierarchies, lifetime annotations, visibility, design patterns) and there are those that like spending that time thinking about the actual problem they want to solve instead.

I jest, but only a tiny bit. The features of heavy OOP and feature-rich languages tend to show their value only in really large codebases being worked on by several different people—precisely because many of their features are just guardrails to make it hard for people to code incorrectly against another's understanding or assumptions, when shared understanding is more difficult to establish. Contrarily, any solo programmer or really small team is almost invariably better served by a language like go, C, scheme, or Zig.

pcwalton 35 days ago [-]
The idea that memory safety is only, or primarily, a problem in large codebases written by a sizable team is an interesting theory (sort of an inverse Linus' Law?) Unfortunately, it's contradicted by decades of experience.
bornfreddy 34 days ago [-]
Just to be clear, I liked memory handling in Rust. It was the sheer size of the language that made it... not fun. But borrow checker made sense.
lenkite 34 days ago [-]
Go is pretty good for large, shared projects too - thanks to its tooling, formalized best-practices and comprehensive batteries-included standard library.
merb 34 days ago [-]
That is simply not true. The bigger the project gets the more you see the shortcomings of go. You can see that very well in the k8s project
lenkite 34 days ago [-]
Ok, might want to explicitly point out those shortcomings that still present today. AFAK such shortcomings resulting in issues have been fixed in Go over the years.
pjmlp 33 days ago [-]
Partially fixed within the backwards compatibility Go 1.0 promise.
estebank 35 days ago [-]
> Maybe sometimes the language feels like trying to keep a piece of heavy duty machinery from killing you, but they're willing to wrestle with it for the power you get in return.

It's funny because to me there's an analogy with heavy machinery but materially different: there are some industrial machines that have two buttons that need to be actuated to activate the mechanism, separated by arm length in order to ensure that the operator's arms are out of the way when the limb crunching bits are moving. I see Rust that way, engineering the safe way to do things as the path of least resistance, at the cost of some convenience when trying to do something "unsafe".

incrudible 34 days ago [-]
Okay, but now imagine a kitchen appliance that did the same thing. It would not be a big seller. Of course a kitchen appliance can injure and even kill you, but it probably wouldn’t unless you try really hard.

Most of programming is like that, but in the few cases where there literally are lives at stake, memory safety by itself will not do much for you and performance is going to be a secondary concern.

Zig does have safety features that C/C++ do not have, but also one should not underestimate the security implications of language complexity by itself.

pcwalton 35 days ago [-]
The reason I focus on the memory safety difference is precisely to not minimize its importance. It's far more salient of a difference than whether a language "feels big" or not. Talking about whether Zig requires "a little more manual labor" than Rust is missing the enormous elephant in the room.
munificent 34 days ago [-]
I think the people who like Rust are in a room where they perceive that elephant to be enormous and people who like Zig are in a room where they perceive it to be much smaller.

You can certainly argue whether or not their perceptions are correct, but I generally believe that people are entitled to their priorities.

Either way, you initially stated confusion about why people stated certain opinions about Rust, C++, and C. I tried to explain why people might hold those opinins. You are then arguing that they shouldn't hold those opinions. Whether or not that's true, a prescriptive claim is orthogonal to understanding what's actually in their heads.

imtringued 34 days ago [-]
The elephant is enormous, because the C crowd is not living up to what they need to do to actually make the lack of memory unsafety unimportant. C is like ruby in the sense that the untyped nature of ruby might initially buy you a productivity win, but in the long run it requires you to dilligently write impeccable unit tests, since even the most basic correctness checks can only be done at runtime.

Actually that's wrong. In C you will need exhaustive formal verification, because UB doesn't cause minor miscompilation anymore. Formal verification is far more onerous than whatever Rust is demanding.

platinumrad 35 days ago [-]
> It's far more salient of a difference than whether a language "feels big" or not.

You clearly don't like it, but it seems many people disagree.

throwawaymaths 35 days ago [-]
pcwalton is responsible for a lot of the rust borrow checker, so, not a neutral opinion. ive posted it too many times on this thread but it seems borrow checking analysis may be possible for zig (if the zig team should want to)
pcwalton 35 days ago [-]
I highly suspect it won't be feasible for the same reason it isn't feasible in C++: you could technically implement it, but tons of existing patterns in the ecosystem would become impossible to express, so in practice it would end up creating a different language. From a skim, the CLR project you linked to claims that metadata will probably be needed in order to enforce aliasable xor mutable, and I agree.
zozbot234 35 days ago [-]
> tons of existing patterns in the [C/C++] ecosystem would become impossible to express

Well, the really harsh way of putting this is that the patterns break for a reason; they rely on global claims about the program, so they aren't genuinely robust in the context of code that sits within a large, constantly evolving codebase that can't be practically surveyed in its entirety. Rust is very good at picking patterns that can be verified with a comparatively straightforward, "local" analysis that broadly follows the same structure as the actual program syntax. Safety claims that rely on "global" properties which cannot be kept within a self-contained, module-like portion of the code are essentially what the unsafe marker is intended for. And this is exactly what idiomatic C/C++ code often gives you.

This is actually why I think that proposals like Safe C++ should get a lot more attention that they do at present. Yes, Safe C++ changes what's idiomatic in the language but it does so in a way that's broadly sensible (given our increased attention to memory safety) especially in a context of "programming in the large".

throwawaymaths 35 days ago [-]
you can go a long way before getting to aliasable xor mutable, and the metadata doesn't require a language change, theres an example in there on how to bind metadata with no language changes.
tialaramex 35 days ago [-]
Today all of the code I'm not paid to write is in Rust. I spent many happy years previously getting paid to write C (I have also been paid to write Java, PHP, Go and C#, and I have written probably a dozen more languages for one reason or another over the years but never as specifically a thing people were paying me to do)

I always thought C++ was a terrible idea, from way before C++ 98, I own Stroustrup's terrible book about his language, which I picked up at the same time as the revised K&R and it did nothing to change that belief, nor have subsequent standards.

However, I do have some sympathy for this sentiment about Rust being a better C++. Even though Rust and C++ have an entirely different approach to many important problems the syntax often looks similar and I think Zig manages to be less intimidating than Rust for that reason if you don't want that complexity.

Personally I had no interest in C++† and I have no serious interest in Zig.

† Ironically I ended up caring a lot more about C++ after I learned Rust, and most specifically when understanding how Rust's HashMap type works, but I didn't end up liking C++ I just ended up much better informed about it.

gens 35 days ago [-]
It is not about memory safety or anything like that. It is about simplicity.

If you say "you can't do x with y in C++" you will get an "yes you can, you just use asd::dsadasd::asdadqwreqsdwerig_hfdoigbhiohrf() with weaorgoiawr flag". From what I have seen from Rust, it is similar. I don't want to fill my brain with vim bindings.. cough.. Rust ways of doing something. I just want to code my hobby game engine v7.

That said, I am happy to use software written in it. Even though the evangelists can be really annoying.

zamalek 35 days ago [-]
> † Reference counting is a form of garbage collection.

I agree with Raymond Chen's take on the academic definition of GCs[1], and therefore Rust is certainly a GC'd language (because your code behaves as though memory is infinite... usually). It's probably one of the first examples of "static garbage collection" - though I'm sure someone will point out a prior example.

[1]: https://devblogs.microsoft.com/oldnewthing/20100809-00/?p=13...

jonahx 35 days ago [-]
This feels like deliberate misdirection, because in most practical cases what people mean is "some memory management process that will slow my program down non-trivially". By this definition Rust does not have GC whereas Go, eg, does.

The "simulates infinite RAM" is an interesting perspective but simply not the subject of most conversations.

zozbot234 35 days ago [-]
Manual heap allocation can slow the program down non-trivially compared to using an arena which is cleaned up all at once; hence, manual heap allocation is a kind of GC. Checkmate atheists.
another2another 34 days ago [-]
>Manual heap allocation can slow the program down non-trivially compared to using an arena

But GC has nothing to do with whether heap allocations 'slow the program down', it's who owns the lifetime of the allocated object - for GC not the programmer, but the runtime.

If I create a an object, and then then soon after deref it [MyObj release], then I know it will dealloc immediately after. I'm basically in control of its lifetime, even though it's ref counted.

If I call [MyObj free] and it's still owned by another object (e.g. I added it to some collection), that's OK because the object is still useful and has a lifetime outside of my control, and its destruction will be deferred until it doesn't.

But, with a GC object, if I call new MyObj() and then soon after try my best to destroy it, I can't because I'm not in control of its lifetime, the runtime is.

That's what I see the distinction between GC and ref counted (not GC), and why I mostly don't agree with so many people here insisting that ref counting is garbage collection. How can it be when I can easily be explicitly in control of an objects lifetime? I create it, then I destroy it, and it happens exactly in the sequence that I dictate.

For sure, ARC makes it a bit more subtle, but even then, I can reliably predict when an object will be destroyed and factor that into the sequence of events in my program.

-An Atheist.

caspper69 35 days ago [-]
I went down a path researching the viability of region based memory management (a form of arenas).

A language based on such a paradigm can be provably memory safe, and regions can have their own allocators and optionally provide locking when the regions are shared.

This approach obviates the need for reference counting individual allocations (since regions are tracked as a whole), but it suffers from excess memory usage in the event of many short-lived allocations (i.e. they leak until the entire region's allocations go out of scope). But those types of memory accesses can be problematic in every systems language as they can eventually cause memory fragmentation.

That problem can be minimized using per-allocation reference counting, but that can incur a heavy performance hit. Although not having to use it everywhere could minimize the impact.

The plus side is you don't have to worry about borrow checking, so such a language can be more flexible than Rust, while still maintaining the memory safety aspect.

The question, as always, is: is the juice worth the squeeze?

Truthfully, I suspect no. The Rust train has left the station and has a decade head start. Even if it is a pain in the ass, lol.

steveklabnik 34 days ago [-]
What’s old is new again. Cyclone, one of the influences on Rust, is a systems language using regions for memory management.
zozbot234 35 days ago [-]
You may be interested in Rust language proposals for local memory allocators and "storages"; they may be enough for something very much like this. The lifetime concept in Rust is quite close already to that of a "region", i.e. an area of memory that the lifetime can pertain to.
caspper69 35 days ago [-]
Depending on the semantics of the implementation, something like that would go a long way toward eliminating one of my biggest issues with Rust. For a low-level systems language, it is imperative to offer 2 things, which are currently a pain in Rust: (1) you must be able to "materialize" a struct at an arbitrary location; why? Because hardware tables exist at a specified location and are provided by hardware- they are not created or instantiated in the host language; and (2) be able to reference structs from other structs, which immediately triggers lifetime annotations, which begin to color everything they touch, must like async does to functions.

And I admit, I loathe the borrow checker. Ironically, I never really have problems with it, because I do understand it, it's just that I find it too limiting. Not everything I want to do is unsafe, and I hate the way it has made people think that if you really do know better than the borrow checker, you must clearly be doing something wrong and you should re-architect your code. It's insulting.

otabdeveloper4 34 days ago [-]
GC is bad because of memory fragmentation due to pointer aliasing. (Not GC pauses per se.)

Theoretically you could have a GC'd language that cared about scope, lifetimes, stack vs heap and value vs reference distinctions, but no such thing was ever seen in the wild. (Perhaps because people use GC'd languages precisely because they don't want to care about these distinctions.)

nemetroid 35 days ago [-]
By that definition, a C++ program with heavy usage of std::shared_ptr has GC.
cmrdporcupine 35 days ago [-]
And it does. Reference counting is garbage collection. And std::shared_ptr, or Rust's Rc/Arc are basically lightweight GC runtimes inside your program.
coldtea 35 days ago [-]
Isn't that the point?
nemetroid 34 days ago [-]
I don't think it's the point of the comment I replied to, no.
imtringued 34 days ago [-]
By this logic you're writing the garbage collector by hand in C.
defen 35 days ago [-]
> There is no corresponding popular replacement for C that's more minimalist than Rust and memory safe.

In the real world, memory safety is not all-or-nothing (unless you're willing to concede that Rust is not safe either, since unsafe Rust exists). I'm working on an embedded project in Rust and I'd MUCH rather be using Zig. The only safety thing that Rust would give me that Zig does not is protection from returning pointers to stack-allocated objects (there are no dynamic allocations and no concurrency outside of extremely simple ISRs that push events onto a statically allocated queue). But in exchange I have to deal with the presence of unsafe Rust, which feels like a gigantic minefield even compared to C.

throwawaymaths 35 days ago [-]
protection from returning stack pointers seems to be detectable with static analysis of zig AIR.


zozbot234 35 days ago [-]
> But in exchange I have to deal with the presence of unsafe Rust, which feels like a gigantic minefield even compared to C.

I think idiomatic coding norms for unsafe Rust are still a bit half-baked, and this is where something like Zig can have an advantage of sorts. You can see this also, e.g. in the ongoing proposals for a Pin<> alternative.

coldtea 35 days ago [-]
The similarity between C++ and Rust is that both bust your balls with complexity for programming at large. And the inverse goes for C and Zig.

Those are the axes relevant to the parent in the context of their comment - not specific language semantics or core features.

bmacho 34 days ago [-]
> > I was looking for a replacement for C, but Rust is actually a replacement for C++. Totally different beast - powerful but complex.

> The difference between Rust and basically any other popular language is that the former has memory safety without GC†. The difference between C++ and C is that the former is a large multi-paradigm language, while the latter is a minimalist language. These are completely different axes.

Indeed. Let one axis be the simple/multi paradigm. Let the other axis be no memory management / automatic memory management without GC / GC. This divides the plane into 6. In the simple + no memory management sits C and Zig, and in the multiparadigm + memory safe without GC segment sits C++ and Rust.

> There is no corresponding popular replacement for C that's more minimalist than Rust and memory safe.

Those are some weird requirements for "being a replacement", but it is obviously true, as you picked them such.

hansvm 35 days ago [-]
It's not a perfect analogy, but if you want to put yourself in the shoes of the people making it:

1. Rust is an immensely complicated language, and it's not very composable (see the async debacle and whatnot). On the simple<->complex slider, it's smack dab on the right of the scale.

2. Ignoring any nitpicking [0], Zig is memory-safe enough in practice, placing it much closer to Rust than to C/C++ on the memory safety axis. My teammates have been using Zig for nearly a year, and the only memory safety bug was (a) caught before prod and (b) not something Rust's features would have prevented [1]. The `defer` and `errdefer` statements are excellent, and much like how you closely audit the use of `unsafe` in Rust there is only a small subset of Zig where you actually need to pull your magnifying glass out to figure out if the code has any major issues. In terms of memory issues I've cared about (not all conforming to Rust's narrow definition of memory safety), I've personally seen many more problems in Rust projects I contribute toward (only the one in Zig, plus a misunderstanding of async as I was learning the language a few years ago, many of varying severity in Rust, at this point probably more code written in Zig than Rust, 10yoe before starting with either).

With that in mind, you have C/C++ on the unsafe axis and Zig/Rust on the safe axis. The complexity axis is self-explanatory, fleshing out the analogy.

Is Zig memory-safe? No, absolutely not. Does that mean that Rust will win out for some domains? Absolutely. In practical terms though, your average senior developer will have many memory safety bugs in C/C++ and few in Zig/Rust. It's a reasonable way to compare and contrast languages.

Is it a perfect description? No, the map is not the territory. It's an analogy that helps a lot of people understand the world around them though.

[0] Even Python is simpler than Rust, and it's memory-safe. If we're limiting ourselves to systems languages, you still have a number of options like Ada and Coq. Rust is popular because it offers a certain tradeoff in the safety/performance/devex Pareto curve, and because it's had a lot of marketing. It's unique in that niche, by definition, but it's far from the only language to offer the features you explicitly stated.

[1] It was just an object pool, and the (aggregate) resetting logic wasn't solid. The objects would have passed through the borrow checker with flying colors though.

Edit: To your GC point, many parts of Rust look closer to GC than not under the hood. You don't have a GC pause, but you have object pools (sometimes falling back to kernel object pools) and a variety of allocation data structures. If RC is a GC tactic, the extra pointer increment/decrement is negligible compared to what Rust actually does to handle its objects (RC is everything Rust does, plus a counter). That's one of my primary performance complaints with the language, that interacting with a churn of small objects is both expensive and the easiest way to code. I can't trust code I see in the wild to behave reasonably by default.

zozbot234 35 days ago [-]
> see the async debacle and whatnot

The async featureset in Rust is far from complete, but async is also somewhat of a niche. You're not necessarily expected to use it, often you can just use threads.

> Zig is memory-safe enough in practice

Temporal safety is a huge deal, especially for the "programming in the large" case. Where unstated assumptions that are relied upon for the safety of some piece of code can be broken as some other part of the code evolves. The Rust borrow checker is great for surfacing these issues, and has very few practical alternatives.

> If we're limiting ourselves to systems languages, you still have a number of options like Ada and Coq.

It's easy to be "safe" if the equivalent to free() is marked as part of the unsafe subset, as with Ada. Coq is not very relevant on its own, though I suppose it could be part of a solution for proving the memory safety of C code. But this is known to be quite hard unless you do take your care to write the program in the "idiomatically safe" style that a language like Rust points you to.

rastignack 34 days ago [-]
> The async featureset in Rust is far from complete, but async is also somewhat of a niche. You're not necessarily expected to use it, often you can just use threads.

I’m sorry but it’s not true. You lose access to most of the ecosystem.

pcwalton 35 days ago [-]
I've been seeing C++ fans talk about how they never see memory safety issues in practice in C++ for a decade and a half. I even believed it sometimes. But if there's ever been a common story over those 15 years, it's that these anecdotes mean little, and the actual memory safety property means a lot.

The only time I've seen "almost memory safe" actually work is in Go and Swift, which have memory safety problems with concurrency, but they're actually rare enough not to matter too much (though in Go's case it would have been easy to design interfaces and slices not to have the problem, and I wish they had). I simply don't believe that Zig is meaningfully more memory safe than C++.

AndyKelley 35 days ago [-]
I don't see any Zig repositories under https://github.com/pcwalton

Is your opinion based on anything other than pure speculation?

I think it makes more sense to form an opinion after actually having tried Rust, C++, and Zig in earnest.

There are lots of us out there who've done it. Join us!

fweimer 35 days ago [-]
I think it's possible to retrofit race-safe slices and interfaces into Go, and I expect it to happen one day once some actually relevant code execution exploit shows up.

There's going to be some impact and low-level libraries that manipulate directly the words that constitute slices and interfaces, and there will some slight performance impact and increase in memory usage, but hopefully nothing drastic.

zozbot234 35 days ago [-]
I think slices and interfaces in Go are both 2×usize width, in which case you just need double-width CAS to make them safe from data races - which most modern architectures support.
fweimer 35 days ago [-]
Slices are base pointer, length, and capacity, so three words. But there's a garbage collector, so you can install a thunk if the slice is updated in a way that torn reads cause problems. It makes reads slightly slower, of course.

Two-word loads could be used for interface values (assuming that alignment is increased), except if support older x86-64 is needed. There are implementations that require using CMPXCHG16B, which is a really slow way to load two words. Both Intel and AMD updated their ISA manuals that using VMOVDQA etc. is fine (once the CPU supports AVX and the memory is cacheable).

FpUser 35 days ago [-]
>"I've been seeing C++ fans talk about how they never see memory safety issues in practice in C++ for a decade and a half. I even believed it sometimes. But if there's ever been a common story over those 15 years, it's that these anecdotes mean little, and the actual memory safety property means a lot."

While I use C++ a lot I am not a fan. It is just one of many languages I use. But from my personal experience it is true. I frankly forgot when was the last time I hit memory problem, years for sure. And my code is often a stateful multithreaded backends with high request rate.

imtringued 34 days ago [-]
Are you properly trying to exploit your own software?

If you're not looking, how would you know?

You could have a blatant SQL injection in your code and you can always pretend that it doesn't matter, since you haven't been attacked so far.

jeremyjh 34 days ago [-]
Memory safety issues show up all the time outside of security exploits. Industry began pursuing memory safety long before anyone cared much about security, simply because of the productivity impact of chasing down memory leaks and use-after-free bugs. So if they've used C++ for years without having to do that, its pretty meaningful. It also matches my experience working on a large C++ application that had ubiquitous use of smart pointers. I wouldn't want to do that again, but RAII takes you a long way.
FpUser 34 days ago [-]
>"You could have a blatant SQL injection in your code"

I my case SQL injection is not possible. I am not constructing any SQL statements from input.

>"you can always pretend"

I think it is you pretending to know problems that do not exist in my code.

Ygg2 35 days ago [-]
> On the simple<->complex slider, it's smack dab on the right of the scale.

Sure, but now you snuck in an Artifact of Death (in TvTropes sense) into your codebase. It won't kill your code base immediately and with proper handling it might work, but all it takes is one mistake, one oversight, for it to cause issues.

hansvm 35 days ago [-]
I agreed with you either way, but I'm currently at a loss as to whether this is a for/against take on rust.
Ygg2 35 days ago [-]
You traded ease of writing for ease of long term ease of debugging, I don't think we agree.
emporas 35 days ago [-]
> 1. Rust is an immensely complicated language, and it's not very composable.

It is a procedural language and as such, composition of functions is not implemented easily, if at all possible. It is a shame for sure that such powerful techniques are not possible in Rust, but for some people it is worth the trade off.

zozbot234 35 days ago [-]
It is implemented. But it requires quite a bit of boilerplate if you want to compose arbitrary closures at runtime (as you would in most FP languages), because that involves non-trivial overhead and Rust surfaces it in the code (see "dyn Fn trait objects" for how that works in detail).
emporas 35 days ago [-]
Yes i know, i have wrote some FnMut closures muself. I meant, function composition should work like Lisp or Haskell, it should be very easy and intuitive, no boilerplate also. Closures in Rust, feel a lot like a hack compared to functional languages.

The way i put it, is that Haskell is a language with very strict type system, while Rust has very strict type system, and strict scoping. Strict scopes mean that an Fn closure has to be different from a FnMut closure, which also means several other complications when it comes to async.

This trade off is fine with me, but for several other people it doesn't worth it.

zozbot234 35 days ago [-]
There's additional boilerplate involved if you want your closures to keep their captured variables around beyond their original scope in the program; in Rust, that's implemented as a kind of shared ownership which involves Rc<> or Arc<>. FP languages rely on program-wide GC for this, which of course has significant overhead of its own.
emporas 35 days ago [-]
Closures are definitely cumbersome in Rust, and Lisp/Haskell/Scala programmers use them all the time. In SICP for example, they translate several math equations to code using higher order functions and closures, and it is wonderful how clean the code is, and how close to the actual mathematics.

That's what i meant it is impossible to do in Rust. From that point of view, Rust is a low level procedural language, but expressing any kind of business logic it is almost as high level as Haskell or Java.

But if we focus on error detection, then Rust is the highest level of any other PL. For example Java or Python are too low level when an error occurs. That high level of error detection is paid of course, and that is by longer compilation times.

If i had a wish though, i would wish Rust had as good closures as Haskell or Lisp.

zozbot234 35 days ago [-]
In principle you could fix any lack of syntactic sugar (which is what leads to the "clean code" feel in Scheme or Haskell - but even Swift has custom sugar of its own for refcounting and copy-on-write) with a custom macro - which would be entirely optional, triggered by a custom attribute such as #[sloppy_code]. But that still requires a lot of fiddly implementation work.
throwawaymaths 35 days ago [-]
even so it seems like it would eventually be possible to do more safety analysis for zig, if not in the compiler itself:


sesm 35 days ago [-]
> There is no corresponding popular replacement for C that's more minimalist than Rust and memory safe.

There is Objective-C, it fits your definition of memory safety.

pcwalton 35 days ago [-]
Objective-C and Swift are the reason why I added the footnote. (Also Objective-C is very, very much not memory safe.)
vitiral 35 days ago [-]
From what I understand that language is Zig, no?

Also, there's FORTH!

wtetzner 35 days ago [-]
I don't think Zig is memory safe?
baranul 31 days ago [-]
Zig is not memory safe. It's one of those "can be more safe than C" modern alternative languages. This includes those various C/C++ alternatives that use a GC or optional one (that users can disable), to provide or increase memory safety. Some of the confusion and drama surrounding Zig, appears to be the vain attempt of marketing it as "safer" than "unsafe Rust". The questionable marketing tactic has sparked numerous arguments and debates.
vitiral 35 days ago [-]
I was replying to this bit

> difference between C++ and C is that the former is a large multi-paradigm language, while the latter is a minimalist language. These are completely different axes. > There is no corresponding popular replacement for C that's more minimalist than Rust and memory safe.

Edit: oh, I never read the last bit "and memory safe" -- well ya, that's kind of rust's major advantage.

anacrolix 35 days ago [-]
This is actually accurate. While Rust is a great replacement for C, so is C++. But Rust has tons of extra features that C doesn't have, just like C++. Moving from C++ to Rust is a sideways move. Moving from C to Rust is definitely an increase in complexity and abstraction.

Rust is a great replacement for C++ as it fits into the same place in the stack of tools.

Go is not a C or Python replacement.

Zig is a good replacement for C.

tialaramex 35 days ago [-]
> Go is not a C or Python replacement.

Google stopped writing new Python, because they found that the same engineers would produce software with similar defect rates, at a similar price and in similar time, with Go, but it would have markedly better performance, so, no more Python.

Go manages to have a nice sharp start, which means there are going to be a bunch of cases where you didn't need all the perf from C, but you did need a prompt start, so, Java was not an option but Go is fine.

In my own practice, Rust entirely replaces C, which has previously been my preferred language for many use cases.

zozbot234 35 days ago [-]
> But Rust has tons of extra features that C doesn't have, just like C++.

C++ has tons of extra features over C because it's a kitchen sink language. Rust has some extra features over C because in order to support static analysis for memory safety in a practically usable manner, you need those features. In practice, there are lots of C++ features that Rust doesn't bother with, especially around templates. (Rust just has a more general macro feature instead. The C++ folks are now on track to adding a clunky "metaclass" feature which is a lot like Rust macros.)

pjmlp 35 days ago [-]
Every language becomes a kitchen sink with enough time on the market, even C, people really should learn about the standard and the myriad of compiler extensions, K&R C was almost 60 years ago.

C++ already has almost Rust macros, with a mix of compile time execution, concepts and traits, without requiring another mini-language, or an external crate (syn).

bmacho 34 days ago [-]
> Every language becomes a kitchen sink with enough time on the market,

Sometimes they remove stuff, and then everything written before a specific date stop working.

anacrolix 34 days ago [-]
I've used Rust quite a bit now and there are too many features. It can't claim to be tidy anymore. Sure it's a better situation than C++, but it is getting worse and unlikely to get better.
xedrac 35 days ago [-]
> Moving from C++ to Rust is a sideways move.

In what sense? Features or complexity? From a productivity/correctness perspective, Rust is a huge step up over C++.

pjmlp 35 days ago [-]
While I agree, that isn't much the case for those using static analysis, and hardened runtimes, which provide much of the same safety improvements, granted without lifetimes tracking.

Use more xcode, Clion, Visual Studio, C++ Builder, and less vi and Emacs for C and C++.

Not everyone has the RIIR luxury for what we do.

xedrac 35 days ago [-]
Those things certainly help, but as someone who actively maintains a lot of C++, I'll stand by my claim that even with those added tools, Rust is a very large upgrade in both productivity and correctness. I'm not claiming all C++ should be RIIR. But you won't find me starting any new projects in C++, unless compelled to do so.
pjmlp 35 days ago [-]
It is, provided there are crates available for what the assignment is supposed to be.

However C++ folks aren't standing still, and anyone pointing out to cargo, and not using conan/vcpkg, alongside a C++ aware IDE, is doing themselves a disservice, better be 85% there than none at all.

RossBencina 33 days ago [-]
> Zig is a good replacement for C.

I have never used zig, although I have looked into it. I have used C and C++ for a long time, and would like a replacement for C.

To my mind zig is nowhere near a good replacement for C. It adds way too much extra stuff (e.g. metaprogramming). A good replacement for C would have a similar simplicity and scope to C (i.e. a portable assembler) but address known issues. For example it should fix the operator precedence rules to be sane. It should close-off on undefined behavior and specify things more formally than C, and still allow low-level memory manipulation. To be even better than C it should allow stuff that would be obviously correct in assembler, but is UB or ID in C.

pjmlp 35 days ago [-]
Go has plenty of bad design decisions, but not being a safer C isn't one of them.

TinyGo and TamaGo folks enjoy writing their bare metal applications on embedded and firmware.

fc417fc802 35 days ago [-]
Somewhat related, even when I work with C++ I use it as "C with RAII". What I actually want is a scheme (R5RS) with manual memory management and a borrow checker. I don't know how well such a monstrosity would actually work in practice, but it's what I've convinced myself that I want.
valorzard 35 days ago [-]
throwawaymaths 35 days ago [-]
FpUser 35 days ago [-]
>"but Rust is actually a replacement for C++. "

I would disagree. C++ provides way more features than Rust and to me Rust feels way more constrained comparatively.

tialaramex 35 days ago [-]
Sure, in the sense that in C++ they've got the Head Of Vecna: https://rpgmuseum.fandom.com/wiki/The_Head_of_Vecna

Many of my favourite Rust features aren't in C++. For example they don't have real Sum types, they don't have the correct move semantic, they are statement oriented rather than expression oriented and their language lacks decent built-in tooling.

But also, some of the things C++ does have are just bad and won't get fixed/ removed because they're popular. And there's no sign of it slowing down.

I think that in practice you should use Rust in most places that C++ is used today, while some of the remainder should be WUFFS, or something entirely different.

FpUser 35 days ago [-]
>"I think that in practice you should use Rust"

I am doing fine. Thank you. Also I am not a language warrior. I do have my preferences but use many since I am an independent and work with many clients.

pjmlp 35 days ago [-]
The biggest issue for me, is that Rust isn't used where I care about, mainstream language runtimes, compiler toolchains, and GPU ecosystem standards.

No one from them would accept a patch in Rust instead of C or C++.

Yes I know about Deno, but even them haven't rewriten V8, and wgpu or Rust CUDA aren't the same as what Khronos, NVidia, AMD, Microsoft put out in C++.

krona 34 days ago [-]
> Rust is actually a replacement for C++

Last I checked, rust touted itself as a systems programming language, which C++ kinda is but mostly isn't (many C++ features just aren't appropriate or are poorly suited for systems programming).

I would never choose Rust over C++ for scientific programming, because Rust metaprogramming features are so poor.

However I'd probably choose Rust over C in many areas where C is best suited.

So to me the venn diagram of utility shows Rust to overlap with C far more than C++.

huijzer 35 days ago [-]
I read a blog that called Rust a language that was aimed to be high-level but without GC.
superlopuh 35 days ago [-]
My experience with Zig is that it's also a plausible replacement for C++
fuzztester 35 days ago [-]
explanation needed, bro.

nerdy langnoob or noobie langnerd here. not sure which is which, cuz my parsing skills are nearly zilch. ;)

chongli 35 days ago [-]
Zig’s comptime feature gives a lot of the power of C++ templates. This makes it easier to implement a lot of libraries which are just a pain to do in plain C. Even seemingly simple things like a generic vector are annoying to do in C, unless you abandon type safety and just start passing pointers to void.

I believe Zig even has some libraries for doing more exotic things easily, such as converting between an array of structs and a struct of arrays (and back).

fuzztester 35 days ago [-]
>Zig’s comptime feature gives a lot of the power of C++ templates. This makes it easier to implement a lot of libraries which are just a pain to do in plain C. Even seemingly simple things like a generic vector are annoying to do in C, unless you abandon type safety and just start passing pointers to void.

I get it, thanks. in C you have to cast everything to (void *) to do things like a generic vector.

>I believe Zig even has some libraries for doing more exotic things easily, such as converting between an array of structs and a struct of arrays (and back).

yes, iirc, there was a zig thread about this on hn recently.

pjmlp 35 days ago [-]
Depends on which C++ version you're talking about.
infamouscow 35 days ago [-]
C programmers have long suffered the cumbersome ritual of struct manipulation—resorting to C++ merely to dress up structs as classes.

Zig shatters that with comptime and the 'type' type.

fuzztester 33 days ago [-]
dang 33 days ago [-]
Possibly your GP comment came across as a snarky attack because of the first sentence. It's clear that you didn't mean it that way, but there isn't enough information in "explanation needed, bro" to disambiguate your intent (https://hn.algolia.com/?dateRange=all&page=0&prefix=true&que...).
fuzztester 32 days ago [-]
saw this just now.

will reply in a day or two after reviewing my own comments, yours, and your link.

christophilus 35 days ago [-]
I've played with Hare, Zig, and Odin. Odin is my favorite. It's a fair bit faster to compile (similar to Hare), and has the nicest syntax (subjectively speaking). I wish it would get more traction. Looking forward to trying Jai if it ever makes it to GA.
wolfspaw 35 days ago [-]
Odin is the best (followed by Zig)

Odin has the best approach for "standard library" by blessing/vendoring immensely useful libraries

Odin also has the best approach for Vector Math with native Vector and Matrix types

tialaramex 35 days ago [-]
The swizzling is pretty cool, rather special purpose but it makes sense that Ginger Bill wanted this and it's Ginger Bill's language.

Odin's "standard library" stuff is very silly, it still feels like we were just copy-pasted the lead developer's "useful stuff" directory. Bill doesn't feel there's a value to actual standard libraries, so instead here's... whatever. He insists that's not what's going on here, but that doesn't change how it feels.

smartmic 35 days ago [-]
From what you describe, you might also like Odin.
zoogeny 35 days ago [-]
Interestingly enough, it is one of the only "talked about" languages I have almost no experience with. Even Roc I've watched a few YouTube videos on. I've only really seen Odin mentioned on X, not even a HN post.

I suppose there is also Jai in a similar space as well, although I'm not a devotee to Jonathan Blow and I don't share much of the excitement his followers seem to have.

I do feel Zig has the current trend moving in its favor, with projects like Ghostty and Bun gaining prominence. I think Odin would need something like that to really capture attention.

dismalaf 35 days ago [-]
Odin has commercial applications, basically all the JangaFX apps... But yeah, it's missing a killer open source app. Positive is it has a decent amount of batteries included.
smartmic 34 days ago [-]
> I've only really seen Odin mentioned on X, not even a HN post.

But there are some: https://hn.algolia.com/?q=Odin

johnisgood 34 days ago [-]
I'm not a devotee to the creator of Odin. Odin may be fine, but I'm hesitant when it comes to contributing to it. Welp. Life goes on.
baranul 31 days ago [-]
It's questionable how attractive Zig really is, outside of people getting caught in the wave generated by its foundation, where there is a clear self financial benefit. A Zig language review indicates there are many questions as to its usefulness, and why it hasn't hit v1 yet, over just using C and the many available libraries of that ecosystem. Famous C programmers like Muratori, homemade hero, do not like Zig nor recommend it[1].

Rust is primarily aimed at more specific use cases, evolving around memory safety and low(er) level programming. So where people might dislike the confusing syntax and difficulty of learning either Zig or Rust (among other inconveniences), its harder to make arguments against Rust's usefulness for safety, maturity (v1 plus), or present job market popularity. Zig does not have the luxury of those bonus points.

When it comes to general-purpose programming, including for hobbyists or students, there are many other alternative languages that are arguably much more attractive, easier to use, and/or easier to learn. Golang, Vlang, Odin, Jai, C3, etc...

[1]: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uVVhwALd0o4 ("Language Perf and Picking A Lang Stream" from 29:50)

LAC-Tech 35 days ago [-]
I don't say the "lower language wars" as being between zig and rust. I see it as being between old and new. And I'm on team new.
knighthack 31 days ago [-]
I'm happy for Zig to gain support for one major reason: Zig does not engage in "woke" culture the way Rust does.

Zig seems to take a neutral, technical-first stance, while Rust has a strong focus on inclusivity, strict moderation, and social policies like with the foundation drama (which is just nonsense for a programming language).

I really wish Nim would have won the language wars though.

greener_grass 35 days ago [-]
I can't help but feel like the Roc team has an attitude of "imperative programming for me, but not for thee".

And now they are doubling down on that by moving from "OCaml meets C++" to "C, the good parts"!

If FP isn't good for writing a compiler, what is it good for?

isaacvando 35 days ago [-]
Roc couldn't be optimized for writing the Roc compiler without sacrificing some of its own goals. For example, Roc is completely memory-safe, but the compiler needs to do memory-unsafe things. Introducing memory-unsafety into Roc would just make it worse. Roc has excellent performance, but it will never be as fast as a systems language that allows you to do manual memory management. This is by design and is what you want for the vast majority of applications.

There are a number of new imperative features that have been (or will be) added to the language that capture a lot of the convenience of imperative languages without losing functional guarantees. Richard gave a talk about it here: https://youtu.be/42TUAKhzlRI?feature=shared.

int_19h 35 days ago [-]
It still feels kinda weird. Parsers, compilers etc are traditionally considered one of the "natural" applications for functional programming languages.
pjmlp 34 days ago [-]
There are plenty of compilers written in memory safe languages, including the list of self hosted ones linked from the gist describing the rewrite.
Muromec 35 days ago [-]
>but the compiler needs to do memory-unsafe things

sorry, but why?

mrkeen 35 days ago [-]
I am also skeptical.

A compiler is a function from source code strings to binary bytes. Writing out instructions to do memory-unsafe things is not in itself a memory-unsafe activity.

isaacvando 35 days ago [-]
I believe the main reason is for achieving the best possible performance. Someone closer to the compiler could give more detail.
vitiral 35 days ago [-]
It's not just the lang but the std lib too


btreecat 35 days ago [-]
> If FP isn't good for writing a compiler, what is it good for?

Summing the Fibonacci sequence I guess.

incrudible 34 days ago [-]
FP is bad for computing the Fibonacci series unless you have the compiler optimization to turn it into a loop (as seen in imperative languages).

To be fair, most practical FP languages have that, but I never saw the appeal for a strictly functional general purpose language. The situations where I wished one could not use imperative constructs are very domain specific.

agumonkey 35 days ago [-]
other FP languages bootstrapped onto themselves IIRC
whlr 35 days ago [-]
According to [1], they want to use a systems-level language for performance.

[1] https://www.roc-lang.org/faq#self-hosted-compiler

tialaramex 35 days ago [-]
"The split of Rust for the compiler and Zig for the standard library has worked well so far, and there are no plans to change it."

I assume that statement will need updating.

WD-42 35 days ago [-]
At this point it feel like the are just playing with languages.
munificent 35 days ago [-]
I mean, the language doesn't even have a version number yet. We should expect them to still be exploring the design space.
pjmlp 34 days ago [-]
"Unix system programming in OCaml"


chubot 35 days ago [-]
That's an interesting point, and something I thought of when reading the parser combinator vs. recursive descent point

Around 2014, I did some experiments with OCaml, and liked it very much

Then I went to do lexing and parsing in OCaml, and my experience was that Python/C++ are actually better for that.

Lexing and parsing are inherently stateful, it's natural to express those algorithms imperatively. I never found parser combinators compelling, and I don't think there are many big / "real" language implementations that uses them, if any. They are probably OK for small languages and DSLs

I use regular expressions as much as possible, so it's more declarative/functional. But you still need imperative logic around them IME [1], even in the lexer, and also in the parser.


So yeah I think that functional languages ARE good for writing or at least prototyping compilers -- there are a lots of examples I've seen, and sometimes I'm jealous of the expressiveness

But as far as writing lexers and parsers, they don't seem like an improvement, and are probably a little worse

[1] e.g. lexer modes - https://www.oilshell.org/blog/2017/12/17.html

greener_grass 35 days ago [-]
OCaml allows mutation via reference cells.
chubot 34 days ago [-]
I know that, and obviously you can write a recursive descent parser in OCaml

But I'm saying there's nothing better about it than doing it in OCaml vs. C++ or Python -- it's the same or a little worse

IMW it's natural to express the interface to a lexer and parser as classes -- e.g. you peek(), eat(), lookahead(), etc.

Classes being things that control mutation

But objects in OCaml seem to be a little separate dialect: https://dev.realworldocaml.org/objects.html

When I debug a parser, I just printf the state too, and that is a little more awkward in OCaml as well. You can certainly argue it's not worse, but I have never seen anyone argue it's better.


Culturally, I see a lot of discussions like this, which don't really seem focused on helping people finish their parsers:



I also use lexer/parser generators, and I like that there are more tools/choices available in C/Python than in OCaml.

kristoff_it 35 days ago [-]
Huh? The whole point of Roc is to let you easily put both imperative and functional code in the same project through Roc's platform system.

You get to decide what part of your code should be imperative, and which should be functional.

greener_grass 35 days ago [-]
So why is it a non-goal of Roc to be implemented with this approach?
coffeeaddict1 35 days ago [-]
Have you not read the post? Because compile times. Rust has awful compile times. If it didn't, I'm sure the Roc team would have stayed with Rust.
greener_grass 35 days ago [-]
Yes, I read the post.

I don't understand why the goal is not to (eventually) implement Roc in Roc, maybe with a dash of something else for the "platform".

Roc is pitched as a general purpose functional programming language with great performance.

How does a compiler not fall under this category?

Hasnep 34 days ago [-]
Roc is pitched as having great performance for a GC'd language, that is, on par with Java, Go, C# instead of Ruby, Python, JS. The Roc compiler team are looking for C, C++, Rust, Zig kind of performance. Roc will, by design, never reach that kind of speed.
Skinney 34 days ago [-]
Go's compiler is written in Go, and is known to compile very quickly. I'm not sure I understand why Roc needs to be even faster than that?
greener_grass 34 days ago [-]
We already have many great GC'd functional languages at that performance level.

I first learned about Roc from this talk:


That's a niche that is not currently filled (well, maybe MLTon) and that has me very excited! I'm sure I'm not alone here.

munchler 35 days ago [-]
As an FP fan, I agree. This is disappointing.
5- 35 days ago [-]
> Zig came up with a way around this: compile directly to LLVM bitcode (LLVM has strong backwards-compatibility on its bitcode but not on its public-facing API) and then upgrades become trivial because we can keep our existing code generation the same.

i'm glad that zig helps offset what i find a rather worrying trend -- replacing protocols with libraries (and as a consequence designing new underlying protocols in view of their only being used through the vendor library).

protocols are traditionally designed to facilitate an independent implementation; in fact, many standards ratification processes require several independent implementations as a prerequisite.

libraries (or worse, frameworks) intermingle the actual api with their own design, and necessitate a single implementation.

just the other day i wanted to display a notification a linux desktop where it wasn't convenient to depend on a library (it was a game, so not a traditional application expected to have many dependencies). the protocol (there is one, wrapped by the library) is very unpleasant, but i got it working out of spite.

and of course, when there is a perfectly nice protocol available (llvm ir, in either the bitcode or text representation) why not choose it? at least on unix, where starting processes and interprocess communication is cheap. (and as an added bonus, you won't crash when llvm does.)

steveklabnik 34 days ago [-]
LLVM IR is not stable, which is a prerequisite for a good protocol.
gregwebs 35 days ago [-]
Go was built while waiting for C++ to compile- fast compilation was an implicit design goal.

Rust on the other hand didn’t prioritize compile times and ended up making design decisions that make faster compilation difficult to achieve. To me it’s the biggest pain point with Rust for a large code base and that seems to be the sentiment here as well.

pcwalton 35 days ago [-]
Rust always cared about compile times. Much of the motivation to switch from rustboot to rustc was compile times.

(Source: I wrote much of the Rust compiler.)

kettlecorn 35 days ago [-]
The Rust ecosystem has long downplayed the importance of compile times.

Many foundational crates, serde for example, contribute much more to compile times than they need to.

I spent a long time reinventing many foundational rust crates for my game engine, and I proved its possible to attain similar features in a fraction of the compile time, but it’s a losing battle to forgo most of the ecosystem.

bhansconnect 35 days ago [-]
Thank you for your work! Rust is still a great language.

I think a significant portion of our pain with rust compile times is self inflicted due to the natural growth of our crate organization and stages.

I still think the rewrite in zig is the right choice for us for various reasons, but I think at least a chunk of our compile times issues are self inflicted (though this happens to any software project that grows organically and is 300k LOC)

eximius 35 days ago [-]
But were any _language_ decisions discarded due to compile time concerns? I don't think anyone would claim the folks working on the rust compiler don't care.

On that note, thank you for your part! I sure enjoy your work! :)

LegionMammal978 35 days ago [-]
Since at least 2018, there's been a planned upgrade to the borrow checker to permit certain patterns that it currently rejects [0]. Also since 2018, there's been an implementation of the new version (called Polonius) that can be enabled with an unstable compiler flag [1].

But now it's 2025, and the new version still hasn't been enabled on stable Rust, since the Polonius implementation is seen as far too slow for larger programs. (I'm not exactly sure how horrible it really is, I haven't looked at the numbers.) A big goal of the types team since last year has been to reimplement a faster version within rustc [2].

I'd count this as a language feature (albeit a relatively minor one) that's been greatly deferred in favor of shorter compile times.

[0] https://blog.rust-lang.org/inside-rust/2023/10/06/polonius-u...

[1] https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/pull/51133

[2] https://rust-lang.github.io/rust-project-goals/2024h2/Poloni...

gregwebs 34 days ago [-]
That’s useful information and we are all glad that performance regressions aren’t allowed now and there is work to make things faster. But that seems to be implementations of existing language design decisions rather than making language design decisions for the sake of compile times.
o11c 35 days ago [-]
Yet, the whole crate model giving up on ABI stability as a goal hurts a lot, both for performance and for sanity.

Why aren't people designing modern languages to make it easier to keep a stable ABI, rather than giving up entirely?

pcwalton 35 days ago [-]
ABI stability is one of those things that seems obvious ("sane"), until you try to implement ABI-stable unboxed generics and discover that the amount of complexity you incur, as well as the performance tax, is absurd. The code bloat with the resulting "intensional type analysis" actually makes the compile time worse (and the runtime far worse) than just specializing generics in many cases.
zozbot234 35 days ago [-]
The Swift folks seem to manage just fine.
pcwalton 35 days ago [-]
The amount of complexity that Swift has to deal with in order to make ABI stability work is exactly what I'm talking about. It's astronomical. Furthermore, it's only partial: there are some generics in which they couldn't afford the price of ABI stability, so they're marked inline and aren't ABI stable.
kldx 35 days ago [-]
I like Aria's writing about this https://faultlore.com/blah/swift-abi/.
throwaway17_17 35 days ago [-]
In this case (i.e. Rust specifically) what do unboxed generics mean. Without actually knowing Rust I don’t think I can analogize to either type theory or another language. I assume if I can figure out what they are I infer why they are difficult to compile.
zozbot234 35 days ago [-]
It means ABI-stable interfaces (i.e. interfaces between separately-compiled "crates"/libraries, including dylibs and shared objects) can involve arbitrarily complex types with possibly nested generics, and these are implemented behind a single pointer dereference at most. This requires something a lot like dyn trait object vtables in Rust ("witness tables") except quite a bit more complex.
31 days ago [-]
35 days ago [-]
flooow 35 days ago [-]
From listening to Feldman's podcast, this doesn't really come as a surprise to me. The rigor that Rust demands seems not to jibe with his 'worse is better' approach. That coupled with the fact they already switched the stdlib from Rust to Zig. The real question I have is why he chose Rust in the first place.
bhansconnect 35 days ago [-]
Zig was not ready or nearly as popular back in 2019 when the compiler was started.

Not to mention, Richard has a background mostly doing higher level programming. So jumping all the way to something like C or Zig would have been a very big step.

Sometimes you need a stepping stone to learn and figure out what you really want.

norman784 34 days ago [-]
> The real question I have is why he chose Rust in the first place.

If you read the linked post carefully you will know.

> Compile times aside, the strengths and weaknesses of Rust and Zig today are much different than they were when I wrote the first line of code in Roc's Rust compiler in 2019. Back then, Rust was relatively mature and Zig was far from where it is today.

christophilus 35 days ago [-]
It’s covered in TFA, but the tldr is they started when Zig was immature.
debugnik 35 days ago [-]
> we also want to convert [the parser] to use recursive descent; it was originally written using parser combinators

Almost all parser combinators are recursive descent with backtracking, they just add higher-order plumbing.

I have a feeling that whatever issue they've encountered with the combinator approach could have been worked around by handwriting only a few pieces.

bhansconnect 35 days ago [-]
This is more about simplicity, maintainability, and possiblity for new contributors to easily jump in and fix things. Our current parser is not fun for new contributors to learn. Also, I think parser combinators obsficate a lot of the tracking required for robust error messages.

Personally, I find parser combinators nice for small things but painful for large and robust things.

wirrbel 35 days ago [-]
When I used parser combinations in rust years ago the compile times were really long. In also think it’s a strange reason to move away from rust as a language.
UncleOxidant 35 days ago [-]
What is Roc? Here it is: https://www.roc-lang.org/
chambers 35 days ago [-]
This decisions looks well-reasoned. It acknowledges the strengths of their current implementation, and explains why another language may serve their goals even better. I can follow along as someone interested in general software decision-making, even though I'm not particularly invested in either language.

One specific thing I like is that the motivation for this rewrite is organic, i.e., not driven by an external pressure campaign. It's refreshing to see a drama-free rewrite.

mr_00ff00 35 days ago [-]
I remember reading the HN thread when Fish rewrote to Rust. A big reason because “they wanted to stay current” so they rewrote from C++ to Rust.

Someone made a joke comment how in a few years there would be tons of HN threads about rewriting Rust to Zig.

Lyngbakr 35 days ago [-]
The rationale given makes perfect sense, but isn't it risky to rewrite in a language that is yet to hit 1.0?
bhansconnect 35 days ago [-]
For sure, but we have a really good relationship with the zig folks and they are willing to help us out.

On top of that, zig has gotten a lot more robust and stable of the last few releases. Upgrading is getting smoother.

But yeah, it is a risk.

stevage 35 days ago [-]
Much better before than after!
Lyngbakr 35 days ago [-]
Why? There's the possibility that Zig will introduce breaking changes and the Roc compiler will have to be revised in light of those changes.
brokencode 35 days ago [-]
I’m assuming the previous commenter thought you were referring to Roc being pre v1 and not Zig.

There are probably some risks to it. And I think that you wouldn’t want to release a Roc v1 before Zig v1 as well.

But if things are working well now, you could always stay on an older version of Zig while you rewrite things for breaking changes in a newer version.

Still potentially a pain, but Rust is post v1 and they ended up deciding to rewrite anyway, so there are no guarantees in any approach.

wiz21c 35 days ago [-]
I use rust a lot but, Roc is right: compilation times are not proportional to the safety you gain. At least in my project.
Gibbon1 35 days ago [-]
I had an issue where the corporate spyware thought my cross compiler was potential malware and running scans on every file access. My compile times went from a few seconds to 2 minutes. And my codebase has a dozen targets. Where building, fixing, running tests, checking in would take half and hour it now took the whole afternoon.

I think I'd rather stick with C and run static analysis tools on my code when generating release candidates than have to deal with that.

airstrike 34 days ago [-]
That's hardly the language's fault
bmacho 35 days ago [-]
Strangely they don't mention that (allegedly? According to them at least) they already use Zig for the standard library[0]. Which was also started to be written in Rust, then it got rewritten in Zig:

[0] : https://www.roc-lang.org/faq#rust-and-zig

laserbeam 35 days ago [-]
> (and to unblock updating to the latest Zig version, which we've use for our stdlib for years)

It's somewhere in the middle of the list of the "Why now?" section.

thegeekpirate 35 days ago [-]
They do mention it but there's only 10k lines of Zig, so it's hardly a blip in the grand scheme of things.
pjmlp 35 days ago [-]
The way compile times are stressed all over the place is a very good point.

Papercuts like this do make or break adoption.

Even C++ is improving on that front.

pcwalton 35 days ago [-]
As is Rust. And the C++ compiler performance improvements in LLVM apply to Rust.
pjmlp 35 days ago [-]
I was talking about C++ 20 modules and C++23 modularised standard library, and that has little to do with LLVM, rather clang.

LLVM improvements will do little to improve Rust, because the major issue is the lack of parallelism and massive amount of LLVM IR that the fronted gives to the backend to handle.

pcwalton 35 days ago [-]
> LLVM improvements will do little to improve Rust

Falsified many times during Rust's development.

pjmlp 35 days ago [-]
Not to the extent C++ modules have improved compile times, as already visible in VC++ and clang/cmake/ninja latest.

Yes, Rust compile times have improved a lot, still I get better ones in C++, without having to reach out external tools.

Bevy's tutorial for compile times shouldn't be needed in first place.

nurettin 35 days ago [-]
ccache made C++ usable for me.
pjmlp 35 days ago [-]
It has been mostly usable to me with binary libraries, precompiled headers, incremental compiling and linking, and now modules.

Although ClearMake object sharing was quite neat experience back in the day.

greener_grass 35 days ago [-]
> While we're at it, we also want to convert it to use recursive descent; it was originally written using parser combinators because that was what I was comfortable with at the time

Aren't parser combinators just one way to do recursive descent?

jjk7 35 days ago [-]
Explicitly hand-writing the parsing logic allows you to get more specific in error states and messages that a combinator can't.
cma256 35 days ago [-]
It will be interesting to compare compile times afterwards. I'm also interested if there's any Rust features that are 'taken for granted' which will make the Zig version less pleasant to read or write. Hopefully the old Rust repo is archived so I can reference it a year from now!
badfishblues 35 days ago [-]
It will be impossible to ever truly do a one-to-one comparison. First, there may be a ton of code in the existing implementation that gets cut out by a mass rewrite due to better, more informed, architecture decisions. On the other hand, it may be possible that new features find their way into the rewrite that cause the fully Zig implementation to be larger than the original Rust-Zig implementation. I don't think any comparison will be fully "fair". A smaller implementation could be argued as only being possible in Rust or Zig because of its advantages over the other language. I expect results to be controversial.
gauge_field 35 days ago [-]
I am also curios about at least some benchmark even if it is not one-to-one perfect comparison. There should be at least one case-study where they have shorter feedback loop with Zig than with Rust. It would be interesting to see that.
bhansconnect 35 days ago [-]
Yeah, the rewrite will clean up a ton of technical debt for us. So it will very much be a bad comparison.
nialv7 35 days ago [-]
Whenever I see <language A> rewrites its compiler in <language B>, and A != B, I lose a bit of interest in language A.
Hasnep 35 days ago [-]
Why? Roc has good reasons for not self hosting the compiler.
nialv7 35 days ago [-]
Well their main reason is a compiler written in Roc won't be performant. (And their tag line is "Roc: A _fast_, friendly, functional language.")

So yeah, I am not interested. Plus I feel in general not dogfooding your own language is a bad sign.

Hasnep 34 days ago [-]
That excludes all languages that want to write the compiler in a lower level language than the target language itself. You can easily imagine a high level language with a fast compiler written in C where if you rewrote the compiler to be self hosted the performance would drop 10-100x.

Dog-fooding is important, but it can be done outside of compiler development. If the only code the compiler team writes is the compiler, they end up designing a language that's great for implementing compilers at the expense of other use cases.

3836293648 35 days ago [-]
Maybe I need to give it another shot, but Zig was a terribly unpleasant language last I tried to use it.

Their motivation seems to justify the decision, but I'm pretty sure this will scare away potential contributors. I've been following Roc personally, and probably will continue to do so, but this definitely has killed a lot of interest for me.

rubenvanwyk 35 days ago [-]
After watching YT talks on Roc using Rust and Zig, I always wondered they didn't just opt for Zig only. Interesting to see this.
bhansconnect 35 days ago [-]
Yeah, the compiler was started in 2019 when zig wasn't nearly as viable of an option. On top of that, you don't necessarily know what you want until you build something.

I'm part of the core team, and I'm honestly still a bit surprised we're switching to zig. I think it makes sense, it just kinda finally aligned and was decided now. I guess enough technical debt piled up and the core of the language was clearly discovered. So we really know what we want now.

baq 35 days ago [-]
A very good discussion and hard to disagree with conclusions. Also, educational.
cardanome 35 days ago [-]
Richard Feldman is an amazing educator. He got me into Elm back in the days.

I am a bit sad that Roc is following similar pitfalls as Elm in its quest to be simple by rejecting to have more advanced type system features. That just does not work. In dynamic languages you can opt for minimalism because everything goes by default but in fully statically typed languages things can painful quickly. Even golang had to add generics.

Still many amazing ideas in the language. The platform concept is pretty neat. Not doing implicit currying is a good move.

Hasnep 35 days ago [-]
But Roc already has generics, Go has managed to become very successful despite having a simpler type system than Roc.
bbkane 35 days ago [-]
What particular type system featured do you miss? I think Elm proved that a restricted type system DOES WORK for large amounts of software. It's been a few years since I've written Elm, so I don't recall specific painful memories I've had with the type system.

One thing that makes Go's restrictive type system more bearable is a fantastic stlib package for analyzing and generating Go code. I wonder if Roc will get anything similar.

1-more 34 days ago [-]
If you're talking about typeclasses, Roc calls them "abilities" https://www.roc-lang.org/abilities
forgotmypass1 35 days ago [-]
What kind of advanced type system features?
marxisttemp 35 days ago [-]
I’ve been reading a lot about comptime in Zig and it’s really cool, it unifies and simplifies a lot of metaprogramming concepts that normally end up being the ugliest and clunkiest parts of most languages.

I’ve been immersed in Swift for a couple years after working as a Go programmer, and I find myself pining for a language that’s more expressive than the latter and more concise than the former.

stevage 35 days ago [-]
If author is reading this, maybe worth a paragraph saying why you're not rewriting in Roc.
teo_zero 35 days ago [-]
Like this one?

> Roc's compiler has always been written in Rust, and we do not plan to self-host. We have a FAQ entry explaining why, and none of our reasoning has changed on that subject.

anacrolix 35 days ago [-]
because that's hard. also it's one choice I respect them for not making: don't self host until you have actual users and momentum (unless you want to to prove a point). if Roc intends to have industry usage, keeping it in another language for now is a good move.
bhansconnect 35 days ago [-]
Roc never plans to self host. We want roc the compiler in the long term to be as nice as possible for end users. A big part of that is as fast as possible. While roc can be fast, it can't compete with all the techniques that can be done in rust/zig/c/c++. It fundamentally is a higher level language to increase developer joy and reduce bugs. So it isn't the right tool when you are trying to reach the limits of hardware like this.
sweeter 35 days ago [-]
Yay for Zig! I'm a big Zig fan. It's seemless interop with C makes it super fun. I really enjoy writing code in a C-style way. Its still got some rough edges, but its definitely super fun and enjoyable to write imo.
einpoklum 35 days ago [-]
It is interesting to note an intentional choice to go from a "safe" language to an "unsafe" language for a program whose use is not without security implications (even if it's not network-facing).
sionisrecur 34 days ago [-]
What matters is that the compiled program is safe. Who cares if the compiler leaks memory? It's only going to run for a bit and then shut down, the OS will take care of it.
hassleblad23 35 days ago [-]
Zig seems to be a good choice here.
UncleOxidant 35 days ago [-]
> Rust's compile times are slow. Zig's compile times are fast. This is not the only reason, but it's a big reason.

So why not something like OCaml that has fast compile times and a lot of nice features for writing compilers? (pattern matching, etc.)

theLiminator 35 days ago [-]
I guess if you want to never limit yourself in terms of performance, you're kinda stuck with either C/C++/Zig/Rust/etc.

GCed languages can be fast, probably even as fast as any of the aforementioned languages with enough engineering effort, but in terms of high performance, it's actually easier to write high performance code in the aforementioned languages rather than in a GCed language.

pjmlp 34 days ago [-]
OCaml is fast enough for writing hypervisors, unikernels, networking drivers, powering all Jane Street's business.
platinumrad 35 days ago [-]
The same reason why they're not self-hosting. They want compiler performance to be in the top C, C++, Rust, Zig tier. OCaml isn't slow, but at best it's in the second Java, C#, etc. tier.
henning 35 days ago [-]
Zig's union enums get you something kind of like pattern matching. https://zig.guide/language-basics/unions/
whytevuhuni 35 days ago [-]
Because, like he said, compile times matter.

This includes the Roc compiler too. Zig is significantly faster than OCaml.

LAC-Tech 35 days ago [-]
The Ocaml compiler is significantly faster than the Zig one. It's one of the fastest I've seen.
whytevuhuni 35 days ago [-]
Ah, sorry, I was referring to the speed of the resulting Roc compiler.

A Roc compiler written in Zig would compile Roc code significantly faster than a Roc compiler written in OCaml.

LAC-Tech 35 days ago [-]
Ah! That makes sense.
poulpy123 35 days ago [-]
I'm not educated enough to give an opinion but I find it weird to rewrite in a language that is so new
lioeters 34 days ago [-]
Not only is it new, it has yet to reach version 1 as a language with any guaranteed level of stability. In every version release there's a disclaimer that seems to discourage its use in production software.

> Zig has known bugs and even some miscompilations.

> Zig is immature. Even with Zig 0.13.0, working on a non-trivial project using Zig will likely require participating in the development process.

But then again, it's a great thing for the language to be used in larger public projects (like tigerbeetle, bun, ghostty). This will drive its development and adoption.

petabyt 35 days ago [-]
Fast compile times in Zig? Last time I tried it was super slow. Has anything changed in recent years?
modernerd 35 days ago [-]
Last time I tried it was missing both speed and incremental compilation. That still looks to be the case due to no linker support.


sweeter 35 days ago [-]
Its honestly pretty dang good now. I can bootstrap Zig from C in about 3-5 minutes, and then use the self-hosted stage3 compiler to compile Zig very quickly (under 1 minute iirc) Once the cache kicks in, its even faster. I guess my overall gauge on this is the impression I get. Zig build times never annoy me and I never think about it... especially compared to clang, gcc and Rust.
pverghese 35 days ago [-]
Compared to Rust its blazingly fast. Compared to Go compilation its slower.
metaltyphoon 35 days ago [-]
Non it’s not. I known its not a benchmark but just try a zig init and build their hello world. It takes significantly longer
sweeter 35 days ago [-]

sweet@nadeko ~ $ mkcd test

sweet@nadeko ~/test $ zig init

info: created build.zig

info: created build.zig.zon

info: created src/main.zig

info: created src/root.zig

info: see `zig build --help` for a menu of options

sweet@nadeko ~/test $ time zig build

zig build 5.08s user 0.58s system 119% cpu 4.745 total

# cached

sweet@nadeko ~/test $ time zig build

zig build 0.01s user 0.03s system 132% cpu 0.026 total

# after rewriting the main function to call a function that takes a pointer to another function

sweet@nadeko ~/test $ time zig build

zig build 0.02s user 0.03s system 136% cpu 0.032 total


jedisct1 34 days ago [-]
The first time you run the toolchain for a given target, it compiles stuff that is then stored in a global cache.
baazaa 35 days ago [-]
think this has something to do with zig building part of the std which other languages ship as binaries. incremental compilation will remove this small overhead.
rererereferred 35 days ago [-]
Their x86 backend seems to be more complete, bypassing LLVM and allowing for fast debug builds.
zozbot234 35 days ago [-]
Rust has a Cranelift-based backend that you can use for that.
bhansconnect 35 days ago [-]
It sadly helps a lot less than you would hope. A true dev backend can be many times faster than llvm to compile code. Crane lift is more like a 1.5x or 2x. Not to mention a lot of time is spent in the rust frontend.
kreelman 35 days ago [-]
The ROC webpage talks about ROC doing web servers via Rust libs...

   Behind the scenes, it uses Rust's high-performance hyper and tokio libraries to 
   execute your Roc function on incoming requests.
Will these be replaced with Zig networking libs?
isaacvando 35 days ago [-]
Not necessarily! Each Roc app runs on a particular platform which is built in a host language for a specific domain. That host language could be Rust, Zig, C, C++, Go, Swift, etc. It's possible the basic-webserver platform will be rewritten to Zig but it doesn't need to be.
ksec 33 days ago [-]
I wonder if it would make sense for Ruby YJIT as well. Which is also written in Rust and started around the same time as Roc in 2019.
betimsl 35 days ago [-]
I think Go would have been a better choice.
anacrolix 35 days ago [-]
absolutely not. both because it's awful for implementing parsers, but also it introduces lots of extra hoops for interop.

its build system is also terrible for targeting lots of varying platforms and feature sets.

it has a custom IR that isn't helpful interacting with other systems.

its runtime is really nice but it's a black box and not suitable for interop.

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