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News from Scroll 5 (scrollprize.substack.com)
qingcharles 22 days ago [-]
Every time I read about this project it blows my mind that this is even remotely possible to do.

“Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic” -- Arthur C. Clarke

countrymile 22 days ago [-]
I do hope they find something that isn't philodemus at some point!
metalman 22 days ago [-]
there a hundred or more scrolls, so it would be tragic if the whole library was the product of a very specialized philosoher with money and ocd....obsesive collectors dissorder. The ancients had a penchant for burnung each others citys , we can hope for other librarys to have been carbonised.There are still much more unexcavated space in herculium and pompei. And fire is what baked the tablets that have given us what we know of mesopotamia. Our present era will be different in that almost nothing will be readable over the same time span, in complete dissregard for its vollume and the value we place on it, and the "protections" we give it, the scrolls were on an open shelf, likely in a room with no door, and yet here they are.
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