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Explorable Flexagons: Learn to create and flex flexagons (2020) (loki3.com)
inasio 27 days ago [-]
There's a Mexican sculptor (Sebastian [0]) that has made massive flexagons (or something similar, cube-based) out of sheet metal. At some point he sold books and kits for making them out of cardboard, I had one or two, super cool stuff

[0] https://galeriamonicasaucedo.com/artista/sebastian/66e23dbdc...

pcfwik 27 days ago [-]
This book has some nice cuttable flexagon templates on thicker paper, with designs: https://www.amazon.com/Fantastic-Flexagons-Hexaflexagons-Oth...

The designs are fun, although I find that the thicker paper actually makes them a bit harder to fold and flex than typical printer paper.

If you find flexagons interesting, you might like trying to find a copy of Martin Gardner's "Scientific American Book of Mathematical Puzzles and Diversions" at your local used book sale. The first chapter is about flexagons and it gets better from there! Wonderful car ride, plane, etc. distractions.


PaulHoule 27 days ago [-]
If I remember right, the "Of Man and Manta" [1] trilogy by Piers Anthony [2] was about a group of dimension travelers who came to see flexagons as a model for their dimension traveling network

[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Of_Man_and_Manta

[2] before Xanth became his albatross

benabbott 27 days ago [-]
These things are super cool, I had this domain bookmarked!

When I was bored in school, I'd make kaleidocycles (a 3d but less interesting flexagon) with a sheet of paper, a pencil, a ruler, some scissors, and a glue stick. Once I learned Illustrator I began to make some custom printed designed ones.


PaulHoule 27 days ago [-]
I remember kids in high school playing with these in the late 1980s.
oidar 27 days ago [-]
Looks like vi heart took down all of her youtube videos - which is where i first learned of flexagon.
dkurth 27 days ago [-]
Sad to hear! I noticed that some are available through the Internet Archive:


xp84 27 days ago [-]
That's heartbreaking to hear. I wonder what happened to vihart. Her videos were so creative and fun.
chadcmulligan 27 days ago [-]
Seems she's moved on - now at Microsoft https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vi_Hart those videos were such fun, shame they're not there anymore.
motes 27 days ago [-]
nooo i hate this is how i found out. i miss the hexa flexa mex. she definitely influenced how i would doodle mathy stuff in class growing up
27 days ago [-]
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