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How to Build a Thousand-Year-Old Tree (noemamag.com)
RunningDroid 6 days ago [-]
The site seems to have been HN'd:


noobermin 6 days ago [-]
Just a fascinating picture into a field I know little about.

It is frustrating that deforestation still continues at its own pace with little regard for the sometimes irreversible loss of forests throughout the world. I guess this gives us a little hope that we can simulate old wood in new wood trees, but once the old wood trees are gone, they're gone.

hermitcrab 5 days ago [-]
There is quite a lot of tree planting going in the UK. Which is good. Unfortunately 'trees planted' is the only metric anyone seems to care about. Many of the trees are the wrong species for the location or planted at the wrong time of year or not planted properly. And often there is no plan to water, protect or otherwise maintain them when they are young and vulnerable. Consequently many of these trees don't survive beyond a few months.
HenryBemis 6 days ago [-]
I will over-simplify, but it works!

  Go to Italy/Greece/Spain.
  Buy a small piece of land (half an acre is more than enough)
  Plant an olive tree (plant two or three as a backup)
  Wait 1000 years 
  One thousand year old tree.
vintagedave 5 days ago [-]
The article is not about growing a genuinely thousand year old tree.

The article is about human deforestation meaning there is an age gap of trees so there is no generation turning a thousand for the first time — no trees that will become ancient before the current ancients die. They are trying techniques to make younger trees have characteristics of older trees in order to keep the ecological presence.

2143 6 days ago [-]
Why those 3 countries in particular? Wouldn’t this work anywhere (provided it’s not in a war zone or a volcano zone etc)?
helle253 6 days ago [-]
Gotta pick the right environment+tree combination.

You could always settle in the Mojave, plant a grove of bristlecone pines instead.

I don't know if more boreal climates support longevity, I think it has to be some combination of temperate + dry + safe from natural disasters like wildfires and hurricanes

ceejayoz 6 days ago [-]
You are... unlikely to grow an olive tree successfully in Toronto.

Even for other kinds of long-lived trees, places without big ice storms, hurricanes, etc. that would prematurely end the tree are probably safer bets.

labster 5 days ago [-]
Wait a few decades and olive trees should grow fine in Toronto. Climate change ftw
hooverd 5 days ago [-]
Southern Arizona works too. The Sonoran is a very wet dessert.
fsckboy 3 days ago [-]
>The Sonoran is a very wet dessert

a wet dessert sounds similar to tira-misspell?

hooverd 3 days ago [-]
Dang it. A Sonoran wet dessert is a raspado.
bloomingkales 5 days ago [-]
Interestingly enough, I just passed by this book:


aaron695 6 days ago [-]
fsdfsfasd 6 days ago [-]
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