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Idées-Forces (newleftreview.org)
nh23423fefe 1 days ago [-]
> What is needed instead, and will not arrive overnight, is an entirely different spirit—an unflinching and where necessary caustic analysis of the world as it is, without concession to the arrogant claims of the Right, the conformist myths of the Centre, or the bien-pensant pieties of too much of what passes for the Left. Ideas incapable of shocking the world are incapable of shaking it.

The jacobins want their reign of terror. They are surrounded by enemies and lackies.

shmerl 2 days ago [-]
> The social-democratic regimes of Scandinavia, for example, which once had a reputation for a certain independence in foreign policy, regularly acting as jackals loping alongside the larger Western predators <...> all four joining the pack in Ukraine

What would he have them do, help Putin's fascism spread across Europe? Sounds like the author highlights his horseshoe alignment.


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