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Fast-PNG: PNG image decoder and encoder (github.com)
mattdesl 1 hours ago [-]
Last time I benchmarked png-tools, it was about 2-6x faster than fast-png for encoding.


I’ve also added some other features like multi-threaded encoding, cancellation, encoding physical dimensions, color profiles, all of which is useful for encoding large print-ready PNGs on the client.

(No shade against fast-png, it’s a good library, but maybe not the fastest!)

superfamicom 32 minutes ago [-]
Nice! Remarkably similar to my own PNG implementation. I don't think I have pushed up the encoding work I did but should. I would highly recommend anyone / everyone to write a parser for a file format, you learn a lot. I also didn't implement the interlacing support.

My goal was not to be fast however, but to just document a good reference and be able to come back to it and understand what it was doing and what I wrote.


davimdo 2 hours ago [-]
"fast" in Typescript...
pixelpoet 58 minutes ago [-]
Not a single benchmark on the page...

Just sloppy TBH.

tracker1 2 hours ago [-]
Seems to largely rely on the pako package in npm fpr inflate/deflate. The deflate method seems faster than the zlib implementation it compares to for compression, decompression(inflate) seems slower.

Would be interested to see a comparison to a thin WASM implementation in a low level language.

-- edit:

Looks like wasm-flate is much faster... not sure on overhead though.


a_t48 2 hours ago [-]
I had to look this week for a faster/lighter png encoder in cpp, couldn’t find any alternatives to libpng.
masklinn 4 minutes ago [-]
libsnpng is pure C.

And it doesn't look like the png crate provides a C API but if your usage is not overly complex it might be easy enough to byo?

mmozeiko 1 hours ago [-]
https://github.com/veluca93/fpnge is a very fast png encoder. A bit lower compression ratio, but runs significantly faster than alternatives. Here is a presentation with benchmarks:


2 hours ago [-]
toastie_toastie 2 hours ago [-]
stb_image is a single header image encoder/decoder that is used pretty widely across game development codebases. and it supports a ton of different formats.


Retr0id 2 hours ago [-]
So, how fast is it?
Retr0id 2 hours ago [-]
Looks like it depends on https://github.com/nodeca/pako for the zlib compression.

> Almost as fast in modern JS engines as C implementation (see benchmarks).

Impressive, although "almost" is doing some heavy lifting there.

> deflate-pako x 10.22 ops/sec ±0.33% (29 runs sampled)

> deflate-zlib x 18.48 ops/sec ±0.24% (48 runs sampled)

> inflate-pako x 134 ops/sec ±0.66% (83 runs sampled)

> inflate-zlib x 402 ops/sec ±0.74% (87 runs sampled)

stragies 33 minutes ago [-]
Yes, calling something that is 2-3 slower than the reference "almost as fast" is a very creative use of the English language.
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