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Anomalous Ionization in the Central Molecular Zone by Sub-GeV Dark Matter (journals.aps.org)
sega_sai 3 hours ago [-]
Interesting if true. Unfortunately there are just too many sources that can produce ionizing radiation, high energy cosmic rays, energetic positrons etc (especially when you look in at the central part of the MW). So while I wouldn't rule out the explanation, I don't think the paper the paper provides particularly convincing case in favour of DM annihilation explanation vs alternatives.
neuroelectron 2 hours ago [-]
I was just wondering about this very thing this morning. Nice to see a topical study on it in such a timely fashion.
lenerdenator 29 seconds ago [-]
Just be prepared for unforeseen consequences at work, okay?
thunder-blue-3 1 hours ago [-]
I too wonder about anomalous ionizations first thing in the mornings
exe34 35 minutes ago [-]
it happens to a lot of us - I'm guessing we all had chilli for dinner last night!
ydjje 2 hours ago [-]
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