I think that by "can guess fake words" in the title OP means that the tool can come up with a plausible guess for the etymology, even for fake words. Unfortunately, the more common reading of that phrase is that it can tell fake words from real ones
andrelaszlo 6 minutes ago [-]
Agree. It does a good job at coming up with a plausible meaning of novel words like "multiarborality" → "the state of relating to many trees" but it doesn't indicate that this is a "fake" word even though I just made it up.
rvense 58 minutes ago [-]
Fyllipig is derived from "fyllan" and "pigge" and means "descriptive of something that is both full/abundant and pig-like."
Terryjambled means "mixed up in a confused or disorderly state, and covered with or resembling terry cloth."
Refugglemander means to "to manipulate electoral district boundaries in a way that impacts refugees."
I'm sorry, OP. This just isn't very good.
thih9 1 hours ago [-]
When I asked it to deconstruct "Babbage"[1] I got "Derived from Babba's place", Some others:
- phonenose: The ability to detect sounds or voices through the nose
- legpc: Acronym for Laptop Easy Personal Computer
- gitls: A command in Git to list files
- housefreezing: The action of hardening a house with cold
- uncleftish beholding[2]: The act of viewing something that is whole
In any case it's fun to play with and the UI is nice too.
Note, the title looks editorialized, it's currently "A AI etymology deconstructor – can guess fake words", but the website says just "deconstructor.".
It doesn't really detect stringing together latinate nonsense, so all of my coinages got perfectly coherent definitions. On the flip side, I guess if you're erudite and willing to butcher other languages for sport, nothing has ever stopped you from making up perfectly quasiaryiumaryesque words.
"to reverse the process of reversing the removal of water"
There is clearly no such word, but a human would probably infer such a meaning.
I'm amazed at how unamazed we all seem to have become at such feats. We need more deunnamazing
jonplackett 47 minutes ago [-]
I love this kind of thing. It’s weird how many words we use without having any idea what they mean.
Words always end up getting broken with speech in a different way to the meaning.
Eg I put in pandemonium which you say as pande-moniun but I just learned is pan-demon-ium which makes a lot more sense!
Very cool. Well done.
Fission 1 hours ago [-]
This is fun, but what I think would be even more interesting and potentially actually useful would be to generate a word from multiple ideas — to help express complex ideas in one word. Like Frühstücksbrotübersättigung
youdont 40 minutes ago [-]
It really struggled with Antidisestablishmentarianism
novemp 1 hours ago [-]
"Can guess fake words"? It told me "shitbutt" was a real word.
59 minutes ago [-]
3 days ago [-]
Rendered at 08:52:21 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time) with Vercel.
Terryjambled means "mixed up in a confused or disorderly state, and covered with or resembling terry cloth."
Refugglemander means to "to manipulate electoral district boundaries in a way that impacts refugees."
I'm sorry, OP. This just isn't very good.
- phonenose: The ability to detect sounds or voices through the nose
- legpc: Acronym for Laptop Easy Personal Computer
- gitls: A command in Git to list files
- housefreezing: The action of hardening a house with cold
- uncleftish beholding[2]: The act of viewing something that is whole
In any case it's fun to play with and the UI is nice too.
Note, the title looks editorialized, it's currently "A AI etymology deconstructor – can guess fake words", but the website says just "deconstructor.".
[1]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charles_Babbage
[2]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uncleftish_Beholding
"to reverse the process of reversing the removal of water"
There is clearly no such word, but a human would probably infer such a meaning.
I'm amazed at how unamazed we all seem to have become at such feats. We need more deunnamazing
Words always end up getting broken with speech in a different way to the meaning.
Eg I put in pandemonium which you say as pande-moniun but I just learned is pan-demon-ium which makes a lot more sense!
Very cool. Well done.