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A AI etymology deconstructor – can guess fake words (deconstructor.ayush.digital)
ohlookcake 58 seconds ago [-]
I think that by "can guess fake words" in the title OP means that the tool can come up with a plausible guess for the etymology, even for fake words. Unfortunately, the more common reading of that phrase is that it can tell fake words from real ones
jonplackett 2 minutes ago [-]
I love this kind of thing. It’s weird how many words we use without having any idea what they mean.

Words always end up getting broken with speech in a different way to the meaning.

Eg I put in pandemonium which you say as pande-moniun but I just learned is pan-demon-ium which makes a lot more sense!

Very cool. Well done.

rvense 13 minutes ago [-]
Fyllipig is derived from "fyllan" and "pigge" and means "descriptive of something that is both full/abundant and pig-like."

Terryjambled means "mixed up in a confused or disorderly state, and covered with or resembling terry cloth."

Refugglemander means to "to manipulate electoral district boundaries in a way that impacts refugees."

I'm sorry, OP. This just isn't very good.

thih9 25 minutes ago [-]
When I asked it to deconstruct "Babbage"[1] I got "Derived from Babba's place", Some others:

- phonenose: The ability to detect sounds or voices through the nose

- legpc: Acronym for Laptop Easy Personal Computer

- gitls: A command in Git to list files

- housefreezing: The action of hardening a house with cold

- uncleftish beholding[2]: The act of viewing something that is whole

Also, the title looks editorialized, it's currently "A AI etymology deconstructor – can guess fake words", but the website says just "deconstructor.".

In any case it's fun to play with and the UI is nice too.

[1]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charles_Babbage

[2]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uncleftish_Beholding

msds 43 minutes ago [-]
It doesn't really detect stringing together latinate nonsense, so all of my coinages got perfectly coherent definitions. On the flip side, I guess if you're erudite and willing to butcher other languages for sport, nothing has ever stopped you from making up perfectly quasiaryiumaryesque words.
ithkuil 18 minutes ago [-]
I tried a nonsensical:


"to reverse the process of reversing the removal of water"

There is clearly no such word, but a human would probably infer such a meaning.

I'm amazed at how unamazed we all seem to have become at such feats. We need more deunnamazing

Fission 38 minutes ago [-]
This is fun, but what I think would be even more interesting and potentially actually useful would be to generate a word from multiple ideas — to help express complex ideas in one word. Like Frühstücksbrotübersättigung
novemp 45 minutes ago [-]
"Can guess fake words"? It told me "shitbutt" was a real word.
14 minutes ago [-]
3 days ago [-]
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