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FAA issues permanent restrictions on Washington helicopter traffic (reuters.com)
cratermoon 15 hours ago [-]
Of note: the 75 feet of vertical separation mentioned in the article is less than the known margin of error for altimeters used in these aircraft. Before someone asks: no, it's not possible to "just" install higher precision altimeters in every aircraft.
outcoldman 14 hours ago [-]
Wasn’t that a military helicopter anyway? The point is, I don’t believe they care much about FAA regulations anyway.
SR2Z 11 hours ago [-]
They are required to follow ATC instructions and obey airspace restrictions. They do this willingly because it's really, really easy to get into a midair collision of you're flying near an airport.

The only exceptions are for urgent reasons of national security, or when they're flying under military ATC.

15 hours ago [-]
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