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Avoiding the Automation of Your Heart (gurwinder.blog)
sim7c00 23 hours ago [-]
interesting points, thanks for sharing. have to say i am also worried for these things. I realized, that whenever i pursue a hobby more seriously, i lose the heart in it, the passion, and thus cease to learn and grow. that requires love, to grow. Hence for the things i really care about ive never asked a fee. Equally for automating things. Doing work, is giving something love (in my mind), and so if I automate away tedious details i do not give it the love it deserves. rather, i take that love and put it towards productivity, which, in my mind, goes towards money. Hence, for things i care for, i neither want automation, nor money. i want to love them, and maybe someday others will also, the later not being an objective, but perhaps a positive potential.
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