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ViktorRay 18 hours ago [-]
Looking back it blows my mind how poorly governments around the world reacted to the pandemic.

-The initial recommendations regarding masking (do it or don’t?) was muddled, confusing, poorly communicated.

-The information regarding stay at home and the duration of the long downs required to stop the spread was muddled and confusing

-During the 2020 protests the government seemed to be confused regarding communicating the importance of stay at home and minimizing contact

-The information about vaccines was not stated clearly. In particular communication regarding how effective vaccines were at stopping someone from getting the illness and spreading it was muddled

-Information about the origin of the virus was muddled. People were accused of racism (!!!) for saying it came from a Chinese lab rather than from a Chinese bat.

Anyway, astounding to see the errors now. One would thing our leaders would have been better prepared for a pandemic considering how much had been written about the Spanish Flu and so on.

19 hours ago [-]
bediger4000 18 hours ago [-]
Telegraph got the memo to help build an excuse for Trump's poor handling of the pandemic. Pitiful. I will never believe "free press" special pleading ever again.
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